Another Night, Another Match: Gohan vs Daniel Haines

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Re: Another Night, Another Match: Gohan vs Daniel Haines

Unread post by Anon18 »

As Gohan scrambled to regain control, Dan pushes him away. He knew that he lost control of the hold. So Plan B, Gohan shuffles away and makes it to his feet. He turns around and hopes that Dan hasn't made it up off the ground yet. Gohan prepared for the worst as he approached his opponent, but hoped for the best.

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Re: Another Night, Another Match: Gohan vs Daniel Haines

Unread post by Highfly »

Dan was making it up seeing that Gohan had already risen. He had to hit him hard and fast to keep him down. He knew he wanted to hit his finisher on this man but he had to soften him up and catch him. Gohan knew Dan was stronger, so Dan had to be smart and show off his own speed when he had the element of surprise.

Dan was about to gamble but he felt this could pay off. He stepped up and swung his leg out to deliver a toe kick to Gohan's abdomen fully expecting Gohan to catch his foot. If he did Dan would be ready kicking his other leg up and swinging it to smash the skull of Gohan with an enziguri! If this paid off he would be landing a hard blow to the skull of his opponent allowing him to set up something real big. If this failed Dan was in a terribly compromised position....

Knows The Ropes
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Re: Another Night, Another Match: Gohan vs Daniel Haines

Unread post by Anon18 »

As Gohan turned around he saw Dan was already on his feet. Wanting to keep the momentum, he confidently approached his opponent. To Gohan's surprise, Dan was ready. He threw a sharp kick aimed at Gohan's midsection and Gohan was barely able to catch it before it connected.

Gohan's eyes widened at the surprise attack and he was about to throw Dan's foot down and deliver an attack of his own when Dan swung his other foot up. Gohan didn't have time to dodge or counter and Dan's Enziguiri connected flawlessly!

Gohan was forced to let go of his hold of Dan's foot as he wobbles in front of Dan, attempting to regain some balance. Gohan puts both of his fist up attempting to show he can still fight even if he's visibly shaken.

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Re: Another Night, Another Match: Gohan vs Daniel Haines

Unread post by Highfly »

Dan sent Gohan down to the mat and as Gohan was getting up Dan was already in motion. He felt like he could end this right here and now so he was going to try to surprise Gohan with his finisher, a modified F-5 he dubbed the Danny Deathdrop. He knew he could do better with that name but the move itself? It was a tried and true match ender.

Dan moved in and feinted a punch, sending a hard kick to the abdomen of Gohan. He stepped up lifting Gohan across his shoulders and then spun, lifting Gohan up and attempting to send him crashing down to the mat with his finisher! If successful Dan would immediately hook both legs and pin Gohan to the mat to go for the victory!

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