Another Day, Another Story (Open Thread)

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Re: Another Day, Another Story (Open Thread)

Unread post by LowDefinition »

Platinum Sky Night Out

Haruna had invited all the students in Platinum Sky Dojo to a dinner party. Though she don't really have any place in mind so far as the group walked through the streets of Tokyo. They knew that everyone in the Dojo had a hearthy appetite, so they have to be wise on picking a place so that they don't spend too much.

"Nee-san, are you sure it's wise to take them all out for dinner? I heard they want to go all out tonight..."
"Sssh, don't let them hear it but I haven't actually found a place for us."
"Hmm... Ah, Nee-san, look."

Kanata pointed to a direction. Which prompts Haruna to look at it, a big banner of a barbeque restaurant with an appetizing picture of grilled beef and the likes along with the text...
4000 Yen / Person / 90mins

"Alright, girls... We're here!" Haruna announced as she walked in to the restaurant, followed by Kanata and the students of Platinum Sky. The group were immediately seated down. Without any time to waste, Haruna immediately raise her hand to call for the waiter to order their first set of beef. And as the waiter come to note down the orders, Haruna started to spoke.

"Okay, for starters... 40 plates of Beef Tongue."
"40 plates...--- EH!?" The waiter widen his eyes at the surprise after noting down the first order.
"20 plates of Horumon" Annette added on.
"50 plates of Kalbi" Noel added right after, much to the surprise of the waiter.
"Beer for everyone." Kanata stated the drink, it doesn't seem surprising for the waiter before...
"A pitcher for each!" Yuzuha added.
"Ah, can we also ask for 10 big bowl of salad too? Gotta balance all those meat!" Aira said the last part of the order.
"No problem with it right?" Haruna glanced to the waiter. To which he nodded and noted their first order one more time before walking back.

Shortly after, plates after plates of uncooked seasoned beef laid all around the table. Each girls had a pitcher of beer right beside them. Haruna then raised her pitcher glass lightly.

"Alright girls! This is an all you can eat! So eat your heart out! It's my treat!" Haruna announced before initiating the toast.
"KAMPAI!!!" All Platinum Sky girls heartily let out as they cling their pitcher glass together and started grilling the beef.

And so, their 90 minutes of all you can eat starts! Everyone chucked the meat into the grill and skillfully cook the meat nonstop and eat out in such a hearty manner. The cooked meat quickly swallowed onto their stomach and soon after, empty plates started to stack up. They had some laughs, enjoyed some food, all treated by their teacher Haruna. They mostly finished their order more than halfway through their allotted time.

At 60 minutes, Haruna raised her hand to call the waiter's attention. The same waiter that took the order walked in, looking a bit defeated...

"Erm... Yamamoto-san..."
"I think you all have enough for today so---"
"EH!?" The girls let out their surprise at the waiter's refusal to take more orders from them.
"Oi oi oi, isn't this an all you can eat? We only spent an hour here and there's 30 minutes left on our table. Let us order more!" Yuzuha voiced out her displeasure first.
"Erm... You had quite a fair share already, isn't that enough---"
"This is an all you can eat so let us eat as much as we please!" Haruka added on to the protest as well.
"Even if this is an all you can eat, we still have limits too!" The waiter retaliated, and upon hearing that retaliation Haruna stood up from her seat. Angered that their right as customer were denied.

"We're still halfway there and you try to kick us out!? Naturally speaking, if you're to kick us out then we won't pay!" Haruna let out, though she only approached the waiter near enough to intimidate him and have yet to lay her hands on him.
"Ah-- well, you already ate so much so... If you're not paying then..." The waiter stammered out, scared that she laid a hand on him.
"Fine... But please, slow down..." The waiter continued, admitting his defeat and raised a note, his hand shaking as he's going to note down their next set of orders...
"He do have a point there Nee-san, maybe we should hold back a little." Kanata lend her hand and patted Haruna's shoulder to calm her down.
"Geez, alright... Girls, go easy on the last half." Haruna stated out before returning to her seat. Shortly after, the girls of Platinum Sky stated their orders.
"10 Harami." Haruka said.
"20 Kalbi." Rena added.
"10 Liver." Yuzuha added last as Haruna raised her hand to stop them from ordering more.
"And another pitcher of beer for each of us." Haruna concluded. The waiter noted the orders down, sighing in relief that the order was not as much as the first order. Even though it is still a big portion for the group.

For the remainder of the time allotted to their All You Can Eat dining, the group managed to finish everything without leaving any food waste. Their stomach filled to the brim with all the protein. The group left their table fully happy, Haruna also paid for the full course. Satisfied that she treated her students to an all you can eat with quite a bargain price. Such is the event of a night out where wrestlers went to an all you can eat grill restaurant...
I maybe Low Definition but my girls are... High Definition.

Open for match ideas and stuffs, hit me up in Discord (cause that's mainly where I am when I'm not posting) LowDefinition#5144

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Re: Another Day, Another Story (Open Thread)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Into the Future

To call the last weeks of George Fortunatos life was an emotional rollercoaster were an understatement. So many things had happened in such a fast pace that the usually layed back man had trouble keeping up. But there was one thing, one motivator that went like a red line through this troubling times. Chelsea Forster from Liverpool. Wrestler, occasional musician, barfly, brawler and the most beautiful girl in the world for George, not to mention his girlfriend. Finally they had done it. After denying their feelings for a long time, Chelsea unable to let someone see behind the wall she had put up around her to shield herself from dissapointments and George who already had given up his advantages, accepting that Chelsea would never take a shady buffoon like he was.

And still, so much happened. So much time spent with each other, so much care, so many loving words exchanged, looks, touches, all of them prove of the more deeper feelings both had for each other. And finally after the most important match in Chelseas career, which also was the most brutal one,George had shown Chelsea that she always could count on him, even going so far then to take a brutal hit for his beloved girl. All that counted for George was to see Chelsea save. And then it happened. George came to the hospital where Chelsea and Finella shared a room,whoever had this great idea and had brought papers that, would Chelsea sign them, give her the half of his pub, meaning giving her half of her life. It was easy to see that this was not just about a business relationship.

George wanted to give Chelsea a home, George wanted to be Chelseas home and it seemed that Chelsea was sure about it for a longer time then George had thought because only minutes later Chelsea came, storming into the Londoners arms, declaring her love for him. This was the most important moment in George life so far, one of many he would share with Chelsea he hoped. And now, after Chelsea was released and they both had moved her stuff from her old appartment to the pub, it was time to take a a brand new picture of the new lady of the house that they both could place right at the entrance. The Wolf and the Bunny was George and Chelseas Pub now. A whole new life had started for the two of them and George made sure that he hired the best photographer that Tokyo had to offer. So he waited with a basket in one hand, holding a present for Chelsea, while he had put on the finest and most expensive suit he had. Everything about George was perfect, from his hair to his shoes, he was'nt leaving anything to chance today. Not today. Today he wanted everything to be perfect and so he waited for Chelsea who was changing in their bedroom. He had no idea what was waiting for him so George could only wait and guess...

A lot had happened for Chelsea, too. So much so that she was barely able to keep up with it all. Just a year ago, at this same point in time, she was a struggling midcarder trying to hold her own in a division that seemed like she could never quite get a good foot in the door of; despite numerous memorable matches, and an unforgettable presentation, Chelsea could never win when she most wanted to, and to make matters worse, everyone seemed to pass her up in favor of her more outgoing and personable sister, leaving her questioning what the point was. She felt ready to get used to being a disappointment - right when everything changed, all thanks to one Captur the Flag match.

Since then, she had seen Molly start a relationship with Harmonia Edelstein, one that quickly blossomed into a successful tag team career for the two of them that pushed the younger Forster sister to all-new heights. She had seen Harmonia's own sister, Finella, go from being an annoyance, to a hated rival, to almost something of a friend. She'd pushed herself beyond any boundaries she ever thought she had in their blowoff match at We Are LAW, one that was more hard-hitting and brutal than anything Chelsea had been through in her life and had left both women battered, bruised, and bloodied - and in the end, not only had she won, but she'd gotten genuine cheers for it, too; cheers she didn't think she would ever hear, and cheers she didn't even know how to react to. But perhaps the biggest change of all was George - who had helped Chelsea in the buildup to the match, who had acted as her manager, and who now, after it all, had decided to start dating her, and to move her into a new life at the Wolf and the Bunny. Like no one else had, he had cared about her. He had reached out to her. He wanted her to be happy. Now, Chelsea found herself faced with something she never thought she would experience. But even still, it was at the same pub she had frequented all the way back at the start of her career. Chelsea might have come a long way, but she still ended up back here - it had all come full circle.

And now, she had a bright future to look forward to - having a home, having a place to call her own, having a family, even. Chelsea hadn't felt like she had anything quite like this ever since moving to Japan. Now, as she stood in front of the mirror brushing out her hair, her heart was pounding just thinking about the strange and unfamiliar world she was heading into. It was a lot of change in so short a time, but she wasn't going to look back, either.

At last, it was time for Chelsea to make her entrance. She pushed open the door - and there, George could see her, decked out for the photo. She had on a neat dress, her hair was carefuly coiffed, and she even had makeup on - a thought that made her blush ever so slightly; she wasn't used to putting so much effort into her looks. But for a time like this, she knew it was an occasion she wanted to look her best for. She giggled nervously to herself at the thought of how George would react, but then, she held her back straighter, looking back up at him and clearing her throat. "Ah, do I look..?"

