"You wanna try me? Well, I say go for it!"
Name: Lucas CranstonAge: 26
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6’5 / 196 cm
Weight: 230 lbs./ 104 kg
Hometown: Staunton, Virginia
Alignment: Tweener
Ring Gear

Entrance Attire

With his wife

History: As the son of “Madman” Paul Cranston, a professional wrestler active during the 80s, everyone expected Luke to follow in his father’s footsteps, particularly when he displayed an interest in working out and honing his physical feats. When he decided to go into the world of professional bodybuilding instead, it came as something of a surprise. While his career took off, with him swiftly emerging as a dark horse contender on the competition circuit, Luke’s father publicly criticized the move, stating that his son wasn’t truly applying himself and that a true heir to the Cranston name would be in the ring, not just standing around striking poses. This left him with a dilemma - he respected his father’s accomplishments and wanted to make him proud by picking up the torch, but his time in bodybuilding had been a success and raked in fame and fortune, with many publications considering him a rising star, and the attention on him growing and growing.
After much thinking and debating, Luke decided to make an announcement that shocked the bodybuilding world: he turned down a lucrative contract from a major bodybuilding organization, declaring he would be retiring from the competition to pursue wrestling instead. Although he was enjoying the attention his stint brought him, he valued family most of all, and was willing to turn his back on the money and fame if he could do justice to what his father had accomplished.
Luke spent a few years training under his father, who coached him in the same aggressive powerhouse style he had practiced in his youth. Then, he began competing in an independent promotion touring the Mid-Atlantic region. He made strong strides in his early career, and the brass backstage was eager to push him as a rising star - he had the look, he had established an audience from his bodybuilding days, and he had his family name to back him up. However, while he was a hit with the fans (and developed a substantial female fanbase), many of the other wrestlers looked down on him, believing him to be nothing more than a cocky pretty-boy who was talking bigger than he could back up and coasting by on his family legacy and good looks alone. Nevertheless, Luke was out to prove them wrong, promising to challenge some of the top contenders in the promotion to show he belonged there as much as anyone else. This led to him picking fights with a few opponents who proved too much for him to handle at first - his success in bodybuilding had left him convinced that he couldn’t lose, but early on in his wrestling career, he was faced with a few harsh reminders that he was still green and still had a lot to learn before he could take on the best around.
Nevertheless, he wouldn’t let that deter him. He continued to train and hone his skills, all the more determined to shape himself into a capable wrestler worthy of his place on the card. He took the criticisms that his career was being artificially inflated to heart - and vowed to achieve honest success in order to prove them wrong! Soon, his career began to take a turn for the better, and his fans and his coworkers alike began to develop a healthy respect for his hard work..
Around this time, Luke began growing closer to Flora Biscoletti, a backstage worker employed by the promotion. Eventually, his success encouraged Flora to make a step forward in her own career when she became a model, and went on to win fame and fortune of her own, which raised her husband’s profile. In the end, the two married, and Flora began accompanying Luke to the ring as a valet.
To everyone looking in, Luke’s life seemed worth envying. He was young, handsome, and successful, with a beautiful and glamorous wife and a future that looked bright. But there was only so far he could grow before he began to hit the ceiling of the indie scene, and it seemed inevitable that he would sign with a major promotion soon. Wrestling fans hotly debated which promotion he would end up in, and it was an open secret that he had offers from multiple companies. However, not many were expecting him to make the jump to LAW - a company based overseas and more focused on the womens’ division, with many considering the male roster an afterthought at best. But where some saw a void, Luke saw an opportunity. The company had just announced the intergender Kings and Queens Tournament, and he decided it was worth entering to challenge the preconceptions of what male wrestlers could do for LAW! He had gotten far enough in his career by taking risks, and he saw no reason to stop now!
Personality: Compared to some wrestlers in his situation, Luke isn’t quite so far up his own ass as to look down on other people - but it would also be a lie to say that fame hasn’t gone to his head. He knows that he’s at the top of his game, with admirers around the world and a success story that spans multiple sports, and it’s caused him to grow smug. He isn’t shy when it comes to bringing up his family’s fame or his glamorous lifestyle; to him, it’s all just a part of making the most of his talent and the glory he’s achieved, and he’s eager to show off his talents and his physique alike. However, he still treats his fans with respect and he doesn’t let his ego get in the way of being a decent person. He looks down upon cheating or fighting dirty (at least doing so directly), feeling that it shows a lack of faith in one’s own abilities and that it means more to be able to win on one’s own merits. At home, he’s an honest family man who loves his wife very much and has nothing but respect for his father’s legacy. He just also happens to know that he’s handsome, talented, and successful and isn’t afraid to take pride in it.
- Luke’s “American Hercules” nickname came from his time as a bodybuilder and was originally just referencing his physique. He adopted an ancient Greek-inspired gimmick later on, riffing off of it.
- He denies being a “wife guy.” This hasn’t stopped people from calling one no matter how many times he tries.
- Before marrying Flora, Luke briefly dated a female wrestler in his promotion. This is definitely not something that’s ever going to come up later.
- Luke is afraid of horses. ”Their faces freak me out.”
Fighting Style: In his heyday, Paul Cranston made a name for himself as an aggressive brawler and powerhouse, and his son largely follows suit, taking advantage of his strength and size. He makes heavy use of throws and slams, both to show off his abilities and to land powerful blows. Luke, however, has refined his father’s style and isn’t as much of a wild man, preferring to focus on sheer feats of strength. He is, effectively, a big meaty man slapping meat. Always enjoying the spotlight, he’s keen on using flashy, impressive moves to impress his fans and chase after the cheers. He’s trying to take the competition more seriously, but old habits die hard.
Favored Match Types: Luke is willing to try his hand at whatever matches he might be able to show off his potential to the world in. He welcomes any chance he can get to expand his audience, and doesn’t have any issues facing off against other men or against women. He’s a little more reluctant to do anything lewd, though. Less because of personal preferences and more because he can’t bear the thought of his wife having to see that.
Signature Moves:
Jaws of Cerberus
An iron claw.

Nemean Lion
A chokeslam.
Erymanthian Boar
A Death Valley Driver.
Stymphalian Bird
A military press.
Cretan Bull Hammer
Relationships with Other Characters:
- Flora Biscoletti is Luke’s wife and valet, accompanying him to the ring and staying in his corner for his matches. The two of them are very close - and Flora doesn’t shy away from getting herself involved in her husband’s matches if things go south, which Luke…tolerates, if not strictly endorses. Sometimes, though, an insurance policy is an insurance policy.