Clara GASTER vs Baroness - Bikini Match

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Clara GASTER vs Baroness - Bikini Match

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Special Stipulation: Victory to be awarded only via submission or knockout. Standard rules apply otherwise.

Last edited by winner3 on Thu Dec 24, 2020 1:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Clara GASTER vs Baroness - Bikini Match

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The time had come.

Her first match in Japan in over 15 months, and she had to face her biggest fear.

It's likely any outsider looking in didn't know just how scared Clara Gaster was of this match. In the interviews, she tried to maintain face as much as possible, that while Baroness was a great wrestler, she was just better. There were a few questions that put her bravery into question, but once again, she maintained her face and told them she had nothing to be afraid of...

And it was, of course, a lie. At least to a point

As far as she knew, only Kay and Alice knew about the situation, that she was still afraid of the Baroness from their previous encounter. She already passed Kay on her way into the building, the two women exchanging loving words to one another. Mental image of the blunette raised Clara's level of confidence before she had to come back to the crushing reality in the form of the icy Frenchwoman.

"You can do will do this...", she told herself

Her bravery wasn't entirely just for show. She knew she could beat Stephanie, she did it once before. And with how much she trained, her lack of ring rust from both training, and wrestling a bit outside of Japan, she knew her current skillset was more than enough to make Stephanie tap out, or if it came to that, make her pass out. She was going to prove to herself, that her current attitude wasn't just another persona. It was her.

She looked into a mirror one last time. She still felt unsure of wrestling in a bikini. At least the last few times she did this was outside during warm days. Now it was solely for Baroness's mind games and audience's enjoyment...and even focusing on the latter part made her feel unsure.

...but, looking in the mirror, she did look cute in her yellow bikini set.

Focusing on that part, she made her way to the gorilla position. It was awkward standing in front of fully dressed workers in swimwear, her cheeks already red with embarrassment, as a blonde woman with a rainbow striped t-shirt and white coat told her to relax. She had seen the woman a few times on LAW shows, but she didn't quite know what she did with the company, though at the current moment, she was checking over the scripts timing for the next few hours of the show.

Soon enough, the countdown to her entrance began...

...and her song started playing.

The music filled her with confidence as she strode out into the arena, greeting the fans with open hands to massive, rousing cheers as she made her way down the ramp. She tried not to pay any mind to the wolf whistles going her way, and proudly strode to the ring with a confident smile and walk.

As she entered the ring, she stood in the middle...before letting out her villainous laugh to audience cheers. It was clear they missed everything about her, including her manerisms.

She waited in her assigned corner of the ring, top right from the ramp, as she looked to Baroness's entrance.

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Re: Clara GASTER vs Baroness - Bikini Match

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Clara Gaster had the ring, and all of the attention of the thousands within the sold out event. Clad in little more than a two piece bikini set, the Dark haired British beauty was a sight to behold for all those present and those watching at home, able to see the marvel of a woman and her stunning form she had worked hard to develop and maintain. Thus far 'We Are Law 2021' had been off to an explosive start! The previous matches had the fans pumped, and there was still the main event to go... but none could deny this was debatably one of the more anticipated matches of the entire grand card, save for the Main Event itself. The fans chanted in unison, stamping their feet for Clara who remained within her corner, taking in the energy of those who all had her support.

Minutes would come to pass, and the crowd still enjoyed the presence of one of their favourite superstars within the LAW... but there were those that began to grow impatient as more time passed by. None of the negative energy went towards Clara, but her opponent who made no sign of showing. What cheers there were for Clara began to gradually turn into jeers and expressions of anger at Clara's opponent as more time passed. For Clara... she knew it was all part of the mind games. Waiting was always the worst part... and Stephanie was taking full advantage of that. There was talks amongst the officials beginning at ringside, as they began to consider a victory for Clara as the Baroness still was yet to appear for the highly anticipated match. Chants for GASTER began in the crowd all to show support... It seemed like an easy victory was about to be handed down as commotions began... that was until...

