Hunter or the hunted

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Hunter or the hunted

Unread post by RJD »

at a beach close to the LAW apartments block, accessible by bus and train

Rhiannon was enjoying the hot rays of the sun, and the wonderful sights before her, which was not limited to the scenery of the beach and the ocean, and included all the pretty men and women that passed by. The pervert had tried picking up some pretty young women, but it was rare to find a women of her sexuality, nevermind one that felt up to having a good time in the specific moment. It was a shame too, given how flattering the yellow bikini Rhiannon wore was.

Rhiannon was enjoying sunbathing, but would stand up to move her towel and bag, heading off to a more secluded area of the beach, on a sudden impulse for some peace and quiet from the crowds.

Rhiannon walked along the beach for a while, before coming across a nice area, though surprisingly there was someone else who had also ventured in the same area laying down. Rhiannon approached from behind her, seeing her physique and finding it quite enticing.

Rhiannon had planned to stop trying to pick up chicks and just relax, but one last attempt couldn't hurt any.

Rhiannon would get closer to the women, figuring she was just some young bimbo she could have fun with. The pervert called out when she was closer, announcing her presence likely before she had been noticed.

" Hey babe, what's a pretty girl like you doing here yourself? " Rhiannon called out, shooting her shot.

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Re: Hunter or the hunted

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Dr. Takemi's return to the pro wrestling scene had brought with it a number of perks. Chief among them was the income. Her previous position as a college professor and pro wrestling club mentor had afforded her some prestige, but the pay had been hideous. Hokkaido had been a rather expensive place to live in and the accommodations had been tiny.

Now, she had become a celebrity. She was recognized on the streets and afforded a considerable salary. Not all women within LAW were paid well, but Mina had found herself to be a standout. Even if her record wasn't as... Intimidating... As some of the other stars. This amount of money made her previous income look like a pittance. Further, it allowed her to secure housing within Tokyo. A lovely little apartment not far from the beach!

It was there that we find Dr. Takemi on this fateful afternoon. Lounging on a chair beneath an umbrella. An empty glass rested on the armrest of her beach chair. She lay face down, her eyes were closed as she soaked in the sun and soft, comforting churning of the ocean.

Mina's body was barely covered. She wore a tiny green thong bikini made of string so flimsy and sharp wind might slice it. Her curvy hips spilled out of it and her plump backside hid the green of the thong entirely. Swallowing it within the supple soft swell of her completely bare ass.
Dr. Takemi, Beach Mode
"Mmmn?" She muttered, her eyes fluttering open. A harsh awakening from what had started to become a rather pleasant nap. She turned her head to take in Rhiannon. Mewling, she spoke, "Ah. A server. Wonderful." She reached over blindly, flitting her fingers here and there until she nearly tipped the drink off of its arm rest. With the deftness of a cat, she caught it before it could tumble to the sand. She thrust the glass towards the yellow clad woman as she put her head down once more. "Another please."

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Re: Hunter or the hunted

Unread post by RJD »

Rhiannon watched as the women started to move sluggishly, the purple haired woman starting to realise she had accidentally quits rudely awakened someone. The former actor would stay silent though as she waited for Mina to respond, and soon it became apparent she could cover up her rudeness by playing along, she did enjoy playing along anyway.

" Oh, of course. " Rhiannon said, taking the glass, and grabbing something out her bag, the pervert very glad she had brought alcohol in it. Rhiannon obviously by this point knew that she had misjudged the mature and clearly self respecting beauty for a young hottie, but that difference meant little to Rhiannon.

Rhiannon only had spiced rum, and cans of coke, she figured the mature woman wouldn't mind what drink she got anyway. So the pervert poured some of the rum into the glass, and then the coke. Rhiannon was surprised at the coldness of the can, as she passed the glass back to the sleeping beauty she had found.

" So miss, I'm not actually a server. However, if you'd like me to pour drinks, I can do that. " Rhiannon said, capable of surprising feats of silver tongue, when she wasn't instead hitting out with trashy pick up lines.

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Re: Hunter or the hunted

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Dr. Takemi listened to the server work. Initially, she had assumed that they would take the glass back to the bar and mix something up. She was pleasantly surprised when the server began to craft her drink on the spot. Ah, the high life! She thought with a wistful little smile.

Mina turned her attention back to the bikini wearing woman as the drink appeared to be ready. She took the glass back and immediately pursed her lips. She swirled the substance about with a frown. "Ah. I see. I presume that makes more sense." The disappointment in her voice was palpable. Mina had expected a smooth, fruity concoction. A margarita, perhaps. Instead she had been handed a rum and coke.

"That is very... Kind of you. However, I don't typically make a habit of accepting unidentified drinks from unidentified strangers. That sort of thing is simply not safe. Especially for a young beauty such as myself. Who knows what sort of devilish desires they might have in mind?" She chastised Rhiannon. Of course, no one with any sense would accept a drink from someone who approached while you were sleeping.

-And... Just like that it was gone.

With a sigh, Mina brought her arm down, placing the empty glass back upon the arm of the chair. Her cheeks reddened somewhat as the simple drink vanished into her belly, swallowed in a single gulp. "Mmn. The classics are classics for a reason, hm?" She inquired with coy smile.

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Re: Hunter or the hunted

Unread post by RJD »

Rhiannon didn't have much of a rebuke to the older women's words, it made sense that she wasn't willing to accept a drink from strangers, given that it was very much potentially dangerous. The pervert seemed to lose her confidence and shrink in her posture slightly as Mina mentioned how illogical it would be for someone to accept a drink from a stranger.

" Well... you're right, I could prove it by- " Rhiannon started to respond until she noticed Mina drink it anyway, the younger wrestler still wanted to quell any suspicions, and so opened the bottle of rum and took a modest swig from it, not having her own glass to drink from unfortunately. Then she would listen as Mina spoke to her, with a coy smile.

" In my mind any drink is fine... it really is quite strong though. " Rhiannon responded, the after taste overwhelming her slightly. The pervert took the chance to check out Mina, while introducing herself.

" My name's Rhiannon, and you look familiar somehow, are you an actor or something? " the younger women would ask, she knew she recognised Mina from somewhere, but it would likely take her a few more guesses to figure out where from.

Rhiannon didn't want to appear rude, but her eyes did wonder down the ladies body and along her curves occasionally, Mina sounded well spoken and her voice sounded aged. Rhiannon was curious what age the other woman actually was, but knew that openly asking such a question would be beyond rude.

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Re: Hunter or the hunted

Unread post by SuckerPunch »

Dr. Takemi appeared to weather the storm of the alcohol like a professional. The pleasant warmth of the drink traveled down her throat and settled in her belly. She let her eyes drift closed in order to savor the feeling. Even if the taste was somewhat lacking. When she opened her eyes she found the other woman tipping back the bottle. She cocked an eye and gave her a cynical smile.

"Liquid courage hm?" She placed the glass back down on the arm of her lounge chair with a gentle *clink*.

"Nice to meet you Rhiannon. Do you ask every woman you lecherously oogle if they're a celebrity?" She considered her, pressing a finger to her own lips, feigning deep philosophical thought as she attempted to put the woman off balance by calling out her tactless glances.

Mina finally rolled over upon her lounge chair. Now, she watched Rhiannon from a face up position. The cups of her bikini top barely contained her overlarge breasts. The fabric did nothing to hide the swell of her nipples. Her tummy was flat, toned from decades of athletics.

"Mina." She then added after once again. "I hope you like what you see?" She asked nonchalantly as she shrugged her arms together. The motion pulling her tits together, lifting and accentuating the alluring valley of her cleavage.

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Re: Hunter or the hunted

Unread post by RJD »

Rhiannon was about to deny that comment about liquid courage, but wasn't able to find the moment to butt in before Mina continued talking, the veteran wrestler had a level of authority in her speech, speaking with enough confidence that Rhiannon felt like cutting in was a poor idea.

Then as Rhiannon opened her mouth again, Mina called to attention her not so subtle glances, the pervert wasn't ashamed, but she was still caught red handed and didn't really have a good excuse.

Then Mina gave her own name, and asked if Rhiannon liked what she had been ogling at.

" I really do, I guess you caught me red handed. That celebrity line usually works. " Rhiannon said with a slight laugh, starting to realise that Mina was not at all an easy woman to talk into bed, or maybe she was? Mina both was flirting with Rhiannon, while chastising the pervert for doing the same, which disorientated Rhiannon slightly with her advances.

" You sure know how to tease a girl, Mina... " Rhiannon said, leaning closer, planning to extend her arm against the chair, to make the next move, but she didn't want a bad response so she was testing the waters first.

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Re: Hunter or the hunted

Unread post by SuckerPunch »

Mina smiled knowingly at Rhiannon. The girl wore her heart on her sleeve. Figuratively speaking. Mina's eyes traveled up the girls bare legs with a practiced subtlety. She drank in the girl's body just as she had looked at Mina's. However, her floundering and nerves allowed Mina to do so without giving herself away.

She was able to study the curve of her inner thighs. The cut of her bikini. And indulge in the alluring swell of Rhiannon's barely covered breasts through her sunglasses while looking just as disinterested as she did in her rum and coke.

Though... We all know what happened to that Rum and Coke.

"I know." She stated chastely as Rhiannon confessed to being excited. "Don't be disappointed. I am a much higher caliber of woman than you're used to." She gave the woman a smile just as chaste as her previous statement.

It widened as Rhiannon commented on her ability to tease. "Oh, honey. I haven't even started to tease you." She blew the words out like a kiss. A kiss that traveled through Rhiannon's ears, down her spine, and settle with a warm, electric promise upon her loins.

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Re: Hunter or the hunted

Unread post by RJD »

Rhiannon observed Mina's expression from her closer vantage point, being sucked in by the smile despite the older woman saying she was of high caliber. The pervert felt her body itself react to the prospect of more teasing, Rhiannon was someone with a strong sexuality, and she couldn't hide it.

Rhiannon got closer yet, bending her body forward over the seat, her barely contained breasts hanging low down the line from Mina's face, her valley so well lined up with Mina's sights that it certainly stared back if the doctor stared into it.

" Then you should start. " Rhiannon said, placing her arm on the chair, just over Mina's curving shoulder, her other hand pointing down, lightly tracing the older woman's leg just below her thighs, touching so lightly that it probably almost tickled.

Rhiannon's libido was running on high, like it always was. The pervert found herself particularly vulnerable to teasing, as her biggest weakness was her own mind numbingly lewd imagination.

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Re: Hunter or the hunted

Unread post by SuckerPunch »

Mina watched as the woman leaned her lascivious body ever closer. Her breasts, hardly contained within the top she wore, swung rhythmically. A result of her attire having no shoulder straps no doubt. Mina's veiled eyes drank in the creamy flesh with delight. Her lips pursed in dismay however. Her brows furrowed above the lenses of her glasses further impressing her displeasure upon Rhiannon.

Dr. Takemi's hand shot out, lightning fast, before Rhianon could lay a finger upon her. "Tch. Impudent." She rebuked the woman as she deflected her attempt. It wasn't painful, nor was it a slap. It was an irritatingly smooth redirection that cast the woman's hand onto the armrest of the chair. "I haven't even given you permission to look, yet you want to touch?"

"What makes you think that you're deserving of that sort of attention? What flavor does a girl like you have that I haven't already tasted?" She brought her shades down, exposing her emerald green eyes as she looked upon Rhiannon. She looked upon her the way an execution looks upon their condemned.

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