Aoi fukiwara vs Alex drizzle: land and pride

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Aoi fukiwara vs Alex drizzle: land and pride

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Alex had recently came across a quite problematic individual, she was a self proclaimed warrior who to her understanding fought for no land or individual, and to make matters worse she had somehow acquired blue hair which In Alex's mind was deserved for royalty. Plus Aoi had also shoulder barged her, and it hurt for the rest of the day. The cool queen could never forgive such a casualty creating crime.

Alex would be wearing her blue and yellow skirt, exclusively blue shirt, white and yellow sweatbands over her arms, white knee socks and blue trainers. The cool queen would waste little time making her enterence, as soon as " Californication " played through the arena Alex knew it was time, walking through the curtains and appearing before the crowd while the lighting over her turned a purple tinted navy blue.
The cool queen would spend but a moment in the ramp, striking a cool pose while she messed with the back of her hair, before then casually making her way to the ring and rolling under the bottom rope. The cool queen waiting in the middle of the ring as her music died down, refusing to go to her corner till she greeted the forsaken warrior who was certain to meet a cruel fate by agreeing to such a mismatched duel.
Last edited by RJD on Tue Sep 19, 2017 12:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: All fukiwara vs Alex drizzle: land and pride

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Aoi would get her costume ready as she wore her warrior outfit and would do abit of stretching. Looking at her self she new she would be fighting Royalty and smiled. She disliked royalty thinking they did nothing for their knights and even sent them to battles over idiotic things. That was why she didn't had a land or someone to fight for since she figured if she fought for some pompus person that thinks there better then everyone cause of blood, she would be force to do everything just to please that person. she didn't like that one bit so she chose to fight for her own reason and not someone elses.
Just as she put her sword by her side she would hear her music as she hurried to the entrance ramp of the ring. Walking out to the crowd she unsheathed her wooden sword nad raised it to the air and then pointed it at Alex. she would then grab the sword with both hands raising it up then slash down where fire works shot out. she always wanted a cool entrance so she had to get one for this match. money well spent she thought.

Slowly sheathing her sword she would walk to the ring waving at the crowd with one hand smiling at them. befor she would get in the ring and gave her sword to the ref. she didn't like giving her sword to the ref that much thinking a warrior must always have there weapon ready. how ever she new this wasn't a hardcore match and would get disqualifed if she used her sword.

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Re: All fukiwara vs Alex drizzle: land and pride

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The cool queen would wait patiently for her newest enemy to arrive, and it didn't take too long for the fellow bluenette to do so. Unsheathing her sword and pointing it to Alex, Aoi was seemingly all business and the same could be said about the queen of cool style who returned the clear malicious gesture with a cutting glare directed consistently towards her opponent.

Alex would watch as her opponent handed off her sword to the ref, stretching her arms as she waited for the ref to dispose of the tool and remove it from her humble palace. The cool queen parting her lips to speak after the ref did what she wished " I hope you can act without your sword in hand, barbarian. " Alex would comment, before turning back to get corner and walking towards it and residing there till the bell rang.

Once it did the cool queen would walk to the middle of the ring and gesture for her foe to do the same, but strangely enough she didn't lift her hands for a test of strength. If Aoi accepted the cool queen's mysterious invitation then once she got within reaching distance Alex would lift her hand up and bring it down between her opponent's breasts. Alex aiming to land a quick chop into the other wrestler's bust before standing still, clearly allowing her opponent to do the same.

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Re: All fukiwara vs Alex drizzle: land and pride

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"if your saying i need more sword to beat you your dead wrong as a warrior I train to fight with out my sword unlike a pompus queen." Aoi said as she headed to her corner and would wait there till the bell rang. Aoi was just about to charge at Aex before the girl would gesture her to come to the middle or the ring.

Curious as to what the girl's intentions were she would head to the middle. it was strange that the girl did not offer a test of strength but would chop at Aoi's breast "guah!" Aoi groaned as she looked at Alex who stood still. "Fine if you want a chop contest ill be happy to oblige you." Aoi said as she raised her hand and would to a chop at Alex's breast as well.

After her chop Aoi would stand still to offering Alex to do her best shot at Aoi. the blue warrior figured this would be a contest of endurance to see who could out last who when getting chopped on the breasts.

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Re: Aoi fukiwara vs Alex drizzle: land and pride

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The cool queen would chose to disregard her opponent's words as they went to their corners, figuring that the truth would come to light soon enough. Then without further adoo the chopping contest would begin, both wrestler's walking to the middle of the ring where Alex braught her hand down hard on the other woman's chest.

Alex would smirk after her strike, satisfied with the noise the woman released in response, the silly yet strong wrestler keeping her smirk until Aoi's hand connected with her own breast. The cool queen cried out, her face bringing before she pulled her hand back as far as she could before trying to bring it down upon her opponent's chest in an even bigger chop.