"Fantasy" began to play upon the PA systems setting the crowd into an uproar... the new entrance music for the French Tyrant known as the Baroness continued to play, as the lights of the entrance ramp began to dim in exchange for more focused blue tinted spotlights that moved within the darkness. Soon enough, eight maids began to appear and walk into set places... wearing rather revealing uniforms, lining up opposite each other in a dual line formation of four. They each took position opposite one and other, spreading down over the ramp before standing to attention... Once the Maids were in place, the Baroness herself began to walk elegantly into view through a large plume of rising smoke, clad in her shoulder pads and a large cloak that covered her entire form. Her expression was as uncaring as ever, paying no attention to the constant roars and near riots of the fans she continued to piss off.

Slowly, taking her sweet time, the Baroness began to make her way down the ramp. Each time she passed by a set of Maids, they took an item of clothing from her, first removing her shoulder pads in a smooth well rehearsed manner, moving in behind her, before the next set began to slip her large cloak from her shoulders... revealing her two piece bikini outfit below. As ever the Baroness was a Marvel of a woman to behold, her body splendidly defined and rounded. Her skin glistened in the low light, having noticeably been slightly oiled before the match.

The remaining Maids took point, walking with the Baroness, before shifting up to the ring to pull on the ropes, allowing the Baroness to elegantly and easily slip into the ring. The entire time during her long winded entrance... her eyes never left that of Clara's... and even now she continued to stare at her as she walked into the ring, not once even blinking. A sly smile crept upon her smooth lips, before she licked them as she looked Clara up and down. The ref came to check upon the Baroness, whispering complaints about the Maids who all stood at ring side. With a half arsed gesture, the Maids all retreated, but remained at ring side, watching their Mistress and her enemy of the night.

Ever so slowly, the Baroness backed into her corner, continuing to drink in Clara's desirable form... she couldn't wait to get her hands upon her... and her legs around her slender waist.
"Magnifique..." The Baroness whispered more to herself than anything else. She had nothing to wanted to say to Clara herself right now... rather... she would let her body do the talking when the match would finally start. Her smile grew darker as the Baroness took a wrestling position... her glare like that of a predator eager to catch its prey.

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Re: Clara GASTER vs Baroness - Bikini Match

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The cheers gradually turned to boos as time passed for Baroness's entrance...or lack there off. It took a while for the music to start, to the point where Clara almost thought Baroness was a no show...even though, in the back of her mind, she knew Stephanie was just toying some more with her.

Her music started a few minutes after her own theme quieted down (LAW running a few sponsorship messages in the meantime)...and a small army of maids in revealing outfits made their way to the sides of the entrance ramp...before Baroness, like a demon, came from rising smoke, making her deliberitly slow entrance all the more unbearable. Clara, to take her mind of waiting, repeated her upcoming game plan in her head.

The maids took clothing off of Baroness until Stephanie was left in her own two piece. Even though they were enemies, Clara couldn't help but admire Stephanie's physique. In another life, with a different attitude, she imagined she could've asked her out...

She noticed the small shine from Baroness, as the Frenchwoman clearly had a layer of oil on her skin. It was likely right at the legal threshold, the amount that allowed to not get cut in case strikes would do the talking, but not enough to make escaping holds in any way difficult for either woman.

As she locked eyes with Stephanie, she realized the Frenchwoman had her gaze on her, the icy interest and wish to crush the Shadow Lord behind those eyes.

The remaining maids helped Baroness into the ring, before they were gestured to retreat after a gesture from Baroness. Clara realized the match was technically No-DQ, but in preparation of the match, she actually added a small addition to the contract, "A Lady's Agreement". Breaking it wouldn't invoke any penalty for either woman, but it was there as an agreement between the two as rivals, but ones which knew exactly the way one wanted to beat the other. That agreement was simple - no foreign object usage for the match.

The two women have said all they could in preparations for their match, and as such, the only thing left to do the talking was their actions. She knew what Baroness was thinking as she gazed at her with her evil smile. She knew Stephanie wanted nothing but to utterly crush her, like predator getting ready to pounce on her prey...

Except the roles Stephanie had in her mind were about to be switched.