George had always fancied himself a womansman. He could have almost any girl that walked into his bar, talking, lying and seducing them were he could. But Chelsea was different. Because George never had felt about a girl before like he had about the Bunny. Even if Molly was the more cheery, girlish and outgoing one of the two, the pubowners heart immediatly knew. When Chelsea had her biggest loss to date against the Carnival Girls she had visited him again and they had spent the night together, caring for each other, sharing their true feelings. The next morning George paid the price and almost had lost Chelsea. But deep down their feelings for each other had became clear that night.

George looked to the door and his heart skipped a beat. But even if he had imagined several ways Chelsea would appear to their important day, this here was a Chelsea no one had ever seen. George jaw dropped and his pale face blushed when Chelsea Forster, brootish British Bunny, a foulmouthed, beerdrinking loudmouth from Liverpool who, out of her own fear of being unloved had unleashed her fury at the world only to fail and became even more doubtful of herself, entered the room more beautiful then she had ever looked. If she wanted to get a reaction out of George then she certainly did so.
The tall and thin man came into Chelseas direction and took her hand, giving it a kiss. Then he looked at her again, not smug, not mischievous like a Cheshire Cat, but with the eyes and the smile of a lover.

The Londoner embraced Chelsea with one arm as the other one held the basket. They looked into each others eyes, so close to each other. "You are without a doubt the most beautiful girl in the world today.", he said with all the honesty of a man in love. "Chelsea. make me speechless. Imagine that.",he said with a slight chuckle. "Oh, I... I have something for you, or us, well for the pub. But mostly it is something to welcome you to the Wolf and Bunny, something that will make us happy for a long time I hope.", he said and gave the basket in his hand into Chelseas hands. And with a little rustling a small puppy came out of the blankets, sniffling and looking at Chelsea with slight whimpers. It was a young British Bulldog." His name is Anfield.",he said with a smile, having chosen the name of Liverpools famous stadion, just for Chelsea. "A good pub is nothing without its Lady and a guarddog. And now I have both." the Brit said and smiled. "I hope you like him. If not I can always bring him back..."

Chelsea felt like an idiot, dressed up like this. It wasn't her, she thought - surely, she would never be caught dead in anything so frilly and fancy. When she saw the look on George's face the moment she stepped through the door, she knew that his eyes were on her. Her face lit up with a blush, and she looked away. She knew she looked stupid, and she didn't need his reaction to rub it in for her. But then...he took a step closer, taking her hand and guiding it up to his mouth to plant a kiss on it.

"E-Ehh..?" Chelsea looked back in shock. No matter how many kind words she and George shared, no matter how many times they held hands, or held each other in their arms, she never quite got used to it. She was used to thinking of herself as being worthy of scorn, of only being pushed away. The fact that George actually liked her, actually wanted her - even now, sometimes it caught her off guard. But that didn't mean she didn't like it. On the contrary, when she heard George describe her beauty, she held a hand to her chest and felt a warmth bubble up inside of her, the kind of feeling of true, unconditional happiness she hadn't felt in some time. And when he said she left him speechless - that just made her chuckle to herself.

"Ah, well...if that's the case, it must really be something," she said, blushing all the harder for it - she knew, after all, how hard it was to shut George up. Then, George placed the basket in her hands, and Chelsea looked closer. She had been wondering what he had that for since he had first shown up, and now, it seemed, she would finally get answers. When she heard the rustling noise, she lifted an eyebrow curiously - and when the bulldog puppy emerged from the blankets, her jaw dropped in a gasp."Oh...oh my god-! George, you really-!" She smiled wider, giggling like a little girl as she let Anfield climb into her arms. With one finger, she gently stroked over his head, and when she looked back at George, her eyes were damp with tears of joy. It was rare for anything to make the infamously stern Chelsea Forster swoon - but the sight of the dog climbing into her arms certainly did. But more than that was the thought that George was this committed to making everything work - for them all to be a family, and to settle into the pub life. She never expected anyone to do anything like this for her, and George had done so much more.

Looking back at George, Chelsea shook her head. "No, no, we're keeping him. I love him, George..." She sniffled, holding Anfield closer against her chest. "All this time...I never thought anyone would care as much as you do..."

George kissed Chelseas hand and looked down at her. Here, he thought, stood a girl that had it all but was never sure how use it. Chelsea was no bad person per se, even if her ways in her matches had been cheating, brutal and sometimes downright cruel. No one had tried to understand her, no one wanted to see under the covers and look at the sad, dissapointed girl who was just longing for a little care and love. There were so many factors that made the southerner fall in love with the northern girl but knowing that under all this brootish and cold behaviour was a woman who reached out to get saved from the darkness of her own soul. And who better to do it then George, a fellow englishman, someone who understood people on a deeper level and who was ready to give this whole "Couple" and "Family" thing a chance. He also was smittened by her fiery temper, her strength, her grace, her voice. Everything about Chelsea seemed right.

Even if no one saw it, George saw it, and was'nt that enough in the end? When Chelsea accepted the little Bulldog his face light up into an even brighter smile. "We just took him from his mom, so be a good mom to him, yes? ", he said and put out his trusty handkerchief, drying Chelseas tears. "Now, now, that's not a day for tears is it.",he said and embraced Chelsea, the dog cuddling itself between them, softly whimpering as George had put his face into Chelseas hair. "Now you have a home again. With someone who waits for you after a long day in the ring.", he said and then softly cupped Chelseas chin, their eyes met and it was a magical moment. "I will always care, as long as this british heart pounds to the beat of long live the King.", he chuckled and nodded over to the photographer. "Shall we?"

It took Chelsea this long. After 23 long years of wandering, of not knowing where she would ever find peace, of striking out at the world whenever she didn't know how to deal with its challenges, she had grown used to it all. She'd come to accept that as what her life entailed - that was just what it was. She'd grown so used to it, in fact, that now, when she was finally shown all the care and love she had been searching for, she didn't know what to do. But George had done what no one else would. He had seen the goodness in Chelsea's heart, and he was willing to bring that out of her. It was the day Chelsea never thought she would see...but after those 23 long years, it had come. She had no reason to doubt it - now, she had it all. A home, a dog, a loving all seemed too picture-perfect, too good to be true. She couldn't have deserved anything that would make her this happy. But it was all hers.

Stroking over Anfield's back as she held the whimpering puppy closer to her chest, Chelsea nodded her head. Her eyes had begun to water, thinking about how far she had come - all that she had, and all she had ever wanted - but George was always attentive to her, and he was quick to dry off her tears. She sniffled, but when she looked back up to meet him eye to eye, she smiled wide. It wasn't the sly, cocky smile Chelsea had whenever she was beating up an opponent, the kind of smile people were used to from Chelsea Forster. This was the smile she always wanted to show - a smile of true happiness, of belonging.

"I'll do the best for him, George... ", she said. "After all you've done for's only fair I pay it forward, isn't it?" She blushed a little just thinking about being a mother to someone - even to a dog, it seemed so surreal she would ever think of herself that way. But soon enough, she looked back at the photographer, and she nodded her head. Chelsea was moving forward with her life - and it was time to commit that to history.

"Let's do it."

George knew from the moment she came in this life that there was more in the northern girls heart then she allowed herself to show to the world. He felt a deep sadness that clouded the mind of this energetic young woman and he made it his task to let the sun shine in the garden of Chelseas heart again. There were endless talks, many bruises, much tears and dissapointments but all the while George stuck with Chelsea, never letting go of her, never shoving her away like others did. George stayed and he knew that this was something Chelsea had to acknowledge. And with time and care the Blonde opened up, finally leading to one fateful night, the most wonderful night in George life so far, that almost had ruined everything he had worked on as Chelsea stormed out of the pub the next morning. But she came back. She always came back. George was her harbour and light in the darkness before she even knew it and George was sure of one thing. This was his girl, no one elses.

When he dried Chelseas tears he took her hand and led her over to the photographer, Anfield in her arms. George smiled. She loved him already and she loved her new life, her new home and the most important thing. She loved George. Chelsea Forster, the most unlikely character to even think of having a loving friend and a cute dog lived exactly the life she always wanted. The Cockney Flame literally felt how all the weight fell of Chelseas heart and when she gave him this big, warm smile, full of hope and love the oh so cool and witty pubowner looked away for a moment, bringing his handkerchief to his face.Then they walked over, standing next to each other, the photographer getting ready. "One Moment, please!", George said and turned to Chelsea, his arms around her waist. "Thank you Miss Forster for giving me the honor of your companionship. I will not dissapoint you. May this picture at our entrance show will everyone who enters, our happiness. And may they be happy too when they visit our home, drinking their pints, playing pool, watching a match...",he said and then laughed." I am sorry, once a showman, always a showman. Let me shorten what I want to express, love. ", he smiled and looked into Chelseas big, blue eyes." I love you.", he said and kissed her. They parted when the photographer cleared his throat. "Ahem... Mr. Fortunato, are we ready now?", he asked and the Brit looked down at his new family. "Yes, yes we are.", he answered and put an arm around Chelsea. "Alright, hold still!", the photographer said and all three looked at the camera, smiling. But George did'nt see the camera at all. He looked forward, into a glorious future!

