Kiera Quinn vs Casey quick: feisty introductions

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Kiera Quinn vs Casey quick: feisty introductions

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standard match: the winner with be the first wrestler to achieve a pinfall or submission against their opponent.

It had been so long! Casey was thrilled to be wrestling again, she had only really trained recently without having had an actual match, so she was excited. The redhead whistled a tune as she waited impatiently for the announcer to give her the queue, and eventually that time would come as " Earth orchestra " played throughout the arena.

The redhead was wearing simple baggy slacks for bottoms, and a similarly baggy shirt and gym shoes. Casey didn't like tight clothes much despite, she much preferred material that didn't stick to her, and gave her body room to breathe.

Casey burst through the curtains and quickly started to walk down the ramp, wasting little time on show boating, though she would turn her body from facing one section of the crowd to another, to wave at them as she made her way towards the ring.

Soon casey approached the stairs at ringside, and hopped onto them, then carried her momentum as she hopped up onto the ring apron with her other foot, grasping the top ropes as she did so, pulling them down with her weight before leaping over them with a diving flip, which transitioned into a forward roll as she made contact with the canvas. Casey then posing on the canvas, laying sideways with her hand on her hip, giggling slightly as she posed in a silly position for the cameramen, before then standing up and getting to her corner.

Casey would play with her fringe as she waited for her opponent, twirling the curles between her fingers.

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Re: Kiera Quinn vs Casey quick: feisty introductions

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Kiera had been fidgetting with her braids backstage as she waited for her opponent to make their entrance. it wasn't exactly a nervous habit, just something the redhead tended to do when she was bored. She hadn't bothered to watch Casey's entrance as she really didn't care much for any show they'd be trying to put on. Kiera even found herself yawning as she waited for her turn. Finally though she was given the signal.

Kiera burst from backstage. The orange blur waved to the crowd as she rushed towards the ring. She was sporting a black sports bra and matching bottoms with a skull pattern on the thigh. After reaching the ring Kiera hopped up before sliding through the ropes. She smiled once more at the crowd before finally turning to her opponent. Kiera slowly looked Casey up and down, her eyes visibly scanning her foe as she did so.

"Ay, love your hair color~" Kiera almost immediately commented. It was rare she got to see a fellow redhead other than her sister. Her smile soon turned to an impish grin as she continued. "I feel kinda bad that I'm gonna have to kick a fellow redhead's ass. Buuuut hey, bright side! I'm sure you and the floor are gonna become great friends." She taunted. After a few verbal jabs, Kiera made her way to her corner and leaned back against it. Being both bigger than her opponent and more skilled, at least according to herself, Kiera felt pretty relaxed in the ring. She was confident this would be a breeze.
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Re: Kiera Quinn vs Casey quick: feisty introductions

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Casey would watch as her cute opponent entered the ring, naturally though Casey was cuter, or at least in her head that was a certainty.

The cute little dojo crusher listened as Kiera showed her appreciation for Casey being a fellow redhead, before then boasting that she was going to be giving Casey a hard time and implying she would be spending a lot of time on the mat.

" and who's going to introduce me? You? Fat chance girly, I'll have you layed out and exhausted in a couple of minutes. " Casey shot back playfully, she didn't mind a little trash talk, and was as confident In that area as she was with her wrestling ability.

Casey then waited for the bell to ring before rushing out to the middle of the ring, and putting up her arms for a test of strength. Though Casey had no intention of having said test of strength, instead if Kiera accepted then Casey would quickly step past her, between her arms, and then extend her arm quickly to Kiera'a chin, to stun her with a swift palm strike to her chin.

If all went according to plan, Casey would tease Kiera. " Stuuuupid " Casey said, sticking her tounge out afterwards.

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Re: Kiera Quinn vs Casey quick: feisty introductions

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Kiera couldn't help but roll her eyes. Her opponent thought she was hot shit. "Pfff...keep shit talking and I'll make ya kiss my ass before I'm done with ya." She teased, turning slightly to give her rear a firm smack. As soon as the bell rang though it was back to business. Kiera approached the ring with her arms raised, ready to deliver a beatdown to her rival redhead.

As soon as Kiera went in for the lockup, she was met with a swift strike to her chin. "Gaaah!" The woman yelped as she was forced a step back. She had intended to quickly test her foe's strength before going in for a sneaky strike but it seemed Casey literally beat her to the punch. "Little fucking imp!" She whined as she shook her head. Her face flushed red for a brief moment before she shook her head.

Kiera was quick to try and deliver some retaliation. With her foe sticking her tongue out at her, the redhead would aim a punch right to her counterpart's face in an attempt to knock the smug right out of her.
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Re: Kiera Quinn vs Casey quick: feisty introductions

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Casey giggled at Kiera's claim about making her kiss as, and simply smirked at the other redhead, clearly not finding her words to be particularly weighty.

Then moments later Casey nailed Kiera with her strike, making the other wrestler take a step back, then the other redhead would visibly get angry and wind her arm back, naturally Casey had been in enough fights to know exactly what was coming.

