Clara Gaster vs Natalia Dominique - Shadow-y Dreams

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Clara Gaster vs Natalia Dominique - Shadow-y Dreams

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Taking a long break after the match at the PPV was far from Clara's plans, especially after her long hiatus, but that was the curse of fighting your worst enemies in a hard fought match for you. With her recovered, Clara set out on her quest through LAW...namely getting back into the swing of things and fight faces that popped up while she was gone...or in the case of today, popped up right as she came back.

When she saw Natalia in the list provided by LAW, she had to admit that her looks played a good part in choosing to fight her...though she decided to keep her mind on her wrestling the changes in her life meant she had to be slightly more careful in choosing lewd matches, since she had to pass it by a certain someone...

With that, she was facing the newbie in a standard match, and with a style having some similarities to her own, she wanted to see just how good the newbie was.

Despite the Shadow Lord's return being a few months back now, the crowd reaction was still loud for Clara. She confidently came down the entrance ramp, slapping hands with the fans in the front row, being all smiles with the adoring crowd. Soon enough, she entered the ring, rolling through before rising into a confident pose, with her right fist pointed upwards, and her arm crooked into a claw.
With her entrance done, she took her place in the upper right corner of the ring, to await the arrival of "The Dream" Natalia Dominique.
Last edited by Vc0m on Sat Feb 06, 2021 2:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Clara Gaster vs Natalia Dominique - Shadow-y Dreams

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Natalia was hyped, her heart racing as she felt that rush of nervousness and excitement she always got each time she was about to get in the ring. Her new life as a wrestler was incredibly thrilling and she just couldn't get enough of it. She was completely hooked with this lifestyle. It was so completely different to the dull life she had lived until now and she had noticed how it was changing her. She was happier and felt more lively and passionate.

Her passion for wrestling could probably be noticed by the fans because she was gaining a lot of them. Natalia's popularity seemed to be growing exponentially and the people at LAW were noticing. The reactions she got from the crowd were getting louder and louder and the amount of followers she was gathering in social media had already surpassed anything she had imagined. Tonight Natalia planned to give her fans a surprise. Now that she was becoming popular she had finally got two things she felt she was missing... first was a theme song.

The lights of the arena dimmed out. Natalia's heart skipped a beat when she heard her song she jumped on the arena feeling electrified. The crowd roared seemingly infected by the young girl excitement. Natalia rushed through the aisle playing with the cheering fans and waving at them.

The second thing Natalia had now was a proper wrestling attire! Instead of the schoolgirl uniform she was now wearing a rather revealing black wrestling leotard with red trim, with black knee pads and high wrestling boots.
Natalia reached the ring and quickly rolled under the bottom rope to enter the squared circle. She stood up in the center of the ring and struck a pose, with her hands on her hips, winking at the camera for a second before she moved towards her corner. Natalia turned to face her opponent, while the referee finished the instructions. Natalia didn't knew much about Clara but she thought she remembered her from the last PPV. Fighting girls appearing in PPVs made feel Natalia that she was moving in the ring direction. She blew Clara a teasing kiss and giggled before the referee called for the bell and started the match.

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Re: Clara Gaster vs Natalia Dominique - Shadow-y Dreams

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Clara had known Natalia to come out in a schoolgirl outfit to wrestle, but her attire today practically made her eyes pop out. A fairly revealing, cute leotard adorned the beautiful woman's figure as she made her way down the ramp, and a blush creeped onto her cheeks:

"Hmmm...n-no! Can't have these thoughts anymore...", she would tell herself, as Natalia finished her entrance and entered the ring, striking a pose before making her way back to her corner, not without flirting with Clara with a kiss, to which Clara responded with a confident wink.

With the bell ringing, Clara and Natalia slowly circled one another on their way to the middle to the ring to grapple with one another, the Shadow Lord carefully engaging with her rival in a Collar and Elbow Tie Up!

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Re: Clara Gaster vs Natalia Dominique - Shadow-y Dreams

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Natalia left her corner as the bell rung and headed directly for her opponent, not wanting to waste any time to tangle with Clara. As soon as they reached each other they locked up in a classic collar and elbow tie up and Natalia felt almost like electricity cruising through her body as her skin came into contact with Clara. She just loved the feeling of another girl's strong warm body fighting against her own. She pushed against Clara and Clara pushed back not letting herself be moved.

