Firework loving Punk vs Daredevil

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Re: Firework loving Punk vs Daredevil

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Hanabi would soon realize what she said as she thought to herself ''damn it stop saying stuff that only you or her best friends could know'' as she was giving to many clues to Tamago about who she was. Still she was able to break the hold the daredevil had on her chin as she wished that she could have knocked the other off. Even so she was relieved that the other wrestler got up as she stepped over completely to one side of her body as she would attempt to make it to her hands and knees.

However it seems that the daredevil had other plans as she was forced back to her feet by her opponent as she grabbed her by the back. While that was happening she would hear the other wrestler groan as she mutter to herself ''hahah very fun , but not that heavy'' as she used to do the same when pulling someone to his feet. Before she could fight back she would be Irish whipped into the corner as she groan as her back made impact with the turnbuckle , but when she saw Tamago rush toward her she would raise her leg while hoping the other wrestler would walk into it.

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Re: Firework loving Punk vs Daredevil

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Tamago would agree with her opponent that she wasn't too heavy, but at the same time she had pulled the woman up to her feet a lot in the match and it was starting to become a chore to do so, hence her long groan as she guided Hanabi to her feet. The daredevil would express her argument in the form of launching the wrestler who was likely lighter than herself across the ring to one of the corners.

If course the daredevil would then follow up by running towards her cornered opponent, planning to quickly take her down and then perform a beat down on her seated opponent. It turned out that Hanabi finally planned to make her counter attack, and Tamago had to admit she had certainly picked the right moment to do so, the daredevil charging right into her opponent's legs and recieving a stiff boot to the face before falling to the mat like a sack of potatos.

Urgh! Tamago would grunt out as her hand slowly covered her pained jaw, the daredevil stunned from the impact of her own reckless charge going sour.

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Re: Firework loving Punk vs Daredevil

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Hanabi had gotten an lucky shot on her opponent as she knew that it was just by pure luck that Tamago walked into her foot.That did however mean she could counter attack as she had hoped to see the daredevil walk into her foot as it drove itself into her stomach .What she got was even better as the other wrestler walked face first into it as she watched as her opponent was holding her jaw at the moment.

After that Tamago would fall to the mat as the fire cracker smirked as she would whisper ''so I should prove I am the better wrestler between us right.Well what you think of this'' as she stepped forward and then lashed out with an kick to the daredevil's side. After that she would start stomping down on the other wrestler's body as she was unleashing for about three years of hatred she felt towards Tamago for being left behind by the other person.

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Re: Firework loving Punk vs Daredevil

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Tamago would be busy groaning and trying to alleviate the pain in her skull by rubbing it, not being able to respond to Hanabi's words before the other wrestler gave her a pretty brutal kick to the side. " Gah!" The purple haired woman would cry out as her hands both moved to her pained side on instinct, Tamago slowly trying to roll onto her back.

Then once she did so her sister would start unloading stomps on her, squishing her breast under her boot and drilling her foot into the daredevil's gut. If course Hanabi taking more chances to stomp her into the mat, but those two were the ones which lift a lingering sharp pain on her body.

" Any damn street thug could do that..." Tamago would mutter out, she would have found that attempt from her opponent to prove she was the better wrestler comical, if it wasn't so painful and left the daredevil completely on the defensive.

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Re: Firework loving Punk vs Daredevil

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Hanabi would smirk as she heard the other wrestler cry out as she would follow up her kick by stomping repeatedly on her body. Still the moment she heard the daredevil talk did her smirk disappear as she growled in responds as she would bend forward to grasp Tamago by her hair. After that she would try to lift her back to her feet as she replied ''please like you used to fight any different''.

After saying that she would attempt to grasp her opponent by the arm , and Irish whip them into the corner as she would follow soon after as she would go for a stinger splash.

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Re: Firework loving Punk vs Daredevil

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Tamago would still be a bit groggy after her opponent lifted her to her feet. Perhaps the purple haired woman had once fought like that...when she was a child. The daredevil didn't get to vocalise this thought though as her opponent Irish whipped into the corner, Tamago letting out a grunt as she crashed into it and slowly turned to face Hanabi.

Tamago turning around just in time to see her opponent running towards her, unfortunately the cornered wrestler lacked the time or energy to escape the corner of counter. The daredevil's sister's body crushing her own against the corner and causing her to slump down into a seated position.

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Re: Firework loving Punk vs Daredevil

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Hanabi was surprised that the other wrestler did not have some taunting or teasing reply as she had expected Tamago to say something as she ran towards her. Even so that did not cause her to slow down as she slammed her body against the daredevil as she would crush the other wrestler between herself and the turnbuckle.

''What's the matter Tamago as it unlike you not to reply back''whispered the black haired woman as she would grasp the back of the other wrestler's head as she would run out of the corner as she went for a running bulldog.

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Re: Firework loving Punk vs Daredevil

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Tamago would be lacking responses and counters as her opponent ran towards her, still too sore from the previous assault to move. Then Hanabi would close in on the daredevil, squishing her fellow midweights frame against her own and the turnbuckle.

"You must really love the sound of your own voice... " Is all Tamago would grumble out in response to Hanabi after releasing a grunt from the impact of Hanabi's body colliding with her own, the daredevil still slightly irritated at how often her opponent felt the need to talk.

Hanabi would then respond with a pretty effective comeback of her own, grasping Tamago's head and gathering some speed in a run out of the corner. The punk then leaping into the air and driving the daredevil's head into the mat, earning a fleeting curse from Tamago's lips in response. The daredevil simply trying to roll onto her front as she was too stunned from the impact to achieve much else.

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Re: Firework loving Punk vs Daredevil

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''Wow pot meets kettle''thought Hanabi as she would not respond right away as she grasped the other wrestler by the back of her head. After that she ran forward as she would leap into the air , and drive the daredevil's head first into the canvas with an bulldog. Now she expected to have to roll her opponent onto her back herself , but was surprised when Tamago did this herself as she looked at the crowd for a moment.

Not expecting this to be enough to go for an cover the black haired woman would grab one leg and arm of her opponent and pull her closer to the ropes. From their she would climb them , and when she reached the top leap off it as she went for a moonsault as she hoped to land right on top of Tamago's stomach.

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Re: Firework loving Punk vs Daredevil

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Tamago after having her head thump into the canvas would groggily roll into her back, groaning slightly as she did so. The daredevil not resisting as she suddenly felt her foot be grabbed and then her body was dragged from the middle of the ring towards one of the corners, giving her but a moment to shake off her grogginess.

Hanabi would then scale the ropes, taking a moment to set up before launching herself backwards for a moonsault. The daredevil luckily getting some of her sensibilities back and trying to stick up her knees right as Hanabi was about to collide with her, trying to turn the tables on her opponent.

Tamagi had lost control and the momentum of the match, but she was far too resolved in her goals and tough to just lie back as she saw her opponent climb the ropes, unless her body literally couldn't move the daredevil would always be ready to counter.

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