Natasha Rostivik vs Tamago Oshiro - standard match

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Natasha Rostivik vs Tamago Oshiro - standard match

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The winner of this match will be decided through a single pinfall, knock-out of submission.

Tamago had already had a few matches in LAW, but this would be the first time she'd fight against someone she would consider to be a troublesome person. Alaina was her idol and Hanabi was just slightly bitter towards her, from her slight research Natasha seemed like a whole different brand of fighter, nasty and sadistic, apparently loving to end matches in humiliating ways for her foes.

As the daredevil prepared backstage she would be wearing a different attire than usual, since she was likely going to have to use her curves against her foe if she didn't want to be out fine she figured comfort should go over style in this occasion. Tamago wearing simple grey gym shows with a blue line outlining the bottom, a workout shirt with a sports bra under it and black shorts which covered most of her rear, but we're still pretty flattering of her figure.
Soon enough " Barricuda " by heart would blare through the arena and Tamago would appear on the ramp, getting a fairly loud reaction from fans she must have picked up in her previous matches. The daredevil gesturing towards these fans to acknowledge their support before walking to the ring and rolling under the bottom ropes. Tamago climbing one of the turnbuckles and starting into the crowd before jumping off it and watching for her opponent's enterence, the daredevil's eyes glued to the ramp.

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Re: Natasha Rostivik vs Tamago Oshiro - standard match

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This was it, Natasha's long awaited return to the LAW ring. She had been about to embark on a series of matches to cement her well deserved status as one of the potential champions of the middleweights when disaster struck. During a training exercise, she sustained a shoulder injury which put her out of action for months. Natahsa was unhappy about this, partly because it was the actions of her tag team partner, Sofia who injured her with a botched suplex move.

However, the purple haired Russian was not going to quit. She never quit, and the injury made her more determined to get back to her to form. She trained hard, was now tougher than ever and had rumour had it, was able to smother with much more efficiency. Her pre-match dark matches in LAW Developmental, left rivals either tapping out instantly from her facesit moves or simply laying there terrified at the prospect of more smothering if they dared kick out of the pin attempt.

Backstage, Natasha watched on seeing her rival for tonight, who entered the ring to much fanfare. Her eyes narrowed as she took in the sight of Tamago. The girl looked strong, and seemed to have curves that put the Russian Seductress to shame. Natasha was fired up and grit her teeth letting out a tirade of Russian expletives that would make Lenin blush! She stomped off toward the entrance, and getting her cue, the ominous sounds of Prokofiev rumbled out across the PA

The Russian made her way to the ring and stepped through the ropes, glaring all the time at Tamago. "I hope you are prepared for zee smother at zee end of zee match" Natasha was rusty, her put downs and comments were never great, but she hadnt stepped into the ring for a long time. Hopefully she would taste victory at the end of the match, and not taste anything else!
Natasha waited for the bell to sound, as she casually adjusted her alternative Russian Red bikini, and matching boots
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Re: Natasha Rostivik vs Tamago Oshiro - standard match

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Tamago would wait patiently for her opponent, doing some quick stretches both to prepare herself for the competition to come and to give her something to do until the Russian entered the ring. Once her opponent was within her ring the daredevil would finally finish up her stretches, focusing entirely on the outside entity that had invaded her home.

Natasha's words were somewhat along the lines of what Tamago had expected, she was a tiny bit surprised at how open her opponent was about her desire to smother the daredevil out. Usually it was a tool that wrestlers used to humiliate and nothing more, but it seemed for Natasha the act itself had more value. " I'll make sure that you have no energy to do anything at the end of the match " Tamago would respond, glaring at her opponent, not wanting to show any weakness or friendliness towards a clearly malicious foe.

With that both wrestlers would settle in their corner, until the bell rang and Tamago walked to the middle of the ring, holding her hands up to offer a test of strength. " Let's see if you have the strength to actually do anything during the match " The daredevil would say, taunting her opponent into accepting the test of strength. Then if she did Tamago would immediately start putting her strength into pushing Natasha, trying to inch her towards the nearest corner to her back.

The daredevil would plan to weaken her opponent and end the match respectfully if possible, but considering her opponent's threat she thought it was likely Natasha was going to try and humiliate her, in which case Tamago certainly had to one up her, as even if she won she wouldn't want to create any illusion of weakness or vulnerability by letting her opponent walk all over her and get away with it without retribution.

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Re: Natasha Rostivik vs Tamago Oshiro - standard match

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Natasha raised an eyebrow as Tamago gave her response, this girl was not easily ruffled and thats just how Natasha liked it. Sure the Russian loved it when girls simply submitted to her and ended up gasping for air between her large soft breasts or between her thighs, but breaking a girl was just as delicious. The test of strength seemed a good way to start the match and with a growl at the taunt she linked fingers. Natasha pushed and immediately felt the weight difference. Tamago had to be at least 15 to 20lbs heavier than the Russian, and given her proportions, Natasha wasnt a small girl. In her mind she was distracted with the prospect of escaping a pin attempt. A bigger rival was always more difficult to shift, and the Russian Seductress didnt want to be in that position

The Russian's boots were slipping on the canvas and before she knew it, Natasha felt the turnbuckles at her back. She broke off and raised her hands letting the ref girl come and break up the hold as she was near the ropes. If it worked, one thing Natasha hadnt lost was her sneaky cheating ways. Providing Tamago played by the rules, Natasha would launch a boot towards the girls tummy. She wanted her doubled over because if it worked, Natasha would make good on her earlier words and attempt to grab Tamago's hair. If she caught her rivals long locks then immediately she would attempt to plunge Tamago's face directly between the Russian's large breasts.

