Friendship By Force: Daisy Takes Tamago to Kingdom Chrysanthemum

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Friendship By Force: Daisy Takes Tamago to Kingdom Chrysanthemum

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Following her victory in a smother match against Tamago Oshiro, Daisy Petals brought the daredevil's unconscious body back to her kingdom. Daisy had given Tamago a brutal booty beatdown, so the punk was out for quite some time, no doubt exhausted from the experience. Despite it not being a POW match, Daisy abducted her opponent anyway. She had tried and failed to get her rival to accept kindness, during the match. Having been given a cold shoulder, Daisy was determined to make Tamago her friend, whether she liked it or not!

Once they made it back to her kingdom, Daisy had her servants tend to Tamago's bruises. Bandaging her up, before placing her body in a large bed, within one of the room's of Daisy's palace. The princess had read Tamago's bio on LAW's website, so she had some idea on what the daredevil liked to do. Ms. Petals was planning on having a very fun day with her former adversary. However, based on the attitude Tamago showed in the ring, Daisy knew she'd probably need some "convincing" first, which is why she remained in her wrestling gear.

Daisy ordered her guards to lock them together in the room, and not let them out, until she gave the order. And she would only give the order, if Tamago became compliant. Daisy didn't plan on letting the daredevil leave anytime soon, and certainly not before they became buddies. The princess just sat in a chair, across from the bed of the sleeping Tamago, waiting for her future pal to awaken.

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Re: Friendship By Force: Daisy Takes Tamago to Kingdom Chrysanthemum

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Tamago had been knocked out for a long time, and being placed eventually into that enormious comfy bed lulled her deeper into sleep. The daredevil would slowly start to awaken, yawning as she sat up, looking down at a bandage over her chest, then across the unfamiliar bed until her vision settled on Daisy.

" Huh? What the hell? " Tamago grumbled, immediately shifting from sleeping beauty to a hardass as she threw the covers up and stepped out of the bed, clearly a little too quickly as she stumbled a step.

" I don't know what your angle is, but if you so much as brushed my body with your fingers then I'll be breaking them off! " Tamago threatened, as she looked down to see that she was dressed, albeit in a random pair of shorts and a shirt which certainly were not hers.

" And, I'm still pissed at that loss. " Tamago said, as she approached Daisy, and pressed her chest into hers as she squared up to her. The daredevil was a little bit intimidated due to how their match had went, but her pride wouldn't let her just embrace her defeat and move on.
Last edited by RJD on Mon Jan 18, 2021 1:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Friendship By Force: Daisy Takes Tamago to Kingdom Chrysanthemum

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Daisy watched as Tamago began to wake, giving her some time to process her new surroundings. "Wakey wakey-" She was about to greet her, but was interrupted by the daredevil's little rant. Soon the two were chest to chest, boobs squishing together, as the aggravated Tamago proved she was reinvigorated. The tone of her voice coupled with her rash yet assertive movements, surprisingly enough, resulted in a somewhat nervous chuckle from Daisy.

"Hehehe. Guess I've got some explaining to do. Long story short, I ain't wasting the time I spent, trying to be nice to you during our little match. I brought you here to my kingdom in order to befriend you. You can blame the ref for not giving a crap. We aren't technically foes at this moment, so you can be less tight about getting 'all chummy with an enemy'." Daisy teased.

"You were out for a while, but no one defiled you, while you were sleeping. Some of my straight, female servants cleaned, dressed, and bandaged you up. Your in the middle of my kingdom, and only I have the power to release you. Here's the deal. Let's put our match behind us and have a fun day together, then I'll let you go." Daisy offered.

"However, if these terms are unacceptable to you. Feel free to fight for your freedom, as a prisoner of war!" She declared, before giving Tamago a firm booty bump, backing the daredevil off of her. "So, what's it gonna be pal?"

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Re: Friendship By Force: Daisy Takes Tamago to Kingdom Chrysanthemum

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Tamago was in no rush to calm down, getting up in Daisy's face as the woman explained in fine detail why the daredevil was here. The punk glared at her after her explanation, her aggression fading, prompting her to sigh after she was butt bumped down onto her butt, in the ring that would be damaging to her pride, but without an audience it was just a little bit embarrassing.

" Kingdom? Servants? In fact, no nevermind. " Tamago said, grumbling and shaking her head as she decided there were more important things to address. The still confused punk getting up to her feet.

"I'd rather not talk to someone I lost to as if we're all buddy buddy. But, I'm pissed off, so I'm happy to fight. " Tamago said, absolutely just ignoring the majority of what Daisy said and skipping right to the fight part.

" So? Let's fucking do this? I'd like to get home as soon as possible. " Tamago said, approaching quickly and putting her arms up for a test of strength, making it clear that she would fight the whole damn kingdom if she had to! Although, Tamago had no scope of what this place was like, other than the one room they currently occupied.

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Re: Friendship By Force: Daisy Takes Tamago to Kingdom Chrysanthemum

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Daisy giggled after her hip bump connected, as she wasn't planning on knocking the daredevil off her feet, just getting her outta her face. After getting back up, Tamago made it abundantly clear she wanted to fight, just as Daisy expected. With a playful sigh, Daisy Petals prepared for battle.

