Tamago Oshiro vs Alaina " Amazon " Sanders - Meeting a legend

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Tamago Oshiro vs Alaina " Amazon " Sanders - Meeting a legend

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The winner of this match will be decided by a single pinfall or submission

Tamago had been travelling the world honing her wrestling skills and making a name for herself, and most of all she had been trying to spread the message that her team of style and entertainment orientated wrestlers had been delivering across the globe. The daredevil had came to LAW while her fellow show troupe members went across the world for one reason, to show that even with her brand of wrestling she was to be taken seriously, and to try and convert as many fans and fellow wrestlers into seeing the positives of individualistic styles in wrestler and personality shinning through performance, rather than the broad categories of wrestling that most modern wrestlers fit into, never really isolating themselves from what they were taught to make their own style. In Tamago's first match at LAW she had the perfect chance to do so, against a very skilled and accomplished wrestler known as " The Amazon " or at least that was the name given to her in ring personality, in reality she was Alaina Sanders. Tamago was happy with this match up both due to the large interest the match would have as one of Alaina's first few matches since coming out of requirement, and the daredevil was also happy since Alaina was a prime example of a wrestler with a unique personality that showed in each and every one of her impressive performances.

Tamago would waste little time backstage, waiting in her usual ring attire, which consisted of some small red tights which covered her inner thighs, but revealed just enough of her curves for her look to be a bit risque without giving the illusion that she was a hentai fighter. Then she would be wearing her silver scale patterned bra, which had a small strap at the sides which tied around the back, and some read material that tightly did the same under her breasts, doing a better job of keeping her goods covered and where they were meant to be than the bra straps themselves did. The final touches to Tamago's attire included one long purple boot on one foot which almost reached her knee, meanwhile on the other leg she had a black boot which barely reached her ankle, and would have a small denim jacket with ripped sleeves and that only reached the bottom of her breasts. Soon Tamago's theme blared through-out the arena, The daredevil taking a moment quickly stretch stretch before revealing herself to the crowd just after her music had started.

" Barracuda " by Heart would blare through-out the arena as Tamago appeared at the top of the ramp, taking a moment to look over at the crowd and lights before then striking her signature post on one knee, where she would make a shape like a camera using two of her fingers on each hand. The daredevil holding it for a second before then quickly springing back up to her feet the next time her music dropped and slowly sauntering towards the ring, holding a hearty grin as she took in the spectacle of the Arena that would be her home for a while. Eventually Tamago would reach the ring and quickly roll under the bottom rope, getting to her feet and then leaning against the ropes once she entered the ring, as her music dulled it became apparent Tamago didn't intend to move from her position and so the waiting officials outside the ring threw her a mic which the Daredevil would swiftly catch as her music completely faded out. Since Tamago had previously requested some talking time beforehand.

Tamago would just wait a moment after catching the mic, looking around the arena one last time and letting out an impressed whistle before then lifting the mic to her mouth to talk " Hello LAW, My name is Tamago and I didn't show up here to be over shadowed and easily dispatched by a legend, I have my own mission today. Although I can't ignore the elephant in the room, so I'll talk about something that every wrestling fan is more familiar with than they are my unproven rantings. Alaina Sanders, a legend in the industry who is now back in the wrestling world. I have to admire now only what she has done, but about her methods of doing so, never faltering to believe in her own strength. However I didn't come here primarily to state me appreciation, I came to win, even if it means beating down a retired icon who in all honestly is my prime example of the perfect wrestler. " Tamago would explain before then lowering the mic, not getting much response from the crowd other than a few odd fans who knew about Tamago before she appeared in LAW and a general positive buzz for the fact she was respectful of Alaina's legacy.

Tamago would then lay the mic in the middle of the ring, afterall it would hardly be fair for her to talk and deny such an admirable legend the right to do the same. Although of course the ref seemed tempted to remove the mic from the ring, fidgeting a little bit which made it obvious if Alaina didn't go right for it then the ref would quickly throw it outside. Once the biker was done speaking she would move to her corner, stretching her neck and shoulders as she started over at the ramp with a serious face and dead fish eyes, making it clear she was concentrating but far from making her as intimidating as many other wrestlers could size themselves up to be. Tamago would wait for her opponent to show up, eager to meet and match with the Amazon.

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Re: Tamago Oshiro vs Alaina " Amazon " Sanders - Meeting a legend

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Alaina was backstage in her wrestling gear, a mom in a skin tight tiger print one piece swimsuit, with matching kneepads and boots doing some stretches. Nothing abkut her appearance or figure screamed 'soccer mom' By any means.

