Rex White - The Wolfman

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Rex White - The Wolfman

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Name: Rex ''The wolfman'' White
Age: 19
Eyes: Brown , but uses contacts to make it appear he has black eyes with vertical slit like pupils
Hair: Brown
Weight: 170ibs
Nationality: Austin , USA
Twitter handle: @WolfmanRex
Entrance Music: Who let the dogs out by Baha Men

Wrestling Information

Strategy: Attack like an wild beast or DOG in this cause.
Style: No style unless you count acting like an wild beast an style.
Preferred Attacks: Spear , Clothesline , Moonsault , Bitting , Headbutt , Legsweep , Tackle , Dropkick , Punches , Kicks , Knee strikes , Hairpulling , Licking , Bearhug , Lou Thesz press , Cockchoking , Headscissors and stinkface.
Preferred Matches: Normal , Hentai ,POW , Cage , NHB , Outdoor , Beach , Strap,I quite and Dog Collar match (To win you got to put an dog collar on your opponent)


Endurance: 3/5
Strength: 3/5
Speed: 4/5

Finishing Moves
Dog Collar
REX will first force his cock in his opponent's mouth , and then wrap his legs around the poor victim neck as he goes for an headscissors cockchoke hold. Hentai move
Doggy Style (Pumphandle Powerslam with theatrics..Mostly just humping his victim before lifting her up)


Wrestling Attire


Rex is your typical bad boy as he rough , confident , and loves to boost about himself to anyone who can hear him.While not one of those pretty boys on tv the American teen knew he was defiantly good looking , and would expect girls to drop at his feet. Which usually happened during high school since he was the star quarterback of the school's football team.

With all these local girls almost dropping their panties if he so much gave them an look caused him to get an rather large ego.As almost everyone he had bin would praise his skill in the bedroom as he started acting more ruthless with the ladies.Especially when they refuse to sleep with him as those were just bitches who needed to learn their place , and should be forced to wear an leash until they learned the error of their ways.


Rex grew up to be the youngest child of an family with only boys as his mom died when he was two.Still if the woman had lived to see what her sons would grow up to become she would likely have died from having her hart broken.Or they would have learned how to threat an woman right as Rex was just like the others when it came to how they treated woman. As this behavior was also not approved by their father ,but what could he do when he was away for months because of work as when he was home he did not want to spend any time he could have with them arguing.

As most of the memories Rex had of his father was spend in the wilderness as they spend all that time living off the land during the vacation periods.When he entered High school he would try out for the school's football team , and ended up joining the team as an freshmen as he would get to play as an substitute during an few games as he got an starting position when he was an Sophomore .Since he was the best quarterback the school had after the captain of the squad from last year graduated. It would take another year before he was chosen to become the captain of the Austin wolfs , but under his leadership the team turned out to be unbeatable two years in an row.As the Wolfman became an player that every other team would fear as the tried everything they could to neutralize him.

Now you would think that with an talent for the game that he would end up being scouted by an professional team or be offered an scholarship , but it was his attitude with the ladies that stopped it from happening.As the punk did not know when to behave himself as his father had enough when he learned about this as he told his son he should either find an job within two months or be kicked out of the house.As at least his other kids were able to go to collage with an scholarship regardless of how they behaved.

Still finding an job proved to be difficult as most of the people who owned companies in the place where he lived had daughters that he used to date.Or rather just used to relieve some sexual tension , an then dump them an second later as nobody wanted to hire him.Well almost nobody besides the local wrestling league who saw an chance to earn some money.As they would just barely train the kid , and put him agaist the best they had regardless of sex.As Rex spend most nights getting beaten to a pulp as the local crowd loved seeing him get beaten.

This would last for six months as Rex would learn to get better on his own as his trainers were under orders not to help him improve.Since why ruin a good thing as every night people paid full price to see him be beaten in some humiliating fashion.So when he would end up beating his opponent one night it caused an problem since the one he beat was an rather pretty girl.Who was also rather popular the fans as Rex would waste no time humiliating the girl after she lost.As he ripped off her top , and then her bra before fondling her breasts while yelling that all the losers who were watching wished they could be him right now.

This action caused him his job as he was fired on the spot , but was given an suggest by one of his coworkers to apply to LAW.Sending the company an letter with an tape that featured his last match with his old company it was no surprise he was given an chance.Still he would have to be trained , and spend the next 5 months in developmental as he learned more moves while making some of his own.Now with the mixed division finally open it was time for the WOLFMAN to make his mark , and have every bitch he meet howl in pleasure or anger as he used them for his own amusement if he won.

Fun Fact:



LAW Information
Number of matches:
Wins: 0
Loses: 0
Draws: 0

Match History

Last edited by anime_hentaifighter on Sun Feb 20, 2022 8:07 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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