It was an act of humiliation. No way would Natasha win, but since her return, the Russian had gotten even more sensual and dominating in her moves. She was no longer just a heel, but a mega heel!
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Re: Natasha Rostivik vs Tamago Oshiro - standard match

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Tamago could usually guess if her or her opponent was stronger before the test of strength, this was one of the few times though where she had gone into it wondering what her game plan should be. Luckily it seemed she didn't need one, as her natural weight advantage and acceptable strength was enough for her to force her opponent back towards the turnbuckle, the purple haired wrestler just holding her opponent there a moment as she waited for the ref, knowing that she was about to get pulled off her opponent.

Then like clock work the ref commanded Tamago to release her opponent, and the daredevil would oblige, slowly releasing her opponent's hands and getting ready to back off, but unfortunately Natasha had other plans. The Russian woman breaking the rules within the opening minute of the match and kicking the unfortunate Japanese woman in the stomach. The daredevil would naturally keep over, letting out a grunt that would quickly be muffled as her opponent grasped her by the hair and pulled her face first into her breasts.

"Mmntm!" Tamago protested, what she was saying almost seeming like a command, although of course it would be completely muffled. At first the purple haired wrestler would bring her hands to her opponent's sides and try to push against them as she stuck out her rear behind her and tried to pull her upper body back. Natasha proved to have a strong grip though, keeping the more respectful wrestler's features firmly in her cleavage, the daredevil having spent enough time in her opponent's chest now to catch a whiff of her sweet scent and feel the woman's orbs sticking to her face.

For now Tamago's struggling was for nought, but she wouldn't give up, trying to struggle in her opponent's grasp and force her head towards one side, hoping to both get some air and hopefully restore her vision so she could use her surroundings. The daredevil's face may project a mighty blush, but her resolve certainly did not waver!

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Re: Natasha Rostivik vs Tamago Oshiro - standard match

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Natasha grinned as her devious plan worked. She was living up to her billing as potentially the Smother Queen of LAW, and loved every moment of it. Having a girls face plunged between her breasts was a turn on for the Russian. She never used to get a kick out of it, but since her return, it was almost mandatory for her. Added to this was her natural skill in the ring, Natasha wasnt all about smothers like some model or porn star, she could wrestle as well. Giving Tamago a few more seconds to taste her scent, she Russian felt the girl struggle and pushed back, freeing the Japanese wrestler from the smother.

The Russian smiled and simply brushed her cleavage, flicking her wrist at Tamago and flicking the sweat and panicked breaths towards her rival. "Now I will give you zee choice. Lay down I will promise to pin you clean with none of zee smother...." She deliberately paused to see the reaction of her rival. "Or you can continue to wrestle and I promize, I will zit on your face for zee count!"

The crowd roared at the taunt. They had missed Natasha, and in truth Natasha had missed them. Not that she would ever admit to this. Natasha simply raised her hands offering Tamago a grapple. Now the Russian has shook off the ring rust and was feeling confident. She had a swagger now and beckoned Tamago toward her.
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Re: Natasha Rostivik vs Tamago Oshiro - standard match

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Tamago would struggle until she managed to force her head out of Natasha's cleavage, not quite gasping for air since she hadn't been stuck in her opponent's bust for as long as it felt like she did, but certainly panting somewhat to get her breathing back to normal. " I'd like to see you try... " Tamago would growl out, deciding in this moment that if her opponent went for another breast smother near the corner then she would simply rush the woman into it. The smother was embarrassing, but it wasn't too much of an issue and she had at least learned something from it.

As Natasha raised her arms Tamago would do the same, linking arms with her opponent. Rather than push forward with her strength though, the daredevil would suddenly lunge towards her opponent and pull her towards her in the same movement, bringing her knee up and trying to drive it sideways into the Russian's exposed belly. before then grasping her opponent by her sides and trying to rush her into the corner, planning to send her crashing back first into it since they were still remotely close to the corner.

Tamago was slightly annoyed at Natasha, but being a wrestler who focused a lot on her specific style she couldn't really yell or scold her opponent for doing the same thing, she could however take the fight to the woman and try to pay her back for the humiliation she suffered in the form of pain, and of course return some humiliation when the time was right.

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Re: Natasha Rostivik vs Tamago Oshiro - standard match

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Natasha had her vibe back and being in the LAW ring was as much of a drug to her as any win or title. She linked arms for yet another grapple, her mind ticking over with a range of ideas to beat Tamago and unleash as much humiliation as possible. However things didnt go according to plan, as she pushed to meet the strength of her rival but then her tummy exploded in pain on knee of Tamago.

