Tamago Oshiro vs Alaina " Amazon " Sanders - Meeting a legend

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Re: Tamago Oshiro vs Alaina " Amazon " Sanders - Meeting a legend

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Tamago would watch as Alaina crumbled to her knees, the daredevil knew to look beyond the illusion of the older beaten wrestler, regardless of how she seemed to be doing Tamago didn't care discount her strength or experience. not only would going easy on her opponent be disrespectful to the Amazon's own legacy, but it could also give Alaina the opening needed to stomp Tamago's legacy into the ground before it even bloomed.

The daredevil would lower herself somewhat in front of the Amazon, Tamago stretching her arms over and to the side her own head to hold Alaina in a headlock similar to a snapmare hold. Although rather than whip Alaina over her Tamago would keep her arms around her opponent's head and instead transition into a standing position, trying to guide the Amazon onto her feet before running towards the corner, stepping into the bottom turnbuckle with one leg as she reached for the second turnbuckle with her other, forcing the Amazon to support her weight for a moment before the daredevil kicked off the top rope with one of her feet and let gravity do the rest.

Tamago attempting to use her momentum and weight to drill the Amazon into the mat with her sliced bread finisher. The daredevil willing to take one last gamble and hoping the Amazon didn't have any energy left to use her extraordinary strength, Tamago sure that if she succeeded even the great Alaina Sanders wouldn't be able to kick out.

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Re: Tamago Oshiro vs Alaina " Amazon " Sanders - Meeting a legend

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Alaina was barely there, going through he motions as Tamago sprang into action. The impact sent Alaina rocketing down to the mat, letting out one loud long moan of agony as the move connected! She hit the mat and laid there totally motionless and looked more or less knocked out or otherwise incapacitated. She was barely abel to register what just happened, and felt a lot of pain, and humiliation as she looked like a hapless rookie at the end of a match that she barely had any business being in.

All Alaina could do was lay there unmoving without making a sound, she felt like her agonized body couldn't move even if it wanted to at this point. Needless to say it was quite humbling.

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Re: Tamago Oshiro vs Alaina " Amazon " Sanders - Meeting a legend

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Tamago even as she fell backwards was expecting the iconic wrestler to suddenly have a sudden wave of strength, scooping up the daredevil into her arms or catch her in mid air before slamming her down to the mat with brutal power. Luckily that wasn't the outcome though, both wrestler's instead crashing into the mat. Truthfully that was quite a risky move for the daredevil, since she already knew Alaina had the potential to lift her given even the slightest chance.

Tamago would desperately scramble atop the Amazon, her stomach falling atop her opponent sidewards as she hooked one of the woman's legs, hoping to finally put an end to the gruelling match and trying not to give the Amazon a break for eveb a second.

As the daredevil layed her body atop her opponent's the ref would quickly drop to her knees, clearly being the only woman in the ring with enough energy to act quickly. " One! "

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Re: Tamago Oshiro vs Alaina " Amazon " Sanders - Meeting a legend

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Alaina was still motionless and silent, looking to be incapacitated still to the crowd. The referee's hand went up and began to plummet once more, still no sign of life from Alaina. However, at the last minute she let out a loud scream as she thrust her shoulder up to break the pin as forcefully as she could... which was much less forceful than she would have liked. She was still spent, still out of it. However, her breaking of the pin did somehow buy her time.

Could she come back? Was she good enough to do so? The audience was dying to know although given Alaina's inability to get up to her feet even after kicking out they had doubt written all over their faces.

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Re: Tamago Oshiro vs Alaina " Amazon " Sanders - Meeting a legend

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Tamago was already planning her trimphant return to her apartment after the match, pouring herself a nice cold one and taking a boiling point bath to soothe her aching body. All these fantasys would be cut off though as the Amazon burst into action at the last possible instant, leaving a confused Tamago still leaning atop her opponent for a moment.

" What..." Tamago would gasp, slowly moving into a sitting position and looking at the ref, gesturing to her with three fingers and getting a two fingered gesture back. No way...not possible. The Amazon had just kicked out, and the daredevil was at a loss, not beliving what she saw before her and not even sure what she should do next.

