Ring Name: The red fighter / (or in his Early days Pinky)
Sex: Male
Age: 23
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Red
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 190lbs
Nationality: American
Alignment: Tweener
Entrance music: Out of my way-One Lap
Wrestling Information
fighting style: A mixture our of grabbling and MMA. He tries to get the better position and hitting his opponent over and over trying to wear them down before trying to go for a few submission moves.
Preferred Matches:
Anything, loves submission and knock out matches
Endurance: 4/5
Strength: 4/5
Speed: 4,5/5
Defense: 3/5
Technique: 4/5
Favored moves:
A arsenal of different kicks and punches.
Armbar, Headlocks, waste locks, waste takedowns, German suplexes and other suplexes, drop kicks, enzugieries, high knees.
Signature Move:
Superman Punch (sek 10+)
Tornado Kick
Finishing moves:
Kimura Lock
Sleeper hold
Hentai finishers:
Red Rocket (for MvM and MvF)

Wet dreams(for MvM and MvF)

Caught you!(mostly against F but against m as well)
He picks up his Opponent and puts her into the Corner. in the next moments he lays their legs over the middle rope on the left and right of them and goes to work on their crotches.
Visual Appearance:
Beating a opponent

he isn´t heartless

A very ambitious young man. Always looking for a good fight and challenge. Trying to get better. He trains most of his free time. But otherwise he is a friendly and nice guy. Confident and polite.
After some time he was quit sick of running away from his problems so he would stay and fight. He tried his best but most of the time he was the one ending up getting a beating. Mostly they just outnumbered him. But he would learn to take a beating over the time and he would start to learn how to punch or kick back. He would get better at this with the time, starting to get more hits in with every fight he was in. he was getting kind of good at this at one point.
The guys normally picking at him would stop out of respect or fear. He would even got so good at this that with 14 years he was invited to join a illegal underground fighting club.
The fights there were brutal and bloody. They only ended with one fighter down and out. But many people came to watch these fights and bet on them. Kyle would jump into the ring often fighting guys his age or even older. He would get paid quit well for a victory and when he lost he would get almost nothing. Although he would never tell his parents where he got the money from they knew and wanted to stop him. But he would keep going there, because his family could use the money. And although he wouldn´t admit it he was enjoying it.
When he got older he would sign up to some special matches to earn a bit more so he was fighting in handicap situations or even a few mixed matches.
After he turned 18 someone talked to him about doing this really provisional. He was offered a spot in a fighting school downtown. He had to think about this strongly, it was his big chance, but the downside was that he had to pay for the school. So he had to get himself a job at nighttime, go to school on daytime and on weekend do his fights to earn enough money for the school and the family.
He would start to fight at some professional fights soon, and was surprised how much he would get for these, even when losing.
He would always send most of his money home to his family.
After a few years of fights in the united States he would get some more offers from all over the world. The first offer that was interesting enough for him to leave the USA behind and move far away from his family was coming out of Japan…
Fun Facts:
-loves to take on bigger opponents
-is bisexual
LAW Information
Record: 0-0-0Championships/Accomplishments: