Tamago Oshiro vs Alaina " Amazon " Sanders - Meeting a legend

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Re: Tamago Oshiro vs Alaina " Amazon " Sanders - Meeting a legend

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Tamago was barely able to pull that reversal off, shocked but overjoyed that she managed to survive. After all she had been so cautious for the last portion of the match and one minor slip up almost let the Amazon land a potentially match ended move, or at the very least one that would leave Tamago heavily at the disadvantage.

The daredevil perhaps was being excessive, but there was no way in hell she was even giving the Amazon the time needed to recover with a potentially risky pin. Tamago was going to be very careful and deal out one final move, believing surely that after that big crash Alaina wasn't going to reverse the next move.

The Daredevil would grasp her opponent's arm and try to pull her a bit closer to the middle of the ring, before trying to guide the other wrestler slowly up onto her feet. Tamago would then take a step back before doing a quick full rotation, closing the distance between herself and the Amazon that she just created and trying to smack her arm hard into Alaina's head in a clothesline from hell. Tamago crumbling to the mat herself afterwards regardless of the result due to failing to slow her momentum. Although at least she would pound into the Amazon with as much momentum and power as she could gather, hoping that this would finally be the final straw as Tamago was starting to feel her head pound from over exertion.

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Re: Tamago Oshiro vs Alaina " Amazon " Sanders - Meeting a legend

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Alaina was barely able to move and offered no resistance as Tamago dragged her along. She was propped up and tried to recover as she heard Tamago rushing at her. The amazon saw the clothesline coming and tried to get her arms up in time to block some of it.

She was too late. The clothesline connected and sent her down to.the mat in a silent, lifeless heap! She laid there on her back, her eyes closed as her chest weakly rose as she drew breath.

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Re: Tamago Oshiro vs Alaina " Amazon " Sanders - Meeting a legend

Unread post by RJD »

Tamago would almost feel as if her arm has been torn from it's socket upon connecting, perhaps had she not in the ring against such a resilient and legendary wrestler she would have expressed some regret or worry over such excessive force.

Knowing exactly who she was in the ring with though Tamago wouldn't even bother herself over such things, colliding with the mat unable to stop her momentum but immediately dragging her body across the mat the whole 3 feet back towards the Anazon before plopping her body sidewards stop her opponent and weakly lifting the other wrestler's leg.

Then without missing a note the ref would fall to get knees and smack the mat, yelling out the corresponding count as she did so. " One! Two! "

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Re: Tamago Oshiro vs Alaina " Amazon " Sanders - Meeting a legend

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Alaina was a lifeless, semi-conscious heap as she was covered for the pin. Her arms weakly flopped after the one count. As the referees hand hit the mat a second time she managed to raise her free leg up, having it crash limply to the mat as her thighs shook up on impact. She kept weakly flailing in humiliation as the final count came marking her defeat.


"H-how...." Alaina muttered weakly as ahead there in shock, not only losing but having her foe own the end of the match. Alaina covered her face and felt like she couldn't look anyone in the eye.

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Re: Tamago Oshiro vs Alaina " Amazon " Sanders - Meeting a legend

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Tamago of course was glad when she heard the final count, the daredevil rolling to her opponent's side and lying next to her for a moment. The daredevil wanted to held her opponent up and guide her backstage, and she certainly wanted to handshake and hug one of her idols. However such a thing wouldn't be right, due to the manner in which the match ended Tamago wouldn't date draw out the process. Anything the daredevil wanted to express could come later, the least Tamago could let the mighty Amazon do would be to walk out on her own two feet.

" Good match..." Tamago would mumble between pants, before slowly sitting up while holding her pounding head. The daredevil would then simply push up onto her feet and stumble towards the ropes after the ref announced her as the winner. The daredevil leaving through the ropes and gathering her wits before walking up the ramp and backstage. Tamago stumbling no where near as much as she did on the way out of the arena compared to her way out of the ring. The daredevil eager to take a warm bath and some asprin.

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Re: Tamago Oshiro vs Alaina " Amazon " Sanders - Meeting a legend

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina heard the bell and cheers, laying there for a moment before struggling to her feet. She stumbled forward and fell crawling the rest of the way to the ropes before rolling underneath. Alaina felt humiliated inside the ring in LAW again, at the hands of a rookie.

She hobbled up the ramp backstage as the arena quieted down, her walk slow and gaited. The once proud amazon looked hapless in the ring at times shaking her head as she made her way to the locker room.

Winner via pinfall: Tamago Oshiro

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