The princess met the daredevil head on, locking hands and pushing. "You're so silly Tamago. We started our match like this remember. I'm stronger than you." Daisy teased, slowly pushing back the girl, just like in the beginning of their match.

They got closer and closer to the bed, and eventually Daisy tried to shove Tamago on. If successful Daisy would follow it up with a body slam, starting to wrestler in the large bed.

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Re: Friendship By Force: Daisy Takes Tamago to Kingdom Chrysanthemum

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" Well... that's not quite true. " Tamago responded stubbornly as she tried to stand her ground, pushing her hardest as she really tried to come out on top this time in the strength competition, but Ms Petal's was just too strong for her, inching towards the bed and pushing the daredevil back, before slamming her down onto the bed.

Daisy then threw herself atop Tamago in a full body splash, earning some groans as the beaten down woman's body was softened up from the match, so Daisy's strong physique really battered her core and chest. " Damn... I guess I really do need these bandages. " the daredevil said, before trying to lock her legs around her former opponent's sides and link them past her back, squeezing tightly.

Tamago was being pressured by that fit body crushing down on her, but she wasn't about to let herself lose twice in quick succession.

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Re: Friendship By Force: Daisy Takes Tamago to Kingdom Chrysanthemum

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After the body splash on Tamago, Daisy found herself in a familiar position. Though this time, her toned body was pressing down Tamago's into the mattress, rather than a wrestling mat. "That's what my medical staff suggested." Daisy replied, before feeling the daredevil lock her legs around her sides.

In response, Daisy Petals stood up on the bed to tightly bear hug the punk girl, while Tamago's legs were still wrapped around her. "Perhaps this will settle our strength debate." Daisy teased, waiting to see which one of them would give out and loosen up first.

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Re: Friendship By Force: Daisy Takes Tamago to Kingdom Chrysanthemum

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" Medical staff? Who are you really? " Tamago would ask, before blushing slightly as she was squished into the mattress already, her scissor hold being rather ineffective after that grueling match. Things would just get worse for the daredevil as Ms. Petal's put her arms behind and past Tamago's underarms from in front, snaking them tightly around her back and then lifting her up and getting into a kneeling position on the bed.

The daredevil knew exactly what was coming, but she was powerless to stop it as Daisy squeezed tightly in a bearhug, making Tamago's legs immediately loosen slightly as she cried out.

" Ack- " Tamago groaned, as it felt like her already hurt back was being caved in, and her chest was being squished by her assertive friend's own pair. The daredevil found it hard to squeeze much in return, simply squirming and whining as she went red faced from the pain, before her legs slowly fell apart, as her eyes glazed over slightly from the crippling hug.

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Re: Friendship By Force: Daisy Takes Tamago to Kingdom Chrysanthemum

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Not wanting to hurt Tamago's still recovering body too much, Daisy suddenly released her, after the punk's face reddened. "I'm the ruler of Kingdom Chrysanthemum." Daisy replied. "The Princess of Flowers. Shame you haven't heard of me."

Daisy then turned her body, large butt rising over and casting a shadow on Tamago's face. She sat down, smothering the girl between her plump cheeks yet again. She grinded down for a bit, before moving Tamago's face to the side with her glute. This freed her captive's nose and mouth.

"Can't have ya falling a sleep on me again." Daisy teased. "So, what's it gonna be sis? Do you surrender? Or do you need 'further convincing'?"

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Re: Friendship By Force: Daisy Takes Tamago to Kingdom Chrysanthemum

Unread post by RJD »

Tamago groaned in the bearhug, but stubbornly grinded her teeth shut and tried to stop herself from grimacing, the only give-away being that her eye twitches a little and her lip curled as she tried to ensure the hug. The daredevil's tough act would be betrayed though as Daisy let go of her, and Tamago immediately gasped for air, and didn't move a muscle as she just laid there in relief after that pain staking hug.

" Ruler did seem pretty damn assertive. " Tamago grumbled, before quickly starting to squirm and try to push her Ms. Petal's away as she turned around and moved her sun eclipsing booty over the daredevil's face.

" W-wa- mmmmpf... " Tamago's complaints were silenced completely, replaced with only weak vibrations against those titanic cheeks as they enveloped her head, perky buttocks flooding Tamago's entire face. Tamago's head moved against the mattress as Daisy grinded down, squashing Tamago's nose under each cheek and between them, rubbing that thick butt all over her face for a moment.

Tamago gasped for air as Daisy chose to nudge her face to the side, letting her breath desperately even if the side of her cheek was still compressed under the weight of her butt. The daredevil took a moment to respond, needing to catch air, then finding it hard to speak with one of her cheeks being crushed.

" F-fine... " Tamago conceded with a blush, her rebellious attempt to escape already being squashed by the Crysanthemum queen's oppressive booty. " I-I give. " Tamago said, deciding that she'd rather not be Daisy's personal throne before, and after the match.

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