"A-Ah, George..! Don't make me blush in the photo-!" Chelsea muttered. As soon as she felt his arms wrap around her from behind, she could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks, and she had to bite her lip to try and quell that. After all, she was trying to look professional here, for a photo that would greet any patrons to the Wolf and the Bunny - and besides, everyone who knew Chelsea Forster could attest to the fact that she did not blush over anything so silly. But she still turned to face the camera either way - and as George described everything they could look forward to, together, the Englishwoman let out a long, contented sigh. When she closed her eyes, she could imagine the life that seemed just around the corner - where she would finally have everything she'd always wanted, all the care, attention, and love she'd always yearned for but never thought she deserved. She never thought the day would come where she would admit it without a few pints in her - but the Wolf and the Bunny really had become a second home for her. No matter all the times she claimed it wasn't anything special, no matter how much she'd insist that she didn't get sentimental over was still the only place Chelsea could find that reminded her of the home she'd left behind, and George was the only person she knew who cared about her so deeply. Now, though, she didn't have to deny anything any more. Now, the pub really would be her home. And George - and Anfield - would stay by her side, the whole way through.Lost in the dreamy haze that filled her thoughts, Chelsea wanted to breathe in the air of the pub, to feel the warmth of the fire, to laugh the laughs that she'd share with George. She had barely even noticed that George had kissed her when it all blended together into her hopes and dreams for the beautiful future ahead. That was, until the photographer spoke up - and at once, Chelsea's eyes went wide as she stepped back from George, sputtering. "Gah-! Jud! 'ow long did 'e see dat!?"

Once again, her cheeks lit up in a vivid red. But she still found it in her to straighten out her skirt and turn back to face the camera. She smiled wide, hugging Anfield against her chest. And she, too, was ready to face the future - she couldn't wait!


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Re: Another Day, Another Story (Open Thread)

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

Takes place shortly after Korra fight with Cheryl

“Ma’am we really insist you come with us before you hurt something. We need to make sure you get checked out.” “If you get any closer to me I’m taking something off of you.” Despite the walking like a battered skeleton Korra was still an intimidating figure that no one wanted to mess with. The moment she could walk she stopped any attempt to take her to a hospital to start hunting down 3 people backstage. After Amy and the Pom Pom Punchers jumped her Korra couldn’t think about anything but collecting their heads. She was going to get the duo first and use their corpses to beat Amy death with. As soon as this nobody stopped trying to grab her. Once he got a grip on her arm she turned around and quickly pushed him against the wall scaring the rest off while he struggled. “I either get my hands on Amy or someone else. Feel free to volunteer.” She was close to squeezing and seeing how long before he passed out. “Arrête. We’ll take it from here.” Korra turned to the voice she recognized and saw that Haruka had Noloty with her. At the sight of her she let the guy go and he along with everyone else cleared out now that a nurse who could fight was there to take her place.“Sorry about her! She is a poor sport when she’s beaten up.” “If you two are going to get in the way where were you 10 minutes ago?” “Haruka did you hear that? Big Korra wanted us to help her. I knew she liked having us around.” “I can still rip someone’s neck off tonight. If you’re not going to help me collect Amy’s get lost. Go back to double teaming that Aussie blonde that had Haruka scared for her life. Just remember I’m the one in charge here.” Korra would have left it not for Haruka stopping her by grabbing something out of her pocket. “It would appear you’ve forgotten that your control of this group is simply public. Privately when the real head calls.” She showed off her phone. One with a call currently going. Korra felt herself straighten up and look at it when it was extended to her. “You answer.” She knew who it was before she took it despite it having no name. The second after it was to her ear she heard her voice.

I manage to sneak suggestions to the heads in charge of this place despite having no real power back here to arrange for you a simple match to increase your ranking and you do that?” “Shove it Robin. I won the match despite you not telling me what she could do. My leg was nearly broken.” “How foolish of me to not inform you that the wrestler could WRESTLE! This is your blunder Korra one that makes us look bad before we’ve even started. Maybe I’ve let you get too soft and spoiled.” “Soft and spoiled? That’s rich. How many people have I broken at your command? Dead weight I helped you cut. I only fight when you say go so if I’ve gone soft maybe you should put something at my feet worth something? Say Amy Evans? Now!” “That’s not happening.” “Why the hell not!?” “Because I don’t burn money. If you wanted to fight Amy before all you had to do was say so and we could have done it. Now? It’s too late to make it anytime you want. Your not fighting her now or next week or next month or this year. You want her? Wait until I can convince them to make it an Apex match.” Korra was silenced. She didn’t know business but even she saw what Robin wanted to do now. She wanted to make this a big show of hate for the judges. At Alex she couldn’t just do a good match. Or even a great match. Everyone would be doing those, to stand out it her to be something everyone wanted to see and hook them in in ways besides just fighting. “Fine. What do you want me to do in the meantime?” “Make sure the area is clear and put the call on speakerphone. I need you all to hear this.” Korra motioned to a room next to them they could slide into and not worry about a random person walking down the hall. Locking the door after verifying that no one was in it before Korra turned the phone on speaker.

Before tonight I was already getting a match set up. Haruka and Noloty will face Amber and Cheryl at Fight the LAW.” “What? Ms. Robin Noloty and I haven’t been in a LAW tag match together. It’s been years and we only just reunited for the audience.” “Don’t be nervous Haruka. You think someone like me forgets how to wrestle in tag matches? We’ll win this in 2 minutes.” “The match won’t happen as advertised. Teaching them a lesson is only the personal reason. The real reason is that they are the favorites to be next in line for a Tag Title match and when you two beat them you’ll be pushed up the list. But Amber Skye won’t make it to Fight the LAW. I’ve made arrangements for someone to take care of her this week.” “Why can’t we just fuck her up?” “Because if you fuck her up the match might get cancelled and the moment is ruined or they fine one of you which means they fine me because I pay your bills. It has to look like it didn’t come from the three of you or me. Especially me.” “Won’t be my proudest win. Still when we face he get champs it won’t matter.” “I could beat those Punchers with my hands tied. It’s better I don’t risk it since they might try to injury me like they did Korra.” “Im not injured.” “In the meantime Korra you will continue to finish your Apex matches. I have them lined up already. Dr. Fabulous next and after her Loretta of Khaos. I want you to win and actually walk out looking like a winner.” “So. We’re finally going on the offensive now?” “The job was to integrate ourselves into LAW. Everyone knows what we can by ourselves.” “And not a single idea of what to do with us as a team. This is going to be fun!” “For now you two will treat Korra like she’s the boss of you. Make no mention of me ever! Focus on Apex and getting those tag belts. I want all three of you to be champions by the end of next year.” The call wordlessly ended there. Everyone knew their tasks and silently timed out of the room ready to start taking LAW by the throat.

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Re: Another Day, Another Story (Open Thread)

Unread post by CaptainL »

A Moment of Doubt

Continued from here

It was over. Nashi Dragneel and Yukino Fuyumi had shared their first match together as members of the same team when Nashi took on Janella Johnson, with Yukino in her bandmate's corner to cheer her on. And although Nashi had put up a good fight, in the end, it was JJ who took victory. Standing at ringside, Yukino had experienced every high and low, cheering on Nashi's successes and wincing at every blow she took. But when it all came down to the finish - and she'd witnessed Nashi submit to her opponent's octopus stretch - Yukino was left at a loss for words. She wanted to see Nashi prove she could succeed in wrestling the same way she succeeded in music, and she wanted to be there for it - but instead, Nashi had lost, and what was worse, Yukino knew it was her fault. After all, she was the one who had called for her to look out, and distracted her long enough for JJ to take control. If Nashi lost, it was because of Yukino. That had been her worst fear in coming to LAW - and now, it had become a reality.

As the two of them returned to the locker room after the match, Yukino let out a long sigh, stepping away from her friend. " what you need to do, Nashi. I need a minute," she said. But when Nashi emerged from the shower, she could find Yukino sitting in the corner of the locker room, still in the idol outfit she'd worn to the ring, with her head down against her knees as she hugged her legs closer to herself. She didn't know quite how long of a minute she would need, but for now, she just wanted to be alone with herself, and with her shame.

Nashi wasn’t in the biggest of spirits. She wanted to show an arrogant jerk that Alaina was a great mentor and her teaching was amazing. Unfortunately once JJ had her in octopus hold she couldn’t take anymore, she had to tap out and walk with her friend who was also disappointed with the results. The two didn’t say a word to each other as they walked out of the arena.

Once backstage Yukino told Nashi she needed a minute ”Yeah…. Same I just need to wash myself don’t worry I’ll be back” she tried to put on a smile but could tell Yukino was upset.

Once she was done with her shower, she walked in with a towel covering her body and saw Yukino on the floor. “Yukino…? Are you okay?” She asked slowly walking over to her best friend to try and help her.

Yukino didn't know how much time had passed with her sitting there sulking on the floor before Nashi walked back into the room. But when she heard her best friend's voice, she let out a long sigh, her shoulders slumping as she sank down even lower against the wall. It was bad enough when she had to be alone with her feelings. Now she had to throw them all on her friend too, when she was sure Nashi was already grappling with her defeat. But it seemed she had no choice. "No, Nashi..." she began, "I'm not okay..."

Her voice was already cracking with sorrow when she said those words, but as soon as she was finished she broke into sobs, burying her face in her arms. There was no use in holding it back any more. "I just...let you down! If I didn't say anything back there, you wouldn't have gotten distracted, and you would've won! I’m the reason you lost to JJ and I’ll just be a distraction in all of your other matches! I was always afraid that I'd ruin everything for you, I really went and did it! M-Maybe I should just go get my pink slip so I don't cost you everything..."

