Eileen S. Vs. Jay W. - Tonight's Entertainment

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Eileen S. Vs. Jay W. - Tonight's Entertainment

Unread post by Devilish53 »


Standard Match Rules
Victory Via Pinfall, DQ Or Submission.

Eileen was the definition of confidence. But today? Even more so. Resounding success in the world of wrestling, both in the decimation of those she had deemed her male rivals, and those whom she had opted to fight of the same gender, had left Eileen on a high. Today, she'd seemingly feel more inclined to focus on the former, as the red haired beauty opted to slide her figure between the middle and top ropes after quite the usual roar-filled entrance. Waves given aplenty to the crowd, Eileen's grin upon her face was more so genuine than it usually was, given the redhead usually held one purely to try and appear lovely before the masses. Said masses had recently caught onto Eileen's true persona however, though it was difficult not to be caught in the pace of the strong-baring redhead.

Her feet parted as she rested either arm behind her, Eileen set herself against the nearest turnbuckle whilst turning her head towards the ramp. She had yet to even lay eyes on the the male she'd be facing this evening, but she had the utmost confidence in the singular fact.

He would fall like all the rest.

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Re: Eileen S. Vs. Jay W. - Tonight's Entertainment

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Heavy rock music started blaring through the arena as one-half of the Young Lions, Jay Wallace appeared through the curtains. He knelt down and slapped the stage with the palm of his hand before letting out a blood-pumping roar as the crowd cheered for the male wrestler. Finally, Jay was getting a singles match of his own against the formidable Eileen. Just seeing the redhead in the ring made the younger wrestler smirk, his body chiseled through an intense training regiment that would further improve his power in the ring.

Climbing in between the ropes, Jay threw up a hand with both fingers raised as he posed for the crowd who were eagerly awaiting for the inter-gender match to get underway. Jay was just as eager as he walked to his corner and did some basic stretching to limber up before the match started.
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Re: Eileen S. Vs. Jay W. - Tonight's Entertainment

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Eileen glared upon Jay with a gaze reminisce of a lion looking upon a gazelle, though she mostly hid said evil glare with a carefully raised hand or two. Jay had the usual cockiness about him that came with younger male wrestlers; cockiness Eileen herself took great pleasure in smothering and bending out of them. Even more so as the male simply opted for a gaze at Eileen before falling to his corner, without so much as a greeting, never mind a thank you to the gracious Eileen for accepting such a match!

"Ahem...You are welcome..." Eileen muttered across the ring as she took a step forward, one hand to her chin and the other to her side. No doubt, she expected Jay to be left questioning such a opener.

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Re: Eileen S. Vs. Jay W. - Tonight's Entertainment

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Jay readied himself, he overheard Eileen say "You're Welcome" with a smugness that seemed to befit one of her appearance. Yet Jay grinned even more.

"What? For being my first singles win? You should be thanking me instead." Jay answered with full confidence. The moment the bell rang, Jay rushed forward and looked to deliver a stiff european uppercut to Eileen's jaw in an attempt to down her early on.
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Re: Eileen S. Vs. Jay W. - Tonight's Entertainment

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Eileen's lack of patience became all the more evident, as it seemed Jay had not only forgotten his manners, but seemingly was under the belief it was the redhead who was being rude!

Having none of it, Eileen's eyes flared up to quite the sadistic level, as she prepared herself for the encounter to come. If Jay didn't have manners to give, she'd have to beat some into him, she figured.

Her first chance would come rather quickly, as it seemed Jay looked to come to her with a fist raised high. Perhaps an unwise move against a woman who loved tearing opponents apart via their own means, as opposed to coming to them.

Jay would find out the hard way that Eileen was best left uncharged at, as the fast thinking redhead not only ducked, but outright dropped. Swinging her leg out in the process, to trip Jay into the space she was no longer in, drop toe hold style.

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Re: Eileen S. Vs. Jay W. - Tonight's Entertainment

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Jay didn't expect Eileen to be quick enough to catch on to this rushing attack, but she ducked underneath and tripped him. He let out a yelp as he fell face down onto the mat, favoring his nose briefly while realizing that he should've been a bit smarter at his approach.
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Re: Eileen S. Vs. Jay W. - Tonight's Entertainment

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Eileen was quick to follow up, given there was no need right now to goad and taunt a foe who could simply rear back his leg and kick her hard. Rolling onto her knees besides her fallen foe, Eileen looked to drop mostly atop of the males back, across his shoulder blades to be precisely. Bust pressing down and digging deep, Eileen's arm would seek to press around Jay's neck, as the redhead sought an immediate headlock on her fallen foe.

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Re: Eileen S. Vs. Jay W. - Tonight's Entertainment

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Jay felt the arm wrap around his neck and Eileen squeezing hard. Jay's hands shot up instinctively towards the arm, initially thinking about prying them off, but instead decided to get back to a vertical base first. Jay looked to power his way out of his troubles as he attempted to force the pair onto a standing position.
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Re: Eileen S. Vs. Jay W. - Tonight's Entertainment

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Eileen had surprising strength for a woman of her size, but she wasn't the sort to throw it around haplessly. Nor was she so confident as to think she could keep Jay restrained with ease.

She could however, opt to adjust the hold. When Jay began to rise, Eileen would seek to slip a leg around her male foes thigh and press the base of her foot in the crook of his knee. If she applied enough force, Jay would ideally have that leg buckle before him, and send him straight down as opposed to a straight stand.

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Re: Eileen S. Vs. Jay W. - Tonight's Entertainment

Unread post by Faeron »

"Gurk!" Jay grunted as Eileen seemed to be a step ahead of him. Noah would probably like wrestling her Jay thought as his partner was more technically savvy than he was. The bigger male was undeterred and however and started to slam the point of his elbow against Eileen's abdomen to try and force the break.
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