Can the Daredevil feel fear? (For RJD)

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Can the Daredevil feel fear? (For RJD)

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(happens right after this - viewtopic.php?f=16&t=7151&p=146589#p146589)

Juri was on Tamago's bike, driving away from the LAW arena after her rather impressive debut as some would describe it. Juri also had a passenger - an unconscious Tamago herself that was tied to Juri's body with the jacket. As she was driving, Juri was refining her plans for the night and then some in her head and she figured she'd have to drop by to a couple of places - home and a couple of shops to prepare for the party.
Juri was blasting ''Highway to Hell by ACDC'' through Tamago's phone on full volume as she was driving, singing along as well, showing middle fingers to other drivers who would give her weird looks for having an unconscious passenger.

We're not gonna go into the minor details of how she's shopping and what she's doing home, but the important part that she did it to be prepared for various circumstances that might come up in the future.

With her detours done, Juri arrived at Tamago's house, because of course she knew where the punk lived. Juri would untie the jacket and just lean the bike and Tamago against a wall. Then, Juri would give Tamago a full body search, looking for the keys to the house. There it is. She commented as she found several keys on a little metal ring. Juri began trying out the keys as she did not exactly know which one was for the door. On the second try, she unlocked the door and let herself in, looking around a little at first. Hmmm... Various ideas were floating in her mind.

After a minute or so she came back for Tamago, picking up her heavy ass and bringing her to what supposedly the guest room, or how you call it. Juri sat Tamago down on one, single seat couch, making her look rather comfy.
Now Juri needed a bit of ''romantic'' atmosphere.
Some could argue that Juri's understanding of ''romantic'' was a bit twisted, because after around 5 minutes of Juri searching around the house and putting things on the table, she would sit down on another one-seat couch, opposite of Tamago and inbetween them was a the table, contents of which were:
Pliers, a taser, a whip, a dog leash, a hammer and some nails.
There was also a baseball bat leaning against Juri's couch. There was also a bowl for dog food next to the table below. There was also Juri's pet tarantula that was placed on Tamago's left leg before she sat down. It moved around a little, but not much.
That should be a pretty sweet surprise for the sleeping beauty when she wakes up.

Juri would help Tamago wake up by opening up a pack of nuts, having a snack, but every few seconds she'd throw nut in Tamago's face, which should wake her up sooner or later.
Wakey wakey, little princess! Juri would say as she'd see Tamago waking up. I wouldn't make any sudden moves if I were you. You wouldn't want to upset my little friend now, would you? Juri would add, pointing towards the arachnid that was slowly crawling up Tamago's thigh.
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Re: Can the Daredevil feel fear? (For RJD)

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Tamago would start to come to consciousness slowly, as something slapped into her face, every now and then. The punk would drift back towards unconsciousness, but felt something gently skittering on her leg, and so her eyes would slowly open in response to what definitely felt like a spider on her leg, like all those times her quilt had brushed her ankle...just for real.

Tamago before she even remembered what had transpired in the match, or questioned the why, where and what's of her waking conditions glanced down, to see one hell of a spider lingering down at her left ankle. " W-what the fuck! " Tamago stuttered, initially moving her leg quickly, but the tarantula didn't scatter off, it just scurried a little bit up her leg in panic.

" Ahh... " Tamago squealed, heart sinking as she froze in place apart from a slight shivering, looking across to see Juri as she spoke.

" get it off. " Tamago demanded, pale paced and internally freaking the fuck out, but she didn't want to launch the thing across the room... what if it ran back and bit her, or flung hairs, whatever the fuck Tarantula's did. What if it got away and laid eggs in her bed sheets or something.

The daredevil noticed objects of suspect nature on the table, and realised where she was, and there were certainly questions she should be asking relating to both. However Tamago was occupied by the big fuck off crawling hairy thing.

" If you don't...get this thing. I'm going to freak. The. Fuck. Out. " Tamago said, eyes wide, staring Juri down, though to call her desperation statement a threat would be generous, it was moreso a mortified attempt at persuasion.

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Re: Can the Daredevil feel fear? (For RJD)

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Juri got herself comfy on the couch as Tamago was waking up slowly. Juri started grinning and chuckling a little as the reactions started. It was funny, but also disappointing.