With both women prepared, the ref signalled for the bell.


The moment the first bell ringing sounded, Clara was already in a sprint, taking off for Baroness with a determined look on her face.


Second bell was when she jumped into the air, spinning with her feet targeting Baroness's chest!


Right at the third bell, Clara's dropkick connected as she aimed to send Stephanie right into her corner!

The crowd erupted in cheers at the quick start to the bout, Clara quickly taking position to the right of the standing, prone Baroness, winding her hand to unleash a hard Knife Edge Chop to her chest!

With the two hard strikes, Clara would already have Baroness breathing hard, as she forced Baroness to expel precious air from her lungs. Winding Stephanie down, the determined Shadow Lord dragged her rival out of the corner by her leg, yanking on it to pull the Frenchwoman away from the corner and to the floor, dropping to the mat herself to lock in a kneebar on the Baroness!

"You thought you'd squeeze the life out of me tonight...", Clara would say: "Let's see you try that with one leg!"

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Re: Clara GASTER vs Baroness - Bikini Match

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The watching crowd began to erupt when Clara went on the offensive the moment the bell began to signal the beginning of the match. Clara wasted no time picking Baroness apart who had been taken completely off guard by Clara's sudden burst of attack. She had expected the once meek wrestler to be more standoff-ish, cautious and afraid to approach... The French Tyrant could not have been more wrong, as a powerful drop kick clashed against her chest, sending the French woman sprawling back until she hit the corner hard. Given the momentum of the impact, she bounced towards Clara, who was quick to rise to her feet and send a brutal Knife Edge Chop down against her chest, taking the wind from Stephanie's chest as she gasped out breathlessly. The follow up strike had Baroness back into the corner, her eyes wide at the audacity of this sudden lunge of offence.

There was no time to gain her bearings, no time to catch her breathe or take control... The total uproar of support for Clara was near deafening, leaving her almost disorientated and unable to gather thought... and Clara wasted not a single second of time, taking one of Stephanie's dangerous legs before pulling her hard from the sanctuary of the turnbuckle. The motion was so strong it brought the Baroness up off her feet before she fell back first against the canvas. The Baroness could barely comprehend what was going on, when she felt a sudden sharp pain in her knee, feeling GASTER wrap herself around her left leg to apply a deadly Kneebar. The Baroness shouted out in pain, as GASTER clinched the hold more effectively... targeting her legs and making no attempt to hide the tactic as she spoke to her.

The Baroness swore outloud in her native tongue, aiming her insults towards GASTER. In any other circumstances, feeling the bare skin of GASTER's scantily clad form against her own would certainly have been a pleasing aspiration, as their bare legs were entwined together in the lock. Given the sudden pain and the sheer humiliation of being locked up so early however... held no desire at all! The Baroness grasped at her own head, screaming in pain as her leg was bent in such a way that it was not designed too. The ref began to slide close, asking if the Baroness wanted to give up. Her answer came sharply in the form of a powerful shove, sending the ref reeling backwards before she clashed against the turnbuckle.

The screams turned into a roar of rage as the Baroness gritted her teeth hard. Her shapely leg slowly bent more out of shape as the GASTER looked to disable one of the deadliest weapons in the Baroness' arsenal, clinching in the hold a little tighter... looking to score a second victory against the French Tyrant. The Baroness sat up, looking to close the distance and get within reach of Clara, before she tried to strike at her head a few times. It became hard to get good leverage to strike however... and the Baroness screamed out once more as Clara locked on her deadly Kneebar...

In desperation, the Baroness began to slide her body back towards the corner... hearing the deafening cheers of the crowd as they chanted Clara's name outloud. The cheers turned to jeers however when the Baroness was able to latch onto the bottom rope... clinging on for dear life as the referee began to signal for a rope break!
"You.... you'll pay for that..." The Baroness spat out with venom dripping from her tone.

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Re: Clara GASTER vs Baroness - Bikini Match

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The crowd chanted loudly, Baroness was screaming in pain and Clara wore a confident, earnest smile on her face. Why didn't she start matches out of the gate like this more often? Though as she analyzed that, it would get too predictable if she did that every time...but she did leave that as a valid strategy in her mind for the future.

