A bit of a shaky time in the next few weeks

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A bit of a shaky time in the next few weeks

Unread post by Vc0m »

So...I kiiinda went from a super fast posting mode...to a very slow turtle mode :P

I can explain this...byyyy me having a really off week last week, and using this week to both relax...and watch NXT in preparation for NXT Takeover which happened yesterday (and it was super good)

Next week, I am hoping to be back in full swing...

...but the week after, I will probably go off the radar in terms of posting once more due to the exam period...and that will sadly last until the end of the first week of May :/

tl;dr I will try to post a lot next week, and there will likely be a significant drop in posting the week after. For everyone who is rping with me, please bear with me a little, and thank you for your attention :3

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Re: A bit of a shaky time in the next few weeks

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

That is alright Vcom. Figured it was because of something.Still should likely make a post myself around may myself.As I be going to rome in the second week of may.

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