A while after his match against Drake Benton, Oscar had managed to reach the hospital safely. While Oscar was glad to be in one piece with no broken bones, concussions, or fractures, his pride had been severely damaged to a degree. His entire plan to march up against Tina for his graduation match had been insanely derailed thanks to the Steel Colossus and how he had manhandled Oscar after the match. As if defeating him and breaking his winning steak wasn't bad enough.
On the brighter side, Oscar had access to his phone during his resting time and was pleasantly surprised by the amount of support that had flooded his Twitter. Not only from friends and fans but from other wrestlers in LAW that he had never met such as a fellow young lioness and the famous Gil herself! All of it had lifted the young lion's spirits quite a bit and even brought some tears to his eyes from how moved he felt- not to mention how motivated it made him feel. He'd take a break from thanking people for their support and would set his phone to the side, lying down on the hospital bed and taking a deep breath as he tried to relax a bit more.