Ryu Hiroshi

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Ryu Hiroshi

Unread post by Teenwrestler »

Name: Ryu Hiroshi
Ring Name: "The Dragon"
Sex: Male
Age: 44
Eyes: Light Brown
Hair: Dark brown
Height: 6 ft
Weight: 185 lbs.
Nationality: Japanese
Alignment: Face
Entrance music: Blizzard - Daichi Miura

Wrestling Information

Strategy: Ryu is a student of traditionally Japanese pro wrestling. In his arsenal he has a plethora of grappling moves, strikes and slams. With his core strength he is confident enough to take down any opponent by wearing them down with his wrestling maneuvers and finishing off a stubborn opponent with a submission or his finisher.

Style: Traditional Japanese Pro wrestling.

Preferred Matches: Pro wrestling but isn't afraid to try new styles.


Endurance: ★★★★
Strength: ★★★★★
Speed: ★
Defense: ★★★
Technique: ★★★★

Strikes: ★★
Submission: ★★★★★
Powerhouse: ★★★★★
Aerial: ★
Counters: ★★★

Signature Move sets:
Northern Light Suplex
Backbreaker submission


The Dragons Den: A jackknife powerbomb followed through by a folding pin.

The Dragons Clutch: A Dragon Sleeper and Camel Clutch combinaiton.

Wrestling Attire: A pair of blue wrestling briefs, blue fingerless gloves and matching wrestling boots

Physical Appearance: Tall, imposing, serious, determined and chiseled.
Ryu Hiroshi
Personality: For such a tall, imposing and intimidating person visually, Ryu isn't the type to assert his dominance over anyone outside the ring. The male wrestler has a rather calm demeanor and is usually seen to have a cool head even in intense situations. Ryu is considered by his peers to be very easy going and approachable and many of his peers would admire his personality for being very helpful to the newer wrestlers back in his old promotions. He would never look down on anyone whether the person was a rookie or a veteran and would treat everyone with respect should they deserve it.

Ryu also is a huge fan of cooking, even though he isn't very good at it, the Japanese star continues to use his spare time to improve his cooking skills. Sometimes Ryu can also be very oblivious to his surroundings, especially in mass social gatherings as he is the one who prefers to hang in a small crowd and in quiet places.

Past/History: Born in a middle class family, Ryu always excelled at sports in his school. While in school he had captain his school's soccer team and was generally good at other sports. His sporting passion never got in the way of his educational career and his parents made sure of that. Both his mother and father were very strict and taught him discipline while balancing his studies with his physical activities. In his college days he took up a new hobby which was wrestling. Ryu focused his entire life on two things, studies and wrestling. He participated in wrestling training and eventually fell in love with the combat sport.

He promised his parents that he would get a university degree despite his new found love of wrestling and because of this he never had time to socialize which resulted in his friends circle being extremely small. Ryu would go on to get a university degree in sports psychology but never planned to make a career out of it. Soon after he graduated he would join his first Japanese indie wrestling league and would make a name for himself there. Climbing up the ladder, the male would find his first major break in the Touka wrestling league where he established himself to be a star and then finally was tipped off to make it big in the big leagues when he chose his next chapter to be at LAW.

Friends: None.
Allies: None.
Rivals: None
Enemies: None
Crushes: None

LAW Information

Record: -/-/-
Wins: -
Losses: -
Draws: -
Last edited by Teenwrestler on Mon Sep 02, 2024 9:43 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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