"Did I hear this right?" Juri would stand up. "Freak the fuck out?" Juri would approach, lifting Tamago's face a little by the chin. "The fearless badass daredevil is gonna freak the fuck out?" Juri would let her go and approach her from behind, hugging Tamago with her right arm with her hand draping near Tamago's legs.
"First of all, I wouldn't recommend it. If it feels threatened, it will bite you and if that happens you are going to beg me to kill you. Trust me, you don't want no poison in your system."
That was a complete bluff, tarantulas don't really use poison.
As she was saying that, the arachnid crawled into the back of juris hand, who showed no signs of fear. "Maybe you should really reconsider whether you're really a daredevil or a badass." Juri would cup Tamago's right tit and the creature would start crawling onto the left tit. "You think you like to live dangerously? Bitch please. I like to live dangerously. I live with this thing and they don't really care about personal bonds, it could bite me anytime, do you see me freaking out? Get this inside your head or write it down on your hand if you must - YOU'RE NOTHING! Do we understand each other?" Juri would follow up with calm question as she would walk over to her own couch and sit down while the spider would keep crawling slowly between the tits and the shoulders.
"By the way - do not EVER tell me what to do or not to do."
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Re: Can the Daredevil feel fear? (For RJD)

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Tamago was irritated by Juri's reactions, peeved off that her rather understandable reaction was being treated as something extreme. The punks' mouth forming a stern frown as her title was ridiculed, and her chin was lifted so this rookie bitch could talk down to her.

The daredevil was still frozen In place as Juri touched her leg, hardly moving since the touch of the tarantula was currently was more concerning, till it crawled up that arm. Tamago exhaled in relief, gasping when that same hand cupped her tit, causing her to blush at being fondled, before squealing and squirming frantically as the tarantula crawled over her breast to the other, crossing her cleavage to crawl over a shoulder and then over the neck to the opposite shoulder, before going down the arm slowly.

Internally Tamago was freaking out, but being mocked by Juri was enough to empower her to prove the rookie wrong, even if it was terrifying.
The daredevil realised that she would have to get the tarantula off herself, so she would place her palm over the table slowly and impatiently wait for the Tarantula to crawl off on it's own, gasping and grumbling occasionally until it slowly disembarked one fuzzy leg at a time.

Tamago pulled her palm back after the Tarantula got back on the table, and glared at Juri, looking over the objects in front of her, and starting to realise how insanely wicked Juri must be to have brought all of that.

" Here's something to do, go fuck yourself. " Tamago grumbled in defiance, trying to retain some level of her pride, though it had certainly been damaged already even with the limited interactions she had shared with Juri thus far.

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Re: Can the Daredevil feel fear? (For RJD)

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Juri sat back down and watched how Tamago would deal with the spider and was slightly impressed when Tamago found her composure and placed the spider on the table and then it fucked off to do its own thing somewhere else. You see, I helped you grow some balls, so how about a th..?
Juri was interrupted by Tamago giving her the directive to go fuck herself.
There was a bit of silence, with Juri contemplating the situation, her anger and the best course of action as she stared at Tamago.
Juri was furious inside, but was menacingly calm outside.
First, why would I fuck myself, when i've got you here? Second...
Juri would grip the baseball bat and stand up quickly, but nonchalantly.
Never ever...
Juri would swing it down wide, aiming for Tamago's thigh, smashing it hard to show this punk who's in charge here.
Tell me what to do!
Now with an angry tone, Juri would ram the head of the bat into Tamago's solar plexus before turning around and sitting back down.

This was a good way to show Tamago that Juri wouldn't hesitate to use any of the items on the table or other, even though she preffered not to use them if she could, because she might not be able to do some of the fun things she had planned if Tamago got handicapped.
That was ballsy, but if you gonna shove those balls in my face, I'm gonna rip em off. Anyway, where were we? Ah right... Remember our match? I was prepared for a proper fight. I was expecting to try your hardest, so that I could utterly crush you, humiliate you and beat you until you'd beg me to stop. But what happened? You just got fucking knocked from the first strike? ARE YOU MAKING FUN OF ME NOW?!!! Juri would lash out in anger and stand up, her bat half wind up as if ready to strike, her artificial eye starting to glow purple a bit, but she'd stop, calm herself down and sit down. All of this was an act, of course.
You took all that away from me and you need to be punished for that, don't you think? Juri would ask with that menacing calmness again as the Tarantula would find its way onto Juri's body, but the latter would not react to it whatsoever.
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Re: Can the Daredevil feel fear? (For RJD)

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Tamago blushed a little bit as Juri hinted towards her indecent intentions with her body, before quickly being forced to shift gears as her psychotic captor suddenly lifted the baseball bat and approached, which of course Tamago responded to by trying to move her arms up to her upper body to protect her head from a swing. Instead Juri swung down, right into her thigh.

" Ahhhh! You fucking psycho bitch! " Tamago cried out, falling to her knees as that leg buckled under the blow, and she cradled it with both arms and panted to try to manage the debilitating pain. The daredevil wouldn't be able to focus on everything Juri said, but she made out more than enough to get pissed off about it.

" What?! No! You should be happy with your luck, if that fluke didn't happen'd be the one getting humiliated. " Tamago responded, her pride not letting her agree with Juri despite how threatening she was, especially since she was very much manipulating the narrative to somehow put guilt on Tamago.

