Psychological Blitzkrieg! Tristan Alden vs. Thunder Ryuko

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Psychological Blitzkrieg! Tristan Alden vs. Thunder Ryuko

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Match Type: Standard Match
Rules: Victory is determined by Pin Fall, Submission, Knock Out, Count Out or Disqualification

”Well, maybe fourth time’s the charm,” Tristan mumbled to himself as he reflected on his career. Four matches in and still no W. Still, he couldn’t say he was disappointed in his career. It has been one hell of a ride. And the blonde was optimistically sanguine if nothing else!

And this time, he might get his win, as studied everything he could about his opponent, Thunder Ryuko. Most people would think that with his record and Ryuko’s reputation, the result of the match would be a forgone conclusion. However, Tristan had a trick up his sleeve as through his scouting, he found a chink in Ryuko’s armor.

He heard the cheers of the crowd as Metallica’s “Ride the Lightening” began to play. He smirked and whispered, ”Get ready for the upset of the century folks!”

And with that, he got on stage.

Guilty as charged
But damn it, it ain't right
There is someone else controlling me
Death in the air
Strapped in the electric chair
This can't be happening to me
Who made you God to say
I'll take your life from you
Flash before my eyes
Now it's time to die
Burning in my brain
I can feel the flames

“The following contest is scheduled for one fall!” Misa announced to the cheering crowd. “Introducing first, from San Diego, California… Tristan Alden!”
Tristan smirked as he posed for the crowd and made his way to the ring. He saw a sign (luckily in English) that said “Ryuko’s going to kill you!” But he merely shrugged it off. “We’ll see about that,” Tristan thought with a snicker as he entered the ring and got to his corner, waiting for his opponent, arms crossed.

Yeah, this was going to be the match that got his career rolling!

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Re: Psychological Blitzkrieg! Tristan Alden vs. Thunder Ryuko

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Ryuko was happy to put a gaijin in their place male or female. Japanese women were the best wrestlers on the planet period. Ryuko had wrestled men before and approached each match the same way regardless of the foe. Once her music began to play she came out, waved a couple times to the crowd while nodding before her focus returned to Tristan in the ring. She glared a hole through him as she walked down the ramp, sliding into the ring underneath the bottom rope. She smirked at him and waved her hand towards him as if brushing him aside already. "This will be easy boy. Don't take this too personally while I toss you around like a rag doll. I have a job to do plain and simple." Ryuko said before settling down in the middle of the ring, standing with her hands on her hips as she stared a hole through Tristan still.

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Re: Psychological Blitzkrieg! Tristan Alden vs. Thunder Ryuko

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The blonde smirked back at her, his eyes wondering up and down her body. He chuckled at her "matter-of-fact" dismissal of him. It was better that she'd underestimate him. The blonde made his way to the ring, meeting her in the middle.

"Isn't that a bit presumptuous? Tristan asked, a teasing tone in his voice. "Japan might have the best joshis, but I have a few tricks up my sleeve," he said, winking at Ryuko.

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Re: Psychological Blitzkrieg! Tristan Alden vs. Thunder Ryuko

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Ryuko listened to Tristan and rolled her eyes. "I only speak the truth, and while I appreciate your enthusiasm it will take more than some petty tricks to defeat me." Ryuko said as she stood in her corner watching Tristan. As the bell rang she didn't waste any time, rushing right at him as quickly as she could in an effort to open the match with a running clothesline! Ryuko wanted to just hammer into Tristan from the opening bell on, knowing that intensity coupled with her wide range of offense would surely spell doom for the man inside the ropes!

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Re: Psychological Blitzkrieg! Tristan Alden vs. Thunder Ryuko

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Tristan chuckled again, as bell rang. The sight of a charging Ryuko wiped the coy smirk off his face. He barely had time to brace himself as that powerful arm slammed into his chest, forcing the blonde to the ground. "URG!" Tristan groaned upon impact.

He'd give a few deep breaths and then attempt to get up. If he got on his feet, Tristan would brace for another attack and hopefully attempt to counter whatever Ryuko would throw at him next!

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Re: Psychological Blitzkrieg! Tristan Alden vs. Thunder Ryuko

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Thunder Ryuko smashed Tristan to the mat as hard as she could, watching him struggle back up to his feet. Ryuko stepped up and wanted to treat him like a human punching bag! Ryuko send a flurry of body punches at Tristan mixing in a couple shots to his face along with it to try to stagger him even more! She was not messing around, wanting to show that just because he was a male didn't mean Ryuko was going to back down or struggle because of that. no, if anything Ryuko wanted even more to hammer in to him and earn a dominant win on this night.

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Re: Psychological Blitzkrieg! Tristan Alden vs. Thunder Ryuko

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Tristan had been expecting Ryuko to start grappling. But the beautiful, stoic joshi had other ideas. Those ideas being that Ryuko would begin to punch the hell out of him. "UGH! OOF!" Tristan grunted after each painful body blow. And Ryuko wasn't content with punching they body he worked so hard for.

No, Ryuko even put a few face shots as well! "ARGH!" He cried as he staggered back, moaning. "Urgh... I think you're confused. This is wrestling... not boxing..." He teased, albeit punch drunk.

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Re: Psychological Blitzkrieg! Tristan Alden vs. Thunder Ryuko

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"Oh, you are right how could I get so confused?" Ryuko said as she reached out to grab hold of Tristan. Ryuko hammered her knee into his abdomen while wrapping her arm around his head while grabbing the waist of his wrestling attire. Ryuko screamed as she lift him up for a delayed vertical suplex, holding him straight up and walking around the ring holding him up with one arm as she briefly flexed her free arm before falling back to send him crashing to the canvas to complete the suplex!

Ryuko stood over Tristan with her hands on her hips, shrugging as she looked down. "So is that better for you?"

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Re: Psychological Blitzkrieg! Tristan Alden vs. Thunder Ryuko

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”No clue… though I guess boxing is kinda wrestling adjac-ENH!” Tristan slurred before Ryuko nailed that powerful knee in his stomach. Forced to double over, he couldn’t do a thing when the powerful joshi ensnared his neck under her arm. She lifted him up in a perfect straight line, holding him there while the blood rushed to his head, causing him to feel dazed. And in his groggy state, he could’ve sworn he saw the buff beauty flex before slamming him on the mat!

”ARGH!” Tristan cried out as he arched his back in an attempt to soothe the pain. He then looked up at Ryuko, hands on her hips, shrugging. ”Ngh… yeah… this is more what I expected,” he replied. Ryuko lived up to her reputation. He might have to use his secret weapon soon… But for now, he’d brace himself for Ryuko’s next move, maybe he can counter it!

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Re: Psychological Blitzkrieg! Tristan Alden vs. Thunder Ryuko

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Ryuko sent Tristan crashing to the mat, feeling good about the start of her match. She stood back up and looked down at Tristan, yanking him up once more by the arm. She was going to try a little something big and she hoped it would really do a number on him. Ryuko hauled him up once more, in a similar manner to the vertical duplex but she reached up to grab his legs as he was cradled up on her shoulder and she dropped straight down to her knees, looking to try to smash his head with a muscle buster! If she pulled off this move she would immediately roll him over after the landing and lay across his chest to go for a pin!

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