"You chose your own poison in challenging me, Steph", she casually referred to Baroness. A slight blush crept on her cheeks as she felt Baroness's bare body against her's, but she tried to dash the distracting thoughts out of her mind. Stephanie made effort to escape the hold, getting to the ropes and grasping them with her legs. The match was no-DQ, but ropes were a dead area for holds. She couldn't be dqed, but she couldn't win the match in the rope area, however. She kept her hold on the move for 4 more seconds...before respecting the rules of the ring, and releasing the hold, viewing that as part of the "ladies' agreement".

Still, with ref not separating them due to the No-DQ rules, Clara quickly went for Baroness's hair, dragging Stephanie back to her feet by them. She usually refrained from going for her opponent's mane like this...but with how much she disliked the Baroness, she earned a special place in her list, one where she was ok to bend her own code of honor a little bit.

Clara would proceed to further deflate the icy Frenchwoman's lungs - sending hard, vicious elbows into her chest. Once Clara had enough, and it was clear to her Stephanie was further winded down, she sneaked behind the woman, snaking her arms around her waist, and lifting her up into the air for a powerful German Suplex!

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Re: Clara GASTER vs Baroness - Bikini Match

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In the heat of the moment, and with pain dominating her senses, The Baroness had all but neglected the reality that Clara did not have to release her from the Kneebar when she grasped the ropes. The referee could certainly do little about it... Disqualification was a foreign concept in the rules of engagement for this match. That said... It wasn't completely fruitless as the Baroness was able to slowly start climbing the ropes, looking to try and swing the momentum and leverage to her own favour... However, after long agonising seconds, Clara did release her deadly hold upon the Baroness... all but establishing that rope breaks could remain an option of escape... a silent condition perhaps... one the Baroness might honour given Clara did not have to release her hold after all.

The Baroness was left hobbling in the aftermath of the hold, favouring one of her precious legs as she swore in French, using the ropes to climb up to her feet and gain some stability. The crowd were still on their feet, chanting their heroine's name... almost as if she had already won the match. Gritting her teeth, the Baroness was about to gather herself, but soon felt a sharp pain upon her chest as she turned in time to meet a vicious elbow strike. She staggered back against the ropes, before Clara advanced, landing blow after blow, working on her chest to draw the breathe from her lungs. The flurry of attacks left the Baroness stunned, unable to catch her breath as she grasped at her own chest.

During her distraction, Clara's arms wrapped around from her waist promptly from behind, locking in a rear bearhug, which quickly turned into an expertly executed German suplex. The impact of the move left the canvas shaking, as Baroness landed on her head and shoulders before folding in on herself. She would have been primed for a pinfall in the position she was... but counting was excluded from this specific match up... Only a submission or knockout would suffice... The Baroness was released from the pin, falling unceremoniously onto the mat with a whimper and a grunt. The French Tyrant cursed under her breathe, slowly looking to bring herself up to her feet.

How could she allow this to happen?!

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Re: Clara GASTER vs Baroness - Bikini Match

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Despite releasing Baroness, Clara kept the top of her head on the ground, showing off her perfect bridge from the Suplex to the massively cheering crowd...before using her feet to lift her core off the ground, managing to get up from the bridge with only her legs (and stumbling only a little!). The crowd cheered the athletisism and confidence on the part of the Brit, as she eyed her opponent lying on the ground...

Clara would rush towards the ropes, and rebound from them for her next move, jumping right at Baroness, aiming to land her back on her stomach to drive more air out of her rival's lungs with a Senton!

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Re: Clara GASTER vs Baroness - Bikini Match

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The crowd were simply electrified by Clara, entranced by her onslaught as she began to dominate the Baroness in this bikini match up. No one expected such an explosive beginning to the match... least of all the Baroness! It showed as she remained on the floor, struggling to get her bearings as Clara began to rebound off the ropes with her offensive as alive as ever! The crowd screamed in joy as Clara began to flip her body, using it as a weapon against Miss Squeeze herself!

