”Let’s have a good match.”
Age: 25
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Height: 5”5’
Weight: 145 lbs
Birthplace: Utushinai, Japan
Entrance Music
Wrestling Information
Strategy: Martial Arts, specifically Tae Kwon Do. Dmitri may not be able to hit the hardest, but what he lacks in power, he more than makes up for in raw speed. He has excellent balance, which allows him to rattle off a lot of kicks before he has to put his feet back down - his strategy is basically to pepper the enemy with kicks and keep them at a distance while he breaks them down.
Style: Tae Kwon Do
Type: Martial Artist
Preferred Attacks: Mostly kicks, some punches to mix things up, along with basic grapples. Will use the turnbuckle and ropes to aid him.
Preferred Matches: The more room to move, the better, so backstage brawls are naturally good for him. Will do just about anything if asked, though.
Physical Statistics
Endurance:★★★ - Is reasonably resilient..
Strength: ★★★ - Above average strength, with powerful kicks.
Speed:★★★★★ - Light on his feet, a fast kicker.
Defense:★★★ - Good at defending from strikes, less so anything else.
Technique:★★★ - Experience with Tae Kwon Do, passable with wrestling.
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes: ★★★★★ - Batters his opponents around with swift, powerful kicks.
Submissions: ★★ - His strong legs lend well to scissor submission moves, but little else.
Powerhouse: ★★★ - Not his main means of attack, but he has a basic set up of throws and suplexes..
Aerial: ★★ - Tries to keep things on the ground, for the most part.
Counters: ★★★ - Can evade and counterattack strikes well, but falters when he’s grabbed.
Signature Moves
Rolling Slicer

Dmitri somersaults forward to a prone opponent, splits, and hits them with a powerful leg drop.
Head Shot

With an advancing opponent, Dmitri hops back on one leg, then jumps forward and delivers a high kick to their chin, using his momentum and theirs to create a powerful impact.
Scissor Kick
Executed similar to Booker T's classic, Dmitri typically opens with a kick to the opponent’s stomach, then comes in and hits them with the Scissor Kick, driving one leg into the back of his opponent’s head and the other into his neck.
Dmitri hurls his enemy into the ropes, then leaps up and hits them with a perfectly timed spinning heel kick right in the face - guaranteed knockdown, high likelihood of a three-count, or a KO if he’s lucky.
Shy, nervous, a bit of a wreck - six years of being downtrodden at a PR firm will do that to a guy. He's nice - almost too nice, even at times when it would aggression is called for, like in the middle of a fight. He still has trouble attacking people, especially women - it's something he has to work his way up to, hopefully before he gets beaten black and blue.
With a bit of an inferiority complex, he tends to underestimate himself - he's not a perfect fighter by any means, but he's a lot more talented than he gives himself credit for. While it takes a lot to get him to really open up, he's very personable once you get to know him - you can even goad him into telling the occasional joke.
With a bit of an inferiority complex, he tends to underestimate himself - he's not a perfect fighter by any means, but he's a lot more talented than he gives himself credit for. While it takes a lot to get him to really open up, he's very personable once you get to know him - you can even goad him into telling the occasional joke.
Born the son of a Russian and Japanese diplomat - hence the name, in case you were curious - Dmitri received a lot of flak growing up because of his heritage; many of the kids in his school regarded him ‘impure' or a ‘half-breed', and he was constantly bullied. He took Tae Kwon Do classes to mitigate this growing up, and that helped things a bit, but all the martial arts classes in the world couldn't help him when he went to the workforce.
He went to college to be an accountant, but he faced a lot of discrimination when he finally got into the workforce; though he could never prove it, he knew he was being passed over for less qualified individuals. Dmitri graduated top of his class - he was smart, he had the credentials, just not the right blood.
He finally made it to a PR firm and got a job there, but even that wasn't the end - he was passed over for promotion after promotion, piled on with work. He worked that job for five years, and he hated every single second of it. After being turned down for a promotion for the seventh time, the straw finally broke - he quit. Which, sense he was literally living from paycheck to paycheck, wasn't the best idea.
He needed money, and he needed it fast - with his skills as a martial artist, wrestling sounded like a good idea. At least they wouldn't hold his heritage against him. He worked his way through small promotions and built up a name for himself over the course of a few years, getting some in-ring experience and picking up a decent record, until he finally came into LAW’s radar and was picked up for their burgeoning intergender division.
He went to college to be an accountant, but he faced a lot of discrimination when he finally got into the workforce; though he could never prove it, he knew he was being passed over for less qualified individuals. Dmitri graduated top of his class - he was smart, he had the credentials, just not the right blood.
He finally made it to a PR firm and got a job there, but even that wasn't the end - he was passed over for promotion after promotion, piled on with work. He worked that job for five years, and he hated every single second of it. After being turned down for a promotion for the seventh time, the straw finally broke - he quit. Which, sense he was literally living from paycheck to paycheck, wasn't the best idea.
He needed money, and he needed it fast - with his skills as a martial artist, wrestling sounded like a good idea. At least they wouldn't hold his heritage against him. He worked his way through small promotions and built up a name for himself over the course of a few years, getting some in-ring experience and picking up a decent record, until he finally came into LAW’s radar and was picked up for their burgeoning intergender division.
+Has a bit of a smoking habit, but he's trying to quit. He's on the patch, currently.
+Dmitri is remarkably adept at learning new languages. Russian and Japanese are a given, but he's also fluent in English, Spanish, French, and he's currently trying to get the hang of German.
+A wee bit obsessive-compulsive. Few things piss him off, but the biggest one has to be moving his stuff and not putting it back. He hates it when he goes to look for something that is not where he knows it should be. Hates it.
+He has two siblings, and he's the middle child. His older brother (Akashi) and his little sister (Usagi) have regular Japanese names because their parents took turns naming them. He happened to be born on his father's turn.