Yuki Kazikura vs. Rose Gold - Mercy Match

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Yuki Kazikura vs. Rose Gold - Mercy Match

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Verbal Submission/No DQ Match: No disqualifications. Victory to be only when one wrestler accepts the other's verbal submission.

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Re: Yuki Kazikura vs. Rose Gold - Mercy Match

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Yuki sat on a bench backstage, reflecting. She kept her head down, her arms folded and resting with her hands on her knees, as she thought about both her past and her future. It had only been a year, not even quite that, and her career had gone to heights she never would have believed imaginable. Before she came to LAW, Yuki had a respectable career in the indies. She'd never been a big breakout star, rarely straying far from her native Yokohama, but she had gotten plenty of coverage from people discussing the independent joshi circuits, who were impressed by her dedication and talent at such a young age. It seemed as though the young wrestler, nicknamed the Dynamite Schoolgirl by the press, was destined to go on to greatness.

And now...that greatness had come. She'd started out modestly enough in LAW, but in match after match she had proven she had the skills to compete in the main event scene, and once she had gotten on that train she wasn't looking back. Even Yuki herself could hardly believe it when she was booked to face Lightweight Champion Aoi Fukiwara - and while she had come short of the goal, she'd proven herself she was worthy of such a position.

Now, that had led her here. Competing on the main card at We Are LAW, the biggest show of the year. There weren't any titles on the line for her now, and yet, it still felt even greater than her last match. She would have more eyes on her than ever, and even appearing on the card at all would be the sort of prestige she had never dealt with before. Ordinarily, Yuki would be nervous. But she had come this far, and there was no turning back now. She knew she had all these people counting on her...but she would do it for them, and it would give her strength.

"Kelsea...I'm doing this for you," Yuki told herself as she straightened herself up from her seat, tightening her glove.

"Coming first to the ring, from Yokohama, Japan! At 5'4 and weighing 118 pounds, the Dynamite Schoolgirl, YUKI! KAZIKURAAAA!"
As the sound of her music filled the arena, Yuki stepped out onto the entrance ramp, lit by sparklers going off at either side of her. Almost immediately as she came onto the scene, that music was drowned out by an entire arena's worth of cheers. Yuki looked up towards her fans, a tear coming to her eye at the thought that she had their support. But she'd save that for after - she already had plenty to prove! Yuki wore a track jacket into the ring, lifting an arm as she came down the aisle to cheers and chants urging for her to do her best and give it her all. At last, she came to the ring, where she climbed the ropes to lift herself onto the corner post, then swung the jacket off her shoulders and let it fall to the ground behind her. Posing one last time with both arms raised to the crowd to urge on their cheers, Yuki then showcased her high-flying expertise by doing a backflip into the ring and landing on her feet, where she awaited her opponent's entrance.

With all the work she was caught up in in preparing for this match, as well as her upcoming final exams, Yuki hadn't had any time to research her opponent, and this mysterious Rose Gold didn't mean much to her besides a name on the card. But she was dead set on doing her best nonetheless! She knew her closest friends would be here for her - Mayori, her classmates, and of course, Kelsea. She would have to do the best she could, for all of them.
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Re: Yuki Kazikura vs. Rose Gold - Mercy Match

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This was it. The biggest stage LAW had to offer. We Are LAW. Rose Gold had arrived, despite having been on the roster for a scant few months. The Lightweight had rubbed the right elbows and smothered the right conpetition. Her pedigree in Judo and Jiujitsu had catapulted her out of the lower card. Her sensual style and head-turning appearance had boosted her out of the mid-card. But it was her cunning and cruelty that had landed her at the precipice of greatness.

This was her opportunity to showcase who she was. To introduce the world to the woman who was confidant she would be champion.

But beyond that, it was an opportunity for Rose Gold to wrest greater control of herself. Kelsea Rose, her pathetic out of ring persona, had met a woman more special to her than herself. Rose Gold had worked incredibly hard to elevate the unassuming Kelsea Rose. To earn her opportunity after opportunity. Fame, success, acknowledgement, and money. She had won all of these things for her lesser half. And yet... This "Dynamite Schoolgirl" sought to ruin it all!


(Start at 1:21 for replays)
The lights cut out as the electronica of 'Gold' pulses through the arena. The stage fills with smoke, obscuring it. As the vocals kick in the directional lights flare to life, cutting through the darkness in dramatic swathes. They scan the ring and audience, offering a momentary reprieve from the darkness. Tiny flecks of gold confetti sparkle brilliantly within the arena.