When Kiera went to punch Casey, the smaller redhead would move only her head to the side, evading the punch, before then trying to whip her own arm back, and blast it forward right into the taller wrestler's shoulders and collar, hoping to knock Kiera on to the mat.

" and if you impress me, I'll let you kiss my ass, but kiss the mat first." Casey would confidently mock her opponent, figuring that if she continued making Kiera angry, she would be as predictable as she just was.

Casey of course didn't know her foe's strengths, but rather than feeling her opponents out she prefers to just hone in on their first obvious weakness as soon as possible.
Last edited by RJD on Wed Jul 01, 2020 10:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Kiera Quinn vs Casey quick: feisty introductions

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Kiera realized she made a bad decision as soon as she threw the punch. Unfortunately for her there was no way to take it back. Instead she was met with a swift strike to her collar. "Gaah!" She cried out before stumbling back and landing right on her perfect ass. for a brief moment her face turned a light red before she scrambled back to her feet. "Ugh I'll impress the crowd by kicking your sorry ass all around the ring!" Kiera retorted as she got ready to go on the offensive yet again.

As soon a she got up to her feet Kiera would throw another punch. While she wasn't the most powerful wrestler by a long shot, she was sure a well placed strike to the gut would hurt no matter what. "Now take that!" She cried out, hoping to knock Casey back much like what had been done to her moments earlier. If that happened though she wouldn't be nice enough to give her opponent the chance to mount a counterattack as Casey had been.
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Re: Kiera Quinn vs Casey quick: feisty introductions

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" Oh, and you'll do that from the mat? " Casey responded, the fiesty lightweight clearly as dedicated to trash talking as she was actually wrestling in this match. Casey was being to lenient though, which she realised as the slightest redhead recovered quicker than expected and got up.

Casey intended to attack, closing in on the rising redhead. " No, back do-gahh! " Casey began to say, before her opponent fired off a strike right to her gut, Kiera not making the same mistake of clearly telegraphing her strike like she had previously.

Casey crumbled onto a knee momentarily, she could usually endure strikes more than other moves due to being quite scrappy, but she had been hit in quite a vulnerable spot and would show a moment of weakness. Casey's intention would be to get to her feet and back off, Kiera likely didn't intend to let her get away so easily though.

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Re: Kiera Quinn vs Casey quick: feisty introductions

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Kiera's fist sank into Casey's stomach with the satisfying sound of a well placed strike. The Irish lass was all smiles as she saw Casey fall to her knee after she had dared to taunt her fellow redhead. "Heh not so confident now huh?" Kiera teased as she pushed herself up and stood looking down at her opponent. She saw Casey was trying to make an escape but she wasn't about to let that happen.

Reaching out, Kiera grabbed her opponent by the hair and would pull them forward. She yanked Casey up straight before she would try to drive her knee right into the fighter's stomach. "Oh and here's another one!" She shouted. While she wasn't about to become a crowd pleaser like that, she would be happy enough to have just dazed her opponent if all went well. From there Kiera would grab Casey in a tight headlock and press their face against the side of her chest. "Hope you're ready...cause I'm about to introduce you to the ground!"
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Re: Kiera Quinn vs Casey quick: feisty introductions

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" got one strike in. " Casey grumbled in defiance as she tried to flee after being struck, not keen on letting anyone but herself ever have the last word. Casey would soon be punished for her defiance though, as her hair was grabbed.

" oww oouuch! " Casey whined as her hair was pulled, her body by extension being pulled back forward towards the larger redhead, who then drove her knee into her stomach.

" Ugggh. " Casey groaned, being forced to keel over in response to the strike, being groggy long enough for Kiera to wrap her arm round the cute little red head's skull. Casey's face being pinned slightly against Kiera's covered side boob.

" Then do it already... you talk more than you wrestle" Casey responded, as she attempted to wrap her arms around Kiera's sides and squeeze tightly, it was hardly an efficient bearhug, but the redhead didn't exactly have many other options, the best she could do currently while still groggy was to at least cause Kiera a little bit of suffering too.

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Re: Kiera Quinn vs Casey quick: feisty introductions

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"Pfff if you'd rather me focus on kicking your sorry ass, fine." Kiera huffed. While the slight bearhug was annoying, it was far from enough to stop her. In Casey's position it was a pretty ineffective maneuver. Kiera would drop back to the ground, aiming to slam Casey's face down against it. That would teach her to mouth off to her fellow redhead. If that didn't, then the Irish lass had plenty other methods in mind to leave her opponent more than speechless.

After Kiera heard her foe's head slam into the ground, she couldn't be smiling wider. She took a moment to rise to her knees and flip Casey over onto her back. From there she Quickly she scrambled back to her feet and would back up to the ropes. She leaned back before using the ropes to propel her forward. Kiera charged at her opponent before hopping into the air and extending her leg. She intended to drop right over her foe's chest to crush the air right out of the downed Casey.
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