Sex: Male
Birthday: 15th January 2002
Eyes: Blue (Wears gold contacts from time to time.)
Hair: Brown with a streak of red
Height: 5'10
Weight: 200 pounds
Nationality: British
Alignment: Lawful Good
Entrance music: Tekken 7 OST - Duomo Di Sirio 1st
Alternate Theme: Guilty Gear OST - March of the Wicked King
Strategy: John will attempt to keep things close and personal, during which he will attempt to grab his foe and attempt power moves or submissions.
Preferred Matches: Standard or submission
Finishing moves:
The Masterpiece (Hip toss into Anaconda Vise)
The Da Vinci Dream (German suplex led into a surfboard stretch)
Style: Grappler/Submission (Uses classic wrestling moves and moves taught to him by Ryan)
Strengths: John has a great knowledge of wrestling moves, so he can do alright in any sort of grapple situation that requires technical skill.
Weakness: Lack of experience is his main one, he has the training just not the battle scars.
Endurance: 3/5 = Average, he considers himself not a machine of war but rather a simple warrior.
Strength: 4/5 = Is quite comfortable with lifting things heavier than him.
Speed: 3/5 = Is in rather good shape but is too used to walking than running.
Defense: 2/5= Can block a punch or two but that's about it.
Technique: 5/5 = Has studied many holds and wrestling moves.
Strikes: 3/5 - John can exchange blows rather well, but he prefers not to go into slugfests.
Submissions: 5/5 - He's been trained on this since day one, so this is his forte.
Powerhouse: 3/5 - He doesn't know much moves of this type, but a guy like him can do some heavy lifting.
Aerial: 1/5 = He's had almost no training on the top rope.
Counters: 4/5 - Thanks to his training he can turn almost any grapple or submission situation into an advantage.
Personality: John is the sort that tends to be creative in all aspects, he likes to see aspects of art in all things and admires those who express themselves in unique ways. Particularly with wrestling. In terms of how he gets along with others such as his group John can often display a dry sense of humour as he tends to be the beleaguered helper of Ryan and Lucy and puts up with their requests. That said they value each others friendship a great deal..
Past: John was raised in a upper class home to good parents and a nice house in the countryside. He'd spend his childhood playing in the grassy fields and looking up at the blue sky beyond and marvelling at it's natural beauty. As he grew up he discovered he had a great skill with an art brush, the ideas brewing in his head could be a sight to behold. In time he was able to get a scholarship to an art college in Japan, one day as he travelled by plane he watched a video of a wrestling match.
He became very intrigued by this, John saw it as an art form like two warriors fighting with the ring as their canvas. After enrolling at his college Mr Carnaby sought out the best wrestling instructor he could find and took it up part time as well as watching several matches to learn the moves inside out. After completing his training he was scouted and enlisted by Ryan Knight and Lucy Grange to form the UK Elite, intent on showing all the people his skill. He would be the brush and he'd paint a masterpiece that was of him having many victories. Following their disbandment John now works mainly as Ryan's right hand man while seeking to improve himself in the ring.

With a friend

