Sex: Male
Birthday: 20th August 1996
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Height: 5'7
Weight: 190 Pounds
Nationality: Chinese
Alignment: Lawful good
Entrance Music: Tekken 7 OST - Mishima Dojo Round 1
Alternate Theme: King of Fighters XIII OST - Kyokugen Training! Mountain Seclusion
Preferred Matches: Standard, backstage brawls, falls count anywhere, KO matches.
Style: Martial Artist/High Flyer (Uses same style of fighting as Qi, but employs more fancier moves)
Strategy: Chuang comes out fighting, as soon as the bell rings he unleashes strike after strike. Not stopping if he can help it at all. In hardcore matches Chuang will tote a quarterstaff into battle.
Strengths: Great power and agility.
Weakness: Has issues dealing with submissions, can have it hard if he's being rushed.
Endurance: 4/5 - He might not show it in his attire, but Chuang can take a good amount of punishment.
Strength: 4/5 - Chuang's got the power!
Speed: 5/5 - Given his penchant for fancy moves Chuang can zip past all but the fastest of foes.
Defense: 3/5 - Alright, but his focus on moving and attacking has affected this stat.
Technique: 5/5 - He makes his moves look easy, even when they're not.
Strikes: 5/5 - Shines here, unless you are proficient in strikes yourself then don't bother trying to duke it out.
Submissions: 1/5- Not too great here, the moves he knows from this category are self taught and sloppy.
Powerhouse: 4/5 - Has good upper body strength, could slam someone if the height and weight range allow it.
Aerial: 4/5 - Chuang loves to stay off the ground, so high flying moves appeal to him.
Counters: 3/5 - His lower interest in defending has affected this stat, but he can counter kicks and punches.
Finishing Moves:
Heavenly Strike - Chuang bounces off the ropes and sprints to his enemy, leaping into the air to bring his heel down onto their forehead. Can crack open their noggin or stun them.
Bottle Cracker - Chuang delivers a karate chop to the side of his opponent's neck, while they reel from this he then delivers another chop to the back of their neck.
Lingxian Lynch - When teaming up with Qi, Chuang delivers a double palm strike to push the enemy towards Qi. Qi then performs her palm of compassion to push the enemy forward. As they stagger ahead she spins forward and drives her elbow into their back, Chuang then quickly jumps up and does a double knee facebuster to end it.
Personality: Chuang treats those he meets with politeness, with a smile and bow. During battle he displays the sprit of a true martial artist, never looking down on his enemy. Although he will crack jokes even during the middle of a fight. At times he can seem a bit unsure of if he's better than his Sister or not, but will usually try to avoid thinking on it. When it comes to woman Chuang has been taught by his parents to be polite and courteous, and will do this as best he can even if he's fighting. Chuang's a perpetual optimist, trying to see any setback as a chance to learn from it. This can be rather infectious to those around him, at times though this can lead to him seeming a tad naïve. But make no mistake, he's not a fool.
Past: Chuang had a rather simple childhood to be honest, he was raised as the only child of a pair of Kenpo masters. His Mother and Father often teaching him, but at the same time they kept a close eye on him. After all the kid was acting like he was some kind of superhero, and was trying to pick fights against bullies. Deciding that what Chuang needed was some friendly competition, his parents adopted Qi.
Qi would often look out for Chuang, and the pair sparred often. He was surprised by how easily she took to martial arts, and this made Chuang vow to prove his fist was stronger. In high school they were often called "The two heroes." due to how they broke up fights and looked out for those younger than them.
Following graduation, Qi and Chuang wondered who would become the successor to the dojo. Their parents told Qi to travel and explore alongside her brother and come back and then either would be chosen. Shortly he turned 18, and he and Qi decided to try and travel together. However before they could Chaung and Qi underwent some family tragedies and had to return to China as their Father was in the hospital following an incident at work, following this the pair resolved to make money they only way they knew how in order to help pay for them. By fighting, the pair went back to Japan and sought out underground fights plying their trade as a martial arts duo against various opponents. These fights are often stacked heavily in the opponent's favour, but regardless the siblings do their utmost to make money. Though Chuang has been learning one thing, that he's been getting a taste for bloodshed. The thought terrifies the young man, but for the sake of his loved ones he presses on and keeps a smile on his face as he enters LAW with his sister Qi






Allies: Qi Lingxian (Adopted Sister)