Tamago would ponder for a moment what to do, just sorting blankly before slowly inching her way behind Alaina and trying to lift the wrestler onto her rear, before grasping her opponent's arm and wretching it between her two own, her shoulder pressing into her opponent's back and her feet stretching out to touch the mat. " Come on...give up " Tamago would say, although it was more so her muttering to occupy her mind and stop herself from going insane rather than her trying to communicate with her opponent.

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Re: Tamago Oshiro vs Alaina " Amazon " Sanders - Meeting a legend

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Alaina was weak and barely with it, pain shooting through her arm as Tamago held it behind her back. Alaina was weak and flailing about, her free arm flailing wildly as the amazon thrashed around.

She was more or less running on empty, and out of options. She reached back desperately at Tamago, trying to grab onto her hair or anything in a desperate attempt to snapmare Tamago over her shoulder. If her attempt to grab Tamago failed Alaina was in a very bad spot!

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Re: Tamago Oshiro vs Alaina " Amazon " Sanders - Meeting a legend

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Tamago was still at a loss on if she was close to winning or not, the daredevil not having any sense of her opponent's capabilities anymore. Sure the tired wrestling veteran tapping out made sense, but the daredevil had thought the same thing about her last pin and that had proved not to be enough.

The daredevil had no clue what she would do next of the Amazon escaped, completely drawing blanks on what could put the other wrestler away and honestly getting quite frustrated at the fact.

Tamago would be shocked when Alaina's other arm suddenly grasped her by the hair, earning a grumble from the daredevil before the Amazon whipped the daredevil over her shoulder, leaving Tamago lying flat against the mat and panting as she held her heaving chest with one hand and her heaving chest with the other.

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Re: Tamago Oshiro vs Alaina " Amazon " Sanders - Meeting a legend

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Alaina was in a sitting position and slowly hobbled up to her feet, swaying as she rose. The amazon steadied herself and tried to grab hold of Tamago by the hair to pull her up to her feet as well. Alaina wanted to put Tamago away but had no idea if this was just another trick of playing possum or not. Wearily she bent down to grab Tamago between the legs, and around the shoulder.

Alaina wanted to lift Tamago up and hold her there, rushing at the corner in a desperate last ditch attempt to deliver a running powerslam to Tamago modifying it by trying to slam her down against the turnbuckle instead of down to the mat! If it connected Alaina would let her slump to the mat and drag her away from the ropes. Should Tamago reverse or counter this then Alaina knew she was essentially out of luck!

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Re: Tamago Oshiro vs Alaina " Amazon " Sanders - Meeting a legend

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As Tamago was lifted onto her feet and then into the air she would struggle in the other woman's arms as she got suspicious on why she hadn't already been slammed to the mat. Although as soon as she caught sight of the corner she would feel a chill go down her spine, knowing full well that if the move hit she would likely be out completely cold.

As expected the Amazon started running towards the corner, managing to keep grasp of Tamago's shoulder and inbeteeen her legs. As the two approached the corner though the daredevil would try to struggle enough to move her legs closer to Alaina's head just as she started to turn the daredevil into her side. The daredevil hoping to use that slight shifting of weight and momentum to her advantage to trap the Amazon's head between her legs and headscissors whip the other wrestler into the corner.

If Tamago's plan was successful then the Amazon would crash back first into the corner after being forced to do a flip due to the headscissors whip. Meanwhile Tamago would awkwardly land on one shoulder, letting out a grunt as her body then fell to and spread out just in front of the corner. The daredevil's likely most important reversal being just a thing of instinct and luck that didn't even leave the Japanese woman herself unburdened.

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Re: Tamago Oshiro vs Alaina " Amazon " Sanders - Meeting a legend

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Alaina felt Tamago wiggle and adjust herself, unable to stop Tamago! "Ugh! No n- aarrrrrgggghhhh!" Alaina howled as she flipped over and crashed into the turnbuckle back first!

The amazon fell to the floor in a lifeless heap, gasping for air as her attempt to fight back came to a crashing halt.

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