Nashi would approach Yukino still surprised she hadn’t moved from where she left her. It only got more worse as Yukino began to break down into tears blaming herself for the outcome of the match. Nashi gasped with tears of her own going down unable to believe what Yukino was saying just now!

Nashi looked at down and said ”Stop it!…..” she gritted her teeth with her tears landing on Yukino’s forhead. ”I’d had plenty of losses before this….” Nashi reach down and went to grab Yukino by the top of her outfit and pull her up looking into her eyes ”if you turn in that pink slip…. I’ll never wrestle again got it!?” She shouted loudly with anger in her…. The first time she had ever raised her voice like this to her snowy haired friend.

Yukino couldn't help herself. Even as Nashi called out to her, it didn't even seem to reach her ears. All she did was sob. She felt like she'd failed everyone - she'd failed her friend, she'd failed her fans, and she'd failed herself. Her greatest fear was always that she was going to let down everyone around her, that she wouldn't be enough - now, she'd all but confirmed her worst nightmares were true.

However, when Nashi reached down to grab Yukino by the collar, and when she yelled in her face - about quitting wrestling, no less - that was enough to drive what felt like a dagger of ice straight into her heart. She fell silent, her eyes wide and her face pale. For a moment, she didn't even take in any breaths; the air hung around motionlessly in her gaping mouth. Never in all her life had Nashi been angry with her. She'd always understood, she'd always been supportive. This was different - and if it was enough to make her give up on her dream, it meant something was very wrong. Had she failed this badly?

As the initial shock wore off, Yukino felt sick to her stomach at the thought she could have ruined such a long-standing friendship, one she counted on so much, like this. She whimpered softly, but her tears began to stream down her cheeks as she looked down at the ground. She couldn't even bear to look Nashi in the eye. "I'm sorry-! Nashi, I'm sorry...I know you must hate me now-! I know I'm a disappointment, all I ask is...please, please don't give up on wrestling! I don't want to ruin it for you like I ruined the match!"

Nashi shouted at her hoping it would snap her friend out of her depression. However due to poor choice of words…. Yukino started to tear up calling her a “disappointment” Nashi covered her mouth trying to hold back her tears as much as she could.

She would bent down and just hug her friend after her cries of sadness ”I’m never going to hate you Yukino, I was never born with a sister and you filled that spot for me, you helped me get through school since I was a dummy” she giggled lightly as she put her hand on Yukino’s back and pulled it down a couple times trying to stop her tears ”Yukino if we never met that day my life wouldn’t have been the same, and I know some apologies since I left you to do idol work on you’re own” the pinklette soon was rolling down tears ontop of her.

“So… can we still… be tag partners,friends… and most importantly…. Sisters!!!!” She shouted as she began to whimper letting out all the tears she could muster!

Yukino wasn't thinking straight. Her gut should have told her that it would be okay, and that Nashi would never be mad at her - that she would never abandon her. But when her mind was clouded by panic, guilt, and shame, she heard Nashi raise her voice, and she assumed the worst. Now, her fears were all but confirmed. She had blown it, and she had made Nashi mad at her - the one person she always depended on, and who had always been by her side when no one else would. Even as she cried, a tremor ran through her body as she shook with fear. She didn't want to be alone again. And she didn't want to be alone when Nashi should have been with her the way she always was.

But then, when Yukino felt Nashi's arms wrap around her, she stopped. Taking a pause, she looked back at Nashi, and as her eyes met hers, at first she shook a little with surprise to see the tears running down her best friend's face. Had she upset her? Had she made it worse?

But hit her. Nashi was crying because she was crying. They shared every thought, every smile, every laugh, and every tear. They had lived almost every day together, even when they didn't share a family or a home. Yukino even felt closer to Nashi than she did to her own sister some times. They really sisters.

And if Nashi was sad because Yukino was sad...then, when the white-haired girl saw her shout back at her with a swell of her spirits, with bravery and with fervor, then Yukino could share in that, too. Whether it was for good or ill, in happiness or in sadness, their hearts would always beat as one. If Nashi was going to bounce back from this stronger than ever, then so was Yukino.

A smile played across her face. Now, she was reinvigorated, and now it was her turn to come to Nashi's aid! Just then, she threw herself closer, pulling her arms tight around Nashi with an even firmer hug. "I...I'm sorry, Nashi!" she said. "I shouldn't let things like this keep me down. I'm better than this...we're better than this! I can't forget about it, because we've come this far...and we can do it again! If you believe in me, I have to believe in myself!"
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Re: Another Day, Another Story (Open Thread)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

December 31st. New Years' Eve.

Chelsea Forster had a lot to reflect on from the past year. She'd started the year embroiled in a passionate feud with Finella Edelstein, who seemed committed to embarrassing her, mocking her, and beating her down at every turn, never allowing her anything she could take pride in. And in truth, the reason Finella's taunts had gotten to her as much as they had was because Chelsea never had anything besides LAW. No one would ever get close to her. No one would ever want to be around her - they'd just be afraid of getting embroiled in her tumultuous life, if not attacked and beaten themselves. The only thing she had a chance worth anything in was wrestling, and even then, she barely had anything worth taking pride in there - her record since coming to LAW had been abysmal. Now, she wasn't even safe there. She was almost wondering why she bothered.

A lot had changed since then. Today, it seemed as though those worries and doubts were far away. She'd emerged from her feud victorious, having defeated Finella in a long and grueling street fight at We Are LAW that not only ended the rivalry, but earned her the Hellraiser's respect in the process. She had officially begun dating George Fortunato, who had long been a friend and close confidant to her fears, but now the two of them were finally ready to be open about the feelings that had been in them all along. She had accepted him as a manager, too, and she was ready to start a new stage in her career, with a new presentation, a new outfit, and a new outlook toward the fans who were ready now to cheer her on. She had a new home, a new dog, and she'd be carrying all of those things with her into the new year. She really would have a fresh start.

Thinking about it all, Chelsea couldn't help but get a little teary-eyed - but then, the new year always had a way of doing that to her. Now, she found herself sitting by a window at the Wolf and the Bunny, staring out at the dark night sky beyond. As she did, she began to hum a tune to herself, muttering the lyrics under her breath. It was a song she'd always heard sung on this day back in England, and it was one that never failed to bring a tear to her eye.

"Should old acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? Should old acquaintance be forgot, and auld lang syne?"

George Fortunato had been struck with a nasty bronchitis after christmas and so he had to leave the pub to Chelsea and his waitressess. Not that he did'nt fully trust his girlfriend and his employes but George had always been a selfmade man, not used to lay back and let others do the work, so he more then once had found his way down only to get sent back to bed immediatly by Chelsea who seemed to be a natural talent. Not only had George finally had his true love by his side, he also seemed to had a good eye for the talents of his girlfriend. It was a busy time for any restaurants and pubs, many family fathers and uncles stormed the local drinking holes to escape the big family gatherings for one evening, others went for the cozy atmosphere as everything was decorated, an open fireplace spent warmth and there was plenty to eat and drink, to play and talk. The Pub was a like a second living room to some and for George, Chelsea and their dog Anfield it was their home.

George had become better, almost being back to strength again except for a nasty cough and got down the stairs. It was New years eve and the pub had just closed. Anfield, who was at his side the whole time, trotted down the stairs with him, making sure his Dad was ok. George loved his dog, very much so. It was like a child for him and Chelsea, who always had been shunned and ignored had built a strong relationship with him too.

When they came down, the Bulldog immediatly ran to his Mommy who was sitting by a window near the fireplace and jumped into her lap. He had grown quite a bit in this year and was now a fully developed British Bulldog, Englands national symbol.
George followed, wearing a fancy robe coughing on his way before he sank into a chair next to Chelsea by the fire.
He listened to Chelsea softly singing this song, that reminded them of home, in fact, he and Chelsea did sing quite often, they both had wonderful voices and no once they had sung some english, scottish or irish folk songs for their patrons, to thunderous aplause.
"Everything went smoothly Darling? Sorry for not being much of a help.",he said and reached out for Chelseas hand, taking it in his. "Were a few busy days but now we have closed for a week. And I am on my way to be healthy again. You know what that means...",he said with a wink before he burst into laughter, followed by a few coughs.
"Sorry, now, I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for the best year of my life so far.", he smiled.

Lost in her own thoughts and her own reflections, Chelsea didn't notice George and Anfield's approach, up until the dog had hopped right into her lap. She was leaning over the windowsill, watching the stars twinkle overhead - but as soon as Anfield made his presence known, she doubled back with a yelp at first, but one that soon gave way to laughter. "Oi, yis, I 'aven't forgottun about ye..." she said, scratching him under the ear. And when she looked back at George, it was with a bright smile.
When George started coughing again, Chelsea winced a little. She hated knowing that the man she loved was struggling with his illness; after how long she had depended on him to be strong when she needed him, to support her when she couldn't hold herself up, she couldn't help but feel some pain inside of her. George was one of the strongest and most dependable people she knew. If he couldn't handle this, he was sure it had to be serious.

But now, it was her turn to return the favor. George needed her - and she was grateful to be able to pay him back for all he'd done. "Mm, yeah. Believe me, I 'ad ter put a couple o' 'ewligans in their place...but if anyone can do dat, it'd be me, like." She chuckled at her own joke, but reached to take George's hand. As she looked up to meet his eyes, her expression softened; her eyes glittered with an eager joy as her smile grew wider. When George added that last little bit, she let out a gasp and her cheeks flushed red - but she looked back up at him with a smile anyway, and her hand tightened around his.
"...You''re welcome, George," she said, her voice soft and clear now. "And I should thank you. You've really done so much for me, more than I could ever put into words, and I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am for that. gave me a reason to want to see the new year. I owe that to you."
Then, Chelsea's eyes began to water. She blinked and sniffled, glancing away from George. "Ah, erm, sorry, George...I always get a little teary-eyed on New Year's..."