"Are you ready to be my toy tonight, Clara-chan?" Dominique would say with a teasing tone, trying to make Clara lose her focus by teasing her. And just as she finished saying that Dominique would pull herself back, trying to grab Clara's right arm with both hands and yank it, attempting to use Clara's own momentum to send her into the ropes behind.
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Re: Clara Gaster vs Natalia Dominique - Shadow-y Dreams

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Natalia was more eager to lock up than Clara would anticipate, the collar and elbow tie up happening quicker than she expected...but that changed very little as she poured her strength into the start of the match, trying to get herself into an advantageous position against Natalia!

Her opponent's words would surprise her, and the Dream used that shock to her advantage, Irish Whipping the Brit towards the ropes! Clearing her head mid run, Clara would quickly return back to Natalia, trying to snatch her arm from midair, and bring it behind her back for a Hammerlock hold!

"Chan? You should be respectful to your sempais, Nattie", she tried to tease the Dream.

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Re: Clara Gaster vs Natalia Dominique - Shadow-y Dreams

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Clara went to the ropes and bounced back towards Natalia, just like Natalia had planned. Natalia raised her arm and prepared to receive Clara with a nasty clothesline but GASTER caught up her arm and before Natalia could do anything else Clara had bend that arm tightly behind her back and trapped The Dream in a nasty hammerlock hold.

"ahhh ahhhhhh!" Natalia moaned in pain, trying to slip free but realizing she was firmly trapped in GASTER's hold. "Totally not going to call you senpai, Clara-chan..." Natalia said defiantly as she slapped her shoulder, trying to make the pain go away, twisting and squirming, unable to find a way out of this hold.
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Re: Clara Gaster vs Natalia Dominique - Shadow-y Dreams

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Clara maintained full control of the hold, as Natalia tried to slip, squeeze and twist away out of the hold to no avail:

"Hmmm...what about a little bet then, Nattie? If I win, you have to call me your Senpai?"

With Clara putting on a silly challenge to Natalia, she would trip the Dream off her feet, and onto the ground, still holding her arm behind her back...but also snaking her legs around her torso for bodyscissors...

...she did, however, notice how close to the ropes the two of them were. One solid motion from her rival would bring them to the ropes for a break! Clara maximized the torque on Natalia's arm and squeezed with her legs to leave her rival breathless, to get as much as she could from the hold before she was forced to break it up!

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Re: Clara Gaster vs Natalia Dominique - Shadow-y Dreams

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"Sounds fair... but if I win, you'll call ME senpai!" Natalia answered as she struggled with Clara, trying to slip free from this hold. "Clara-CHAN!" Natalia yelled, trying to annoy her opponent, but instead of that Clara tripped her off, making Natalia fall into the mats with only one arm to break her fall, which made her breasts and pretty face take a nasty hit.

"ughhhh!" Natalia groaned after the impact, quickly realizing she was still trapped. Clara still had her arm and was now using her legs to squeeze Dominique's slender waist! "ahhhh AHHHHHHH!" Natalia moaned in agony not sure what to do to escape this torture trap... until she saw the ropes close by. With a loud groan she stretched her only free arm and managed to grab the ropes.

"Ropes Ropes!" Dominique screamed desperate to get Clara off her.
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Re: Clara Gaster vs Natalia Dominique - Shadow-y Dreams

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"Sounds fair! You are on!", Clara chirped as she tripped Natalia off her feet and onto the ground, before following up her Hammerlock with Bodyscissors, torturing her opponent with a combination of holds:

"But there is no way that will happen, Nattie...", she would taunt her rival as she grasped the ropes, Clara's limbs untangling themselves from the Dream's figure immediately, before rolling away, and standing back up to her feet, ready to grapple with Natalia once more once she rose back up to her feet.

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Re: Clara Gaster vs Natalia Dominique - Shadow-y Dreams

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Natalia pulled herself to the ropes as soon as Clara let her go, clinging to them for protection and then using them to pull herself up before she turned back to face GASTER. Natalia frowned cutely, clearly not happy with that exchange and wanting revenge. "You will see, Clara-chan.... I'm going to tame you." Natalia announced as she rubbed her hurting shoulder a bit more to make the pain go away, and then she stepped forward, cautiously approaching Clara.

Once she was close enough, Natalia pounced on Clara, trying to grab the girl's long hair with both hands and pull it hard down to force Clara to bend over, and then step back to make her have to follow around. Natalia wasn't a fan to breaking the rules but she considered hairpulling to be a sort of grey area, mostly because she just loved how it felt to pull another girl's hair.
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