Ina Rosenbaum vs Monica Jackson - Setting An Example

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Ina Rosenbaum vs Monica Jackson - Setting An Example

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Standard Match
Win By KO, Pin or Submission

It has finally come to this. Years of work and training are gonna be tested out. Ina is confident about her skills but she can't help but get nervous as this is LAW now, the one she can only watch years back but now, she's next to be watched, followed and admired by millions. She gives her cheeks a light slap to shake the cobwebs inside her as she's the first one who's gonna get called.
Ina Rosenbaum
She comes out of the gorilla position as her theme song played and stood on the ramp with one clenched fist up in the air. She stood there for a moment as she don't mind taking her time soaking the crowd cheers as they greet her ecstatically.

This match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Germany in her first ever match here in LAW..... Ina Rosenbaum.

Her posture, suiting her slightly tall stature, which she practiced since she was a child certainly shows her class having been born from a military family. She then walk down the ramp slowly towards the ring, her hair flowing and bouncing elegantly at each step, as she's cat walking essentially owning the pathway like a model's runway. She then climbs the ladder and walk towards the apron of the ring and with one easy, effortless, smooth move pulled her black and crimson cape, her cape opening up and slightly eclipsing the ring with its crimson color inside for a while before falling to the side of the ring.

She then enters the ring and get to the corner and settle there as she waits for her opponent. "This is it. My first match here in the big league. I have to establish myself so I won't hold back. It's too late to turn back, I've prepared so much for this", she thought to herself.
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Re: Ina Rosenbaum vs Monica Jackson

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Monica didn't have to wait for long in guerilla position before Ina completed her entrance and waited in the ring. The lightweight's music would play as she stepped through the curtains on to the ramp, she heard a rather loud mostly positive reaction, which was surprising, she wasn't one to pander to the crowd, but the reaction did bring a smile to her face as she walked down the ramp towards the ring.

Monica didn't have even a moment of theatrics as she got to the ring and entered under the bottom ropes, and walked her corner, gazing at Ina as she walked, discerning whatever she could about her physique and apparent attitude, though the later was a little out of Monica's expertise so she didn't get much. The lightweight felt refreshed to finally be fighting someone other than her rival, getting slightly angry as she remembered all her encounters with Alyssa.

"I'm Monica. " Monica said, not one with pleasantries or trash talk, unless Ina planned to go down that route, then Monica would be happy to play along. Ina didn't seem too much taller than Monica, but she did seem to be generally a little larger, but not enough that Monica felt the need to plan around it.

Monica would wait for the bell to ring, and would walk to the middle of the ring, smiling as she got an idea.

" Having a test of strength is kinda lame, how about we trade blows instead? " Monica suggested, both for the fun of it and because she was more of a striker than a grappler, and it would certainly be useful to find out if Ina could go blow to blow with her or not.
Last edited by RJD on Sat Dec 12, 2020 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ina Rosenbaum vs Monica Jackson

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Ina glanced over to the ramp as she heard the first note of her opponent's music quickly noticing the girl. She also noticed that she didn't play with the crowd and it made her think that she would've just entertained the crowd a little bit when she made her entrance if she knew her opponent wouldn't, to rally the crowd and bring excitement to the match. Nonetheless, she also know that there's no need for such as she'd certainly make quite a show they would like when she starts beating this poor girl that was booked for her debut.

She immediately scanned Monica as she went to her corner. She seems like a reversed person like herself, as Ina knows that actions are better than words. Her body looks petite and she doesn't look that strong to become a threat for her but Ina also knows that looks can be deceiving, so she plans to test the water early on

"Hi! I'm Ina, I hope I have a fun match with you, cause I already know you wouldn't." Ina replies back as Monica haven't given her much to work with. She's taken aback a little by how Monica walked to the center of the ring with a smirk inviting her for a trade of blows. Ina knows that it's not really a good plan especially when you're at a disadvantage in size and that it would be preferable to wait for the bigger opponent to come and use speed but she just shrugged off that thought. "Fine! If you wanna lose that way I'm more happy to oblige." She starts charging towards Monica and at the last minute take her right hand to the other side and deliver a knife edge chop right across Monica's breasts.

