Title Idea

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Are you in favor of an International title belt?

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Title Idea

Unread post by Devastated »

I was suggested to ask and see if there was any interest for a title idea I had, by winner3.

So if anyone here watches Stardom, there is a title there that is called the SWA Undisputed Women's world championship. Said championship is like any standard main title of sorts. It does have one rule to it though, as only wrestlers from other countries than the champion can challenge for the belt.
To explain, is the champion was say...American, then only people from other countries than the United States could challenge for the title.

In my opinion, it could be a really interesting secondary title. All weight classes. It's mostly a national bragging rights belt, where a lot of national feuds can be built up.

Let me know if you think this is a dumb idea or not. I just figured it would be a cool thing to have.

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Re: Title Idea

Unread post by Vc0m »

I actually did want to suggest suggest, but a bit later. I love this use! This could be a great secondary title...
Buut. I think it would be better if it is introduced after the World Openweight title.

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Re: Title Idea

Unread post by Fairy Dragon »

Vcom7418 wrote:
Fri Sep 15, 2017 3:39 pm
I actually did want to suggest suggest, but a bit later. I love this use! This could be a great secondary title...
Buut. I think it would be better if it is introduced after the World Openweight title.
Is that what were calling the world title?
But yeah I can see it being something interesting but I worry about the limitations of challengers since its basically like you said of different countries duking it out each time.

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Re: Title Idea

Unread post by Caboose2.0 »

Alternative idea, what if its not a title, but an achievement? Like I feel like we have enough belts, but what if we had like "mini challenges" where say four or so people fought for an award. Like say a "United States Brawl" Challenge where American fighters face off and whoever wins gets lets say a #1 Contenders spot, lots of cash, a MITB briefcase, and so on.

Maybe even a temporary belt like the one you are describing and it only lasts for so long, like three matches or 6 months and whoever has it when it ends is declared the owner of that belt? At least until another challenge starts for it down the line.


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Re: Title Idea

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

Sounds like an fun title to be honest. Like the concept that nobody from the same country as the champion can challenge the champion for the belt.

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Re: Title Idea

Unread post by winner3 »

Jalter wrote:
Fri Sep 15, 2017 3:27 pm
I was suggested to ask and see if there was any interest for a title idea I had, by winner3.

So if anyone here watches Stardom, there is a title there that is called the SWA Undisputed Women's world championship. Said championship is like any standard main title of sorts. It does have one rule to it though, as only wrestlers from other countries than the champion can challenge for the belt.
To explain, is the champion was say...American, then only people from other countries than the United States could challenge for the title.

In my opinion, it could be a really interesting secondary title. All weight classes. It's mostly a national bragging rights belt, where a lot of national feuds can be built up.

Let me know if you think this is a dumb idea or not. I just figured it would be a cool thing to have.
It's not a dumb idea at all and it seems to have intrigued at least a few people. No one has outright voted "no" so I think there's definitely some demand/support./ Let's get the titles that we already have planned going first. Once we establish a title scene with those, we can work on introduce this and/or other ideas that people would like to get behind.

Mystery Dragon wrote:
Fri Sep 15, 2017 3:41 pm
Vcom7418 wrote:
Fri Sep 15, 2017 3:39 pm
I actually did want to suggest suggest, but a bit later. I love this use! This could be a great secondary title...
Buut. I think it would be better if it is introduced after the World Openweight title.
Is that what were calling the world title?
I think in the suggestions thread or some other thread, we had discussed the belt. It's still a tentative name but I like "World Openweight Title". If people collectively decide they want to call it something else, though, I'm open to changing it.

Caboose2.0 wrote:
Fri Sep 15, 2017 3:42 pm
Alternative idea, what if its not a title, but an achievement? Like I feel like we have enough belts, but what if we had like "mini challenges" where say four or so people fought for an award. Like say a "United States Brawl" Challenge where American fighters face off and whoever wins gets lets say a #1 Contenders spot, lots of cash, a MITB briefcase, and so on.

Maybe even a temporary belt like the one you are describing and it only lasts for so long, like three matches or 6 months and whoever has it when it ends is declared the owner of that belt? At least until another challenge starts for it down the line.


I want the position of #1 Contender to be earned more often than not on LAW. I'm definitely open to having challenges, brawls, and other events that are awarded with contendership or other accolades such as cash prizes, prestige, etc.

We'll flesh things out as we progress. For now, though, if anyone or any group of people want to band together and put together an event, or specialty match. You're free to do so in the special events section at your leisure. A full explanation on the special events section can be found here.
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