The lights all assemble on the ramp and trace their way up it. Among the smoke and glitter, the shapely silhouette of a woman waits. Her head down and arms at her sides. Statue still. The music stops for a few beats. The lights cut once again. But as the beat drops everything returns! A dazzling crecendo of sound and sensation!

The lightweight competitor reveals herself. Her expression is grim and determined. Her normal attire had been cast aside. No longer was she garbed in playful, flirty, and provocative pink and white. Instead she was garbed in an outfit of entirely black. An outfit that matched the attitude of the Sinister Siren. A black domino mask rested atop her face, concealing her identity in the vaguest sense.

She threw a fist in the air with a primal scream! Rose Gold was here!
Black Rose
"Introducing first! fighting out of Hokkaido, Japan, weighing in at 119lbs. ROSE GOOOOOOLD!" cried the ring announcer dramatically!

Rose leapt onto the ring apron and then would vault over the top rope and into the ring proper! She'd run and leap atop the corner opposite the ramp and throw another fist into the air! The lithe woman's body was on full display in the skintight leotard! Every ripple of flesh, every curve of her body! Athletic and sultry.

The blonde looked over her shoulder from her position on the turnbuckles. Down upon Yuki. As it should be... She thought with a snide grin!

This was her first time seeing Yuki in person. She was pretty. She understood what Kelsea saw in her. And despite what Yuki saw here... Kelsea wasn't here anymore. As she stalked to the center of the ring, there was only Rose Gold.
Last edited by SuckerPunch on Fri Mar 06, 2020 11:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Yuki Kazikura vs. Rose Gold - Mercy Match

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From where she stood in the ring, Yuki could take in every moment of her mystery opponent's entrance - and her eyes went wide as she saw the intricate display of lights and smoke that greeted her. While Yuki's entrance had been more mundane, relying on her own athletic talent and determination to rally the crowd behind her, Rose had gone for a different approach in wowing them through special effects. Yuki herself had to admit that she was taken in by the display. It gave the woman, and her entrance, an almost surreal, otherworldly quality; she wasn't even sure what she could anticipate from her.

Which wasn't to say that Rose was lacking in athletic ability either - as she displayed that too, going for a flip onto the turnbuckles before getting into the ring. Yuki looked up at her as she stepped closer, the two of them now eye to eye. She had to bite her lip as she did - there was something oddly captivating about her. The confidence with which she moved and carried herself was engrossing, and her eyes played over the curves and contours of her body, the black fabric of her leotard hugging them so closely as to leave little to the imagination. She gulped, feeling new things in her that she didn't usually feel when facing her opponent. Even if she'd faced no shortage of good-looking athletic women in tight, revealing outfits before, there was something different about Rose. She didn't know what it was, but, even as her heart beat faster in her chest, she swore it wouldn't get in her way!

As the referee came forward to explain the rules of the mercy match to the two of them, Yuki paused, listening. She had been told before she came what she was getting into - but she had prepared accordingly. Yuki knew that with her low tolerance for pain, a submission match would probably not serve her well. No less one where the victim would need their opponent's mercy for it to even count - something she was sure this Rose Gold must have done in order to whittle her down even more, and to make sure that Yuki would only submit once she had been thoroughly humbled and Rose was content with her defeat. Nevertheless, she had accepted nonetheless! Yuki never gave up when she could help it, and she wanted to make a point to her foe. She balled her fists at her sides, puffing out her chest as she locked eyes on Rose to explain herself.

"I know that you're the one who picked these stipulations," Yuki said. "I know that you must feel confident you can beat me with them. And I know you must have studied my matches to know my strengths and my weaknesses. I might be going into things at a disadvantage...but I'm not going to let that keep me down! You think you can defeat me, and humble me, even as I reach new heights. But I'm here to prove that, even if you make the rules, I'm not going to back down and run! I don't know who you are, or what you want, but this is my night, and I won't let you take it from me!" The crowd cheered to this, believing in Yuki's conviction!
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Re: Yuki Kazikura vs. Rose Gold - Mercy Match

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Rose Gold looked her opponent over with hungry eyes. She observed the yellow clad schoolgirl from head to toe. Her tight-fitting attire showcased her form wonderfully. The skirt adding a cute, girlish flair to her appearance. The two women's attire clashed dramatically. Rose's was dark and sensual againsy Yuki's bright and athletic gear.