She watched the TV back stage as her young opponent seemed to know who she was. Alaina blushed a bit at what she said bit the amazon was on a mission of her own: to prove to the world an old 42 year old mom can be a champion still.

Her music played as she strut down the ramp, high fiving fans and smiling all the way. Alaina climbed into the ring and struck a couple power poses for the crowd before settling in the center. She nodded to Tamago and extended her hand.

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Re: Tamago Oshiro vs Alaina " Amazon " Sanders - Meeting a legend

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Tamago would watch as Alaina appeared, truthfully she got a bit nervous seeing how much of a good condition the legend's body was still in, and just at the fact she was facing a well established name. The daredevil knew how to place her usual worries and emotions behind her in a match though, after all that was the thing that made her a popular wrestler in the first place. So after a moment the daredevil would firmly grasp Alaina's hand for a handshake, before then going back to her corner. Neither wrestler had formally introduced themselves to the other, but Tamago had introduced herself to the crowd which Alaina probably saw backstage, and the Amazon didn't need an introduction, just a stage and a willing body.

Tamago would wait in her corner, quickly stretching her tights out and doing a quick neck exercise before the bell rang, prompting the purple haired wrestler to leave the corner, pacing quickly towards the middle of the match and holding her arms out for a test of strength. Tamago perhaps was making a foolish move by doing so, but honestly she was just curious how her strength would compare to Alaina's, of course the daredevil's main prowess wasn't in strength, but she still wanted to know just how much a gap there was.

The daredevil knew that even if she was overpowered, she could likely turn things around with her decent strength and above average speed, and above all else if things went sour then the gambling wrestler knew she could take bumps, since most of her matches including her throwing herself off of everything and at everyone, which over time built her up to be pretty resistant to damage.

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Re: Tamago Oshiro vs Alaina " Amazon " Sanders - Meeting a legend

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Alaina raised an eyebrow at the prospect of a contest of strength to start things off. The amazon stepped in and locked hands stepping in to see what Tamago was made of! She let out a loud war cry as she put all her strength into this as she could, trying to force Tamago back hard against the turnbuckle!

Alaina wasn't going to do anything without giving it a full 100% effort. The fans deserved better, and she always wanted to come out on top regardless of who her opponent was. Tonight was for Alaina to reassert herself at the top of the world of women wrestling yet again!

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Re: Tamago Oshiro vs Alaina " Amazon " Sanders - Meeting a legend

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Tamago would brace herself as Alaina approached and locked hands with her, but would be surprised to see just how much force a woman of Alaina's age could still apply, immediately making the daredevil take a few steps backwards as she tried to quickly put as much strength into her push as possible to combat her opponent's power. Soon enough the purple haired wrestler would be able to slow her opponent's push, almost bring her movement to a halt, but occasionally having to take the odd step backwards.

Within a few more moments of struggling Tamago would find herself just a few steps away from the corner, and would pick this moment to try and turn things around, trying to abandon her test of strength to pull one of her fists back and then aim to drive it hard into the Amazon's waist. If the punch was enough to distract Alaina then Tamago would try to apply all her weight onto one of her legs, and then trying to turn her opponent in that direction, instead of pushing the Amazon backwards Tamago would now be pushing the woman to the side. If that worked out then Tamago would try to time herself so that by the time they had switched positions Alaina would be in the corner, and Tamago would try to hold the Amazon in place against the turnbuckle.

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Re: Tamago Oshiro vs Alaina " Amazon " Sanders - Meeting a legend

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Alaina was making progress, but not as quickly as she hoped. Right when she had Tamago where she wanted her she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen! "Ugh!" Alaina groaned as she faltered, stepping back and suddenly being spun against the turnbuckle! She groaned in pain again as Tamago snuck in a strike and spun Alaina around. "nice try.. too bad it won't make up for my experience!" Alaina said through her grit teeth. She felt like she forgot more in retirement that Tamago had learned so far in her career.

The amazon couldn't let that one slide. She was stuck in the corner but reached out to grab Tamago by the shoulders. From there Alaina would try to surge out and raise her knee right into the abdomen of Tamago to double her over!

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Re: Tamago Oshiro vs Alaina " Amazon " Sanders - Meeting a legend

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As Tamago managed to out manuever her experienced opponent into the corner the daredevil thought she had things surprisingly under control, spinning Alaina into the corner and trying to hold the larger wrestler there for a moment as she quickly tried to think of a game plan to keep the Amazon down. However the daredevil wasn't one to ignore a comment no matter the situation, as she had a persona to uphold and so valued expressing herself in the match more than concentrating to ensure that every exchange goes her way. [color=#330066" Sorry Amazon, but even the sharpest gazelle can't escape the lions den " [/color]The daredevil would quickly retort, somewhat proud of her fast thinking.

