5v1?! The debuting Hardwood Hunks(D) vs Sandra Thomas!

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5v1?! The debuting Hardwood Hunks(D) vs Sandra Thomas!

Unread post by Lycanstar »

Was this an upgrade? Sandra was opening the show. She would be the first wrestler to set foot in the ring tonight! ...So why was She not excited? Probably because Her track record thus far had consisted of absolutely nothing but being ran through like She meant nothing by whoever the LAW management decided to unfairly pit Her against. Her wrestling had never had a chance to improve, Her physique was still completely unsuited for pro wrestling and even Her attire was still the same borrowed, unfitting set She luckily found Her first night.

With the almost nightly matches She was scheduled for She almost figured LAW management would have had Her come out naked if She never found the clothes She had on- The care for Her was very much not present.
But now that the dark matches had ended and the show itself was beginning; what was in store for Her? Obviously She was not announced or given an entrance, so as the pyro and presentation of the show started the ambiguous nature of why She wasn't told who She would be facing was worrying Her quite a bit. And for it to be the first match of the show meant it must be somebody... Important. She just had to hope whoever it was She had to face would be a kinder Woman than those She had faced previously. The announcer's microphone turned on as They prepared to introduce Her opponents~

"The following is a Handicapped Hentai rules match!
Contestants will be forced to cause their opponents to cum in order to be eliminated~ Our lovely rookie here will only need to be the one to cause an opponent to cum once in order to win... But if an opponent causes Her to, they will have to tag in their next partner until all members of the team have succeeded in causing an orgasm!"

Last edited by Lycanstar on Fri Aug 23, 2024 5:37 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: 5v1?! The debuting Hardwood Hunks(D) vs Sandra Thomas!

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The Hardwood Hunks were all in the locker room getting ready for their match. Having already gotten dressed, the guys were passing the time doing various things until it was their time to come out. Max and Bradley were having a push up contest to reach 100 first. Marco and Romeo were making small talk and coming up with a basic game plan. And Van was talking dirty to his girlfriend on the phone before she watched him from home fucking up some unlucky bitch. The men had been scheduled for a 5 on 1 handicapped match but they didn't know their opponent. Eventually, and right as Brad reached 100 push ups first, there was a knock on the door telling them to head out.

"Ok men, lets go out there and fuck shit up!" Marco would say as he got up and planned to lead his men to victory.

"Uh...Dude, what're doing?" Van asked after a brief silence.

What? I'm leading the charge. he responded, earning himself another silence.

Woah woah woah...who made you the leader? Max said, jumping in. "We never made a boss yet."

Wait...I'm the leader! Right guys? Bradley blurted out. Clearly feeling that the biggest should be in charge.

Soon all of the guys were talking over each other as Romeo just left on his own. Not bothering with the argument at all.

"Hey! He's leading the charge! What the fuck man!" Bradley shouted before chasing after him, believing that he was trying to steal the position of leader.

"That's not how...ugh fuck it! Everybody just head out!" Marco groaned sick of the conversation, and just deciding to head out with everyone.
Romeo - Van - Marco - Bradley - Max
The Hardwood Hunks Entrance Music would play as the men came out onto the stage. The five men looked confident as they walked down the ramp. Bradley even flexing and showing off his muscles as they made their way to the ring. All of the men would slide under the ropes and into the ring two at a time before getting up and seeing their opponent. Needless to say all the cocky fighters didn't think she looked too imposing. Honestly this started to seem like more of a massacre than a match. Max himself would point at Sandra and then give her a thumbs down from across the ring. Now that they were here it was time to decide who'd be starting for them. And to do that they did it the old fashioned way...by huddling up and playing rock, paper, scissors for it. In the end all five of them went rock. The second try they did the same thing. And for the third everyone but Bradley, who went rock, had scissors.

"Haha! Lets fucking go!" Bradley shouted out with a laugh. As the other members grumbled and exited to ring apron, the big man of the hunks would walk to the center of the ring and meet his opponent for the start of the match. "Come on sweetheart. Let me show you who's boss", Brad said while waving Sandra towards him and then flexing his arms to intimidate her.

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Re: 5v1?! The debuting Hardwood Hunks(D) vs Sandra Thomas!

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Sandra had not head wrong- This would be an elimination style Hentai match. The explicit things the announcer said still ringing through Her ears as She tried to make sense of it; only being cut off by the entrance music of Her opponents. Wait, opponents? As in plural? How was having a 2v1 against Her fair in any way? She was barely even capable of taking on a single Woman, much less 2!