She suffered the woman's monologue as she met Yuki's stare. Her deep blue eyes were like frigid daggers behind the veil of her domino mask. Boring cold holes into the depths of Yuki's eager young eyes. She could understand what Kelsea saw in the woman. Her youthful optimism. Her nubile body. Her stoicism. Rose Gold might've fallen in love with her herself. That was, if she hadn't already filled her cruel heart to the brim with hate for her.

"Oh Honey. I didn't arrange for these stipulations to give me a special advantage. You weren't good enough to beat the champion. What makes you think I'm worried about little you? You lost the moment you signed the waiver, sweet heart."
A hand came up to brush her bangs out of her face as she spat her words venomously at the girl.

"These stipulations were arranged so that you couldn't quit on me like you did against Fukiwara."
She stepped into the girl. Their bodies pressing together as the referee tried to seperate them. Rose Gold pressed her forehead into Yuki's practically growling.

"I didn't set this up to beat you, Yuki Kazikura." She waved the idea off with a sinister smile. A smile that became a scowl. "I set them up to break you!" As the referee split them up finally, Rose Gold threw an arcing slap over the official's head. An opening shot aimed right at the teen girl's cheek. A stinging, burning blow that promised more to come. To make sure Yuki knew... This woman hated her!

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Re: Yuki Kazikura vs. Rose Gold - Mercy Match

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Yuki stood, facing Rose with a serious look on her face and her back straight. She wouldn't waver. She would stand ready for anything, she told herself. No matter who her opponent was, or what she wanted, she wouldn't back down.

Yuki thought that, anyway. But what Rose said next came as a shock to her. And, in that moment, Yuki's stern expression softened. "W-What..!?" Rose, whoever she was, knew about her. Her words were carefully selected to get under her skin, taunting her about her inability to secure the championship, and positing that she would be able to punish her even further, not allowing her body to give out on her like it had before. Yuki was already emboldened in facing Rose, determined to prove she could still rise to whatever challenge. But now, it was more than about proving herself. It was personal!

Displaying emotion uncharacterisic for her, Yuki met Rose's efforts to get in her face by shoving herself in closer, attempting to balance out the force of her leaning in against her with a push of her own, as she growled back at her, her chest pressing into her opponent's. Rose's words, despite Yuki's best efforts to put up a mental wall, still hit her, and she felt something tense inside of her. But she knew it would only hold her back to get upset over it. Yuki had to prove her wrong!

"If that's what you want...you're going to be disappointed!" Yuki growled back. Before the bell had even rang, it became clear enough that Rose wasn't about to wait for the bell. She swung a slap right at Yuki, the sound echoing through the arena as the raven-haired girl's head cracked to the side, a trail of spittle leaving her clenched teeth as she went reeling. The crowd gasped, watching the intensity erupt already - and, seeing that Rose had no intentions of backing down, the officials had no choice but to ring the bell prematurely, issuing the match to begin!

Yuki straightened herself afterward. Her chest rose and fell with heavy breaths - but she wasn't just angry now, she saw more than ever that she had to win this. She had to prove herself, even in the eyes of an opponent who would want no less than her total ruin! "I won't be broken!!" she shouted back in defiance. Hoping to grab onto Rose's arm before she could withdraw it, Yuki tried to get a grip on her foe, anchoring herself to deliver a knee to her gut!
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Re: Yuki Kazikura vs. Rose Gold - Mercy Match

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"Hmph. You're just a child after all, aren't you?" She spat arrogantly! The sound of her slap had echoed throughout the arena and set the crowd ablaze! They began to boo her violation of the rules. Good, more fuel to the fire. she thought. She would take the heat from the fans and convert it into agony for Yuki. She'd know just how much she was hurting their darling Dynamite Schoolgirl by their disdain! And she knew it would hurt her fellow lightweight further if she was unable to answer the crowd's appeals to her! If she could reduce her to a sobbing, pleading mess while the crowd chanted her name.

All of these thoughts brought her so much joy! Her expression became a sadistic grin that no doubt contrasted with Yuki's shock. Yet, when she searched for it, she instead found steely determination in her opponent's eyes! The bell had rung and Yuki immediately answered it! Grasping a hold of Rose Gold's wrist, still extended from the slap, and drawing her forward! Off focus and off balance, the lithe blonde staggered towards Yuki. "Why you!" Was all she could offer before the yellow-clad grappler drove her knee into her soft belly!

Rose Gold's body wrapped itself around the woman's knee as her eyes went wide! She gasped, her breath pouring from her mouth! She'd reveled in the opportunity she'd contrived for herself and underestimated the vigor of her foe! That absent mindedness had put her in this position. At the mercy of her opponent from the bell's first sounding!

