Long Break Until 2025

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Long Break Until 2025

Unread post by Pegasus »

Hey everyone, Pegasus here,

I know I’ve been gone for a little bit, but there are reasons for that. My mental health has been up and down this year due to personal stuff going on. It’s really not been a good year for me as I’ve had to pick up the slack for people at worked and we were constantly under staffed at my job place. When we wanted to get someone new hired ASAP, my department and upper supervisors kept dragging their feet. It wasn’t until SIX MONTHS until we got new people so I was running around floor to floor like a guinea pig to multitask not just the floor I was assigned to, but helping people on their floors. In January, we had a 19-page report on our building, because people weren’t pulling their weight. Our evaluation grade was an F and we worked hard to bring it up to a B. Our department basically told us we were on our own.

There is also drama in the workplace as everyone kinda just uses me as a lightning rod. Assembling all this information and just absorbing it as been exhausting. I’ve felt so sluggish in these latter months, because I’m just sick and tired of drama being around every corner. It’s hard to avoid. For the record, I’m a campus service worker at a university and while it isn’t hard work to do, it’s challenging with how people want things cleaned. I’m in the central hub building where most students go to get their information so it’s top notch cleaning to do. Luckily, I have a supervisor who gives a damn and pushes us to get things done properly.

So, with all that being said, I’ve suppressed taking a long break for quite enough. I need some time to decompress and just enjoy life. Until the new year of 2025, all my current threads and plans will be on hold. This doesn’t mean I’m leaving LAW, just a much-needed break to celebrate the upcoming holidays and I’ll be busy with vacations to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee and The Philippines for Thanksgiving and Christmas respectively. Thanks for being great to me this year, peeps. I’ll be around on Discord if you need me. Peace for now!
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