Hardcore hotel brawl!

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Re: Hardcore hotel brawl!

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"Oh yeah...I've got a glass of water right...", Alice would say as she approached Jess, balling her fist and fully intending to seize the advantage in this encounter...

...until she saw Jess messing with her own top:

"Aaah? What are you...? No! Stop it!", Alice turned away from Jess, red and embarassed.

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Re: Hardcore hotel brawl!

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"Oh?" *Her perplexed countenance remained visible on her face.* "What evah do you mean honey? It's just get ting a lil stuffy in here, that's all~" *Continuing to shimmy out of her stifling top, Jess's magnificent breasts were that much closer to being unveiled, her bra barely capable of containing them.* "Aaahh, much bettah~" * Crawling towards Alice on her hands and knees, she suddenly attempted to snatch her hips and pull her onto the mattress, pinning her down against her backside!*

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Re: Hardcore hotel brawl!

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Alice actually closed her eyes with her hands. This is how shy she was to potentially see her giant friend naked. Naturally, it was yet another cunning ruse by Jess, as she used that opportunity to get her foe onto the bed with her:

"Aah! Damnit, stop tricking me like thi--ooof!", Alice let out as Jess large derriere pushed her deep against the bed, making it hard for her to take a breath!


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Re: Hardcore hotel brawl!

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"Hmmmm~" *Silently questioning why she would abide by Alice's demands, Jess magnanimously lifted her corpulent posterior while glancing over her shoulder and down at her hapless victim.* "Yer lucky I like yah as much as I do~" *Subsequently rolling to her side, the buxom bullrider released a massive yawn while simultaneously reaching towards the ceiling.*

"Ggrawwwah~" *Wiggling her prominent chest from side to side, she calmly crossing her arms over each other before winking in the tiny titan's direction.* "Come on now sugah, is that really the best yah can do?" *She inquired, trying to coax out her more aggressive side.*

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Re: Hardcore hotel brawl!

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With the spar being friendly in nature, Jess let Alice go easily, allowing the Pale Rider to take a breath...all the while the Bull continued to play coy with her, flirting throughout, and appearing really cute, to the point of Alice's cheeks reddening in response...until she tried to dash those thoughts away.

"It's easy to say that when you start at an advantage...", Alice would say as she jumped up off the bed to her feet:

"Can you say the same when we start from equal grounding?", she tried to goad Jess, while breathing heavily as her larger frenemy got a lot of air out of her lungs...as well as her thoughts causing her heart to race...

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Re: Hardcore hotel brawl!

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*If this were Jess's first ever time roughhousing, she'd be all aflutter and meek while trying to decipher what precisely Alice was attempting to convey. However, the perceptive southerner was well aware of what the diminutive demolition crew had up her sleeve. Perceiving the alabaster grappler's words to be rather cheeky, the gargantuan ginger arose while rolling her head counterclockwise.*

"Aheukheuk~" *She bellowed out her signature laugh, closing the distance between herself and the vertically challenged contender across the room from her.* "Yer gunna need a step laddah if yah wanna make that kinda comparison~"

*Having reached the full extent of her intimidating height, she easily towered over her competitive interest before slamming the palm of her hand against the wall, trapping Alice between a bull and a hard place, tentatively clasping Alice's shoulders before beginning to steadily lift her off the ground.* "So...watcha gunna do tah me?"

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Re: Hardcore hotel brawl!

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Despite the comparison between the two in height, Alice wouldn't be afraid of Jess. Why would she? She has beaten the Titaness before, and she will do so again. The slam of hand reminded her of some scenes from romance movies, so this action by the Bull did make her blush. Plus, she didn't appreciate being picked up like a small child by her off the ground:

"Bold words for someone who beat the crap out of you before...besides..."

With that, Alice swiftly brought her leg upwards, trying to slam it between Jess's legs for a cheap lowblow!

"It's time to cut you down..."

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Re: Hardcore hotel brawl!

Unread post by SubtleRoar »

*It wouldn't be long before Jess's overconfidence would start to take a more profound role in their little tussle, eventually leading to Alice unleashing her tacit fury in the form of a brutal shot between her thighs!* "RRRGGHH!" *The unforeseen shot against her sensitive clam forced her to relinquish the minuscule mauler, her posterior pointing towards the sky while she clasped her thigh gap with both hands!* "Aaahh...coulda..b..bought me..d..dinnah first~" *The western wrestler rolled to her left, crawling onto her shins before lurching forward and clasping the leg of the bed for a bit of physical support!*

"J..just cuz..y..yah got the drop on me doesn't mean..t..that I'm done for~"
*Jess snarled through her laborious breathing, trying to pull herself onto the mattress. If Alice was capable of something that diabolical, who knows what else she had up her sleeve! The agonizing strike left Jess tremendously debilitated, but the king sized bed offered her a sliver of solace for the time being.*

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Re: Hardcore hotel brawl!

Unread post by Vc0m »

"Well...I was planning to do that, before getting the idea for this match actually. Thought violence is a better dinner than pizza!", Alice would try to come back at Jess's words, as the Bull grabbed the leg of the bed to stay somewhat upright.

"Oh, I would've been disappointed if you were done now!"

With that, Alice launched herself straight at Jess as she climbed back onto the bed, trying to aim her knees straight at the Heavyweight's face for a Meteora!

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