...And then a man came through the curtain at the top of the rampway.


...Men were allowed to compete in mixed gender matches? Sandra had perhaps missed that conversation~ She stood in shock as She thought about the size difference She must have to compete against; or just being that close in a ring to a male it just-

"...oh fuck."

Then out came another. And another. And another. And another. 5 Men all wearing red wrestling trunks stood at the top of the rampway; and began confidently making their way down the ramp to the ring. Sandra was frozen in place~ She simply stared on as the Men strode towards Her location, a stunned glare etched on Her face as Her arms trembled and knees nearly buckled. Her hands nervously found their way to Her crotch and She pressed her thighs together tightly- She began hyperventilating and a nervous sweat dripped down Her forehead.

"I- I..."

The 5 Men entered the ring and She got a close up look at each of them- Their bodies were massive, their trunks were... Tight. And more than anything they all looked extremely capable at wrestling; and not in the least bit worried about Sandra. One of them gave Her a thumbs down which caused and exasperated moan to emerge from Her lips~ Th-this had to be some kind of cruel joke, right? There's no way this was real. Any second now this would be called off and Her actual opponent would come to the ring. This false narrative wasn't helped by the Men's attitude as the huddled amongst each other like football players and played... Rock, paper and scissors. This was just a game to them~ To see who gets Her first.

"Haha! Lets fucking go! Come on sweetheart. Let me show you who's boss"

4 of the men stepped out of the ring while one remained standing tall~ He called the brunette out and motioned towards Her before flexing His... Massive arms. There was still a chance this was a joke, right? There's just no fucking way th-


Sandra's heart sank like a rock. Her whole body was shaking now~ She felt unable to move or even give a suitable response to the man's words.


Sandra hunched forward almost into a bow; She couldn't believe it- This was really going to happen. Instead of making a move or approaching any closer Sandra simply kept in place on the opposite side of the ring with Her hands still pressed between Her thighs~ And awaited Her fate.
Last edited by Lycanstar on Fri Aug 23, 2024 9:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 5v1?! The debuting Hardwood Hunks(D) vs Sandra Thomas!

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Bradley watched as the woman seemed to be surrendering to him already. Bowing her head in defeat, it looked like she wasn’t even gonna try to fight him. So walking right up to her, the muscular hunk would look from side to side. Showing how confused he was by this situation. However, Brad wasn’t gonna accept her surrender. He came here to fuck bitches up after all and she was the bitch he was gonna fuck tonight. So suddenly grabbing her by the head, the stud would force her head between his thighs and keep her trapped there. Then, after flexing for the crowd with the woman still between his legs, the man would spank her ass and lift her up to his shoulders for a powerbomb.

“No mercy bitch!” Bradley roared as he held her up with her crotch in his face. Then after holding her up there for almost 20 seconds, the hunk would slam her down with a powerbomb before roaring out and beating his chest like a gorilla. He would even put his boot on her breasts before showing off some more. Giving the crowd a thumbs down as they booed his attitude.

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Re: 5v1?! The debuting Hardwood Hunks(D) vs Sandra Thomas!

Unread post by Lycanstar »

Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. Each imposing step from Bradley was like another nail in the coffin for the petrified Sandra. With Her head already bowed forward all She truly saw was the shadow of the hulking figure before His feet came into view. She was shaking~ Clearly out of Her element but that didn't stop Bradley from aggressively gripping the back of Her head and shoving it between His thighs!


Sandra stood with Her head trapped between Brad's powerful thighs; Her delicate hands holding onto His legs as if to keep Herself upright- Despite the fact the tightness around Her head felt like a vice grip. Sandra's feet stepped oddly from side to the side trying to instinctively walk back but to no avail~ It seemed to only highlight Her desperation. The desperation that would soon be much more prominently on display-


...As She was lifted upwards into a powerbomb position! Having no prior wrestling experience She did not fully understand what was happening; her crotch was pressed up to Bradley's face as She was taken for a ride! Her legs dangled over His shoulders and Her arms attempted to maintain a balance as to not let Her topple over- Something Bradley's strength was certainly aiding in.

"Wh-what are y-you doing I- S-stop!!!"

“No mercy bitch!”

The sheer aggressive energy in His voice was more than telling- There was not going to be an easy way down.


Sandra's body came down like a boulder- There was no cushioning or assistance as She was Slammed into the canvas spine first from Bradley's brutal powerbomb! Her body jumped slightly from the impact; silencing any screams before the shock sent Her into a near instant unresponsive state. Her eyes showed little focus as Her arms spread out like an eagle~ Highlighting the lack of control She had in Her own downfall. As Bradley dismounted Her and beat his chest as though He achieved some kind of might victory Sandra's only response was for Her body to convulse unintentionally. Her shaking and jittering only ceasing due to the amount of force His boot planted on Her chest was providing.

