With that though, it was time for him to make his grand entrance! The lights all cut out and the sound of his theme music hit. The crowd began to react with a mixture of boos and cheers as they usually just liked to cheer him for his entrance and nothing else. The sound of the guitars and drums came alive and the spotlight only shown on him in time with the beat. He made his way down the ramp in a brisk pace before rolling into the ring and setting himself up for the climax of his entrance. Getting down onto one knee and shouting to the heavens above, "NNNNNNNNNIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTTMMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEE!!!" In time with his song and as a red spotlight shown upon him. Once that was done, the lights slowly started to come back on and the music began to fade away.
The only thing Karbon knew about his opponent though was her win and loss record. Other than that, she was a complete mystery to him, "Well, she can't be THAT bad though, considering she does have some wins under her belt." Walking backwards a bit, the knight would settle himself into one of the corners and looked onwards towards the ramp for her to make her entrance.