Where I've Been

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Where I've Been

Unread post by DSX93 »

Just wanted to let those of you that I've been doing threads with know what's been up with me these last two or three weeks. It's been difficult at home. About as bad as it's been since I first moved into a new apartment with my dad back in 2020. To be real here, there's been a lot of dysfunction between us for years now. It's...quite a story.

And it's been feeling like it's been getting to a boiling point lately. I might end up moving, might not, I'm not sure. But it's been stressful.

I've stated (I think) in one of my previous messages on here that LAW is one of the few things that keeps me sane. Still is. Which is why I feel awful for falling so far behind for the oompteenth time on posts. I'll be doing my best to get back on track, though. I've just been drained lately.
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Re: Where I've Been

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Take as much time as you need man, we can all wait, what's important is that you take care of yourself

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Re: Where I've Been

Unread post by APlaying »

That's how things are, but everything has a solution and I know you'll be fine. Try to take a break from the matter and think carefully about your opportunities.

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