Yoko Kitsune vs Alaina Sanders - All Out War!

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Yoko Kitsune vs Alaina Sanders - All Out War!

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It's been a while since Yoko stood in LAW ring. She had picked up small house show and indie bookings and Japanese ad campaigns here and there, but nothing really got her too interested in her job for a while. Money was coming in, she was crushing small fleas on her plate...and no matter how much she asked LAW offices to give her a good opponent, they never could come back to her with a response, other than: "We are searching". All Yoko really wanted is to fight an opponent who could make her blood boil, one who she could bring to fight against her to bitter end, and vice versa...

...and finally, there was the call for a high-card match against a very important wrestler for LAW.

Yoko has heard of Alaina quite a bit in her travels worldwide, but luck would never allow the two to have a proper match until tonight. She had to count her blessings. Longevity of a wrestler was a tricky thing with a lot of factors, and being as active as she was in her 45 years of age was a big luck for the Japanese blonde.

Most would see the "Amazon" Alaina Sanders as an opportunity for greatness, for a title shot and for glory...

...Yoko only saw this as an opportunity to showcase to everyone, the crowds jeering at her, the weaklings in the locker rooms, the bosses higher up at LAW what real wrestling should be.
In the time she was gone, Yoko managed to commission herself new attire. There wasn't anything wrong with the old one, but a wrestler had to keep themselves looking fresh...and the Japanese blonde believed she never looked better than in her new one one-piece.

Yoko proudly marched down the entrance ramp with a confident strut, a wide smile on her face, and the chorus of boos...right as she came close to the ring...

...and saw a guy in front row looking down on his phone.

Her smile disappeared for an instant as she marched to him, her tall shadow enveloping the man as he lifted his head, sensing something was wrong...

He nearly leapt of his chair as he saw the expression of pure disdain and hate Yoko had towards him, the Japanese giantess lowering her head to meet his eye level as her arm hovered over his head...

...and she patted him, her earlier hateful expression gone as it was replaced with a widest of smiles:

"Good...good...remember this feeling when you lose your attention again. Because next time, fear wouldn't be the worst thing that happens to you tonight..."

The man gulped, nodding, putting his phone away into his pocket, as Yoko turned away and had a hearty laugh.

With that, the blonde giantess made her way up the ring, and over the ropes, the announcement of her name playing in the arena as she flexed her muscles at the crowd, much to their jeers and boos, especially after bullying a member of the audience.

Yoko made her way to the lower right corner of the screen, checking her boots as she awaited the Amazon's arrival.

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Re: Yoko Kitsune vs Alaina Sanders - All Out War!

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Alaina had heard of Yoko and was aware of her reputation. She was quite an amazing wrestler from what Alaina knew although she regrets not having seen her in action.

Wearing her tiger print one piece swimsuit Alaina came out into the arena strutting her way down the ramp and high fiving the fans as she went. Alai a climbed up onto the apron the through the ropes as she held her arms out, taking in the cheers of the crowd.

She looked over at Yoko, standing with her hands on her hips in the middle of the ring as she looked over her opponent. Alaina was going to remind women like Yoko that despite her age she was the top lady in this ring.

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Re: Yoko Kitsune vs Alaina Sanders - All Out War!

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Alaina would enter to massive cheers from the crowd. After bullying a crowd member, the only thing on people's minds was their wish to see the blonde Japanese giant be taken down by the beloved Amazon of LAW. Yoko smirked at their reaction, and at Alaina's powerful frame.

"I cannot wait to destroy her...", she thought to herself as Alaina finished her entrance, standing proudly in the middle of the ring. As the referee confirmed that everything was in order for the match...Yoko made her way to Alaina, coming chest to chest with her rival. Alaina was a fair bit shorter than Yoko, but Alaina had more muscle to her:

"I hope you are ready for the toughest match of your career. I will make sure tonight is not just a match, but a war between us...", she spoke to Alaina as she looked down on her...

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Re: Yoko Kitsune vs Alaina Sanders - All Out War!

