Monica Jackson

120lbs/54.5kg and below
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Monica Jackson

Unread post by RJD »

Monica Jackson

Name: Monica
aliases: Monica, Jackson, Tsundere ( She doesn't appreciate this nickname )
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Purple
Sex: Female
Age: 26
Height: 5'4
Weight: 120lbs
Nationality: American
Entrance music: TBA

In ring attire

Sports wear


At the beach

Finishing Moves

Reverse head scissors Monica will approach a downed opponent and wrap her thighs around their face, pulling their head up by the hair as she does so before locking in her head scissors. both squishing her opponent's face against her behind and trying to knock them out or gain the submission.

flying meteora Monica will perform this move against an opponent who is either standing or sitting near a corner. She will scale the top rope and leap towards her opponent's, landing with both her knees against her opponent's shoulders. Depending on the match type Monica can go for a smother, pin or transition into her reverse figure four hold after landing.


Tactics: 6/10 - 
Strength: 6/10 -
Speed: 8/10 - 
Endurance : 8/10 - 
Sexuality: 2/10
High flying: 6/10
Charisma: 3/10 -
Technique: 7/10 -


Monica is one of the daughters of the Jackson family which is a loose wrestling family where a few members end up at least taking a relative interest in wrestling while the occasional member becomes a fairly well known wrestler. Monica from a young age was exposed to wrestler as her grandpa was a wrestling fanatic and former wrestler himself, and her mother was an artist who helped some independent wrestlers come up with designs for belts and attires. Monica was quite a trouble maker and a tomboy as a kid, getting into all sorts of trouble and going just about everywhere she wasn't meant to, and even dragging her cousin Harley with her. Monica being quick to anger and quick to disregard rules, two things which would carry on through out her life. However Monica was at the very least thoughtful, and would try to take the blame on herself when others were included in her schemes.

From the age of 12 Monica would start training for wrestling, at first just trying to keep her fitness up and practising herself, although at the age of 14 she would manage to find a wrestling school willing to teach someone of her age. Around this time she drifted from her cousin who she had been pretty close with, they had almost been like sisters for years and this fact was only amplified by the fact they shared the same wrestling lineage and even second name, since Harley was her cousin on her dad's side of the family. Monica would try to keep her studies up as to be allowed to wrestle, until she left school and focused on wrestling full time, learning the trade and even wrestling in Germany for a while, before coming back to the states and making a somewhat well known name in the areas she operated. Monica would be surprised when a fellow wrestler asked if she was related to Harley Jackson though, and was confused at why the wrestler knew her, and even more confused when she did some research and found out that her cousin who was hesitant to wrestle ended up being in a pretty big promotion and even making quite a name for herself.

However Monica was angered at this realisation, not due to the fact that Harley was wrestling, but where she was doing it. Monica was ashamed that Harley was disgracing their name in such a perverted promotion, and for a while refused to acknowledge her relation, making sure to be extra hard hitting and brutal in the ring to make up for the damage done to her name by her cousin. In time though Monica would check a few of Harley's matches and slowly come to accept that her cousin was pretty good at working over the fans, and her constant uphill battle against bigger and more experienced foe's even kept Monica somewhat engaged as she watched. Monica eventually going against her former judgement and actually starting to admire her cousins work, having a slight identity crisis as her name started to be hated backstage in independent circuits she visited. Monica not entirely fond of the fact that her cousin was fighting in sex battles, but starting to wonder if maybe Harley was bringing respect to her name while Monica herself wasn't. The self proclaimed " better wrestler " letting her frustrations and petty emotions show in matches while her cousin showed impressive determination, respect and mental fortitude.

At the age of 22 Monica would take a 6 month break from wrestling as she figure things out, eventually deciding to try and change her ways. Refreshing her memory of wrestling by working in a smaller promotion for a while before heading to LAW, a promotion similar to the one her cousin was in. Monica eager to develop a positive name for herself and try to become someone with better composure and a more friendly attitude. Although even Monica herself has to admit that she is struggling to do so, some of her previous habits being difficult to break.


Monica as a person can come across as cold or distant sometimes, as she is used to being a loner as she always focused on chasing her goals rather than socialising. The woman almost seems single minded or uncaring about others, but those that get close to her experience her more insecure side, Monica being blessed with quite far above average intelligence and a supernatural level of self awareness, resulting in her almost constantly questioning her actions. Part of the reason Monica seems so single minded is because she makes a conscious effort to be so, knowing that she will never achieve anything if she gives herself time and space to worry over it, instead always working on becoming a better wrestler or getting her body even healthier so she doesn't have time to doubt herself. Monica tries to be understanding and kind, but she honestly struggles to keep her opinions to herself when pushed to a certain level, and if things don't go the way she wants she can get frustrated and say some things she will regret later, although experience has at least made her good at apologising. Monica isn't exactly used to dealing with difficult people and can easily get frustrated if someone gives her a hard time, whether they mean to or not, and flirting with her will either get an awkward, embarrassed or angry response depending on her mood and the method used.


  • Working out
  • Philosaphy
  • Well toned bodies
  • Wrestling
  • Exploring
  • Chasing goals
  • Learning


  • Doing nothing
  • Being belittled/made fun of
  • Being misunderstood or misrepresented.
  • Flirts
  • Excessive free time
  • Head blows ( will result in a few involuntary cusses and minor irritation )
  • Traffic
  • Night time


  • Thoughtful
  • Intelligent
  • Determined
  • Organised
  • Hard working
  • Brave
  • Self awareness


  • Quick to anger
  • Awkward
  • harsh
  • Rebellious
  • Self concious
  • Lacks confidence
  • easily to upset

    Preferred moves : Favourite moves: Neck breaker, meteora, roundhouse kick, enzeguri, springboard moves, ddt, knee drops

    Strategy: Overwhelm her opponent with her speed and technique as she comes up with a game plan, while also trying to keep her opponent occupied enough that they don't have the space or time to do so themselves

    quick paced, reckless, hard hitting

    Type: combo artist, strong style, submissionist

Last edited by RJD on Mon Mar 21, 2022 10:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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