Giovanni Zeppeli vs Kasumi Kaneko - Foxes and Horses

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Giovanni Zeppeli vs Kasumi Kaneko - Foxes and Horses

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Match Rules: Standard

Giovanni Zeppeli, better known by his ring name of 'Gyro' had been well.....spinning his wheels since arriving in Japan to take part in LAW. The cowboy had been keeping busy though by working in the new part of this family's chain of pizza joints, both as a line chef and a delivery boy. In fact it was during one such delivery to a higher up in LAW that Gyro was able to finally get a match booked, Gyro put his foot in the door and explained his situation and the higher up agreed so long as they could get their pizza. So here he was in a locker room dressed in his wrestling attire talking to his pal Johnny back in Texas.

"Si Johnny. I'm doing quite well here. I've finally got a match booked against someone they called a foxy lady! Now then, I'll just have to get the tennis ball over the net and get to the finish line. Gotta go now, Mozzarella!" Gyro said over the phone loudspeaker as the stage hand knocked on the door, the Italian Stallion would don his cowboy hat and hit the entrance ramp. The arena would become ablaze with excitement as his theme song, known as GO! GO! ZEPPELI! blared from the speakers with Gyro sauntering out there shortly after.

"LAW! Buonasera!" Gyro said as he tipped his hat to the crowd before running right to the ring and leaping onto the apron there, before leaping over the top rope and bouncing a bit before making his way to the corner there and lazily leaning in it there as he waited for his opponents to show up for this evening~ The Italian Stallion would lounge in his corner with his cowboy hat brim tipped low to cover his face somewhat as he relaxed and let the crowd drink in the glory of the Italian Stallion!
Last edited by Deus001 on Tue Sep 10, 2024 11:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Giovanni Zeppeli vs Kasumi Kaneko - Foxes and Horses

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It soon wouldn't be long until Gyro's opponent would come out for their first encounter. In fact, this would be the first time that this woman was stepping into LAW as a wrestler.

The commentator was introducing the opponent as a being that emerged from Japanese folklore; a mysterious, sneaky and dangerous fox-like being. Eventually, the commentator would say: "Without further ado, it's time to welcome the "Kitsune"."
Soon, at the top of the catwalk, a lovely Japanese woman with long blonde hair and an ample body, covered in a wrestling attire that showed off her physique (a top that was scantily and tight pants with a coat-like cape attached her waist), emerged. Of course, the most striking features were the fox ears and tail? They looked so real. It was almost like this wrestler was well and truly a kitsune.
She waved at the audience as she walked down, but eventually sprinted close to the end and propelled herself by jumping on the ropes, then jumping into the arena and landing with grace.
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Re: Giovanni Zeppeli vs Kasumi Kaneko - Foxes and Horses

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Gyro was lounging in the corner without a seeming care in the world. The Italian Stallion was rarely fazed by most folks he stepped in the ring with back in the Texan indies, however once he heard the commentator speak up about this Kitsune person. Gyro briefly tilted his head up and then before long his foe emerged. And hooo boy......what a foxy lady! That figure and those ears and tail. Now this was a pretty little thing that you wouldn't find in the Houston dance halls!

The Italian Stallion would wait till the foxy gal got into the ring, dang she showed some nimble moves there and her frame looked naturally acrobatic. Gyro would shift from being lazy in the corner to standing full upright and tipping his hat upwards before giving a big grin to Kasumi, showing off his teeth grill which would read 'GO!GO! ZEPPELI!'

Then after a few seconds he'd then fling his hat behind him, letting it casually rest on the iron pole of the corner before saying "Well howdy there little lady! Name's Giovanni, you can call me Gyro. Now let's have a good bout, dolce volpe......" as he got ready for the match to start......however Gyro would never be still once the bell rung......In fact as soon as the bell rang to start the bout Gyro would run out the corner yelling "Yeeeehawww!" as he went for an explosive dropkick attempt!
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Re: Giovanni Zeppeli vs Kasumi Kaneko - Foxes and Horses

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"Looking forward to it." Kasumi said as she gave a playful wink. The bell rang and the match started off with such intensity. Both from the crowd cheering and roaring for a good match, plus Gyro coming at her with such speed from the corner. She saw him coming at with a dropkick attempt. She would respond by simply moving out of the way.

She side-stepped Gyro as he came flying in with the dropkick, hitting either nothing and/or flying right past her.

"A little early to get the kicks off, huh?" Kasumi said, making a light-hearted joke. As Gyro would miss the kick, Kasumi would move to take advantage of this.

