Huo "Seiten" Yuanjun [D] vs Ivan Ramirez

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Re: Huo "Seiten" Yuanjun [D] vs Ivan Ramirez

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"I don't think so~" She whisper into his ear before tighten the hold, pulling harder as she bite her lips, punishing Ivan for teasing and humiliating her for the past few mins, and of course, getting her revenge on him as she savior his grunt of pain for her sweet justice and vengeance as she watches him choke out his words

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Re: Huo "Seiten" Yuanjun [D] vs Ivan Ramirez

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Though locked in the camel clutch, Ivan refused to succumb to the choking hold easily. His powerful physique allowed him to endure the pressure on his neck, even as he gasped for breath.

However, he didn't resist completely, allowing Huo to feel the strain she inflicted on him. As she squeezed tighter, he used his long arms to find her thighs.

Ivan's fingers crept up Huo's inner thighs, rubbing and teasing along the sensitive skin in her inner thighs.

"You're really enjoying this, aren't you, my feisty little monkey? I bet you've imagined torturing me like this ever since I got rough with you." He smirked with a grimace.

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Re: Huo "Seiten" Yuanjun [D] vs Ivan Ramirez

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Huo would let out a soft yeet as she felt her thighs being teased by Ivan's finger, she would blush and had a angry look on her face as she continues pull before let go of one hand and bonk him on the head "No! Bad! Bad Ivan! Stop that!" She said with a angry tone...or perhaps more Humiliate or shy tone as she try to stop him, obvious distracted.

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Re: Huo "Seiten" Yuanjun [D] vs Ivan Ramirez

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Ignoring her angry rebuke, Ivan persisted, sliding his fingers further up towards the juncture of Huo's thighs.

"Not going to stop just because you demand it, naughty girl," Ivan murmured with a smirk pressed to her cheek.

He whispered huskily, "Seems like touching you there feels really good... Don't worry, I'll let you feel good soon."

Using her momentary distraction to gain leverage, Ivan twisted his body and managed to break free of the camel clutch with a elbow to her gut.

He then rolled away to get some space.

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Re: Huo "Seiten" Yuanjun [D] vs Ivan Ramirez

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"S-Shut up!" Huo yelled at him with a embarrassed look on her face as she clench her fist, trying to ignore his teasing as she bite her lips and look away and fold her arms, attempt to ignore his teasing as she take opportunity for the two to rest and gather themselves before resume the matches as she is ready to punch his face in

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Re: Huo "Seiten" Yuanjun [D] vs Ivan Ramirez

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Ivan watched Huo's reaction with a wicked gleam in his eye, knowing he'd gotten under her skin. As she tried to regain composure, he sat up and leaned back against the ropes, crossing his ankles nonchalantly.

"So, are we done sulking for now, or do you need more time to recover from my expert teasing?" Ivan asked with a teasing lilt to his voice, pushing off the ropes to saunter closer to her.

He extended a hand, offering assistance to help her up. "Come on, let's get back to the match before our fans start rioting."

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Re: Huo "Seiten" Yuanjun [D] vs Ivan Ramirez

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"Ahh shut up!" Huo said as she slap his hands away with a cute angry pout as she stand up by herself, before ready herself once again "I'll get ya for this!" Huo said as she ready her stance once again, she would glare at Ivan while her blush and pout remain on her face as she bite her lips, attempt to regain her composure and ready herself mentally

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Re: Huo "Seiten" Yuanjun [D] vs Ivan Ramirez

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"Promises, promises," Ivan retorted with a chuckle as he stepped into a combat stance opposite hers.

He couldn't help but appreciate the adorable yet fierce picture she made - pouting and glaring at him despite the rosy flush coloring her cheeks.

"You ready for round two, hot stuff?" Ivan asked, grinning wickedly as he bounced on the balls of his feet, eager for their match to resume.

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Re: Huo "Seiten" Yuanjun [D] vs Ivan Ramirez

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Huo would charge toward Ivan as he started his question, without saying anything, she would jump up and throw a kick to the side of his head, attempt to stun or disturb his balance before she would wrap her arms around his neck as she pull him closer while she would bring her knees up, slamming it into his guts and do it for three times before sweep her right leg and try to trip him

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Re: Huo "Seiten" Yuanjun [D] vs Ivan Ramirez

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Caught off guard by Huo's sudden aggression, Ivan barely had time to raise an arm to block her incoming kick. The force of the impact sent a jolt up his spine, but he recovered quickly, using her momentum against her.

As she pulled him close, wrapping her arms around his neck, Ivan instinctively hooked an arm between her legs and lifted her up over his head before quickly throwing her off to the canvas for breathing space.

The Q
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