LAW Heavyweight Championship

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LAW Heavyweight Championship

Unread post by winner3 »


1) Heavyweight Championship Tournament and Qualifiers announced to determine the Heavyweight Champ.

2) Tournament finals match between Alaina Sanders and Linda Halloween in the main event of the LAW of the Jungle 2018 PPV to determine the first LAW Heavyweight Champion.

3) Linda Halloween defeats Alaina Sanders in that same match to become LAW's inaugural Heavyweight Champion!
Last edited by winner3 on Fri Jun 18, 2021 4:05 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: LAW Heavyweight Championship

Unread post by xalex »

1.) Heavyweight tournament of 8 fighters to determent the first ever heavyweight Champion here

2.) Alaina Sandersvs Linda Halloweenat Law of the Jungle 2018 in the final of the heavyweight Tournment here
Winner: Linda Halloween

3.) Linda Halloween gets challenged by Dixie Clements for her title here

4.) Linda Halloweenvs Dixie Clements in a weekly TV show here
Winner: Linda Halloween

5.) Linda Halloweenvs Grace Kenning at the We are Law PPV 2019 here
Winner: Linda Halloween

Timestamp: 27.09.2019
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Re: LAW Heavyweight Championship

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

After her match against Grace , Linda had issued an open challenge which was accepted by two wrestlers. Those wrestlers were Astrid Ostberg and Cali Mccloud which would lead to an number one contender's match between the two while Linda sat on commentary (ongoing)

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Re: LAW Heavyweight Championship

Unread post by CaptainL »

With the number-one contenders match leading to a double count out, both of the challengers were set to face Linda at We Are LAW 3, a match that saw the title passing to Astrid Ostberg.

6.) Linda Halloween vs. Astrid Ostberg vs. Cali McCloud at the main event of We Are LAW 3.
Winner: Astrid Ostberg

7.) Astrid says a few words about her championship win the week after We Are LAW 3.

8.) In a LAW Magazine article, Astrid announces the European Grand Tour, a series of title defenses on the European independent circuit. Her matches are documented on her Twitter page.

9.) Astrid returns from the European Grand Tour to say a few words, revealing for the first time that her title matches on the indies were all contended under the stipulation that she was to leave LAW if she lost. However, Jess Mcleary, an old rival, emerges to challenge Astrid for We Are LAW 4.

10.) Astrid gets called from backstage by Karen Starring to issue a challenge, only for the Norsewoman to silence her in her tracks.

11.) During an interview on Kieda's Corner, Jess reappears and a brief altercation ensues. It is here that Jess declares their upcoming title bout will also see Astrid forced to leave the promotion if she loses her title.

12.) After weeks of buildup, Astrid Ostberg takes on Jess Mcleary at We Are LAW 4 for her first LAW title defense.
Winner: Astrid Ostberg

13.) LAW Magazine writer Eiji Matsumoto has Astrid on board to discuss her recent win - with Cyber Widow, an old enemy of the Ostberg family, on the other side of the table. Things quickly go south, and a title match is declared.

14.) Astrid Ostberg vs. Cyber Widow at the main event of a LAW TV taping.
Winner: Astrid Ostberg

15.) Astrid unveils the new design for the LAW Heavyweight Championship, only for Selket to issue a challenge.

16.) Astrid Ostberg vs. Selket in a Falls Count Anywhere match at Fight the LAW 1.
Winner: Astrid Ostberg

17.) In the leadup to We Are LAW 5, Astrid intervenes in a Midas Touch match between Lightweight Champion Rose Gold and her trainee Meiyun Lai after Rose decides to humiliate the defeated Young Lioness to the world. Tensions between the two champions flare higher.

18.) Astrid and Rose face off in a Champion vs. Champion match at We Are LAW 5. Astrid passes out right before she can deal the finishing blow, allowing Rose to win on a technicality.

19.) Astrid answers a promo by Thereisa Neidermeyer advocating for herself despite her loss to Rose, and volunteers to take on the next contender as soon as she recovers to full capacity to prove a point. She ends up in the crosshairs of Dana Ashford.

20.) Astrid Ostberg vs. Dana Ashford at the main event of a LAW TV taping.
Winner: Astrid Ostberg

21.) Astrid Ostberg vs. Tina Kelley at the main event of a LAW TV taping.
Tie by no contest after Selket intervened in the match.

22.) Seeking her next challenger, Astrid puts out an open challenge in the leadup to Fight the LAW 2, which is answered by Alaina Sanders and Kat Hart.
Last edited by CaptainL on Wed Jul 19, 2023 12:59 am, edited 6 times in total.
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