No girls allowed! Lex vs Dave!

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Re: No girls allowed! Lex vs Dave!

Unread post by SubtleRoar »

*Unwilling to show even an ounce of mercy towards his obviously undertrained opponent, Lex could feel the choir of jeers raining down upon him. While this would have effected any, ordinary participant in his current state, Lex basked in the limelight while beginning to strut towards his target. He showcased a level of brutal sadism with hardly a second thought crossing his mind, and once he had reached his destination, the smug genius reached downwards and snagged either of Davy boy's legs, flipping him onto his stomach for a grueling boston crab!*
"Now, I might be way off base here, but I believe this is how this move works." *Lex pondered for a moment while beginning to bend Dave's legs backwards, nearly forming a capital "C" with his lower extremities in the process. The audience continued to profusely scream obscenities in his direction, which only served to fuel him to inflict copious amounts of damage on the helpless chump beneath him!*

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Re: No girls allowed! Lex vs Dave!

Unread post by SleeperAgent94 »

Dave groaned, still massaging his throat. He hadn't met a wrestler who showcased this level of sadism in the ring, at least not with him! A pair of hands seized his legs, flipping him so that his face was pressed into the canvas. Another pull and the poor young man was LOCKED in a crushing Boston Crab!!! The move was bending his spine back almost to the breaking point. Dave tried to hold back the pain, gritting his teeth, or clawing at the canvas. But the scream was torn from his lips anyway, with him pulling at his hair while another hand desperately reached for the ropes, "AAAHHH......GOD......IT HURTS!!!!"

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Re: No girls allowed! Lex vs Dave!

Unread post by SubtleRoar »

*The unrelenting anguish Dave was suffering through caused Lex to cackle with glee- He hadn't felt this unfettered rush of adrenaline in god knows how long, which only served to encourage him to continue to mercilessly wrench against Dave's exposed limbs.* "Aww, is that so? Then perhaps I should teach you a lesson about the wrestling hierarchy." *Formulating a genius idea, the only type he would ever trouble himself with, Lex flipped himself around, balancing overtop of Dave's semi-conscious body while reaching down and scooping him up into his grasp, suspending him in mid-air for a brief period of time.*
*However, not content to just let the poor soul drift off into a quiet oblivion, Lex hoisted his captive high into the air, keeping his taut frame high above the ground while the crowd continued to shout obscene remarks his way.* "And now, it's time I introduce you to your old friend~" *He snickered, keeping him isolated with the sole purpose of amplifying the fear of what was about to come.*

*Finally, after tormenting Dave to no end, the end finally came- Lex rotated Dave's body clockwise, keeping him within his unwavering grasp before finally shoving his head between his sleek thighs, before executing vicious tombstone pile driver, sending shockwaves throughout the entire arena, deftly silencing anyone and everyone within its radius!*
"And that's that~" *With a triumphant sigh, Lex gazed out towards the audience- Most of those in attendance were either staring in complete shock, or couldn't believe what they were witnessing. Realizing that his work was done, Lex crawled up the jobber's body and firmly stuffed his face with the engorged bulge in his trunks, hooking Dave's leg for a rather cocky pin to drive the point home that he, alone, was the apex male.*

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Re: No girls allowed! Lex vs Dave!

Unread post by SleeperAgent94 »

The boston crab felt like it had gone on for ages. The bending of his spine, the sheer agony of his muscles and bones being stretched almost to the breaking point! Dave didn't wanna tap...he COULDN'T give this bastard the satisfaction of a submission! The pain never ended, when Lex transitioned the Crab into a hanging cradle hold! It amplified the pressure on his poor back, making him finally scream as all his limbs were tangled up, unable to do more than take the pain! His cries echoed throughout the arena. The crowd looked shocked, sickened, and sorry for the poor jobber.

After what seemed like an eternity, Dave WAS released, with the pain subsiding as his body was turned upside down into the all too familiar position of a TOMBSTONE Piledriver! With his face pressed against Lex's bulge, he only had a moment to breathe before it was lights out the moment his skull made contact with the canvas. His limbs fell limp as his body flopped down like a discarded rag doll. Everyone there knew the signs: This match was all but over.

The icing on the humiliation cake was Lex leaning forward, grinding his pelvis against Dave's parted lips, while hooking the leg. The ref slid in, slapping the mat with her palm to make the count.

"ONE! TWO! THREE!!!" she called, before the bell finally rang.

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Re: No girls allowed! Lex vs Dave!

Unread post by SubtleRoar »

*As the crowd remained baffled at what had just transpired, the plucky, charismatic Dave having his enthusiasm snuffed out in such a sadistic fashion by the malevolent Lex, the genius himself couldn't help but chuckle at the gravity of the situation- He was under the impression that Dave would have provided him with at least something that resembled a challenge, but what he had just experienced was woefully below his par of quality. However, he knew just the thing that would expunge the inept jobber's poor performance between the ropes.*

"So, since you failed to meet my expectations in the ring, you'll need to redeem yourself some other way~"
*Lex snagged Dave by his jet-black mane, dragging him to his feet while essentially parading him around the ring as if he was taking a victory lap with his victim.* "I sincerely hope you aren't too shy when it comes to certain types of...pleasure." *The genius cackled, such sordid thoughts having been ever-present in his mind since he began the uncontested domination of his prey.*

*Finally, feeling as though he had overstayed his welcome amongst the enraged fans that flanked him on all sides, Lex would gradually hoist Dave up and over the highest rope, keeping a firm grip against his hair while yanking him up the ramp.* "Come along now, Dave- I believe it's time you proved yourself to me." *The sadistic Lex snickered, trotting to the backstage locker room with his new prisoner in his unflinching grasp, eager to introduce him to an entirely new world of demeaning chores.*
Winner- Lexington Dolph.

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