...At least the crowd was on Her side?

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Re: 5v1?! The debuting Hardwood Hunks(D) vs Sandra Thomas!

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"What? Don't like that? How about this then!?" Bradley would shout at the fans as they booed him for abusing the poor girl. However, the bulky hunk wasn't gonna back down cause people booed him. Reaching down, the man would grab Sandra by her hair and stat to pull her up to her feet. "Come on, babe. Wakey, wakey...I'm taking you on a ride!" Brad would say as he got her up and started patting her face to get the woman to come too. Once she did, the muscular stud would suddenly lift her up and hang her across his shoulders facing up at the ceiling. One hand would hold her down by her neck and collar bone. The other would grab hold of her pussy and start rubbing it as he bent her in a torture rack!

"Wooo! Let's go baby cakes! Moan for daddy!" he would shout out while walking around the ring. Carrying Sandra like a deer he'd killed, the man would show her off to the crowd, who while still booing, was pretty turned on at the same time. "Yeah boo me all you want! At least you like this, right slut!" Brad would say to his opponent as he pulled her thong to the side and started fingering her sex with his middle and ring fingers. Pumping in and out with two fingers, the hunk would even start bending up and down as if he was using her as a barbell for weight lifting to show off. Basically turning her into the world's most oversexed weightlifting equipment as Brad would even start counting along with the reps he was using her for while slutting Sandra out in dominant fashion.

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Re: 5v1?! The debuting Hardwood Hunks(D) vs Sandra Thomas!

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"Come on, babe. Wakey, wakey...I'm taking you on a ride!"

Sandra was standing on Her spaghetti legs before She acknowledged Her own consciousness- A few light pats to the face shaking the brunette to a more awakened state~ Just enough to see Brad holding Her up by the hair and gloating.

"hnn..n-no I-GAAH!!!"

Sandra didn't even have time to truly feel Her legs standing upright on the canvas before She was once again hoisted up with very little effort! This time She had to simply stare off in disbelief as She was lifted over His shoulders upside down! Sandra stared out to the upside down crowd with a pleading expression which would quickly turn strained once Brad gripped Her neck tightly!

"HK- S-sto- I-NAAAHHHHH!!!

Brad's other hand however gripped Her womanhood with a claw like grip; squeezing and tightly pinching without restraint! Sandra's body shook and wildly vibrated in an attempt to desperately move; but to no avail! She would simply have to be manhandled so ruthlessly all the while Brad was having the time of His life touring Her around the ring!

"Wooo! Let's go baby cakes! Moan for daddy!"

"GNAhhh~ O-oh g-god... *cough* s-stouhh...

Sandra's barely present strength was getting drained more and more! But this appeared to only be the start as Brad's fingers eased up before sliding easily past the ill-fitting bikini bottom She wore and shoving two of his fingers inside of Her sensitive womanhood! Sandra lost all ability to speak as Her shocked expression and open mouth told more than enough- She was being fingerbanged without restraint in the middle of the ring! Her thighs shook in either pleasure or resistance~ It was hard to tell as Sandra was only slowly coming to grips with what was happening to Her!

As Brad started bending His body in a dominant display to show Her off like a piece of workout equipment Sandra's depleting oxygen and upside down state caused Her to get... Woozy. Her vision was losing focus and Her shudders became less spastic each passing second! Her thighs that had been twitching erratically now slowly followed the pattern of Brad's fingers and She was starting to lose Herself to Him! Would Bradley's assault on Her body continue like this or was there any mercy to be had?

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Re: 5v1?! The debuting Hardwood Hunks(D) vs Sandra Thomas!

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Brad was dominating the woman as he finger fucked her while using her body for lifting reps. Sandra was moaning and practically spasming as he ravished her sexy body for everyone to see. Instead, of keeping her like this, the hunk would drop on his ass without warning. Slamming her body over his shouldering in a torture rack bomb with his fingers still inside her. Before finally releasing her, Brad would give her sex a few good pats before dumping her face down on the canvas.

"YEAH! WHO'S READY TO SEE THIS SLUT POP!" the man would shout at the crowd as he got up and put his boot on her ass for another pose. Making her booty jiggle as he stomped his foot on it, the hunk would then get down and straddle her thighs. Then, facing her ass, Brad would start spanking her booty one cheek at a time. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! The dominating muscle stud wanted to punish this hotties ass before he pulled out his cock and started sliding it in her pussy.

