When she saw Natalia in the list provided by LAW, she had to admit that her looks played a good part in choosing to fight her...though she decided to keep her mind on her wrestling career...plus the changes in her life meant she had to be slightly more careful in choosing lewd matches, since she had to pass it by a certain someone...
With that, she was facing the newbie in a standard match, and with a style having some similarities to her own, she wanted to see just how good the newbie was.
Despite the Shadow Lord's return being a few months back now, the crowd reaction was still loud for Clara. She confidently came down the entrance ramp, slapping hands with the fans in the front row, being all smiles with the adoring crowd. Soon enough, she entered the ring, rolling through before rising into a confident pose, with her right fist pointed upwards, and her arm crooked into a claw.