Japan vs England! Chika Igarashi vs Chelsea Forster

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Re: Japan vs England! Chika Igarashi vs Chelsea Forster

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With Chika simply falling to her side, all she had to do was get back to her feet, and locate Chelsea before the Brit could strike. She believed herself to be fast enough in order to keep the advantage in the match on her side.

Upon rising, and turning to see where Chelsea originally was, she had around 10 milliseconds to see the Brit's upside down frame flying through the air.

After that time was up, said frame would crash into Chika for a Moonsault, Chelsea taking Chika down hard on her back and back of the head!

"AGH!", the Japanese woman cried out in pain, hands shooting right for the back of her hurting head!

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Re: Japan vs England! Chika Igarashi vs Chelsea Forster

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Chika might have been quick to get back up, but it hardly mattered when Chelsea was already in motion. The blonde had assumed her place atop the ropes, and after a bit of incomprehensible taunting, she was already off, executing a flip through the air before coming down hard into her opponent! Against the force of the impact, Chika collapsed, going down in much the manner of a sack of potatoes. She was hopeless to defend herself against what Chelsea had lined up for her.

Landing a short distance aside from Chika, Chelsea straightened herself, dusting herself off and looking across with a grin. "Ye 'avin' fun tryin' ter keep up?" she snapped, staring down at her foe. With Chika down, Chelsea was eager to push the advantage, as she came running in, aiming to deliver a stomp to her chest as she came near!
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Re: Japan vs England! Chika Igarashi vs Chelsea Forster

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"Mgghhh...", Chika groaned after the fall, the back of her head and back hurting from the Moonsault, trying to get up before Chelsea got another move on her...

...only to hear a rude taunt from the blonde, followed by a stomp to her chest:

"Aaagh!", Chika screamed. It seeemed like Chelsea would hold the advantage a while longer...

...except that Chelsea would find herself unable to move her foot from Chika's chest. The Japanese woman took a firm hold of her rival's leg as she rose to a crouch, before swiping at her other limb with her leg to topple Chelsea to the ground!

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Re: Japan vs England! Chika Igarashi vs Chelsea Forster

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With a quick thrust of her leg, Chelsea brought the sole of her boot down onto Chika's chest, feeling the vibrations go through her unfortunate foe's body. The impact was a satisfying one, and so was the pained cry that came from Chika next. It might not have been the flashiest move in Chelsea's arsenal, but it certainly did the trick when it came to bringing the hurt, and that was what she needed to accomplish right now. She wanted Chika to be taught a lesson.

"Ye liked dat so much, I'll threrr in a second one!" Chelsea shouted, readying her next strike - only for Molly to call out, not with a translation, but with a warning. "Chelsea, look out-!" she yelled to her sister.

"Ah-?" Confused, Chelsea looked down then - just in time to see that Chika was holding onto her leg! She had little time to ponder this, as a moment later, Chika knocked her leg out from under her. The Englishwoman fell to the ground with a shout, landing on her side.
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Re: Japan vs England! Chika Igarashi vs Chelsea Forster

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"Hmph", Chika let out in a satisfying manner as she saw her rival toppled over on the mat, her counter working despite Molly's warning. Despite Molly being here in a managerial capacity, Chika didn't expect her to influence the match too much, less so actually cheat and interfere in any capacity. Still, in another situation, a simple "watch out" from her could mean certain doom for the Raven Knight:

"<That took a wind out of your sails">, Chika would say in Japanese, keeping the pretense of not knowing english.

With Chika still having Chelsea's leg trapped in her grasp, the joshi wrestler switched the grip slightly to grasp at the redhead's ankle to put it under her arm, grabbing her other leg in a similar manner with her free arm, before turning Chelsea on her front...and half sitting in order to bend her spine with a tried and true Boston Crab!

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Re: Japan vs England! Chika Igarashi vs Chelsea Forster

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Molly had tried to get Chelsea's attention, but her warning came too late for the elder Forster to do anything about her predicament - and soon, Chelsea had one of her legs caught while the other was kicked out from under her! Thrown off balance, she dropped back, landing with a thud against the mat. She panted, trying to catch her breath; Chelsea knew she was vulnerable, and she would have to do something to get out of danger. But unfortunately for her, Chika was still holding onto her legs, and she wasn't afraid to take advantage of that fact!

"I still can't...'ear onna bloody word yer sayin'!" Chelsea exclaimed between coughs. Considering both wrestlers were trading verbal blows in entirely different languages, it was unlikely Chelsea's comments would do much to alleviate her confusion, but she was frustrated and she needed to vent that emotion somehow. Before she could say any more, though, her words were drowned out by hacks and coughs as Chika cranked on her legs, bending her spine into an arc with a Boston Crab!

Chelsea's teeth clenched, and her eyes watered from the pain. She balled a fist and pounded at the mat in rage, but made little progress in freeing herself this way. Hissing under her breath, she tried to reach out and grab at the mat, desperately attempting to drag herself toward the ropes!
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Re: Japan vs England! Chika Igarashi vs Chelsea Forster

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"<Must be difficult living in Japan then...">, Chika replied in Japanese, continuing to make fun of her opponent. The Crab was fully locked in as the Raven Knight, Chika cranking on Chelsea's legs to make an arc with her body, as the British lady angrily pounded the mat, dragging the two of them towards the ropes. In these situations, it was a choice of releasing the hold to allow your opponent to escape while avoiding a forced break, or do maximum damage with the hold and then restart the match, with your opponent at the slight disadvantage...

