Curious on how to categorize Blau's Alignment

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Curious on how to categorize Blau's Alignment

Unread post by Blau<3 »

Hello, I've really enjoyed making Blau's profile more detailed and clear. Something I'm struggling with is her Alignment. I'll try to explain it well lol. TLDR in case you haven't or don't want to read her wrestling style on her profile - Blau has come from years of underground fighting, NHB brawling and ruthless humiliation. Her style being scrappy striking into some showmanship for the ego to lead up to all sorts of humiliation. This involves dirty tactics, humiliation, and the classic stuff your heel would normally incorporate.

Where I'm curious is, and maybe I'm simplifying it too much, but a heel would normally not get rooted for. But for a wrestler who's majority of matches would be hardcore with emphasis on NHB and Humiliation, it would be expected to do those things. Also my favorite pairing for Blau is other heels seeing who can outdo the other in their own game and pretty diva faces that Blau sees as women who especially need a thorough ruining. So, the crowd wouldn't boo someone for doing a scrappy move if that's the emphasis of her matches. I hope I'm making sense haha. I feel like the type of people to watch her matches are watching to see that and of course also see karma strike her as well from more dominant opponents.

Idk, I'm babbling lol. Just a late night thought I had while updating her profile. I feel like Blau would be a fan favorite not because you want to see her succeed or fail, but you want to see her because you know no matter what it's going to be a while ride.

Any input would awesome. Thank you <3
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Re: Curious on how to categorize Blau's Alignment

Unread post by DSX93 »

If she's fighting dirty and humiliating her opponents, I'd keep her classified as a Heel. And sometimes the crowd themselves can be the bad guys, cheering the person who's in the wrong because they just like what they see. That's half the audience in a match I'm doing, lol.

EDIT: I'd say definitely keep her as a Heel if she's gonna be assaulting referees.
Last edited by DSX93 on Thu Jan 02, 2025 4:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Curious on how to categorize Blau's Alignment

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She could also be an tweener if she goes after both heels and faces alike with these tactics.

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Re: Curious on how to categorize Blau's Alignment

Unread post by Blau<3 »

DSX93 wrote:
Thu Jan 02, 2025 6:07 am
If she's fighting dirty and humiliating her opponents, I'd keep her classified as a Heel. And sometimes the crowd themselves can be the bad guys, cheering the person who's in the wrong because they just like what they see. That's half the audience in a match I'm doing, lol.

EDIT: I'd say definitely keep her as a Heel if she's gonna be assaulting referees.
Yea I feel like the crowd going to hardstyle matches would hate the wrestlers if they weren't cruel and dirty haha
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Re: Curious on how to categorize Blau's Alignment

Unread post by Blau<3 »

anime_hentaifighter wrote:
Thu Jan 02, 2025 3:03 pm
She could also be an tweener if she goes after both heels and faces alike with these tactics.
I think this is what I'll go with for now as it's not about heel or face for her. It's about can you give her the rush she's searching for
Last edited by Blau<3 on Fri Jan 03, 2025 6:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Curious on how to categorize Blau's Alignment

Unread post by winner3 »

While a lot of folks have given some useful information, I'd like to encourage @Blau&lt;3 and others to check out the general wresting knowledge primer for useful information about how heels and faces are often defined and used in wrestling.

But without belaboring the point, you can actually sum it up quite succinctly. Putting face/heel tactics and tendencies aside for a moment, there's an easy way to approximate your character's alignment.

Ask yourself if your character is meant to be cheered for or rooted against by the crowd in LAW canon and maybe even by readers as they check out your stories and matches. If you feel your character is someone you want to write as a wrestler that fans and readers would want to cheer for or rally behind, they're probably a face. If you feel you want to write this character as someone we want to root against or see get their comeuppance or just desserts, then they're probably a heel. And if you could see your character being written either way depending on the match or their opponent, etc, then they're probably a tweener.

That's my two cents at least. I hope it was of some help to you!
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