"AGGHHHHH!" the sexy Russian gasped, all wind driven from her and the fight, for the moment. As she bent nursing her tummy, she felt Tamago rush her. BANG! Natasha slammed into the corner, her back arching as she was rammed into the loosely covered corner pads. Natasha had to grab the ropes to support herself, her hands sliding over them so she hung by her elbows, her head dropped a little and her legs wobbled. It was her ring rust showing again Normally Natasha would be at peak fitness, and her trainer had pleaded with her to not return to the ring this early, but Natasha was headstrong, stubborn and telling her she couldnt do something, would make her do the exact opposite!

She raised her head to look for Tamago and sneered, "Keep talking zee trash and I will shut zee mouth up!" For now Natasha needed a moment to regain her wind so she braced for whatever Tamago would follow up with. If she was a smart wrestler, she would make this time count, because rivals who took Natasha lightly, ended up smothered
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Re: Natasha Rostivik vs Tamago Oshiro - standard match

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After charging her opponent into the corner Tamago would take a few steps back, hearing her opponent's threat but deciding now wasn't the best time to respond to it. The taller woman retracing the steps she took and leaping towards Natasha, trying to turn her back to the woman and hit her with a big hip attack aimed at the other wrestler's chest. The daredevil making sure to cleanly land on her feet so she could immediately run towards the opposite corner from the one Natasha resided in, kicking off the middle turnbuckle and running back towards the Russian, trying to leap into the air and do a flip as she was about to contact her opponent, resulting in her hips colliding with her opponent's face in a corner cannonball move. Tamago quickly pushing herself away from the other wrestler if she was successful, before then grasping Natasha's leg and trying to pull her towards the middle of the ring.

The daredevil would then drag her opponent towards the middle of the ring before leaving her, waiting patiently for her opponent to move up onto her rear. As she waited though Tamago would take some time to taunt her opponent, finally feeling secure enough to give her response. " If you want to shut me up then act, don't speak. " Tamago would respond, waiting for the other wrestler to get onto her rear before then running towards her and leaping into the air again, trying to land a running meteora, attempting to stay seated on her opponent for the pin, accidentally shoving her crotch into the other woman's face. The Japanese woman would hope this move would land, otherwise she would be left vulnerable for a moment and pretty drained of stamina from all the running around she had just been doing.

Tamago didn't usually move around so much and be so reckless at the start of her match, truthfully any of her three moves would easily be reversed with decent timing and result in the daredevil being incredibly vulnerable, but she knew that she had to take the risk in order to try and keep Natasha at bay and minimise the embarrassing situations she would be put in.

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Re: Natasha Rostivik vs Tamago Oshiro - standard match

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Natasha shook her head as she hung in the corner. Maybe she had come back too soon? Whilst she was contemplating her choices, the canvas began to rumble. This was not going to be good! As she flicked the soft purple hair away from her face, Tamago was all she saw. The Japanese girls wide plump buttock hit hard with a THUMP!. "AGHHHHHH NIET!!" Natasha cried out and instantly she crumbled. Having around 160lbs smash into you takes the fight from a wrestler. The Russian landed on her own round behind and her head rolled back to rest on the turnbuckle pad. She needed to get some air fast.

Tamago however was having none of it. All Japanese wrestlers were fierce in their attack and Tamago was launching herself for round two!

Natasha took a deep breath and tried to move but couldnt. She winced knowing Tamago was going to collide with her and sure enough WHAM!. This time with a Cannonball, using all her weight to literally crush the Russian. The groan from Natasha was barely heard. She slide down to her back and lay there panting hard. Her large chest rose and fell and the Russian felt sore all over. She also struggled with the rising doubt in her mind. Natasha had fought super strong rivals before, like Alaina the Amazon, but usually she relied on her sneaky tricks to get the edge. Tamago was a whole different proposition. A rough tough wrestler who was unrelenting.

The Russian felt herself dragged to the middle of the ring and she knew she had to do something. Natasha couldnt see Tamago and so she mustered a huge amount of energy to try and at least sit up. Tamago was one step ahead yet again. As Natasha looked she say Tamago coming this time crotch first.


The Japanese wrestler straddle Natasha, instantly turning the move into a facesit pin attempt. The Russian barely had time to get her head together, she couldnt see, breathe or shift Tamago. It was probably a good thing that her face was covered because it was bright red from embarrassment and worse still, rage! How dare this woman attempt to smother Natasha. She did the smothering!

The ref girl dropped and slapped the canvas for a count of ONE!

Natasha struggled and managed to nuzzle her way free so her eyes were out from under Tamago's crotch. The look she gave the Japanese woman would have curled cream. She was angry! Very Angry! Still the fact she was pinned has not escaped the Russian. With her hands free, Natasha thrust them up with a meaty SLLAAPP! on Tamago's generous buttcheeks. The Russian struggled and pushed, hoping to unseat Tamago from her face, by shifting the woman over her head so the Russian could wriggle out and break the count.
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