Natalia Dominique (d) vs Rosemary Hina: strip match

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Natalia Dominique (d) vs Rosemary Hina: strip match

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The winner of this match will be decided by pinfall, submission or knockout: but only after being stripped down to their bra and panties!

Rosemary hadn't been having the hadn't luck in LAW, but she had been getting used to both wrestling and the more lewd tactics that most the wrestlers employed. The Danish woman was still blushing bright as she walked out to the ramp though, competing in her first lewd match, where either her or her opponent would have to be stripped down before anyone could walk out as the victor.

" You can do this! You've won normal matches before, this is no different! " Rosemary said, pumping herself up as she took a deep breath and held her arm up in the air to a modest pop from the crowd. The rookie's theme played as she then walked down to the ring, climbing the steps before entering under the top rope and claiming the corner across from her.

Rosemary then did a few hops in the corner and stretched out her arms as she waited for her opponent to join her in the ring. Rosemary was wearing a black crop top, a pink collar with a flower design, and tight fitting blue jeans. Rosemary's underwear had been a grueiling choice tonight, as she was most likely going to have it revealed, and she didn't know if she'd rather wear something extravagant or plain... it really had been a hard choice. Usually Rosemary just wore her normal ring attire, but for the stipulation of this match she figured wearing harder to remove casual clothes was a good idea.
Last edited by RJD on Sat Jan 09, 2021 2:39 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Natalia Dominique (d) vs Rosemary Hina: strip match

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Dominique sighed as she looked at Rosemary making her entrance. She had hoped she could meet her opponent backstage before they entered the ring but she had been delayed getting changed and when she got here Rosemary was already heading into the ring. She wasn't sure what she wanted to tell her, maybe just make reassure herself that they weren't enemies only competitors. Dominique had never done this before and she didn't knew how she was supposed to act. Luckily for her there was someone backstage to tell her it was her turn to enter.

Dominique took a deep breath and stepped outside into the entrance area as some music she didn't recognized started playing. Maybe one day she could have her own entrance music like the stars did. The crowd cheered a bit and Dominique waved at the fans and smiled, doing her best to hide her nervousness. She had trained hard the last few weeks but this was her very first time in the arena and she couldn't help but feel more than just a bit embarrassed. The match stipulations didn't helped her feel less anxious or ashamed, a Strip Match wasn't the debut she was quite risky, but she had kind of asked for it when she told management that she was 'ready for anything'. The truth was that Dominique was not only nervous and a bit embarrassed, but also very very excited.

Dominique climbed up the stairs to the ring and slid between the middle and top ropes, making sure that her skirt won't climb up and show her panties. She had been asked by the bookers to dress with a cute schoolgirl mock uniform. A white buttoned shirt with a cute red bow neck tie and a grey sweater vest. a black plated skirt, a bit shorter than what a normal schoolgirl would wear, and underneath it grey pantyhose, with white cotton panties, matching her bra. A pair of Mary Jane shoes completed her attire.

On her right hand Dominique had her smartphone. Which she used to take a pick doing the V sign with her other hand, using the LAW fans behind her as the background.

#LAW #Debut! #SoNervous #Ready2Win

Dominique had a small following on the internet since she had worked a bit as a gravure model and wanted to make sure she could capitalize her internet presence to grow herself a fan base.
Once in the ring Dominique headed to her corner and looked at her opponent while she finished her warm ups. The referee, a cute blonde girl, checked on Rosemary and then came over Dominique to check her too and give her some final instructions, but Dominique was barely listening, her eyes fixed on her opponent, checking Rosemary up and down. She was very pretty and the idea that she would be soon locking up with her and trying to strip and defeat her made Dominique feel more than just a little aroused.

The referee took Domi's phone away before she could take another selfie with her and called for the bell. DING DING DING! And the match was on!
Last edited by Kitten on Fri Jan 08, 2021 10:28 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Natalia Dominique (d) vs Rosemary Hina: strip match

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Rosemary watched as her soon to be opponent made her entrance, walking down the ramp and entering the ring, getting close enough that the Danish wrestler could see just how stunningly hot Natalia was. The school girl outfit certainly had the desired effect, as even the slightly repressed and shy Rosemary found herself accidentally eyeing Natalia up, so it certainly must have drawn in the eyes of the crowd.

Dominique was just cute though, and cute wasn't about to win her a match. Rosemary felt confident as the bell rang, and she would walk to the middle of the ring to offer a test of strength. Rosemary wasn't very strong, but Natalia didn't seem to imposing on that front.

