P.O.W Collar Match - K.R.R vs Tobias Schwarz

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Re: P.O.W Collar Match - K.R.R vs Tobias Schwarz

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Being seated on the mat, a pretty boy locked between her legs—a dream for many; divine. With her body looming over, her abdominals flexed, breasts drawing near the blond’s countenance as she scorned his bold choice of wording. Keep your imagination in check.

“You’re /really/ asking for pain, perverted hundchen.”  One fist rose, malice filling the air, her expression from its disapproving frown to the narrowed ruby glint glaring downward. But before she could deliver, Tobias hatched a counter. Hands grabbed her sides, causing surprise as the force unhinged her balance, forcing her flat on the mat, shoulders craned up. However, the bridging blond fixed that as Karla’s hips left the canvas, her back arched and shoulders planted. A pin attempt it might be, but the referee didn’t budge. A collar had to be applied. One the official held. And without it, the fall count didn’t materialize. What did was Karla’s legs, unravelling from his back as she instinctively popped the shoulder up, rolling onto her front. Propped on her elbows, she flipped her hair and peered back.

Swiftly, she found her feet, standing tall and carving a three-foot gap between them. She waited for Tobias to stand. To reset and have another go, more adamant than ever on embarrassing him in every facet of fighting. “T-Tch. Stand already and face me. I’ll choke you whenever I want and where I want. I’ll do it again with my hands next, just to see you pass out!”
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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
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— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: P.O.W Collar Match - K.R.R vs Tobias Schwarz

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Tobias could sense that his joke hadn't went over well with the fiesty redhead, and that moment of what he assumed was silent anger was more enough for the pretty boy to try to counter. Suddenly Tobias grabbed those thighs and lifted his back from the canvas, knocking Karla down for a pinfall. Tobias was a little confused to why the ref didn't count, being rather forgetful over the match type due to his inexperience. Luckily Karla kicked out on instinct anyway.

The blonde scrambled up to his feet, breathing slightly heavy as he still felt pressure and pain in his chest, making a mental note to watch out for another strong-armed strike, currently more worried about Karla's strength than anything else.

" I'd recommend here and soon, miss, before you lose. " Tobias responded as he tried to close In on his opponent, eyebrows furrowing slightly as Karla's explosive personality was starting to become unpleasant, the pretty boy not appreciating her threats or tone.

Tobias would try lift his boot and drive it forward into Karla's gut, hoping to make her hunch forward so that he could follow through by grabbing her head with one arm to pull her into his chest, before holding her head down and swinging up with his other arm to try to european uppercut her.

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Re: P.O.W Collar Match - K.R.R vs Tobias Schwarz

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As Tobias reclaimed his footing, she eyed him with a sneer. Declaring her loss to her face? How brave, she thought. Did he really have hopes for succeeding? Pinning for the three seconds or making her submit? Foolishness! Straight and utter rubbish. Bemused, she’d match his step by pacing backwards. Beckoning him with a finger, she placed one foot behind the other. A nigh unserious stride as her other arm folded behind her back, hips swaying from side to side. Then she struck. Her knee dialled back, thrown forward to joust his waist. Tobias’s longer reach intercepted it, pounding her gut. Her posture lurched, the wind sprang from her lungs. A whimper slipped.

“Like you have any hopes, dog.”

Unable to retort beyond words, her crown pushed into his chest, soundly tucked, her hands pressing against his stomach, begging for a follow-up. It came with a forearm thrusting into her chin. Her body popped up, a loud groan pried from her velvet lips as she arched back. One foot stepped back, straightening her back before throwing a slap. The intention? Blatant disrespect. Her shoulder flung across her centre, dazed but staunch. Should it land, she’d throw her other hand. A tight-knit fist with a bent arm, swinging to uppercut Tobias's chin.
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: P.O.W Collar Match - K.R.R vs Tobias Schwarz

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As they closed in on each other both Tobias and Karla went for their attacks, with the pretty boy coming out on top thanks to his reach. The blonde kicking her in the gut then uppercuting her after she lurched forward, pounding his arm into her chest and knocking her back into a full standing position.

Before Tobias could continue his offence Karla regained her balance after that strike and slapped the blonde across the face, with a loud smacking noise, the man's face turning to the side as one of his eyes closed to avoid getting damaged by the slap. The pretty boy wasn't the most durable, so even that disrespectful slap was enough to momentarily stun him, long enough for the violent redhead to tighten her fist shut and swing it up hard right into the rich boy's chin.

" Agh! " Tobias groaned out in pain, the collision knocking his head back, the pretty boy facing the ceiling and losing his balance as he stumbled back a step, nearly tripping but correcting his posture as he held cupped his now numb Jaw, and directed his gaze back down at the redhead.

" Ughh... so rough. " Tobias grumbled to himself in complaint, before trying to step forward to Karla and swing his arm out to clothesline her in the chest if she didn't counter or avoid.