...and Chika decided to, for now, maximize the damage on the blonde's back, Chika decided to crank on her spine as much as she could, bending Chelsea to almost a C shape, trying to bend herself downwards to add even more pressure, to the point where Chika's head almost touched the floor:

"<How's it going down there?>"

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Re: Japan vs England! Chika Igarashi vs Chelsea Forster

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Chika's taunts would fall on deaf ears, as the two women continued to uphold both halves of the conversation in their respective languages, but it didn't seem to matter. The audience certainly appreciated her commentary, and they voiced it with a few chuckles - which only grated on Chelsea's nerves all the more. Though she might not have been able to understand her opponent, she could tell when she was being mocked, and now she clenched her teeth and snorted, balling her fist and pounding it into the mat in frustration.

All the same, Chelsea was steadily working her way toward the ropes, and salvation was just ahead of her. If she pushed herself a few inches more, she stood a chance of escaping...at least, that was what she thought. Because rather than let Chelsea get away, Chika would only double down on her hold, bending herself down in an arc and folding the Englishwoman in the process! As her spine popped and creaked with each painful millimeter it was bent, Chelsea screamed even louder. Pain was surging down her back, and her palms fell flat against the canvas as she collapsed beneath Chika's weight.

It was a sticky situation for Chelsea, and one where it almost looked like she was at her wit's end - but she had one other trick up her sleeve. With Chika nearly folded completely over Chelsea, the referee couldn't see clearly past the two of them, and she wouldn't see Molly running up to grab her sister by the wrist, pulling her those few inches closer to get the rope break! Chelsea smiled weakly to her manager as she slipped back behind the apron, but her fingers coiled around the rope nonetheless - and the ref came closer, issuing the signal.

"ROPE BREAK!" Chika would have seen everything from where she was bending over behind her, but the official's line of sight had been blocked, and she could only see Chelsea's hand on the ropes!
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Re: Japan vs England! Chika Igarashi vs Chelsea Forster

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Chika thought of herself as a kindly person, especially after her interactions with little Kairi...however, there was some fun to be had in small jabs at her opponents. Maybe it was a bit mean to mock her foe for not knowing Japanese, but considering she likely lived in Japan, the Raven Knight imagined she was allowed a little bit of mockery in regards to that.

Chika increasing her crank on the hold drew impressed cheers from the crowd as the Raven Knight had to contort herself into a C shape as well in order to inflict more hurt on her British opponent. Not only that, but the increased torque on the hold stopped Chelsea millimeters away from the rope.

While Chika knew she wouldn't be able to maintain the hold for as long as she wanted (her own back was starting to get sore from the bend), the Raven Knight wondered...could she really get the blonde to tap out to the hold here and now?

Suddenly, in full view of Chika (admittedly, upside down) came her sister, who grabbed her wrist and got it onto the bottom rope:


It was too late, however. The ref came, and simply saw Chelsea's fingers on the ropes, starting her count:




By the third count, Chika released Chelsea's legs and dropped on her side, rolling away from her British foe as ref stood between the two competitors, letting Chelsea recover freely, Chika standing up as she eyed the ring for Molly:

"Won't let her get away with this twice...", she would tell herself...

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Re: Japan vs England! Chika Igarashi vs Chelsea Forster

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Every passing moment to Chelsea felt like a world of pain. She had to wonder what Chika was made of to be capable of moves like this - her own back felt like it was going to snap, bent to a degree it was never designed to move in! Either way, her teeth were clenched and tears were starting to form in her eyes from pain alone. If nothing happened to bail her out, Chelsea would have no choice but to submit.

Luckily for her, Molly was there to help - and when she came in to pull her sister those few inches closer to the ropes, it made a world of difference. Now able to grab hold of the ropes, Chelsea had secured the rope break, and the referee was none the wiser! If anything, it was Chika who would come away looking like the rulebreaker, as she was too bewildered by what had happened to let go until the count of three. That was an added bonus for Chelsea, although truth be told she didn't really care whose side the ref was on. And if Chika was disqualified, she would hate for it to make her miss out on a good beating.

Nonetheless, the referee helped Chelsea back to her corner, allowing the blonde to catch her breath and stretch, working the aches out of her back. Once certain that she was back on her feet, the ref girl asked Chelsea if she felt like she could still compete, and - with a little explanation from Molly - Chelsea was soon affirmative in her response. The ref stepped away, leaving Chelsea to take a step closer to Chika. And it was there she noticed that the Raven Knight was distracted, looking around for Molly. That would just give her the perfect opportunity.

"'ey! Over 'ere!" Chelsea barked. Whether or not she got Chika's attention wouldn't matter - the Scouser charged back in, throwing her arm in an arc in front of her as she went to deliver a chop directly to Chika's throat for a cheap and potentially devastating move!
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