" I'm Rosemary. This is your debut right? Sorry, it must be really embarrassing to lose in this sort of match. " Rosemary said, feeling a little bit of pity for her opponent as she pushed with all her strength, figuring that she could beat this cutie. Although the thought of being stripped and pinned by such a hottie was in the back of Rosemary's mind, and it was a crippingly humiliating image.

Rosemary was more flustered than aroused, and certainly didn't suspect that such an unimposing woman as her opponent would have a sexual desire to dominate her.
Last edited by RJD on Sat Jan 09, 2021 2:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Natalie Dominique (d) vs Rosemary Hina: strip match

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Dominique took another deep breath, trying to calm herself. Her heart was racing and she could feel the tension growing. The fans cheered some as the bell ringed and Natalia saw her opponent coming at her, so she stepped up to meet Rosemary at the center of the ring. The pink haired cutie raised her hands offering a test of strength and Dominique was not the kind of girl that backed down for those sort of things. It was a good way to start her first match ever, besides Rosemary looked slightly smaller than her.

Dominique felt like electricity running through her body when her hands touched Rosemary and their fingers interlocked. She felt her opponent's power as she pushed and heard her words, and that immediately fired up Dominique's competitive side. She squeezed Rosemary's hands back and pushed back herself, moving a leg back to plant her feet firmly and lean into her opponent, trying to bend Rosemary's wrists back.

"oh it won't be me losing, Rose-chan..." Dominique said, staring directly into her opponent's eyes. "Just imagine how humiliating it is going to be when a rookie strips you down and pins you..." Natalia said, smiling a bit, trying to take her fears out of her mind and put them in Rosemary's own.
Last edited by Kitten on Fri Jan 08, 2021 7:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Natalia Dominique (d) vs Rosemary Hina: strip match

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Rosemary wasn't too intimidated by the slight height difference as they linked hands and began to push. The danish wrestler felt a sudden surge of force from her opponent after the initial push, which was troublesome but not completely overwhelming. Rosemary was forced to take a step back before she sank her heels into the canvas.

Rosemary winced and let out a quiet whine as she tried to combat the pushing, feeling her opponent squeeze her hands. Natalia flipped what Rosemary had said earlier on her, proposing the idea that it would be far more humiliating for the more experienced wrestler to be stripped and pinned in a rookie's debut match. Natalia maintained eye contact, and seemed gleeful at the idea, exuding a confidence that made Rosemary blush as the other woman leaned into Rose and pushed her wrists back.

Rosemary grumbled out slightly as her wrists were twisted back, her chest pressing into Natalia's own breasts in what had became an intimate grapple. With rosemary's wrists pushed behind her body the lightweight felt a little vulnerable as she looked up at the smiling cutie.

Rosemary would lose strength in her arms, as she was intimidated by Natalia. The rose haired wrestler would lose her balance, and be knocked down onto her butt by Natalia's body. Rosemary blushed bright, after being shown up by the rookie.
Last edited by RJD on Sat Jan 09, 2021 2:43 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Natalie Dominique (d) vs Rosemary Hina: strip match

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Dominique leaned into Rosemary and pressed her firm perky breasts into her opponent's own chest, and it felt amazing. The raven haired cutie couldn't help but let a soft moan escape her lips as she felt her bosom rubbing against her rival's. This was one thing that had attracted her to wrestling from the start, matching her body against other girls, competing with them. But the contact didn't last long as suddenly Rosemary lost her balance and fell down on her cute tush.

"ahhhh!" Dominique gasped, almost losing her balance, but a step forward helped her stay on her feet. She then looked down at her opponent and Dominique felt a rush of dominant excitement. In her book she had won the test of strength and now she got to look down on Rosemary with a smug cute smile. "My my.... You are so weak Rose-chan..." She would say and then she grabbed Rosemary's left wrist with both hands, trying to push the rose haired cutie back to her feet... but only so she could wrap her right arm around the back of Rosemary's head, trying to bring it down to lock up her opponent in a quick side headlock.
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Re: Natalia Dominique (d) vs Rosemary Hina: strip match

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As they contested who was stronger it seemed that Natalie was aiming for something different, as she pushed more with her body than her arm strength, bullying Rosemary with her form as she stepped forward. Rosemary blushed as their breasts rubbed together and Natalia let out a moan, distracting her for a moment right as Natalia took a step forward and pushed Rosemary back, but she lost her footing and fell right into her butt.

" Ugh. " Rosemary grunted as she fell on her butt, looking up at Natalia as she smugly smiled and called her weak. It felt like Rosemary had taken a blow right to her pride with that comment. " Wha- no! I clearly just slipped. " Rosemary said, finishing her statement right as her hand was grabbed, and she was pulled up to her feet and swiftly into a side headlock.

