Cagefighter and the Shadow Lord (For Jalter)

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Re: Cagefighter and the Shadow Lord (For Jalter)

Unread post by Vc0m »

"They are actually surprisingly easy...but need to put your head between my thighs"

As Clara used Alyssa's arm to help her rise, she very lightly, non-painfully kicked the blonde in the stomach to encourage her to double over. If she followed what she was doing, she'd prime Alyssa to lift her up, putting her head between her legs, before lifting the blonde cage fighter up to her shoulders:

"And from here you can either drop someone straight down, or sit down with your opponent during the fall. Like this!"

From there, she slowly sat down on the canvas, and carefully planted Alyssa onto the canvas with a Sit Ou Powerbomb!

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Re: Cagefighter and the Shadow Lord (For Jalter)

Unread post by Devastated »

Alyssa helped Clara up to her feet and then heard the fellow Brit let out that she had to put her head between her thighs, raising an eyebrow as she looked on at GASTER with a bit of a confused look. Then suddenly that soft kick came to her gut, hunching forward a bit she was then shoved so that her head was stuck in between those thighs of Clara.

A light blush on her face as she felt those toned legs squeeze gently on her head. Then suddenly she was rolled up onto the shoulders of Clara and she was then brought down! " Offt..." Alyssa huffed out as she was dropped down, there was a bit of a thud as her body hit the canvas, but she didn't feel too much pain from it, Clara had done a good job in holding back.

" Ah...Well that's something..." Alyssa spoke out as she would roll over and start to push herself up to her hands and knees. Rising to her feet next she'd nod her head at Clara. " Well, I think that does it for learning some about we try them out for real?" Alyssa said while she'd flash a toothy grin.

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Re: Cagefighter and the Shadow Lord (For Jalter)

Unread post by Vc0m »

" can still be a match ending move to this day, if you train it enough..."

With Alyssa nodding to Clara in understanding the move, the cagefighter would suggest trying the moves out:

"You mean...sparring? Sure! I wouldn't mind beating you for a second time!", Clara teased her rival, giving her her hand to help her up before getting into a combat stance to start things off...

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Re: Cagefighter and the Shadow Lord (For Jalter)

Unread post by Devastated »

Getting help up to her feet, Alyssa would let out a low chuckle as she would hear Clara's words. " Oh? Confident are ya?" Alyssa let out as she would hear her rival tease her. Once she was up on her feet, Alyssa would dust herself off a bit and then raise her arms up in her usual combat stance.

Readying her fists for some good old fashioned punching. She'd move forward, stepping in close as she would start things off with a harsh right hook. Trying to nail Clara, hopefully right in her guard. As she would quickly try and follow that blow up with a left uppercut aimed into the right side of Clara. Taking aim at her fellow Brit's ribs.

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Re: Cagefighter and the Shadow Lord (For Jalter)

Unread post by Vc0m »

With the pleasantries over, the two girls proceeded with their spar. Clara would approach carefully...while Alyssa would come right out of the gate, nailing Clara on her cheek! Wincing from the blow and almost stepping back, the raven-haired Brit wouldn't back down from her foe, quickly returning the favour with a forearm strike to her chest, right as Alyssa's fist reached her ribs...

The End

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