Juri was on Tamago's bike, driving away from the LAW arena after her rather impressive debut as some would describe it. Juri also had a passenger - an unconscious Tamago herself that was tied to Juri's body with the jacket. As she was driving, Juri was refining her plans for the night and then some in her head and she figured she'd have to drop by to a couple of places - home and a couple of shops to prepare for the party. Juri was blasting ''Highway to Hell by ACDC'' through Tamago's phone on full volume as she was driving, singing along as well, showing middle fingers to other drivers who would give her weird looks for having an unconscious passenger.
We're not gonna go into the minor details of how she's shopping and what she's doing home, but the important part that she did it to be prepared for various circumstances that might come up in the future.
With her detours done, Juri arrived at Tamago's house, because of course she knew where the punk lived. Juri would untie the jacket and just lean the bike and Tamago against a wall. Then, Juri would give Tamago a full body search, looking for the keys to the house. There it is. She commented as she found several keys on a little metal ring. Juri began trying out the keys as she did not exactly know which one was for the door. On the second try, she unlocked the door and let herself in, looking around a little at first. Hmmm... Various ideas were floating in her mind.
After a minute or so she came back for Tamago, picking up her heavy ass and bringing her to what supposedly the guest room, or how you call it. Juri sat Tamago down on one, single seat couch, making her look rather comfy.
Now Juri needed a bit of ''romantic'' atmosphere.
Some could argue that Juri's understanding of ''romantic'' was a bit twisted, because after around 5 minutes of Juri searching around the house and putting things on the table, she would sit down on another one-seat couch, opposite of Tamago and inbetween them was a the table, contents of which were:
Pliers, a taser, a whip, a dog leash, a hammer and some nails.
There was also a baseball bat leaning against Juri's couch. There was also a bowl for dog food next to the table below. There was also Juri's pet tarantula that was placed on Tamago's left leg before she sat down. It moved around a little, but not much.

Juri would help Tamago wake up by opening up a pack of nuts, having a snack, but every few seconds she'd throw nut in Tamago's face, which should wake her up sooner or later.
Wakey wakey, little princess! Juri would say as she'd see Tamago waking up. I wouldn't make any sudden moves if I were you. You wouldn't want to upset my little friend now, would you? Juri would add, pointing towards the arachnid that was slowly crawling up Tamago's thigh.