George had been better by now, he just had a persistent cough but the worst had been behind him. Chelsea had really done everything to make it as comfortable as possible for him and she handled the pub on her own as if she never had done anything else in her life.
When Chelsea reached out for his hand, George softly pulled her up, took place and pulled her and Anfield onto his lap.
He smiled and looked at his girlfriend, giving her back the same big smile that she gave him.
Then George started to look around. "You know, when I grew up I was looking forward to have a pub of my own. Of course I knew that I would inherit my grandfa'hers watering hole, but I always wanted a place for myself, something I built up, with all my ideas. A place were people would come and feel right at home, enjoying their time here as much as I do... ", he smiled and softly petted Anfields head.
"And honestly, now that we are alone, I always wished for something like this here. A beautiful home, a loyal dog and...", he looked back at Chelsea, reached up and cupped her cheek. " It always had been you Chelsea. My heart knew from the second you entered that you were the woman I want to spend my life with.", he smiled and looked back into the fire.
"I always get a little sentimental too at new years. Another year gone in our fleeting lives. We are born, we love, we die. But I think the important thing is, with whom we spend this time on earth. As for me, I am not worried anymore. For now everyday is a day of celebration for me.",he added and put their foreheads together before he softly started to hum a little tune.

"I gave my love a cherry that had no stone Gave my love a chicken that had no bone I gave my love a baby with no crying And told my love a story that had no end

How can there be a cherry that has no stone? How can there be a chicken that has no bone? How can there be a baby with no crying? How can you tell a story that has no end?

A cherry when it's blooming it has no stone And a chicken when it's pippin' there is no bone A baby when it's sleeping there's no crying
And when I say I love you it has no end"

He looked into Chelseas tearfilled eyes and sighed. "Thank god your dear Georgie is here to always dry your tears, darling.", he smiled and wiped away all of Chelseas tears, like he always did. And always would do, there was no question that George would do anything to see Chelsea smile

Chelsea honestly felt out of her element having to care for someone other than herself. She'd brought George his medication, she'd taken over business for him, and at the end of the day, all of it was aimed at one purpose - making him feel comfortable and safe. It almost felt surreal to know that she, of all people, was actually who someone else was depending upon; she barely even looked after herself. But she knew, too, that since she met George, everything had changed. Now, everything was so much better. And she wasn't about to look back.

As George reached over to cup her cheek, Chelsea's face flushed hotter beneath his hand. She glanced aside for just a moment, as though embarrassed by the idea of sharing eye contact with him. But the more he went on, and the more she thought of what it all meant, and what she had - what she meant to him - the more Chelsea smiled. It wasn't just her life that had turned around. George's had, too. And he owed that all to her. She'd never had anyone in her life before who depended on her as much as George did. Some people might have found that intimidating. But to Chelsea, it was what told her that she really was important. That she really had a reason to be on this earth.

She listened along to his lyrics, humming softly as she swayed back and forth. He always did have a way with words - she'd seen that every time they'd joined for a duet, but now, in the warmth of each others' company, his voice - and the fact he was singing this for her, about her - felt so much sweeter, enough to send a tingle down her spine. Letting out a long sigh, she leaned closer against him, letting her body go limp. She smiled a little wider when George brushed the tears from her eyes, but she shook her head, ever so slightly.

"You don't need to worry about me, George," she explained. "I'm...I'm happy. I don't know if you understand, but...every year, when the new year came, it was bittersweet, for me." She looked down, letting out a sigh as her thoughts took an unhappy turn. "Yeah, there was drinking and partying 'n all...but that was all I really had going for. At the back of my mind...I knew what it meant. Another year of nothing but disappointment, one less to go until the day I die. More of the same. And when I saw everyone happy, and wishing for the best, and looking forward to great always made me sad, because I knew I wouldn't get that. That my life would always be disappointment. So, at the end of the day...I just drank until I passed out, so I wouldn't have to think about it..."

Her hands drifted even further up, to his chest, as she leaned closer to narrow the gap between them. "I'm...I'm sober tonight, George. I don't need to fall back on anything. I've got all I could have wanted."

"Oh Swee'hea...", he said and softly pulled Chelsea tighter, her head on his chest, hearing his steady heartbeat. He gave her a few kisses on her head and held his beautiful girlfriend close to him.
"Listen, what you did for me, when I was'nt able care for myself, was the biggest prove of love I could ever think of. You are a good person Chelsea, whatever had happened or will happen, you deserve happiness as much as everyone else. And now, look around... ", he said and lifted her head softly so both could look over the pub.
"Look what we got here. This is'nt just your favorite pub anymore. It's your home, our home, here we can be happy, it is our save haven, here do I wait for you, Anfield waits for you, two guys who really need your love and attention more then you can think off. ", he laughed.

"I know, new years eves can be a bit depressing, but not anymore. Next year we will have a big party here, inviting LAW Wrestlers for a big party. I know from now on you will get a lot of friends, we will get a lot of friends and Mad Tea Party, Darling, will be the new attraction of the Lightweight Division. See, all I do, all my time, money and effort is to see you smile. So smile, smile for me Chelsea. And smile for the whole world. ", he assured her and gave her a few soft kisses on her mouth before he gave her a big kiss on her forehead. "We will make it all work. And you know why? Because nothing can stop us when we are together. Oh, that reminds me...", he said and reached into the pocket of his expensive robe, giving Chelsea a little jewelry box. "Santa left something else for you. Come on don't be shy, open it...",he said as he pointed at the little box that looked like it could contain a ring. A certain ring...

When George pulled Chelsea closer up against his chest, the Englishwoman shivered a little. She wasn't used to such close contact, especially not so suddenly. But she wasn't going to fight it, either. Not from George. Not from the man she loved so much, and who had done so much for her - who had finally given her a reason to be happy. Her head came to rest against his chest as she pulled herself up close against him, feeling the warmth radiating from his skin. She wanted to get close to it; she wanted to feel it. She wanted to hold onto him and never let go.
Chelsea sniffled as she wormed her way closer. Tears budded at the corners of her eyes, dampening George's chest. She simply couldn't help herself when she was welling up with all this emotion, more than she could possibly keep to herself. "I'm...I'm sorry, George," she said. "I know this isn't me, I just...can't help it..."

What George said next caught Chelsea's attention. She looked back up at him with wide eyes, and for that moment, her tears stopped. "A...a party? You're throwin' a blewdy ruv? And I'm juss knowin' about it now!?" She shot a glare at him - but just a moment later, she burst into laughter, and the scowl on her face turned to a wide smile as she hugged him closer. She wasn't going to stay mad for long. "Well...I don't see why not. It sounds like fun! And really...this place has become a part of LAW's history now, hasn't it?" Her eyes wandered over to the picture on the wall, of her and Finella arm-wrestling. Even when that fateful night had been the start of so much grief, and had caused Chelsea so much hurt physically and emotionally alike...she couldn't help but smile when she saw it. It had also been the start of so many positive changes in her life - changes she was seeing right here and now. All thanks to George. She didn't need any prompting - she nodded her head, and she looked up to George with a wide smile.
"Don't worry, George. Don't worry. I'm only crying because...I'm just so happy..." She accepted every one of his kisses, pressing close against him as her arms ran closer around his side. She knew they were headed for the future now. And it was a future that could only be bright.

But there was more in store than Chelsea thought. When George announced something else, she drew back, her eyes going wide with shock. She couldn't begin to imagine what this meant. Certainly she didn't expect George to produce a small box - but when he did, she clasped a hand to her mouth with a gasp. It couldn't be. It all felt so soon; she could hardly believe things were happening so quickly. It felt like just yesterday they had comitted to being together. But she was sure there was only one thing this could mean.
"O-Oh, George..!" She gasped. "You can't mean-!" But she opened the box without another thought. She had to see this!
George smiled as he listened to Chelseas little outbursts. He knew that she was like she was, all of her rough edges and all of her sweet habits. He smiled softly and wrapped his arms tighter around her as Chelsea nestled against him. "Heyhey... No tears, and no sorries anymore, yes? Don't want people to think that Molly sits here, huh?", he quipped before he laughed.
Then he pulled out something from his pocket and gave it to Chelsea. He saw her reaction, knowing that she was ready to see a certain something." Well, what you are waiting for, darling? ", he said and when Chelsea opened it he cleared his still sore throat. "Chelsea Forster. Thank you for almost a year of love and countless years of friendship. I can't describe enough how much your care and kindness had made me a better man. So, if you would accept whats in there, I would be deeply honored.", he smiled as Chelsea finally opened it with trembling hands, bringing to the light...

George chuckled a bit. "Sorry for leading you into a wrong direction darling.", he smiled and when Chelsea opened it a little music box version of "And I love her" started to play. George pulled it around her neck and then moved Chelsea closer to him as both eyed it. "This is my lucky charm for you at this years end, my talisman I give you to protect you and making you smile when ever you see it. And your little light to guide you out of darkness. My dear Chelsea Forster...", he then said. "There is another thing tough..." (Bearbeitet)
Chelsea's heart was pounding with anticipation as she opened the box. Was it a ring? It had to be, surely - it was just the right size and shape to be. But would George propose to her so soon? It all seemed to be happening so quickly...but then, on the flip side, it did seem like something George would do. If anyone would jump in head-first, it would be him. She didn't know what to think about it. Everything seemed to be moving too quickly for her to keep track of. But then, there was no one in the world who Chelsea would be happier to spend her life with than George.