Rosemary blushed as her face grazed against sideboob, but the wrestler knew how to get out of this, she would wrap her arms around Natalia's stomach and squeeze for a moment in a standing bearhug. Though Rosemary was only aiming to make her opponent's grip on her head weaken, with the intention of pulling her head free and stepping behind the newbie, then trying to entangle her arms with Natalia's arms and link her hands between the cutie's shoulder cuffs and head to lock in a full nelson hold.

" My my... so easy Natie-chan. This is called a full nelson, in case you were curious. " Rosemary said as she applied more pressure, if things had went her way, deciding to try to repair her pride by teasing Natalia.
Last edited by RJD on Sat Jan 09, 2021 2:44 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Natalia Dominique (d) vs Rosemary Hina: strip match

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Dominique locked Rosemary's pretty head in a side headlock and immediately got to work the hold. Pulling Rosemary closer to her and forcing the pink haired girl to rub her face against the sideboob. "This is going to be easy..." Dominique said, giggling a bit as she tried to demoralize her opponent from the start of the match. Dominique tried to start walking forward, wanting to drag Rosemary with her along the ring to keep her on the defensive but she was stopped in place as Rosemary wrapped her arms around Dominique's slim waist and squeezed.

"ugh!" Dominique groaned. The squeeze hadn't been that hard but it had stopped Dominique's advance and gave Rosemary the chance to slip her head free, as Dominique lowered one hand to try to free her midsection from the hug. It was then that Rosemary slipped her arms under Dominique's armpits and before the ravenette cutie could react. "ahhh nooo.. let got!" Natalia protested as she was locked in the full nelson, flailing her arms a bit at the sides as she was forced to arch her body, making her firm round breasts push forward.
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Re: Natalia Dominique (d) vs Rosemary Hina: strip match

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While Natalia had Rosemary in the headlock she made a rather insulting comment, which was the second time that she teased the pink haired wrestler. So as Rosemary slipped behind she didn't feel bad about teasing her in return, and even giggled a little as Natalia pitifully asked to be let go. The raven haired rookie flailing her arms and arching her body, even pressing her chest forward to an extent that even Rosemary noticed from behind her.

" You know, if this is too much then you won't survive a week here, trust me. I'm nice though, so I'll let you go. " rosemary said, as she snaked her right foot in front of Natalia's leg, and broke her full Nelson to push her opponent slightly, just enough that she'd trip over that extended leg Rose had put in front of her, and fall down onto her knees, or at least that was the plan.

Rosemary would then hunch down to grappling Natalia from behind, tightly wrapping her arms around her waist very tightly and squeeze, before trying to roll to the side, pulling Natalia with her in the roll to make her roll to, and trying to pin her down to the canvas on her front after that gator roll.

" Like it down there? Say I'm strong and I'll let you up. " Rosemary said, as she squeezed around Natalia's waist and pressed the front of her body into the raven haired cutie's back. Rosemary was feeling playful, plus she didn't actually want to just out wrestle Natalia and get a quick win, Rosemary had experienced humiliating and speedy defeats match after match when she joined LAW, so her conscious wouldn't let her end this match without teaching Natalia what she needed to improve on to actually have a chance.
Last edited by RJD on Sat Jan 09, 2021 2:44 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Natalia Dominique (d) vs Rosemary Hina: strip match

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Natalia was squirming in the full nelson, trying to slip free, getting frustrated quickly by being immobilized and annoyed by Rosemary's taunts. But before she could do anything more the pink haired cutie released her and pushed her forward, right into a leg, making Natalia trip and lose her balance. "ahhhhh!" Natalia gasped, surprised as Rosemary wrapped her arms around Natalia's slender waist and squeezed hard! Then Rosemary rolled to the side like an alligator and Natalia had no option but to follow the movement.

"UGGHH!" Natalia groaned as she hit the canvas after the disorienting spin, barely able to put her arms in front of her in time to stop her pretty face for slamming into the canvas. Her perky breasts weren't that lucky tho and took a nasty flattening impact on the mats. And then Rosemary started squeezing and taunting again. "Ughhhh...! You are going to pay for this." Natalia said as she tried to push Rosemary's arms down and off her waist. She hated how she had been taken down as much she hated the taunts and hearing the crowd cheering, but despite that she couldn't deny there was something quite enticing about having Rosemary's warm body pressed against her from behind. If the hug wasn't so tight it may have actually been enjoyable.
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