Mad Tea Party vs. Nox Dynasty

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Mad Tea Party vs. Nox Dynasty

Unread post by CaptainL »

Match Type: Standard Tag Match
Rules: Victory by submission, pinfall, or knockout.
It had been some time since Chelsea Forster had last been in a LAW ring. She and her fiance, George Fortunato, had decided to take their career to the next level - George had long served as a manager, but, looking to support his girlfriend all the more in the ring, he had trained himself as a wrestler as well so that the two of them could form a mixed tag team. Though they had several outings in other promotions, the new Mad Tea Party had little to its record in LAW. But that was about to change.

Backstage, in the locker room, Chelsea's heart was pounding. This would be a return to form for her - her appearances in LAW had been sporadic ever since her Lingerie Street Fight against Finella Edelstein at We Are LAW some time ago. That match had been a watershed moment in her career, finally settling a long-running feud and proving she had it in her to escape her stigma as a midcarder who depended on her tag partners to stand out. But now, it was time she came back to the promotion that had put her name on the map, and show the world how far she'd come.

In the locker room, she straightened out her skirt, putting the last few touches on her outfit. Looking into the mirror, she straightened her bow tie and made sure her top hat was balanced on her head. She smiled a little - George had definitely put his attention to detail and love of showmanship into designing an eye-catching outfit. He'd have something big planned for their return to LAW, too - they'd spent the last few weeks planning every detail meticulously. Now, only time would tell how well it would hit.

She had to admit, she was nervous. This was a big night for her - what if people didn't take well to the new team; had she done all that work for nothing? But if Chelsea knew one thing about her fiance, it was that he wouldn't allow that to be an option. She just had to have faith.

"Ye ready, Jud?" she asked, looking back over her shoulder for her partner.
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Re: Mad Tea Party vs. Nox Dynasty

Unread post by RedShinigami »

George took last precautions on the entrance and his outfit before he looked up to Chelsea who stood there in her full outfit before him the first time. George gasped. Not just because he helped design it but because it looked absolutely stunning. After years of trying to find herself, quite like Alice trying to find her way out of wonderland, Chelsea had managed to finally become what she was always destined for. And who knew, maybe George had been the trigger for it. If so, he was happy about it. After all, even if he loved to be seen and admired, with Chelsea he just wanted what was best for her, he always did.

And seeing her beautiful face so relaxed, excited and full of joy, he just could'nt hold to himself. He nodded and then went to his knees before her, taking her hand and kissing it.
"Nevah 'ave been more ready, m'lady."

After some intense training by both the Superstars and hsi girlfriend, the pubowner who had been rather lanky, had managed to become a powerhouse on his own which was proven when he got up, only suspenders covering his muscular chest.
"Now let's give them one 'ell offa show!", he said and gave Chelsea a kiss on the lips before leading them out to Gorilla Position. He took a few breaths. Yes he always had been a stage person and even had some experience with LAW. Tough this was as a manager or as entertainer. Here now he was as Entertainer AND wrestler. And even if this was'nt his debut, having wrestled with Chelsea in WFPW before, LAW still was THE stage to be and so, slight stagefright was to be awaited. But he forgot it soon when he looked into Chelseas face. It just was impossible to not be enchanted by the excited impression of the liverpudlian.
He squeezed Chelseas hand and gave her an assuring thumbs up wink before their music started to play and they went out to greet the LAW crowd for the first time.
Quite some time had passed after Chelseas days as heel and after her feud and consequent victory against Finella Edelstein, Chelseas popularity rose to new heights and so the welcome of the pairing was a quite warm one. Not the same reaction like a bigdraw star had but not to shabby anyway. Tough George was sure they were only steps away from becoming absolute fanfavourites!

He took Chelsea on his arm and walked down the aisles, confetti, fireworks and all kinds of other colourful material shooting out of George famous kane! They came down the ramp, waving and smiling to all the people around them and then George took Chelsea off, knelt again before her and kissed her hand to a big crowd reaction before he opened the ropes for his girlfriend and followed, both enjoying the moment as they came to a rest back to back as colourful fountains sprayed up from the turnbuckles!
George then lifted his kane again, and with a popping sound the logo of Mad Tea Party appeared in the air before raining down as million pieces of confetti.
Oh yes, they were ready to take on the world!
"Oi, tha' was'nt ba', eh?", he said, still standing back to back with Chelsea.
Last edited by RedShinigami on Tue Mar 04, 2025 3:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Mad Tea Party vs. Nox Dynasty