When she lifted the lid, it wasn't a ring that awaited her. But she wasn't the least bit disappointed. The sight of the locket left her face aglow with happiness, and when she opened it up, she let out a gasp at the music that began playing, bringing back warm memories of the night they first decided to admit their feelings. "O-Oh,'s quite all right. I love it. Truly, I love it..." George had wanted to immortalize a special moment for the two of them, making it into a locket so that she could reflect on it whenever she needed, and always keep it close to her. That meant too much for her to feel anything short of awe.
When she listened to George describe what it meant, and what Chelsea could do with it, the Scouser looked up at him, tears of joy budding in her eyes. She couldn't help herself; she wasn't even trying to hide it any more. This all meant so much, and it was all for her. She couldn't keep her emotions to herself.

"...I love it, George. never needed to go all these lengths for me. I've never...felt like I've deserved it. But if I mean this much to you, then, well..." She clasped it tightly against her chest, holding it right over her heart. "I'll wear it wherever I go. I can't ever let go of it...not of something like this..."
If the night had ended then and there, Chelsea would have been perfectly happy. But George mentioned that he still had something more to share. And she blinked a few times in bewilderment, looking back up. "Huh..?"

Georges smile grew wider and wider as Chelseas eyes went from being nervous, to being surprised, to sparkle with love as he presented her the locket with their picture and their song in it. "Remember when we had our first dance to that? And... Our first night after it? Was'nt that just magical?", he whispered.
Now it was common for them to sleep with each other but their first time had consisted of nervousness, many tears, fear, hope, love, a whole colourpalette of emotions that the drunken state they had been in only made that more shining and special.
As special as the locket Chelsea had in her hands. "Yes Darling, wear it wherever you go and I am with you. Whatever happens I will be with you. In the ring as home. We do make it Chelsea. We are making it big. Like Molly and Moni.",he said and then he cleared his throat. "Darling I want to be more then your manager and partner. I want to fight alongside you.", he suddenly said and whoever knew George was aware that he had never been a fighter, at least not with his fists but as he talked to Chelsea he seemed more then serious. "Ahem... You did'nt know about it but when you were out I took some lessons from Moni and Molly, just basics and all and I wanted to ask you to go on with it.",he said. "I am still young enough to start and...", he sighed.
"When you were in trouble m, when you got hurt, I did everything I could but I only could do so much... That showed me that being at your side is'nt enough. I want to be able to really help you. To protect you. Please Chelsea...let us do it. I am ready for it, I promise. ", he said and looked into her eyes.
Only the sounds of the logs cracking in the fire could be heard for a long moment...

All of George's words brought back fond memories to Chelsea. She closed her eyes, thinking back on the past with a soft hum as she leaned closer to his chest, and a smile played across her face. Yes, that night ended with them sharing a drunken encounter in George's bed, where Chelsea found herself too overcome with emotion to go the night alone. Yes, she had looked back on that night as an awkward embarrassment she would rather forget - until now. What was important now was that it had brought her and George together, and in a way, it had all led up to this moment. She couldn't run away from that now. Now, when the Englishwoman thought back on everything that had brought them here, all she could do was smile, curling in closer to George; she wanted to get as near to him as she could. If it had led to this moment now...maybe it all was worth it.

But then, it was time for George to make his announcement. And when Chelsea heard it, she jumped back from him with a gasp. "What!? You and me? In the ring together, as a team!?" When she heard it, it seemed almost unbelievable. She had only known George as a fool and a fop; his cane had some interesting gadgets to be sure, but she would never imagine him holding his own in a fight. But he was committed to stay by her side no matter what, in the ring and out. The more he said, the more it all made sense. And the more Chelsea spoke it aloud, the more she, too, saw all the pieces fit together.

George wanted to be with her, no matter what she did. They wanted to share in their rise to glory, no matter how. Chelsea hated herself for it, it hurt feeling such things about her own family, but she couldn't help but feel jealous some times when she saw her sister going on to dominate the tag scene without her - it stirred back up all those feelings of inferiority in her that always held her back. But she wouldn't need to worry about that any more. She could still be part of a team again. But now that she'd proven herself capable, and she had George in her corner to back her up, as devoted as always, she would forge a path forward that was better than ever.
She nodded her head, beaming up to George with a grin. "I'd love to. You know, George, you and I can make magic together as it is...but I think it's about time we brought that to our opponents!" She laughed, but then, looking down at the locket, she looked back out the window with a content sigh. The future looked bright. And when Chelsea thought about that...she realized how glad she was that she was, at last, able to say that.
"We really have a lot ahead of us in the new year, don't we?"

George heart beat fast in his body. The real reason he got such a strong bronchitis was the fact that he had left the last secret training session with Molly and Harmonia with wet hair as temperatures had fallen quickly. First he had'nt said anything to Chelsea, because he was afraid she would laugh or would get angry or worried. But when had made the locket for her, he already had made his decision.
He never had been much of a fighter, at least not with his body but Moni had promised him that he had all the makings to become a capable wrestler if he stayed dedicated. George never would have thought that he ever would put his body on the line, not for him, not for fame and glory. But now he had found a reason. And with every match of Chelsea were she had been hurt or was in need of help, he had wished he would have been there.
And now he would, not just as her manager but as her partner in the ring. Soon, when they started training together, the world would know their name.

"Indeed we do Darling. Mad Tea Party. We will become legens swee'hea.", he grinned and softly stroked Chelseas her. "All I do, I do for you, you hear? For us. The Wolf and the Bunny, lead by the legendary Chelsea Forster and George Fortunato, the March Hare and the Mad Hatter. I can't hardly wait.", he smiled and closed his eyes as they came close to each other. "I love you, Bunnygirl.", he whispered and pressed his lips on hers while Anfield yawned and snuggled in between them.

Chelsea sniffled a little, just thinking of it. She was already looking forward to the grand debut of Mad Tea Party, eager to start a new chapter in her life, and one that would lead her toward a glorious future. But that was just from reinventing herself - putting her past behind her, the past where she struggled to keep up with her sister, and when she was only greeted by scorn from those who would never understand her, and becoming someone who people could feel proud cheering for. That was just for herself. When George himself was in the mix, that made things so much better. She had seen how quickly Molly and Harmonia had grown to become tag team sensations practically overnight, all thanks to the passion only a loving couple could have. When she saw the two of them fighting side by side, their hearts beating as one as they bore through every struggle for each others' sake, Chelsea couldn't help but be moved. Now, she would have that too.

Her eyes misting over with a film of tears, the Scouser nodded her head, leaning in closer to George. "Believe me, George...I can't wait, either." She looked back over her shoulder with a wider smile, and she nodded her head. "But we'll face it all in the new year, you and me. Together, like always." She grinned a little wider; Chelsea could hardly believe such sweet, cloying sentiments were leaving her throat. A year ago, she wouldn't even think about speaking such things so openly. But she didn't care. She was happy.

Her hand brushed over George's own as she hummed out a few more words of her song - a hope to the future, for many days of happiness and prosperity to come. And somehow, Chelsea already knew she had it.

"And there's a hand, my trusty friend, and give me a hand of thine! And we'll take a right good-will draught, for auld lang syne!"

Happy New Year LAW!

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Re: Another Day, Another Story (Open Thread)

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”Fucking idiot! You can’t do anything right! That cashier job had a decent pay! And you get fucking fired?! Are you fucking kidding me?!”

”Why did I even decide to get together with you? It’s my own fucking fault!”

”You deserve my fucking fists in your dumb eyes! Maybe you’ll see my fucking point more clearly!”

”I want you out! You’re a fucking lame excuse of a human being! You’ll be a terrible father! Get the fuck out!”

It’s been close to 20 years since William had least seen that devil of a woman. The biggest regret of his entire life was Kary Jenkins. Friends in middle school and lovers in high school that met when Will was 14 and Kary was 13. They started dating at 16 and 15 respectively having a decent two-year relationship, but the decent times were only in the minority. Kary was an abusive woman that hit Will any time she felt he screwed up or thought he was in the right when they argued, she berated him about his nerdy hobbies or his attempts at getting a job to help his family, and when she got pregnant with his child, that threw her over the edge. Kary blew up up at him and told him he ruined her life. She didn’t care if the kid was his, he could straight up get out of her life and she would take care of it all by herself. William….made a bad judgement call. He left. 18 years old and scared that Kary could do worse to him…or even put the child up for adoption if he didn’t comply….Will just ran away.

He’s a fucking coward as he would tell himself. Any good father would stand up to be with their child and he just fled. Leaving his son or daughter in the clutches of a madwoman. These past 20 years haunted him. The nightmares and the screams of terror upon waking up. They even followed him to Japan. William placed his open palms on the bar counter as he looked over seeing Jonathan down his second whiskey shot of the night. He never even told his best friend the story of his past. What would he even think?

William just sat back and looked at a random football game on the TV playing back home in America. Surprisingly, the bar had television featuring LAW matches, American sports, European sports, and Japanese sports. None of that would lower his pain. His mother did keep tabs on Kary and the baby for a little while and even told William he had a daughter. Kary named her Sarabeth Jenkins and it was a name Will never got to utter. Would he ever get to call that name out loud? Kary moved to Nevada a few years after Sarabeth was born and he hasn’t heard any news about his daughter. Will just presumed she still might be with her mother or just out on her own somewhere. Hopefully, they would cross paths and he can apologize for what he did. Leaving a kid in those conditions. What a fucking train wreck. Maybe Kary was right. He is a lousy father.