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Re: P.O.W Collar Match - K.R.R vs Tobias Schwarz

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They battered each other clean, trading a pair of blows. A gut-stabbing kick to a forearm bash, a slap, and an uppercut. The essence of fighting. Pain nipped her chest and stomach. Akin to vicious love bites, accepting then donning a shit-eating grin. She sighed, parting velvet brims to release the tension. It seemed like her last blow clipped him clean. Excellent. To commemorate his stupor, she kissed her fist and blew an affectionate cloud.

“Poor, poor you.” She chortled, letting her arms fall limp. Weary, her stance turned loose, knees bent, eyes honed forward. Was she waiting? No, right now, it was instinct. Those senses detected the incoming arm. Her eyes gaped, craning her back and ducking underneath. Her footing swung around, jutted on his flank. Now, the reversal. Enveloping his waist within her sturdy arms, he had only seconds to prevent her grip sealed on his front. Her head rammed against his back, her footing becoming stiff, thighs clenching, and she yelled out. Through grit and sweat, she tried hurling his larger frame backwards for a German Suplex! Her back bridged, hips skyward, her neck folded. Lower, she’d bring her feet inward, coiling her legs before springing into a flip. Her hair windmilled like flaps of scarlet flame, her heels digging into both sides of his frame, her rear seating against his own.

One leg folded over the other, her arms crossed as she peered back. "Let's see. How many times can I pin you before we end your misery? Count with me, hundchen. Eins... Zwei..."
Last edited by Monsy on Mon Feb 22, 2021 5:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: P.O.W Collar Match - K.R.R vs Tobias Schwarz

Unread post by RJD »

The pretty boy had learned that the bombshell could hit hard, which made sense, usually people with such abrasive and violent personalities were capable brawlers. Regardless the plan didn't change, Tobias would close in and whip his arm forward in a clothesline attempt, which Karla ducked under and moved past flawlessly, causing a shiver to go up the man's spine as he realised having her at his back could be trouble.

Those hands tightened around his waist, and the pretty boy squirmed for a second, distracted by the woman's tight grip round his core, before she showed impressive strength as she fell back, bumping into the canvas and hurling the blonde overhead, slamming his larger frame neck and shoulder first into the canvas with a sickening thud.

" Ack! " Tobias cried out, being left with his shoulders to the canvas and his waist folded over above his torso, legs draping down towards the canvas, an embarrassing position that Karla clearly wanted to keep him in as she fliped back over him, landing seated atop his raised behind, and with her weight making it impossible for his body to fall back to the mat, her hair sprawling out down towards his chest as she belittled him and started a mocking count.

The pretty boy was groggy, so as he struggled he wouldn't be able to muster the strength to push her off, blushing as she counted. Tobias wasn't in a position where it was easy for him to get her off, as she had his legs imprisoned between her own.

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Re: P.O.W Collar Match - K.R.R vs Tobias Schwarz

Unread post by Monsy »

To allow such a predictable strike land would’ve been a disgrace! Did he seriously count on this move? What a pity! After swerving the incoming twig, she encircled his waist, bringing their bodies together like coupling clay. Then a suplex. Perfectly executed, his body curved, allowing the Reinhardt to seat herself on his rear. He should feel honoured! No, elated beyond words! But a pin will do. After the second count, she paused, smirking before declaring, “Drei!”She leaped onto her feet, supporting his hips with her dainty hand pressing on his thigh.

Meanwhile, she brandished three digits, allowing the crowd to bask in her victory. Her smile illustrated everything. Power, indomitable confidence, an expression like she’d already won. The crowd scorned her antics, booing their hearts out while others poured theirs for the redhead's keenness to deliver nothing short of domination. She drank it all up before alleviating her hand, then raising her knee to stomp on his midriff, wishing to bound his hips to the mat. She invested her weight into the outstretched leg, folding her arms.

“Keh - look at you, already crying out like a broken mutt. You fold so easy too. Do you enjoy submitting to your superiors? Or maybe, just me? It doesn’t matter; I’ll enjoy breaking you, both mentally and physically. Then, when it's really over, Tobias, you'll say thank you.” An almost girlish giggle slipped out. She liked him. Even though he seemed like a perfect rag-doll, one might say his credibility as a threat died with her mock pin. Now, everything after was a bonus—a bounty.

Her back narrowed like a plank, her chest puffed out, clenching her breath as she swung her leg skyward. The toned limb became lateral with her head, beckoning a yell. Then, it came down, its impact zone designated for her skull in hopes to rattle whatever Hundchen brains the pretty boy had. Should success find her stomp, she’d keep it planted, outstretching her hand. Without fail, the referee handed her a pink collar, “Couldn’t it be red?” She scoffed.