Unread post by Bare »

Backstage the sibling duo of Danica and Vesper shared matching smirks on their faces as she finished their preparations for the bout ahead tonight. After months of being in the promotion the brother sister duo were finally placed in a tag match together and they were looking to show that blood ran deeper than romance. "Ready for this bro?" Danica asked her brother who just chuckled in response as he put his wrist bands on. "Don't you know it sis, it's about time we show those mooks what we can do together." He said, raising his fist to his sister who just smirked as she bumped fists with him.
Feeling prepared and ready the two silver haired siblings would step out and make their way through the backstage halls, the stage workers giving the two a wide berth given their less than sterling reputation with people that got in their way. Eventually the two would make it to the entrance curtain, waiting only moments before their song began to play, making their smirks widen just a bit since it was a bit different than what they used for their individual entrances.
(plz ignore the choruses of the song lol)

Stepping through the curtain to choruses of boos in response neither Donelle reacted in any way to them, except perhaps satisfaction as they began to make their way down the ramp and towards the ring. Nearly synchronous in their steps the siblings would jump onto the apron at the same time, Danica taking a seat and crossing her legs while Vesper stood, arms crossed with both looking out at the fans with smug expressions on their faces, the fans booing in response before the two turned to enter the ring, Danica though leaving off with a quick middle finger to the crowd before she rolled under.

Standing shoulder to shoulder while their theme music shut off the two would make eye contact with their opponent. "Heh, I dunno what kinda luck you two have to have been pitted against us, but you'll regret accepting this match soon enough." Danica shot out mockingly while Vesper would quickly move to join in on the trash talk.

"Hey, on the bright side you at least brought your own cane so you at least have some foresight since you'll be needing it to get out of here... assuming you can still walk at all." Vesper shot out, the ref quickly getting involved to usher the two towards their corners, Danica stepping through the ropes leaving Vesper in the ring to start for their team.

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Re: Mad Tea Party vs. Nox Dynasty

Unread post by CaptainL »

Chelsea had geared up plenty for this match. She'd put no small amount of effort into her training to make sure that she was in tip-top shape for her big return to LAW, and she knew that George was going to make such an occasion a big spectacle as always. She was more ready than ever for the match...or at least, she thought she was, but when George stopped in his tracks and looked at her with wide eyes as they met up behind the curtains, the Englishwoman couldn't help but blush a little deeper, shrinking back and shuffling her feet.

Suddenly, all the bravado she thought she'd built up for this moment melted away. Did she really look that good? George always had a way of telling her exactly what she most needed to hear, it seemed - there wasn't much that could make the hardened, hot-tempered brawler that was Chelsea Forster get flustered, but George seemed to find it through instinct alone. Certainly he did when he got down and kissed her hand, which only caused her smile to spread wider over her face. "Ah, erm..! Careful now, Jud, you're makin' me blush before de match..."

Still, she cleared her throat, standing a little taller as she met George for a kiss. When he gripped her hand, she only squeezed his tighter in turn, nodding her head excitedly. And when they came through the curtain to the sounds of cheers, she could only hold her head higher! She never thought she would ever be one to be swayed by what the crowd thought of her, but after so many long years of being booed and spurned whenever she now hear the whole arena cheering for her was a feeling she wasn't used to, but one that left her feeling more than ever before that she was truly wanted here, and that she belonged. It was a feeling she never knew how much she missed...but a feeling she wanted to hold onto! And all those cheers were certainly well-earned, considering George had spent no expense in making their return to LAW a true extravaganza - when Chelsea saw the fountains go off, even she was taken by surprise, letting out a soft gasp. She didn't even realize he was going to do that.

It was their opponents, Nox Dynasty, who got a far less welcome reception from the fans, who booed them all the way down - not that they seemed to care, if Danica's retort was any indication. But not only were they spurned by the crowd, Chelsea had nothing positive to say about them either. She huffed, looking up at them with a scowl as she crossed her arms - and when Vesper started making threats about George, that was when her jaw dropped in a gasp, only seconds before her eyes narrowed into a glare. That was a step too far, and Chelsea wasn't going to take it lying down!

"Oi! They'll need a stretcher fe yous if ye dun keep yer cakehole shut. And I dun evun mean from de match, like!" She hopped through the ropes, shaking her fist at the two siblings. Mad Tea Party hadn't exactly planned who was going to go first, but it seemed like Chelsea was perfectly willing to volunteer herself.
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