Juma Jackson

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Juma Jackson

Unread post by JCream »

Name: Juma Jackson
Nationality: Jamaican/African American
Fighting style: Pro Wrestling (Powerhouse/High Flyer)
Personality: Kind - He can be kind if his opponents is strong or nearly strong enough to be on his level with his respect. He can also be kind to his opponents if he’s a fan of their good wrestling skills on TV. If an opponent wants to earn his kindness, they must earn it to have them be in his likings.
Cocky - He’s only cocky if he believes that his opponents are that easy for him to know their weakness or if he finds them predictable that may follow to his own easy win. He may also humiliate them by pouring his very own coffee cream on their body that he use to carry when he first make an entrance IF it’s an Extreme Rules match.
Strength: 8/10
Speed: 9/10
Durability: 6/10
Hobbies: Advertising his own Coffee.
Weakness: Smothering and Arm Submissions.
Age: 23


Sobat Headbutt

Sunrise Belly-To-Belly



Comet Suplex



Boogie Nights



Bio: When Juma was 7 Years Old, he had his own favorite wrestler who name was Randy and talks about Cream. But not only that, he has some perfect slams and it inspires Juma to be strong like Randy. When he was 13, he started to make a cream stand where he makes his special cream stand that is only made for bagels to sell it out for his own customers. What he also thinks that he should make is Coffee Cream that came from Cows at his very own Montago Farm. Finally when he was 18, he joined the wrestling community by giving the crowd a hell of a show. Now in his own time, he starts making wacky commercials to have people have a taste of his own strong delicious Coffee Cream inside their Coffee mug to brighten their day. Though, he then grew up as a DJ now and now leans into making good songs for his fans and more agile against his opponents. If they can’t keep up his rhythm, then they better feel it!
Last edited by JCream on Tue Feb 04, 2025 10:05 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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