Just as Tamago was about to make her next move and throw herself at Alaina she would be surprised to see her opponent do the same, the Amazon grasping the daredevil's shoulders and then springing forward with her knee outstretched, driving it hard into the entertainer's abdomen. The blow was enough to force a pained grunt out of the daredevil's lips, but the less experienced wrestler would try to show some of her guts by immediately wrapping her arms around Alaina's knee to try and stop the woman from following through, or escaping her position near the corner.

After a brief moment of recovery Tamago would try to use her grasp of the Amazon's knee to forcibly spread her opponent's leg outwards to the side and towards the daredevil's own body, while holding it in the air, before then trying to bring one of her own legs up to meet it. The daredevil trying to will through the pain for now and drive the side of her upper ankle into the back of her opponent's shin.

Even if things succeeded though, the purple haired wrestler would be quick to release Alaina from her grasp and quickly take a few steps back while holding her abdomen, eyeing up her opponent and trying to take a moment to let the lingering pain in her body dissipate somewhat, trying to buy some time to give her body the recovery she had denied it earlier by acting immediately.

" I'm not going to give you the chance to use your experience old timer, if you've seen a lot of styles in your days then I'll just need to come at you with a brand new one. " Tamago would state, keeping her sharp eyes upon her opponent, the purple haired wrestler in better shape than she usually was, motivated to face one of her idols and focused on her goal. After all, even if the daredevil could take hits, she was currently against the Amazon who even in her later years could probably take just as many bumps, in this battle Tamago was certain to lose if she ran in wildly. For now it was important for Tamago to try and keep on top of the first few exchanges, even if to do so she had to limit her attacks to short bursts, which admittedly wasn't always her most successful approach.

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Re: Tamago Oshiro vs Alaina " Amazon " Sanders - Meeting a legend

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Alaina was not happy that Tamago escaped with only one hard knee strike, but she was happy to be out of the corner herself. She was focused don Tamago as the two began to circle again. however Alaina's focused stare gained a bit of an edge to it and her ears perked up when Tamago spoke. "Old timer?" Alaina said quietly, her lips curling to a small sneer.

Tamago did not just go there. The amazon lunged in and reached for the hair of Tamago, trying to grasp it firmly and spin facing away from Tamago before using her grip to whip Tamago over with a snapmare! If that worked Alaina would transition seamlessly into a rear chin lock, her leg pressing up against Tamago's back and she pulled on her chin as hard as she could!

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Re: Tamago Oshiro vs Alaina " Amazon " Sanders - Meeting a legend

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Tamago would notice a slightly unexpected response in her opponent at the mention of old timer, now that she thought about it she could be seen as rude, but she thought surely the Amazon wouldn't get angry at simple reality. Then the daredevil would be reminded that not all woman were as uncaring about such things as she was, Alaina lunging forward and the Amazon's tight grip constricting around the purple haired woman's hair. Then before the younger wrestler could even vocalise her distaste with having her hair tugged she would have much bigger issues, as the bigger woman turned around and pulled Tamago's hair viciously, slamming the personified badass onto her behind.

"Aarh!" Tamago would gruffly cry out, her roots burning and her behind landing awkwardly and painfully against the canvas, before the downed wrestler's complaints would be stifled by the Amazon's hands pulling her chin upwards harshly, while holding Tamago in place with her knee against the purple haired wrestler's back. The daredevil would let out a long growl as she got slightly more accustomed to the pain, at least enough to stop herself from crying out in pain again.

Tamago would at first attempt to whip her body to one side to escape the hold, but would quickly find the Amazon's grip and control to be just as overwhelming as she had expected it to be, the purple haired wrestler hardly being able to buy even a moment of space with that method. Unfortunately the daredevil was still too pained to try and struggle more for her freedom just yet, the older wrestler's surprisingly quick paced exchanges and strong locks giving the younger wrestler a difficult time.

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Re: Tamago Oshiro vs Alaina " Amazon " Sanders - Meeting a legend

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"Not bad for an old lady is it?" Alaina said as she kept the hold locked in, doing her best to fight off Tamago and her efforts to break free! Alaina felt like she had something to prove. If the fans and roster thought she was old, they likely didn't take her seriously. That would be something Alaina was going to take care of tonight with her performance inside the ring.

Alaina tightened her grip, pulling back and letting out a loud scream as she exerted all the effort she could into making Tamago tap out right here and now! "How does this feel hmm? Ready to tap out yet?" Alaina asked as her muscles tensed up, keeping the hold locked in tightly for the time being.

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