I’m so sorry, Sarabeth. I truly didn’t mean anything by it,” William apologized to himself as he turned away from his best friend and the tears were uncontrollable from there.


As Sarabeth lounged around in her dorm, she retreated back into her mind of creativity. She always wondered what her real father looked like and tried picturing him in a few ways. Was he muscular? Was he skinny? Did he have black hair like her? Did he play sports? Was he a professional wrestler on the road currently? Was he a lawyer? A scientist? A librarian? So many questions and so many answers to choose from the answer pool. However, it was only left to her imagination. Her mother refused to say anything about her biological father and it earned her a place on the streets and later, an orphanage to crash at.

She would never stop imagining though and hoped one day her real father would come around to adopt her so they could live the life her mother couldn’t even offer her. Hunter came through for her and trained her in the ways of wrestling which made her feel powerful. Hunter truly was the father she never had, but this career also gave her the chance to travel the world and see exotic locations. Maybe her real father would come to a show and cheer her on? It’s definitely a dream. A dream she couldn’t give up on.

Call her stubborn, she gets it from her mother, but Sarabeth won’t accept defeat on this matter. She may be 20 years old now, but out there is her father and she’s determined to meet him halfway so they could finally meet. She had heard inklings of his name when Kary would be on phone calls. Will….Bill….Walter….something like that. Sarabeth was little so her mind was a bit scattered on lots of topics, but her father became her central focus when she got older. She had full faith that they would meet at some point and she would be totally excited when that day finally came. She didn’t know her Daddy, but she refuses to believe he didn’t want her. That can’t be true. Not after what her mother put her through.

I don’t know where you are, Dad. I don’t know your name, your age, or what you even look like. However, I took this trip to Japan in order to get stronger and even got into this program to become better. There’s nothing standing in my way. I’ll find you one day! I’m more determined than ever now! …..I love you, Dad. Never forget that. I sure won’t,” Sarabeth explained as two streams of tears ran down her cheeks.
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Re: Another Day, Another Story (Open Thread)

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Like Emerald Lightning

***Few days after - this***

Kate unwrapped her fists and threw the tattered wraps on the ground next to the gloves she broke a little earlier before leaning her back against the column and sliding to the ground. She reached to the side and grabbed a fresh set of wraps. ”Ok, just focus on one thing. First a few layers for the knuckles, then across the hand and around the wrist and…” She thought to herself but already was almost done, hard to go slow when you did something so many times you don’t need to think about it. That also ment her attempt at focusing failed once more. Now she bent her head up and looked at the ceiling while wrapping the other hand. ”Is that all it takes to take all your cool away, really?” She continued to berate herself in her head.

Luckily for her, the gym was empty, not surprising at this hour and bless this place for being open 24/7, otherwise, she wouldn’t know what else to do and if she couldn’t sleep she might as well use that time for something. The hope was to clear her head but that goal seemed to elude her so far.

Regardless, she wasn’t about to stop. She picked herself back up, got into her stance and skipped to the heavy bag hanging just a few feet away. Right cross, left hook, sidestep in the same direction ”Come on, what’s wrong with you?” Jab, uppercut, step back ”Because, this is silly! roundhouse, pull back, push kick ”You get this far, and that’s all it takes?” Spinning back kick, build distance, flying knee ”It never got you in this way and it’s not the first time that happened” Hold it, series of knees ”And now you can't even stop thinking about it.” Left hook, back away, jab ”Do you even know what you want?” step forward to switch stances, right cross with all her weight that sounds almost like a gun being fired, and the bag swings back. ”GHHHAAAAAA!” first time she made a noise since coming in, taking a deep breath right after and turning just before the bag swung back and hit her in the rear, making her stumble. In frustration she turned and sent another hook to the bag, a thunderous sound erupts in the space again followed by another, metal snapping and a heavy weight falling down about a foot further than the arc would allow.

”And now destroying equipment, way to go.” She thought to herself as she walked to the bag and sat on top of it, inspecting the chain it hung on. It was indeed broken. ”I know what I want, though she probably doesn’t feel the same way.” She said sliding further down the bag, it was down already, might as well use it. ”Didn’t ask her though, and she said something else” Her thoughts turned from berating her to an internal dialogue now, definitely not what she came here for. ”She meant the kiss, maybe more, still not what I want” Her thighs clamped on the bag hard, fists coming down, left, right, left ”You don’t know that.” right hand comes down, then moves up and across her body to come down in a hammer fist. ”I do.” left comes down, then posts on the mat, two right elbow strikes follow. ”How?” Her right hand moves under the bag and meets the left, her feet shift to have her soles on the ground, then she lifts and throws the weight back in a suplex before falling to the floor. ”I… Just… there is no way someone like her would ever want someone like me.” She thought laying down and breathing heavily. ”You don’t decide that though, she does.” And she thought herself into a corner, still laying and catching her breath. ”Fair point, though what does that change?” She finally sat up and started getting up, walking over to her things. ”Nothing really.”

She rolled her eyes while stuffing her belonging into a bag. ”Helpful… Just when i thought I was getting somewhere” She sipped up the bag and swung it over her shoulder. ”The point is, you would do something about it, ask her out, you know…” She continued to think while making her way to the front desk. ”That’s the hard part… Though I suppose i don’t have much to lose.” She rummaged through papers to find an empty piece of paper and a pen before writing down her contact info so she can pay for the damage she caused when the staff was back. ”I can at least try…” She thought finally leaving the place and heading home.
Last edited by ThatPolishDude on Wed Jan 18, 2023 5:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Another Day, Another Story (Open Thread)

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Sakura paced around her dorm room, arms crossed. It was Valentines day, finally the time for her to put into motion a plan she's had for weeks: ask out Meiyun. The girl was... perfect. The prettiest girl she'd ever seen, and on the inside, there was more beauty than any physical appearance could ever rival. She was so sweet and kind, she was a little goofy, but was serious when she needed to be. She shared her love of all things anime, and she was the best friend she'd ever had. But even though Saku had planned this for the past two weeks, even though she she wanted to be with Mei, she was terrified. What if Mei said no? What if she fumbled somehow, and looked like an idiot? What if she came off creepy? What if... what if... what if... She slapped herself, remembering what Skylar always said. "Remember kid, if ya wanna do something, just do it. Act first, think about the consequences later. That's how I roll." Sakura was gonna do this. She wasn't a damn pussy. She was Sakura goddamn Tanahashi, the protege of Skylar Jones, and one day, one of the best high fliers the world had ever seen. She wasn't afraid of shit! Especially not something as simple as asking a girl out! She flung open her door, walking down the hall with a confident, forced smile as she searched for Mei. She saw her walking in her direction, so she walked in her's. She inhaled, ready to speak. Here goes...

Meiyun sat on her bed, her knee bobbing up and down on her crossed leg as she boiled over with nervous energy. She glanced back and forth from one wall to the other, trying to keep herself distracted - and yet, every time, her thoughts ran back to the same thing. This was it. It was Valentine's Day! She knew from every shoujo slice of life series she delved into when she didn't think her sisters were watching that this was the day to make confessions of love, and to forge the relationships that would light her life into the future! And there was one girl who Meiyun had her sights on on a day like today - Sakura Tanahashi. Ever since she'd moved into the dorms, and Meiyun had helped her carry in her things, they had gotten along perfectly - they shared in their heroic spirit and their drive to achieve greatness, and it motivated them through every class and training session they had together, with both of them always striving to do their best. Mei couldn't help but admire that commitment in Sakura, and before long, she couldn't help but realize that she felt something funny whenever she was around her, too. Something she couldn't quite put a name to...but she couldn't deny that it felt good, all the same. At first, she felt embarrassed by it. She was sure it would pass soon enough...but when it still lingered, she knew she was dealing with something greater than she thought. She took in a gulp - now, she knew she would have to get this off her chest sooner or later. But she couldn't shake the fear that, maybe, she was reading too much into things - that this whole time, while she was worrying herself sick over what Sakura would think, she was getting worked up for nothing. Maybe Sakura wouldn't reciprocate her feelings. Maybe she would just embarrass herself looking like a fool. What then? She really wished Yumi was around to give her advice...

Still, Meiyun sucked in a breath, pushing herself up from her seat. She could only ask herself one thing. What would Goku do? Probably not get tied up in this mushy stuff...but he wouldn't back down, either! Sitting around thinking wouldn't do her any good. If it was Valentine's Day, she might as well do what needed to be done! If she got herself in trouble...then she'd just handle that as it came!

Heading to the door, Meiyun pushed it open and looked down the hall - where she would soon see Sakura coming closer. She bit her lip as the anxiety welled up in her all over again, but she pushed that aside. She saw her walking in her direction, so she walked in hers. She inhaled, ready to speak. Here goes...

"Hey Mei!" Saku waved, and kept walking. She couldn't do it, she just couldn't. Dammit! Well, whatever! One day, she'd be stronger, and she'd ask her! But for now, she'd play it safe...

