Momo presents: Mmmm Milfs

Highlighting anything and everything. Be it a match you’re proud of or feel needs note, or a character you think is in need of focus.
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Momo presents: Mmmm Milfs

Unread post by pikazard »

Heya everyone! Welcome to my hit new LAW magazine article: Momo Meticulously Measures Marvellous Milfs! Or Mmmm Milfs for short!

Mmmm Milfs will be a series of articles where I, the ever infallible Momo Kazan, shine a spotlight on LAWs many beautiful mothers and highlight just what makes them so great! To do that I will rank them according to a set of criteria based on important features of what makes a great wrestler, and I promise that the rankings will be completely factual and free of my own biases (though if you're a milf reading this and you want me to be biased I can be bribed with a dinner date). Let me give you guys an example of what these will look like!

First off I'd give an introduction of the woman being featured and a picture of her for your viewing pleasure on the off chance that you don't recognise them by name, but any good LAW fan or milf enjoyer should be very familiar with these women already! After that I'd give a brief profile of the featured fighter like so:

Fan reception:

From there I'd then move on to the categories, which I would give a rating out of 10 alongside an explanation as to why I'd give that rating, like "Attractiveness 10/10 because she has a great bod". The categories look like this:

Wrestling skill
(Number here)/10
"Blah blah blah explanation"

(Number here)/10
"Blah blah blah explanation"

(Number here)/10
"Blah blah blah explanation"

(Number here)/10
"Blah blah blah explanation"

So that's pretty much what it's gonna look like, stay tuned for my first article!
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Re: Momo presents: Mmmm Milfs

Unread post by pikazard »

Dana Ashford


Age: 51
Height 6'2
Weight: 210lbs
Nationality: USA
Fan reception: Heel (Though I don't understand why. No matter what she'd do to me I'd forgive her.)
Finisher: Sword of Damacles (Jackhammer)

So I don't know why you should need an introduction to Dana-san but here's one anyway! Dana Ashford is a veteran wrestler who is notoriously known as the "Smiling Demon" for the way she cruelly dismantles her opponents all while keeping a calm smile on her face, but she's not all bad as she's a mother of three who have all grown to become wrestlers in their own right and the head of the Shadow Fortress wrestling school, showing she has a caring, maternal side as well. She's a woman who's been in LAW for years and in wrestling as a whole for a lot longer, and in her time in LAW she's had plenty of memorable matches against women like Alaina-san, Ducky and Karen-chan that proves she's one of the big names in the heavyweight division, and in LAW as a whole. Oh she's also challenging for the heavyweight title soon, that's kind of a big deal. So I figured now was a good time to highlight Dana-san while there's a lot of hype surrounding her!

That being said you don't want to read a wikipedia article on her, you want to know what I think alongside some arbitrary numbers! So lets get on with the categories!

Wrestling skill
As I've already mentioned Dana-san is one of the big names of the heavyweight division, and she didn't get that distinction just by being thicc and looking good in a Leotard! Boasting a 210lbs frame Dana-san has plenty of physical bulk which she makes good use of with loads of powerful slams and throws; I bet if she had a mind to she could pick me up and throw me into a basketball hoop! And for all her strength she's not just a gorilla, she's skilled with holds and strikes as well, and those delicious thighs of hers can move her around the ring way faster than you'd think for a big gal; so she's got any tool she needs in her kit and as a fighter she pretty much has no shortcomings! And just to complete the package while she's not a dedicated sexfighter or anything she knows her way around lewds. Maybe she could teach me a thing or two about them some time lol.

Hoo boy. To get the obvious stuff out of the way Dana-san has one hell of a body, forgoing the massive muscles that most women in her division boast for some juicy curves instead, and she does this without actually sacrificing strength which somehow makes it even hotter! That hot body of hers is beautifully highlighted by a sexy leopard-print leotard that really accentuates her curvy legs and her huge bouncy rack, making Dana-san a delight to look at! Though Dana's appeal is not just in her bod, but also in the mature and motherly aura she gives off. Sure her grin might be unnerving to see when you're in the ring with her but outside of that you can't deny it's a gorgeous smile that really lights up the room! All this serves to make her a quintessential milf who can turn heads no matter what you think of her!

Now I know what you're thinking "Nine out of ten!?! But she's a heel!" But here's the thing about your girl; I don't really care. On it's own I don't think just being a heel is a bad thing, I've always felt that most of the appeal of Pro Wrestling came from the dynamic of faces vs heels, and Dana-san is a great example of why this is! And you don't just have to take my word for it; Dana-san herself is on record herself spouting the importance of villains in wrestling. Me personally I find Dana-san's attitude towards this to be quite admirable! And while she might play the heel in the ring she's also a loving mother to her children and a mentor to her students at Shadow Fortress, showing that despite how she may act in the ring she's actually a kind and maternal woman. Though in spite of all this praise I can't give her a full ten out of ten because uh... she enjoys beating down and humiliating her opponents a bit too much lol. Still pretty good all things considered.

So as you can see I hold Dana-san in great regard; she's a top-tier wrestler with a top-tier bod and whether you love her or you're wrong women's wrestling wouldn't be the same without her! I wanted to start this series off with a bang, and who better to start off with than the first woman most would think of when they think "Milf Wrestler" It's gonna take a real good milf to top her, so stay tuned to see who's gonna follow up this opening act!
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