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Re: Ina Rosenbaum vs Monica Jackson

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" Well, I'm not sure fun is the right word barbie. " Monica responded, she wasn't much of a talker but she'd at least fire back when she felt insulted. At the same time though the purple haired woman didn't bother responding as Ina insinuated she would lose again, though it did irritate her, and she didn't even hide it on her face.

Finally the showdown began proper, and Ina chopprd her hand across Monica's chest in a sharp movement, chopping her jiggly chest with an audible 'smack'. Monica reeled back slightly and winced, sealing her lips to try not to give Ina the satisfaction of hearing her cry out, though there was a subtle huff of air that left Monica's lips in reaction to the pain.

Monica winced, but then focused her gaze back on Ina slightly red faced, fuelling herself with anger, Monica breathing in before shooting her fist forwards, trying to punch Ina hard in the chest. The lightweight felt the need to show Ina what she was up against, so although it was risky Monica would decide to the try to follow up by smacking her forearm into the side of Ina'a head, trying to give her two strikes in exchange for one!

Monica's chest stung like hell, but she'd rather voluntarily take 5 more than let on that Ina's striking strength was concerning.

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Re: Ina Rosenbaum vs Monica Jackson

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Ina was insulted by Monica calling her a "barbie" as she takes pride to how she looks and certainly dress up a lot to prove that. "Well this Barbie will beat you like a ragdoll." Ina snaps back as she chopped her hand across Monica's chest hard that it made Monica reel back from the pain and wince.

She also noticed how Monica's trying to hide the pain she felt "Ohh trying to act tough ehh. Well fine, it'd be more fun to force the whimpers out of your filthy mouth anyway." Ina managed to say before being thrown completely off guard by Monica's punch to her chest making her gasp in pain and double over as air gets pushed out of her lungs, her chest heaving as she tries to take in the air that she lost and when she's just about to raise her head back again, she was met with a hook to the side of her fce "Oooooooooof!!" making her head fling to the other side taking her body along with it as she struggle backwards a bit.

After a few moments, she stare back at Monica cracking and fixing her neck and having her palm caressing the side of her face that was hit "And that's how you sell simple strike moves!" she replies wittingly to sort of joke around and annoy the little girl but if she's going to be honest, those hits hurt but she intend to strike fear not impose honesty.

She then swings her right arm to hit Monica with the same hit to make her taste her own medicine. She would rely on Monica turning around in pain by the impact so that she could wrap her arms around Monica's waist and lift her up for a suplex!!
Last edited by Violet on Mon Dec 21, 2020 8:25 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Ina Rosenbaum vs Monica Jackson

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Monica felt great as she smacked that bitch about, especially after she said such vulgar things to her, if this were a street fight Ina would be getting a serious beating for that one. The lightweight settled for a mean combo of strikes though, before then waiting for Ina's response, wanting to stay true to her offer at the beginning of the match.

Ina would respond by smacking her forearm into the side of Monica's head in a mirrored strike of what she had just taken, the strength behind it was surprising to the lightweight as the momentum carried her into a turn and left her stunned for a moment. Monica ended up turning to the side, and before she could shake off her grogginess she felt arms wrap around her waist.

Monica by pure instinct grabbed those hands and tried to pry and claw them off her, but Ina was too quick to let a real struggle break out between them, hoisting Monica up from behind and falling back, lifting Monica by the waist and releasing her right at the peak of downward motion, slamming the lightweight shoulders first into the canvas behind her.

" Gaah! Good one... you fucking vulgar bitch. " Monica grumbled, as she turned over onto her front, slowly trying to push up to a crawling position, not letting the intense pain from the suplex keep her down, Monica knew that against someone like this it was more important to be resilient than try to recover or be strategic, what Monica really needs to do was keep getting back up and getting more than even.

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Re: Ina Rosenbaum vs Monica Jackson

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Ina managed to turn Monica's back towards her and started to take advantage of that opportunity through her plan. She hugged Monica's waist from behind tight and start lifting her up although the lightweight struggled a bit. But it was too late now as Ina lifted Monica up in the air and smack her shoulder first down the mat with a satisfying thud.

Although it's not as powerful as Ina hoped it to be as Monica struggled slowing down the otherwise clean and perfect suplex as it's just a basic move for her already having practiced it since she was a child. She was still surprised though at first as how Monica was able to recover from it so fast even being able to insult her as she rolled to all fours on the mat.