That enthusiasm however came to a sudden halt when Clara tried to land her Senton upon the French Tyrant, as cheers soon turned to gasps and cries of anguish. Having anticipated Clara's next move, Baroness had returned to the floor, lying on her back and playing possum, simply waiting for Clara to make her move! The moment she was about to land upon her bare stomach, the Baroness tucked her legs together and raised them, making Clara land spine first against her shins in a backbreaker like move. Clara was left arched in a C like position over her legs, before the Baroness used her limbs to flip Clara over onto the canvas.

This time it was the Baroness who flipped onto her feet, no doubt looking to mock Clara's earlier moment and effort in the spotlight when she was able to flip... Whilst Clara favoured her spine and writhed, the Baroness began to plant stiff kicks against her back, swearing in French as the crowd began an uproar, watching as their favourite wrestler was beaten upon with no mercy. Soon enough, the Baroness grasped Clara's hair, pulling her up in a rough manner with no DQ being an issue... The Ref tried to warn the Baroness, but she was able to ignore her knowing there would be no consequence.

Showing off her frightening strength, the Baroness scooped Clara upwards as if she had the weight of a paper cup, holding her rear with one arm and having the other around her chest... holding her in a powerslam like position. The Baroness walked around a few steps with her, before hoisting her upwards. The French Tyrant then dropped to one knee, before planting Clara back first over her outstretched leg, giving her a brutal backbreaker, forcing the Brit into a C like position once more, working on her spine no doubt to set her up for what was to eventually come.
"I will break you... many times over... and then I'll crush you." The Baroness whispered with malice and venom dripping in her tone, before she hoisted Clara upwards again, soon walking towards the center of the ring to reset her position... She smiled in a dark manner as the crowd continued to protest, before dropping Clara into a second backbreaker, putting more effort into the drop to make it more devastating than the last! She held Clara in place for a moment, watching as the crowd began to jeer and scream at her for the sudden shift in momentum.

She merely glared back, lifting Clara upwards one more time, holding her with one arm in an arrogant manner as her other simply pointed towards the crowd. The Baroness soon flung her own body backwards, using her momentum to flip Clara... but in a horrific display she performed this fallaway slam, sending Clara body first into one of the turnbuckles! The despicable move caused a near riot, as Clara bounced into the corner before collapsing down onto the canvas. By now the Baroness was already on her feet, slowly walking around the ring... watching ... glaring at Clara on the ground, breathing heavily with anger. It seemed the fans watching were expecting a sexy performance given the two ladies wore little but bikinis... but it was fast turning into something else... something more dark and brutal! It became clear the Baroness didn't want to just humiliate Clara... but pick her apart and break her!

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Re: Clara GASTER vs Baroness - Bikini Match

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And it was all going so well...

The fear returned as she felt the first tinges of pain going down her spine. The fires she felt previously flared up as Baroness backstabbed Clara, the Brit rolling off of the Baroness's legs, grasping at her spine. She knew she had to run, recuperate...or do practically anything before Stephanie caught her and made the pain her spine even worse.

Then the kicks came:


The kicks flared up her spine, again and again, as Clara started to remember what it was like to face the Baroness in the ring. Eventually, the kicks stopped, but instead, Baroness' pulled on Clara's raven-black ponytail, easily lifting the Shadow Lord with her arms...

...before driving her into a backbreaker with her knee.

"MMMGH!...uuugh, keep dreaming...Steph...", she tried to protest meekly, trying to put up a face, trying to make it look like she was not afraid of the Baroness...

The icy Frenchwoman's response was to simply nail her with another, even stronger backbreaker!


Clara's spine burnt like magma, but there was no getting out for her. Stephanie would lift her back up again...and throw her backwards into a corner of the ring with a fallaway slam, her hurting back impacting the top turnbuckle midflight as she landed on her front!

Within a minute, the crowd, and Clara herself had forgotten the earlier triumphant display from the returning wrestler, as the Brit was left a writhing mess on the floor, arching her hurting back...

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