Phelina Sakazuki vs Aoi Fukiwara

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Re: Phelina Sakazuki vs Aoi Fukiwara

Unread post by Dragonofdarkness »

The test of strength didn't look like it was going anywhere for a while as This Phelina girl was strong like Aoi maybe strong as Aoi was giving her all to push the girl down or back. Just then she would be met with a knee to the mid section as she coughed out bending over a little. she would then get Irished whipped to the ropes and rebounded off of them. "shit..." Aoi said to her self as she needed to regain her composure of shell have a disadvantage. Looking at Phelina bouncing off the ropes she had to do something to counter her.

Getting a slight idea Aoi would jump off her feet in attempt to spear Phelina however the girl sidestepped her in attempt to grab her form behind. "shit..." Aoi would try to get get on her hand and push off the mat hoping to catch her self before running to the ropes and again and rebounded off of them once more to run right at Phelina. Jumping up Aoi tried to go for a round house kick.

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Re: Phelina Sakazuki vs Aoi Fukiwara

Unread post by Vc0m »

And at this point in the match, lightning stroke at the LAW Arena building, cutting off all the main and backup power to the building. As LAW workers tried to return power as quickly as they could, so that only a small portion of the match was lost, unfortunately, they couldn't do that, and the entirety of it's ending part would've been lost...had it not been for the wonders of modern technology

Sadly, with the darkness of the arena, the only part of the match that could be shown to the audiences at home was the ending: as Aoi finished Phelina off with her Warrior's Way Powerbomb, and pinned her for the 3.

This was put up online by LAW's Youtube channel as official proof of Aoi Fukiwara moving onto the semifinals of the Lightweight tourney...


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