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Re: Yuki Kazikura vs. Rose Gold - Mercy Match

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When it came to when she was in the ring, Yuki usually did best when she was calm and collected, and when she knew how to best approach the situation in front of her. For all her athletic prowess, Yuki was still a smart girl, and she was most prepared when she let herself settle into the flow of things, anticipating each move as they came and letting her instinct and better judgment guide her. She wasn't one to let herself be blinded by her emotions or to talk back; instead, it was her carefully cultivated focus that shaped her ascent through the wrestling world and that led her here.

And yet, that all seemed to be quite far from the case now, as Yuki looked back up from her foe's slap with a glare, hissing through her teeth! Even before any blows had been thrown, Rose was targeting her emotionally, mocking her and belittling her as though she was still a barely-trained rookie trying to break into the big leagues. Yuki was being driven by one thing, and one thing only, and that was to make sure that Rose Gold knew she was wrong!

Yuki might ordinarily have been left stunned by such a hard-hitting slap, but her raw determination to prove herself to Rose was steeling her, as she straightened herself back up to catch hold of the blonde's leg and throw her weight forward to slam her knee against her stomach! As she saw Rose back away, sputtering, a grin crossed Yuki's face now. She'd already made a comeback - and she had proven Rose wasn't as invincible as she thought! This wouldn't be so bad after all!

As soon as Rose was backed away from her, Yuki made her move, coming charging in at her once again. She held up her arm as she same near, swinging it to try and deliver a lariat across her opponent's collarbone, with a cry of determination! "YAAH-!"
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Re: Yuki Kazikura vs. Rose Gold - Mercy Match

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Rose Gold winced in pain, winded by the younger competitors vicious knee strike. It made her knees weak, her legs pressing together to support herself in her staggering.

She hadn't expected the tiny Japanese woman to fire back. From her diminutive size to her yamato nadeshiko appearance, she had expected her to wilt and expose her belly. She had instead targeted the sinister siren's belly.

She viewed the girl through one blurry eye as her assault continued. The time for talk was over it seemed and Yuki Kazikura was all business now! With a battlecry the Dynamite Schoolgirl smashed her blonde opponent with a lariat!

"Hngh!" Was the only argument Rose Gold offered. Her lungs still hadn't the air to conjure words, even as the lariat took her just below her throat! Her back crashed into the canvas roughly and she was lucky the back of her head hadn't bounced off of it.

Her hands cradled her aching chest as she groaned. Both eyes closed as her mouth opened to express her anguish. She didn't think the little girl had this in her. Her lips curled into a pained smile as she rolled to her side. The expression turned her pretty face into a portrait of raw malevolence.

If Yuki allowed it, gasping, Rose would struggle onto her hands and knees. Ms. Kazikura still having total control of the matches momentum. "You...."

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Re: Yuki Kazikura vs. Rose Gold - Mercy Match

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Yuki might have been of slighter build, and her demure attitude didn't suggest that of a typical fighter. Yet she made up for her size by knowing where to strike and how to strike hard - and the stakes were especially high here! When Rose was out to humble and humiliate her on what should have been the biggest night of her career, Yuki had to go the extra mile to prove that she wouldn't be put in her place, and her strikes were made with the purpose and determination to match!

Now, Rose had been staggered by the knee to the gut, but Yuki was far from finished. She charged forward, drawing back her arm to deliver a hard chop across the blonde's chest as she came near to put the momentum of her stride behind the strike. Rose was toppled to the ground, and as she fell with a thud, the crowd sent up a cheer. They had counted on Yuki to do her best, and so far she was delivering!

No one felt this sort of excitement, however, more than Yuki herself. Seeing her opponent, for all her bravado, fall to her face before her was exhilarating - she knew that she was dominating on the grandest stage of them all! The biggest obstacle for Yuki in preparing for this show was in knowing that the expectations on her to do her best and to prevail against all odds were greater than ever. But now that she was in the ring, it all came natural to her as she settled into old rhythms. She could do this!

Not skipping a beat, Yuki continued with a rush across to the ropes on the other side of the ring, her black tresses cascading behind her as she did. When she reached her destination, she spun back around to face the fallen Rose before she began to climb up the ropes. With Rose down, she would be set up well for one of Yuki's aerial maneuvers, and she went now to spring off the middle rope, flying for her opponent with an elbow raised to drop it down onto her back now that she was trying to rise.
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