"This is what you've been waiting for baby~ Cum for daddy!" Bradley would purr in her ear before he started to thrust back and forth. Pumping her with his meat as he laid on top of her body. Pounding her hard and slow, the hunk would make her ass clap as his hips smacked against her. Moaning in her ear as he worked, Brad would continue giving it to her before biting her ear.

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Re: 5v1?! The debuting Hardwood Hunks(D) vs Sandra Thomas!

Unread post by Lycanstar »

Sandra was in the midst of a internal crisis- The grip on Her neck was depriving Her of oxygen to focus on the situation at hand while the fingers forcing their way in and out of Her only stimulated Her brain further to simply give in- She desperately clang on but it s-


Suddenly without warning, Brad dropped down causing the brunette's body to crash against His back and shoulders! The sudden and unexpected impacted caused Her body to bend upwards to the sky as a instinctual reaction to Her spine receiving such force~ Her mouth was kept agape as not a single cry escaped Her lips and with a few ungraceful pats to Her crotch She was dumped face-first onto the canvas.

Sandra limply crashed against the canvas as Her body remained rather docile and unresponsive- Her face buried forward into the comforting darkness of the ring... Just anything to not have to be face once again by-


...by Her relentless opponent. It seemed even as She was recovering face-first in the ring He had no semblance of mercy for Her, planting His boot on Her ass as an act of domination. Sandra stirred uncomfortably- groaning against the cold unforgiving ring surface as She felt every little shake and vibration while Brad repositioned himself to seat directly on top of Her thighs~


Suddenly slap after slap wailed onto Sandra's ass- Her unfitting trunks not helping to cushion the blows at all! Her hands gripped the back of Her head tightly as She pressed Her forehead into the canvas as much as She could to cope with the stinging pain!


As the strikes ceased Sandra thought for a second it could be over- Her head stirring from side to side as if to say no... no more. And then She felt Her thong pulled completely to the side.

"aughhhoh... oh g-god don'-GAHH!!!"

Her desperate pleading was met on deaf ears~ Brad's cock slid ungracefully inside of Her! The rawness and sudden feeling almost made Her want to cry~ She placed Her own hands over Her mouth as Her weeping was muffled as to slightly alleviate the shame She was feeling... Brad bent forward and was practically laying atop Her entire body, moaning into Her ear as Her body limply bounced and followed the steady rhythm Bradley was enacting~ Her eyes were shut tightly which made discerning Her position difficult- There seemed to just be... So much of Him. His large frame and proximity was overwhelming Her entire body which was just a tool for His pleasure now~ His hips slapping against Her body so ungracefully as Her hands started to fall from Her mouth more and more with each thrust.

"gg-gnah... ahh.. gu-uhh... MMRgh-ggh..."

Sandra couldn't help it anymore. She was getting... getting off to it. No foreplay or subtlety could have prepared Her for this. She felt like there wasn't a second available for Her to think- it was just... inescapable. If Brad continued would She... Just burst as He had called for Her to do? Was He so in control of Her body?

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Re: 5v1?! The debuting Hardwood Hunks(D) vs Sandra Thomas!

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Brad could feel this bitch squeezing around his cock as he fucked her as she covered her mouth with her hands. The bulky pornstar had been with a lot of older woman who paid to have a man fucking own them in the bedroom. Sandra may have been younger but she was just another sexy babe who loved so hot hunky action. Feeling her squirm and moan in pleasure only made the alpha male eager to give her more as she struggled to keep her moans in. So as she moaned like a babbling slut the man would start squeezing her breasts. Groping them as he fucked her with faster thrusts of his dick, he wanted to massage those plump orbs nice and tender while doing hard and fast on her pussy.

“Oh yeah baby…you ready to cum for big daddy Bradly? Tell me you wanna bust on my dick. Come on baby, say you want it!” The hunk moaned in his ear as he clapped her cheeks. Wanting to hear every sound she made, Brad would let go of her breasts to grab her wrists. Pulling them back behind her, the stud would use them like handle bars to fuck her silly and get her scream out while doing it. He was even pounding her hard enough to make his own pecs bounce as the guys cheered them on from the sidelines.

“Cum! Cum! Cum! Cum! Cum!” They chanted as the crowd seemed to join in wanting to see Sandra cum all over her dominators big dick in the ring. While not cheering on the man himself, everyone loved seeing a sexy babe orgasm in a match.

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