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Alaina stepped right up to Yoko and smiled as the taller woman looked down at her. "Of course, I hope you are ready to be put in your place and humbled by a 45 year old who will show you the meaning of in-ring power." Alaina said in reply.

As the bell rang Alaina lunged right in trying to grapple with Yoko! The amazon wanted to get hold of this woman in a grapple so she couldn't run allowing Alaina to slam her in the abdomen with some hard knee strikes to starting things off on the right foot! She wanted to really take it to Yoko who appeared to be a bully and be very cocky. Alaina would love humbling this woman in the ring tonight...

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Re: Yoko Kitsune vs Alaina Sanders - All Out War!

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Yoko giggled and shook her head at Alaina: "Age makes no difference in a warrior, Amazon.", Yoko told Alaina, before following the ref's instruction to make it to her corner so the match could start properly.

The bell rung, and the two titans collided with a collar and elbow tie up...and Alaina wasted no time in going straight into striking Yoko!

"Ugggh! Arrghh...", Yoko felt the air knocked out of her with each powerful strike to her abdomen. Alaina was already living up to her expectations in the power and viciousness department...but she had to let her fellow veteran know what she had in store as well. She grabbed at Alaina's leg during her third attempt to knee her in the gut, keeping her in place as she lifted her right leg, folded it...

...and drove it straight into the Amazon's chest, fully intending to take her down!

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Re: Yoko Kitsune vs Alaina Sanders - All Out War!

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Alaina hammered Yoko as hard as she could but was surprised when her leg was grabbed and she was falling back, landing hard on the mat! "Ugh!" Alaina groaned. She sat up and began to rise again, staring at Yoko. She was already proving to be able to back up the talk, although Alaina still looked forward to shutting her up. The amazon tried to lunge forward suddenly, rushing with more speed than she hoped Yoko expected as she extended her arm to crash into her with a clothesline!

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Re: Yoko Kitsune vs Alaina Sanders - All Out War!

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A simple kick down to the ground proved ineffective to keep Alaina down, which made Yoko happy. The aggression and toughness of her rival already meeting her expectations, though she wondered if she could exceed them...

The Amazon would leap forward, her arm crashing against Yoko's chest with massive force!

"Graaaagh!", the blonde powerhouse let out a sound somewhere between a scream and a roar, half in pain, and half in determination, managing to keep herself on her feet after Alaina's clothesline despite taking a few steps back...

...and pressing her back against the ropes, rebounding off of them at full speed as she launched a counter attack against Alaina, looking to crash her arm against the Amazon's chest with a Lariat!

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Re: Yoko Kitsune vs Alaina Sanders - All Out War!

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Alaina was in total shock now as Yoko seemed to be able to withstand her offense! She had crushed women much larger than her with such force but Yoko only to have Yoko bounce off the ropes and crashed into Alaina!

The amazon staggered back and ended up flat on her back clutching her chest and kicking the mat in agony, humiliated and embarrassed by her inability to make a lasting effect on Yoko.

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Re: Yoko Kitsune vs Alaina Sanders - All Out War!

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"No no no no no...", Yoko wagged her finger at Alaina as she grabbed her rival's brunette hair, forcibly dragging her back to her feet:

"I know you can do more. I can feel your anger. TRY AGAIN!", Yoko screamed at Alaina with a smile, aiming to anger her foe by patronizing her. She knew Alaina was powerful...but an angry Amazon would be much more sweeter to fight.

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Re: Yoko Kitsune vs Alaina Sanders - All Out War!

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Alaina heard Yoko and as she was pulled up she hammered her twice in the abdomen with elbow strikes to free her hair from Yoko's grip. She felt like Yoko watched too much Star Wars or something and if that is what she wanted she was about to get it! Alaina surged back at Yoko, leaping off her feet to smash her in the chest with a lariat! Yoko was going to regret trying to goad the amazon into doing her worst and Alaina was eager to put all her strength on display feeling like the stronger woman not to mention the better wrestler!

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