Ina herself took a while before getting back up on her feet as even though she knows a lot about these things, she's no superwoman and especially took some effort to lift up her opponent. She replied nothing but a growl to Monica as she doesn't wanna play around anymore as she now see her opponent as a threat despite her small stature.

Ina dashed forward towards Monica and goes for the lock up, gritting her teeth as she put all her effort into it looking to trap Monica in the corner so to have herself in an even more favorable position than her lightweight opponent.

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Re: Ina Rosenbaum vs Monica Jackson

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As Monica stood up and straightened out her back Ina rushed towards her without a moments delay, so the lightweight's eyes widened as she tried to grab Ina's shoulder and arm, but before she could even grip them tightly she was already being pushed back, and she couldn't disrupt the momentum Ina had gathered or match her strength, so soon enough she was slammed back first into the corner.

Monica's teeth ground together as she frowned, realizing this was a bad spot. The scrappy lightweight would use her grip on Ina to pull her close by the shoulder, and then would try to swing her head forward to crash her fore dome into the other wrestler's face. Monica letting go of Ina after that, hoping that Ina would take a few steps back, leaving her more room to work with.

If there was enough separation between them and the headbutt worked then Monica would try to lean into the corner and hold the ropes to keep herself upright, as she lifted her legs from the canvas and tried to outstretch her legs upwards into Ina's body to kick her, using the corner to keep her up and stable enough that her feet could just return to the canvas afterwards if Ina hadn't countered or caught them.

Monica knew that the corner wasn't a good place to be, so she was hoping to pressure Ina into retreating, before she could take advantage of the lightweight's cornered position.

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Re: Ina Rosenbaum vs Monica Jackson

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Ina kept pushing Monica as hard as she can, taking advantage of the fact that Monica was caught off guard as she follow through her move so fast. It didn't take long for her to push Monica to the corner as she pushed hard gritting her teeth and with the determined look on her face as she's getting all riled up, wanting to break Monica even more and more.

"You are a tough nut to crack are you? Well, it's better to have you still up and fighting when I start breaking your limbs one by one so you could feel all the pain.", Ina told Monica. Her heat start to rise up mainly because this girl actually offer some challenge for her. But that is her crucial mistake to trashtalk instead of following through as Monica grabbed her shoulder and headbutt her "Gahhh!!", Ina's head shoot backwards due to the impact, her nose hurting bad.

By the time she come to look right to Monica again, she sees her grabbing the ropes to jump and she immediately noticed what she was about to do. She bring her hands to cover her midsection fast. But it was too late for her to block it and just braced herself. Ina gasps in pain and bend over a little by the impact. She's not gonna lie that it was stronger than she expected and caught her off guard a bit.

But her hand was at least on time enough that Ina managed to grab Monica's feet by her ankles as she was about to pull back, managing to pull on it to prevent her from being pushed a couple of steps back by the impact. She then swings both her feet to the middle rope basically having Monica sit on it. She would then grab Monica's neck from behind and fall on her back pulling Monica with her and raising her knees to have her back slam on them for a double knee backbreaker

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Re: Ina Rosenbaum vs Monica Jackson

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Monica felt like she had returned to her old street fighting and indie wrestling days, having been one herself she could spot a truly cruel fighter, and she knew that she couldn't let her get even a moment of control! Ina wasn't just looking for the win, Monica may end up seriously hurt if she didn't put her away quick enough.

Ina's promises to harm Monica were swiftly followed by the her receiving a headbutt deservedly. The lightweight then took action without delay, lifting herself using the ropes and kicking her legs up into Ina's stomach, smirking as she felt her attack connect. That sadistic smile disappeared quickly though as Monica was unable to pull her legs back, Ina had caught her after the blow.

" Fuck. " Monica grumbled, before her legs were swung to the side, causing her to turn in the corner and her legs to dangle over the middle ropes as she was forced to turn her back to Ina. The larger wrestler then grabbed Monica's neck roughly and yanked her back, pulling her out of the corner and putting her knees right into Monica's back as they collided with the canvas.

" Aahhh! Shit. " Monica cried out and cussed, bouncing off those knees after the backbreaker, landing on the canvas next to Ina and rolling onto her front, both arms moving behind her back instinctualy to nurse her aching back. Monica was now vulnerable, in a position she couldn't counter from even if she wasn't still preoccupied with the stinging pain in her back.

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