She would run up to some ropes, bounce off them to gain momentum and attempt to perform "Vixen Takedown", which was a headscissors takedown move that would try to throw her opponent to the ground.
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Re: Giovanni Zeppeli vs Kasumi Kaneko - Foxes and Horses

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Gyro was known for one thing for certain in his matches. That was blasting right out the gate like the horses at the races and any good stallion would be blitzing forth intent on stampeding this foxy lady, or at least that was how Gyro was hoping it to be. Kasumi was a fresh filly that could be a crafty and cunning foe that befit her moniker, which the Italian Stallion was about to find out as she danced past his attack and took him for a ride!

The Vixen Takedown was an effective one and Gyro's own momentum would be used against him as he crashed and burned on the mat and rolled afterwards, he let out a loud "Guak!" as he scrambled to try and recover from the impact. Still Gyro had been just as fresh as Kasumi in the start of this bout and he was already getting into a crouched position poised to start running and striking in short order even as he winced through his teeth.
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Re: Giovanni Zeppeli vs Kasumi Kaneko - Foxes and Horses

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Kasumi landed her 'Vixen Takedown' and watched as Gyro was flung to the ground from that. At the same time, she playfully blew him a kiss, as a bit of playful teasing. She decided not to strike yet, as she wanted to "play" for a bit. So she would allow him to get back on his feet to try another move.
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Re: Giovanni Zeppeli vs Kasumi Kaneko - Foxes and Horses

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Gyro was fully expecting there to be an attack heading his way, in Texas when you downed someone you stayed on them till they weren't moving no more. The Italian Stallion was scrambling to get his arms up to get a block starting only to find there was no attack heading his way. Rather the charming Kitsune blew a kiss his way, okay that was pretty cute Gyro wouldn't lie. He made a clamping gesture with his right hand to signal he caught the kiss.

"Well aren't you a pretty little thing~" Gyro playfully murmured, letting his Italian accent shine through. Some might have been flustered or unnerved however Gyro was a stallion that had a lover in more than one city and he wasn't counting Johnny. Still he was gonna get back to it and got into a running stance before bursting at Kasumi, actually even running past her and bounced into a handstand and bounced his legs off the top rope in the hope of catching Kasumi clean with a sudden springboard elbow!
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Re: Giovanni Zeppeli vs Kasumi Kaneko - Foxes and Horses

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"Thank you for the compliment." Kasumi would say with a playful smirk. She was prepared for Gyro coming at her, but this time he went right past, and bounced off the ropes to nail her with a springboard elbow. Instinctively, Kasumi raised her arms to protect her face and absorb the strike, as it connected with her. She was knocked back, but thanks to that block, she was able to roll back and recover.

"And you're definitely strong." Kasumi admitted. She decided to come at Gyro. Looking to make it look like she was going for a sweeping kick, she instead went to grip his shoulder and proceeded to use a move of hers called "Foxy Swipes", which involved multiple strikes to the face to hurt and disorient the opponent.
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Re: Giovanni Zeppeli vs Kasumi Kaneko - Foxes and Horses

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Gyro wanted to do one thing above all else in the ring, that was to run fast and run wild all over his opponent. The Italian Stallion was getting a slight idea already of what Kasumi was like in the ring now, playful but also clever. Not some dumb blonde that hung around the saloons keen for some free drinks at home, her wiles would work on your average joe sure. But Gyro wasn't kidding around if his springboard elbow had anything to say about it!

The cowboy caught Kasumi there but he felt the block, Gyro was rolling backwards as Kasumi recovered. And as he got back up Gyro snipped back at Kasumi with "Oh flattery's getting you nowhere this early toots." and then the next thing Gyro knew Kasumi was going for a sweep only to then start punching him in the noggin!

Gyro grunted and staggered back and got his hands up, he had his fair share of bar room battles so this wasn't something he wasn't used to. Damn Kasumi sure didn't hit like a girl at least. The Italian Stallion staggered backwards from the flurry of hits but sought to get his licks in too by trying to grab Kasumi's shoulder and drive his knee into her gut!
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Re: Giovanni Zeppeli vs Kasumi Kaneko - Foxes and Horses

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Kasumi smirked as she managed to get in her "Foxy Swipes", as managed to hit Gyro with a couple of good slugs. Then, she saw him grip her shoulder. Suspecting he was going to try the exact same thing with her, she was prepared to block her face.

"Now, now..." Kasumi responded as she raised her arms to protect her face, "You don't want to damage this pretty little th-ugh!" Before she could finish her witty comment, she felt herself being kneed in the gut instead. Guess she was being a bit too playful and that made her mistake her opponent's moves for something else.
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