Not that it mattered. Karla’s priority was elsewhere: the mock pin. To best Tobias Schwarz, fold him, pin him, break him. Akin to hunger, guarding that impregnable sense of self-importance by belittling another. “Time for the second fall. Are you ready? It’s simple. It starts with eins… goes to Zwei and ends with…”
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: P.O.W Collar Match - K.R.R vs Tobias Schwarz

Unread post by RJD »

Tobias was folded over and used as Karla's seat, the fiesty redhead gripping his thigh as she thoroughly displayed her dominance through a mock pin. The pretty boy stayed slumped under her, unfolding with his legs sprawling out along the canvas as she sat up from his butt, before stepping down on his midrif with her boot and grinding it into the mat.

" Aghh... " Tobias whined, hands moving to grip that boot as he weezed slightly, his hips planting down into the mat as she weighed down on him with one foot, before raising the opposite one high above, causing his eyes to widen as that long leg stretched straight upwards before being thrust down.

" wa- " Tobias tried to speak, but would be silenced as her foot slammed down into his pretty face, knocking his head against the canvas. Tobias' body lifted and then sank after the impact, as he had to fight dizziness to look up at the redhead as best he could from under her boot. The pretty boy was knocked loopy by that sickening kick, dazed completely as she boasted and ordered the ref to retrieve the collar, holding it in one hand and making remarks as the boy laid there under her foot.

Tobias started to come back to his senses, situational awareness returning as she mock counted again, in German getting to a two count, though the very moment she got to three the pretty boy would grasp that leg pressing down on his face tightly and lift it, showing that he wasn't completely out for the count.

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Re: P.O.W Collar Match - K.R.R vs Tobias Schwarz

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Her foot meshed into his cheek, twirling her heel around his skin like stirring a pot. Exhilaration through her entire body, brimming with tingles that only made her grin more and more. Ohh, how she loved it. How small Tobias appeared. His delectable groans, too. Could he even fight back? D’aaw. What a poor, poor soul. Not that she’d relent. No, here she’d use him as a toy.

Resistance cusped her leg. Tobias, marshalling his strength, lifted Reinhardt’s leg from his handsome visage. How unfortunate, she thought. Didn’t he love it under her leg? Serving their family should be everyone’s ambition. Oh well, it didn’t matter.

“Get your lay hands on me, vile wench!”

Though her words would prove contradictory.
She hoisted her foot, writhing her shin like trying to shake manure from her sole. Then an idea struck. He enjoyed being close, no? Who didn’t, especially one of her appearance? And so, she plunged her foot towards the canvas, seeking to overpower Tobias’s strength and stomp by his head, pinning a clump of blonde hairs while Karla lowered her hips onto his flat stomach. There, she’d shuffle back, leaning forward in tandem. A stream of velvet hair draped down one side, the twirling tresses kissing his cheek as her hand slithered up his chest to clutch his throat within her leathery palm.

“Let’s see if you’re still handsome after this.” Spoken with a voice like caramel. But as she cocked back her fist, the referee reprimanded her chokehold. A count began, forcing her to relinquish and sit up.

This brief pause wouldn’t be long-lived as Karla now thrust her hand forward like a piston, aimed at Tobias’s cheek. If one strike landed, then her opposite hand came, creating a ceaseless flurry of strikes.
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: P.O.W Collar Match - K.R.R vs Tobias Schwarz

Unread post by RJD »

The pretty boy wouldn't even be able to take solice in looking up at Karla's alluring form, due to that heel grinding the side of his cheek into the canvas. Tobias' face flushed red in a mix of pain and shame as he lifted that foot from his face, getting a brief moment of relief before she shook her leg free and stamped down on his long locks to pin them harshly to the canvas.

" Lay off the name calling a little... and maybe lift that foot? " Tobias suggested, his tone lacking in confidence though he did try to remain jovial even now, then she sat back onto his stomach and slid down to his hips as she leaned forward. Scarlett hair tickling the pretty boy's cheeks as the sadistic beauty above clutched his neck within her daint, yet strong hands.

Naturally Tobias struggled underneath, expression shifting in concern as he brought his hands to hers to part them, to no success as she obstructed his breathing enough to reddened his face a little before suddenly pulling her hands back. Any attention Tobias would put towards countering was instead disrupted by the sudden rush of air to his lungs, giving Karla ample time to continue her cruel display of dominance at his expense.

Karla struck Tobias in the face with a rough slap, stinging his cheek before repeating the process at the other side, then the other and so on. The redhead layed into poor Tobias with a flurry of dizzying strikes, a mix of slaps, punches and chops that left him completely groggy under her, whining and grunting with each hit until his body sagged somewhat limp under her, very visibly dismantled by her for now.

" ughhh... " Tobias groaned, one eye twitching open and closed after being clipped with one of the strikes, and there was a shameful twitching and growing further down his body in response to the closeness of his domineering opponent.
Last edited by RJD on Thu Mar 25, 2021 4:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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