GASTER vs Adriana Scarlett

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Re: GASTER vs Adriana Scarlett

Unread post by Vc0m »

The move worked without a hitch, and Adriana was now down...and seemingly out, on the canvas. Only one thing remained to do.

She quickly scooted over her rear on top of the brunette's chest, grabbing both of her legs for the best possible pin, on the off chance the woman would recover and try to kick out. The Shadow Lord would practically fold her rival in 2, as she pinned her in the most uncomfortable position for the Italian, and while having the best possible leverage for herself.

There was no way Adriana would kick out.

"C-count!", GASTER would tell the ref, as she quickly jumped and proceeded to count the Italian out!


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Re: GASTER vs Adriana Scarlett

Unread post by xalex »

Adriana would lay on the ground not gettign was happening around her. She would groan out quietly while the referee keept counting. While she was doing that the crowed would echo the sound loudly as well screaming out the same number as the referee girl.
The coutn would slowly rise up into the air. “Two!”

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Re: GASTER vs Adriana Scarlett

Unread post by Vc0m »

The two count was done, and Clara held her breath in anticipation of the last count. She could've sworn it was taking close to an eternity. She could swear that, at any moment, Adriana could pull her shoulder up and ruin her perfect finish...

...until, finally...



"YES! Hah...hah...holy hell...hah...", GASTER would breath heavily as the crowd erupted into cheers, while she herself slid off of Adriana's body, trying to rise to her feet...something the ref would help her in, as she raised the Shadow Lord's hand up high, while the titantron displayed the following, nicely decorated graphic in the bottom of the screen:


This only reminded Clara that her journey was only half done. She had 2 more foes to face soon enough...before she could finally be called the LAW Lightweight Champion...

Bowing to the crowd, she would spare a quick glance to Adriana. She held begrudging respect for the girl...but knew the price of shaking her hand in the ring would be quite heavy for her afterwards. She simply nodded in the girl's direction as she rolled out of the ring, clapping high fives with the fans as she slowly made her way into backstage...

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Re: GASTER vs Adriana Scarlett

Unread post by xalex »

It would take a lot more time until the Italian woman would wake up again. She would groan and tried to lift her arm to hold her head. But it wasn´t working out and she bit herself onto the lip avoiding to scream out in pain. Right this bitch took her arm too… Adriana didn´t needed to be told what just happened. She wasn´t stupid. Without answering to any official checking on her the Italian woman would roll off her back onto her belly. She would press her forearm of her one good arm into the mat slowly going up to her knees. IT was slow and humiliating for her to get back up to her feet. When she did it she was hearing the crowed loudly boo her. She would love to flip them off but was needing her arm to hold the other one. Slowly she would start to drag herself backwards.
This masked bitch just did make the biggest mistake of her life… A mistake Adriana wouldn’t make with her. From now on Gaster would have to look over her shoulder wherever she was going…

winner of this match: and going on to the next roung… Gaster

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