" Maybe if you didn't steal my fucking motorbike, then I would have went in with a clearer head. " the daredevil said reluctantly, knowing that this bitch was going to fuck with her regardless of what she did or didn't say anyway.

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Re: Can the Daredevil feel fear? (For RJD)

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"no... Bitch is what YOU are, you just don't know it yes. I will do my best to educate you, though..." Juris meaning of the word bitch was way more literal than anyone would guess

This turned into quite a discussion as Tamago called it luck. That Juri could not ignore.
"What fucking luck?! You mean that I got you, a sorry excuse for human excrement, as my opponent?"

Despite this, Tamago kept complaining, so Juri decided to fix that right now. "Stand up." Juri would say calmly as she herself stood up and wait for a moment before... "I said..." Juri would interrupt herself by smashing a kick in the same area of Tamago's thigh that she hit with a baseball bat moments earlier. "Stand the fuck up!" She would finish. Juri would try to destroy Tamago's defiance by taunting her to stand up and prove her wrong, but every time the girl would attempt to stand up, Juri would kick her in the very same spot again and again.
"Your ride is fine and I'm right in front of you, but all you do is complain like a bitch! Now stand up or I'll make sure you never stand up again!"
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Re: Can the Daredevil feel fear? (For RJD)

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Tamago wouldn't stop talking as Juri reacted, getting more heated herself as they had a back and forth that wasn't even remotely copacetic. The exchange would come to a rather abrupt climax as Juri told Tamago to stand, which the daredevil did, planning to get in Juri's face, but instead as she rose Juri kicked her right in the place she had clipped her with the bat.

" Ahhh! Fucking bitch. " Tamago whined, her feet bucking as she slumped back down onto the couch, trying to stand and again being stopped, this time crying out in more pain as it seemed the kick had connected with the thigh rougher than before.

One last time Tamago tried to stand up, before whimpering and shrinking back onto the couch to cradle her pained thigh, eyes squinting as the pain made her go slightly dizzy for a second. The daredevil grumbled as she looked up at Juri, not willing and momentarily unable to stand up again.

The daredevil could sense the power dynamic between them, as much as she hated it, there was little she could do to deny it since Juri stood over her, and Tamago was contractually and physically incapable of harming or resisting her.

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Re: Can the Daredevil feel fear? (For RJD)

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Juri kept smashing the same leg in the same spot over and over again, inducing unfathomable frustration. Juri was enjoying every second of Tamago's physical and mental pain by preventing her from doing something as simple as standing up.
After Tamago's last attempt at standing up, Juri could see it in her face - some of that fire was gone, extinguished. Juri was smiling on the inside, but on the outside, she remained near expressionless. "That's what I thought... And don't you dare pass out on me again. If you do, I swear... Let's just say that carrying a huge wooden cross on your back up a hill will be the least of your problems."

Juri would then notice her pet spider crawling up her arm, but she acted as if it wasn't there.
"You know, unlike most pets, spiders don't really form bonds with their owners. They are driven only by their instincts. That is hunger, fear and the need to reproduce. They could kill you not give one shit about it. They have no sympathy, they're cold blooded..."

Juri would pause as the spider would crawl into the back of her hand. Then Juri, out of nowhere, would backhand into a nearby wall, hard, crushing her own pet completely flat with its remains sticking to the wall.
"And so am I." Juri would add calmly and her eye would glow purple as she'd look at Tamago.
Juri would then rub her hand off the spider remains into the wall. "Clean it." She would instruct Tamago calmly.

That would require Tamago to stand up though. So, what will she do?
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Re: Can the Daredevil feel fear? (For RJD)

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" What the fuck is wrong with you...? " Tamago groaned, expression shifting to confusion as Juri threatened to crucify her, and thensome: which is definitely the weirdest threat she had ever heard. The punk just sat and watched the lunatic, as her pet spider went up her arm, making the punk prepare herself for the possibility of it making contact with her again.

What happened next though was shocking, Juri backhanded her spider into the wall, splattering it across it into a smooshed gooey and broken form that stuck to the wall. Tamago was stumped, she couldn't even hide the mix of confusion and disgust on her face as her psycho captor thoughtlessly killed her own pet.

" You know what, I don't care about the POW stipulation anymore. Leave, get the fuck out. " Tamago said after a moment of shocked silence, it was common for wrestlers to be malicious and anti social, but what the daredevil had just seen was a sign of something way more sinister. The whole aura of the room changed in a second, as Tamago's instinct kicked in. The punk had a history of meeting intimidating people, so she was good at reading people's intentions and facade, but Juri had a genuine air of being unstable and unpredictable, as well as being completely void of any semblance of humanity, she didn't seem to care about anything other than being horrible.

Tamago wasn't trying to stand at the moment, she was too in awe at what she had just witnessed. The punk didn't like the spider at all, but even she felt something when she looked over at it's remains, and the fact Juri didn't was a massive fucking billboard of a warning sign.

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