The crowd making some noise for each individual chop as the jiggle and noise of skin smacking skin exciting some fans while others moreso cringed in pain.
Last edited by RJD on Tue Sep 19, 2017 2:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Aoi fukiwara vs Alex drizzle: land and pride

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Aoi gritted her teeth after Alex chop it burn a little but would smile as she was able to give the fellow blue hair girl a chop of her own. Looking at the girl raising her hand up even higher and then sent a harder chop on to Aois chest teh girl tried not to say how much it hurt but would grit her teeth again nad raised her arm high to and would send an other chop at alex that was probably twice as strong as the last one.

The crowd would make a sound at both Alex and Aois chop some cringed alot at how the loud audible smack was heard between the two. Aoi would smirk at Alex and look at her. she wanted to say take that but figured she should keep quiet and continue to chop Alex after the queens next chop. sooner or later one of htem is going to get tired and then theyll start the real match between them.

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Re: Aoi fukiwara vs Alex drizzle: land and pride

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Alex would brace herself for the next chop, holding her breath before Aoi's hand came down hard on her breasts, earning a cry of pain from the bluenette and making her turn away from the warrior before turning her head around to look at the other woman " Y-you have more power unarmed than I expected. However I think we should stop now for both our sakes " The cool queen would say, doing her best to hide the fact that neither her willpower or sensitive breasts could have survived another chop.

Turning back to face Aoi the queen of cool style would hold her arms out, calling for a test of strength then. If the other bluenette accepted then it would almost be comical to see the pair of heated rivals having so many somewhat fair and civilised competitions. Truthfully the cool queen knew she lost the last competition and hopes Aoi would accept this one too so she could at least save face by winning this one.

If Aoi accepted then she would be treated to experiencing the silly fighter's surprising strength first hand. For someone so weak willed and far bellow average intellect Alex certainly had strong grip and a lot of power, especially considering that she wasn't exactly slow either. Alex would push with all her strength, putting her weight down as she tried to step into her opponent's body, trying to push the other wrestler back even if she had to make full body contact and push her forehead with her own to do so.

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Re: Aoi fukiwara vs Alex drizzle: land and pride

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Aoi was skeptical about the test of strength as she Didn't like that idea of being pushed back. she knew she wasn't strong and thats why she was lifting weights in the gym ot develop her strength more. she let out a huff and would grasp Alex's hands and then start to push against the slilly fighter. just as she expected she was getting push back little by little from the queen. "grr" Aoi said as she tried ot push against the girl.

She was able ot hold her ground a little but only a little. She knew she had to save face so she would jump up and wrap her legs around Alex in as body scissors before Falling back and bring Alex to the ground. she would tighten her scissors, Knowing that she lost the test of strength already when Alex pushed her back. " Ill admit you strong queen but i am quick and skilled so you better watch out for me." Aoi said.

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Re: Aoi fukiwara vs Alex drizzle: land and pride

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Alex wasn't exactly surprised when she managed to make her opponent fall back due to her strength, letting out a slight snigger as she heard her opponent's Battlecry before letting out her own road as she tried to apply even more power than she currently was. " Rahhh!" Alex would tell as she tried to push the woman back, getting somewhat close to the ropes now.

Aoi though to no one's surprise but the foolish cool queen wasn't going to just let herself be overpowered. The warrior jumping against the other bluenette's body and wrapping her legs around the English woman's sides in a scissor, immediately constricting the poor woman in her grasps abd making both wrestler's fall to the ground.

" Thanks...but you're the one...who should keep watch " Alex would say, pulling her upper body up as much as she could within the scissors before letting herself fall back down towards Aoi, putting her forearm in position and trying to drive it into the warrior's skull. If Aoi wanted to rely on her technique and holds then Alex knew she would have a hard time, her cocky nature asside the cool queen could at least admit she left a lot to be desired when it came to more advanced attacks or holds that requires more than just strength or speed.

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Re: Aoi fukiwara vs Alex drizzle: land and pride

Unread post by Dragonofdarkness »

Aoi was able to bring both of them down to the mat albert with her on the bottom and Alex on top of her. she would hear the girls words before she would felt that forearm push onto her skull. "gah!" Aoi called out as she grabbed onto Alex's arm and would try to roll Alex to her side while Aois hands still grasp the girls arm and her scissor still in place.

her scissors did loosen a bit in order for the blue warrior to get on top of Alex's back while rolling from underneath Alex and pull her arm to a grounded behind arm bar. Aoi would hold the arm there for a bit but realized that they were closer to the ropes then she hoped they would be , knowing the girl could grab then if she figured that out. "why don't you give up Alex." Aoi said as she tried to remain on top of the girl releasing her scissors since it was uncomfortable with Alex on her legs.

Aoi would try to make the arm bar as painful as she could as she looked at the grounded Alex.

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