"Hey, Saku!" Meiyun waved to Sakura, a grin on her face. Only seconds later, after she'd already passed her by, did it hit her - she'd missed her chance. In that moment, the right words didn't come to her, and now that they'd already passed by, it would only make things awkward if she was to turn around and look back. She bit her lip in frustration - but, at the same time, she knew there was still a future to work toward! Some day, she would conquer any obstacle in her way, and this would be no exception!
Last edited by Deskfan45 on Wed Feb 15, 2023 1:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Another Day, Another Story (Open Thread)

Unread post by deezcastforms »

This story takes place before either character involved joined LAW
Ivy Aster
Well I always knew that this was a possibility, but that does not make it any less nerve wracking now that it's actually happening, Ivy Aster thought to herself as she stepped into the ring for her next bout. It was her first experience with professional wrestling, having just aged out of the scholastic ranks not two weeks ago. And good Lord was wrestling real professionals such an entirely different experience. It was a 32 entrant tournament, and Ivy had beaten her first two opponent's to reach the quarterfinals. But those two fights were two of if not the two most difficult fights Ivy had ever fought. The overwhelming offense that made Ivy a prodigy still proved very effective. Both women she had fought were often forced on the defensive. But they seemed to just take less damage from Ivy's attacks. They were more skilled as well, managing to occasionally find their way through and get Ivy. Those attacks hurt, too. It felt like she'd barely be in the lead even though she had landed so many more attacks.

Ivy had managed to overcome her first two foes, but her opponent for round three, the cause of Ivy's nerves, would most likely be a very different story. Ivy was fighting Tiki Lowell. One of the most storied and feared female wrestlers in all of England. It was rumored that this was to be one of Tiki's last events before she moved to the Japanese promotion LAW, seeking something that had become rather rare over the course of the veteran's decades long career: New experiences. But Ivy had to contend with Tiki right now, while she was still just a hour out of the rookie's Durham home. Ivy knew she'd have to be absolutely perfect with her offense. the purple haired wrestler recognized that if the offenses of her earlier opponents hit as hard as they did, then Tiki's offense could very well put her down in a single opening. Ivy knew this would be a long shot. Everybody in this building probably expected Tiki to deliver Ivy her "Welcome to the Pros" moment.

But Ivy also knew that also knew that any chance she had went out the window if she let her nerves overcome her. So Ivy would do what she always did, as she watched Tiki enter the ring; project extreme confidence, and use the sound of her own voice to convince herself that she was going to beat Tiki. "I'm glad we got to meet so early in my career," said Ivy. "Once you're beaten at my feet, no one will doubt whether or not I can live up to my billing. They will know that I am here to fly to the top of England."
Tiki Lowell
Tiki had fought a lot of rookies taking an early shot at a legend. Some of them were clearly nervous, a lot of them were overconfident, and most of the rest acted like the latter to cover up the fact that they were really the former. Ivy was a rather good actress, but her words gave her away. People who were really that sure of themselves wouldn't be worried about other people's doubts. Or really, her own. "I'm happy we made it to fight each other as well Ivy," Tiki responded. "Offensive talent like yours is truly rare. I didn't want to leave here without getting to experience it firsthand. It truly wouldn't shock me if the day does come that I can't beat you, but you just aren't ready for that day yet I'm afraid." Shortly after words were out of the way, the bell was rung, and the match was on.

Tiki's sincere praise was a morale boost to Ivy, but she couldn't dwell on that. She had to focus on attacking so expertly that even a legend of England wouldn't be able to defend herself. The match started well for Ivy, but not as well as her first two matches. A wrestler of even Tiki's caliber struggled to keep up with Ivy's attacking, and was forced on the defensive. But the veteran utterly refused to have her defense opened. Ivy was hitting Tiki, repeatedly in fact, but the greenette was expertly minimizing the amount of damage the rookie actually got to deal. Despite the sheer number of hits she was getting off, all it amounted to were glancing blows and quick hits to non vital areas. The couple of times Ivy grabbed soemthing, she got to bend or twist it for maybe a second before Tiki was threatening to end the match with a reversal.

That was the main issue Ivy couldn't crack; how aggressive Tiki's defense was. She never covered up and took it. She was always threatening a counter. Shooting out feints, quick jabs, and forward moves before consolidating back to protect herself. Ivy had never fought against defense like this before, at least not done this skillfully. Amateurs who tried to attack while defending against Ivy would flub it immediately and be punished. But Tiki picked every spot just right, like a brick wall that could fire arrows through gaps that vanished as quickly as the appeared. It kept Ivy from being able to really get comfortable or land any big hits. It seemed like Tiki's plan was to force Ivy to win as many interactions as possible, to force as many opportunities for her to slip up as possible.

That was until Ivy threw out a kick at Tiki's hip as the veteran moved forward with a punch. Finally, thought Ivy. But Tiki knew what she was doing. The rookie's leg struck the veteran hard and clean. It affected Tiki, but she pushed through, and drove her fist into Ivy's stomach. "Guh" Ivy moaned as she doubled over. Despite throwing a kick and connecting first, she still got the worst of the exchange due to the sheer weakness of her defensive profile compared to Tiki. This was a weakness to glaring for Tiki not to exploit. She grabbed Ivy's leg that that had kicked her and lifted it up over her shoulder as she got behind the rookie. Then veteran dragged Ivy down to the floor and wrapped her legs around her opponent's previously unsecured leg.

It looked like a Banana Split done at an odd angle, but Tiki wasn't done. She used her other arm to pin back Ivy's arm before pressing her body up into the rookie's slotting her breast into Ivy's armpit. Tiki then pushed her chest further forward, forcing Ivy's upper body to do the same. While also turning her hips back, forcing the rookie's lower body along with it. Leaving Ivy's abs stuck in the middle to feel the twisting burn. Tiki's hold was a Grounded Split Abdominal Stretch.
"AAAH! NO! STOP!" Ivy's submission came rather quickly. She had never felt pain like that before. It had seemed like her body was going to ripped in half both up the middle and across her waist. Ivy saw her free arm as nowhere near enough to do anything, be it dragging the two of them to the ropes or counterattacking. All she had was surrender. Tiki let her go of course, but the veteran wasn't quite done with Ivy yet.

"That attack of your truly lives up to its reputation," Tiki said. It confused Ivy, considering she never landed a good hit. "There was never any chance for a truly good counterattack. Eventually I just had to take and attack and go for it. You know Ivy, the rumors about me going to Japan soon are true." Tiki's sudden shift in topic made Ivy perk up, and pay extra attention. "Definitely stay in England for now, but once you learn to take a hit, and you're ready for that next step, I think you should try following me. I can tell you'll have what it takes to get on top of England like you said, but what they've got in Japan is really supposed to be something special. And I think you'll be ready for it before too long."

After that, Tiki exited the ring, off to prepare for the rest of the tournament, which she'd win handily. When Ivy left, she had two things two ponder about Tiki; how to handle her proposition, and how to pull off her submission.
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Re: Another Day, Another Story (Open Thread)

Unread post by winner3 »

The following takes place at an office backstage in a sports arena in The States, and during a live LAW show

Angie Defoe - Assistant General Manager of LAW
Typing away at a rapid pace on her computer is Angie Defoe. Her door is slightly ajar. Despite the fact that she was typing, quickly and audibly, her face was neutral, as if it was completely effortless for her. Being the Assistant General Manager still meant having to deal with a great deal of administrative work. Work that her boss never wanted to do. As she continued hacking away at her work, a woman stepped into her doorway.
Super Kitty - Kat Hart
"Ah..." Angie acknowledged the wrestler's presence without so much as a glance before she continued typing and focusing on her computer.

"If it isn't the 'face of the company, one of DeFranco's personal favorites....Kat what do I owe the honor?"

"I usually do like to chat. And it's nice to meet you and all, but today I'm here on business. There's something I feel strongly about." Kat spoke with a serious tone of voice. Normally the masked superstar was all smiles and sunshine, but seemingly not today.

"May I come in?" Kat asked as a formality.

"Of course. Have a seat. But please do try not to waste my time, Miss Hart. I get enough busy work from corporate. And the few wrestlers that do come by tend to just complain. I do hope you'll prove to be different?"

"I'm not here to waste anyone's time. I'll get right to the point." The luchadora took a seat in front of Angie's desk. She put her hands together. She looked directly at Defoe even though Defoe was still focused on work.

"You're the Assistant General Manager of LAW. You're a businesswoman. So I came to talk business. I'd go to DeFranco with this, but since this is pertinent to you and your ideas, I think it only makes sense to come to you directly."

"Oh?" Angie raised her eyebrow, but she still didn't make eye contact.

"I want you to retire the Loser Championship. I want you to name your price so that we can come to some sort of agreement on it. But that's what I want." Kat leaned forward.

Angie smirked. Right away, she turned her chair away from her computer and towards Kat.

"Ohhhh, Katherine Hart. How interesting....." Defoe raised an eyebrow. Intrigue was written all over her face.

"You truly are the superhero they say you are, aren't you? You just gave me an excuse to block off my calendar for the rest of the day and put off this dreadful work. You just saved me from a boring evening!" Angie would bring her fingertips together and smile.

"So, you want to retire the Loser Championship? You want to talk business?" Angie would place both hands on her desk and rise out of her seat. She'd make her way around the desk and towards the door.

"Then Hart....let's negotiate." Angie's grin became a notch or two more sinister. And with those last words, she closed the door to her office, shutting out the cameras that followed this exchange, and cutting the viewers off from these "business dealings" behind closed doors....
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

If you just need plain old winner, please reach out via If you're interested in scoping out my characters and/or pitching RP ideas, here's my roster
:raised_hands: Peace, Love, and Sexy Wrestling Roleplay Stories :raised_hands:

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