Misunderstanding between us

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Misunderstanding between us

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Hospital. This place represented everything that Nerissa literally hated. Perhaps most people didn't share her opinion on this, but she saw any hospital as a prison. The same routine every day. There you can't even take a step to the right or left. You're just a prisoner who spends most of their time in bed. Besides, the food there is far from the most delicious.

Yes, Nerissa certainly had no right to complain, because she was in the hospital solely through her own fault. When the doctors saw the number of bruises and wounds on her body, many of them thought that she was attacked by a whole crowd of scoundrels with the intention of killing her. But the truth was that there was no crowd of scoundrels. All this was done by just one woman, with whom Nerissa got together in a really crazy match just a week ago.

Therefore, the Native American woman had patience and, following the strict instructions of the doctors and her manager, did everything that was required of her in order to put her health in order. But as soon as she heard from the doctor that she could leave the hospital, she immediately changed her clothes and waved her hand to this place.

Yes, after a week, she by no means healed all the wounds that were on her body. There were patches on her skin here and there, including the bridge of her nose, because her nose was broken. In addition, her muscles still have not recovered, which is why she had to do many movements very slowly. But, having received permission to continue treatment at home, she immediately took advantage of this opportunity. At least at home she will be able to eat what she wants, besides, the number of porn channels there is clearly more than in a hospital ward.

Of course, she was a little hurt that she would not be able to fully enjoy her stay in London. However, Nerissa caught herself thinking that she would definitely come back here again when she had the opportunity. For now, she just needs to rest. So, as soon as she was in her hotel room, she immediately packed the few things she had taken with her into a suitcase and prepared to leave England on the same day, since Victoria had taken care of a plane ticket to Tokyo in advance. But then...

Everything changed as quickly as a storm overtakes a ship at sea.

Nerissa entered a rather unremarkable, but rather cozy cafe. After looking around, she chose a table away from the main mass of people. Despite the fact that she loved the attention to her person, now she did not want to catch glances directed at the patches everywhere located on her skin. Taking off her jacket, she took a seat on the sofa and looked at her phone. She arrived five minutes earlier than the agreed time.

"Good afternoon, what would you like to order?" The waitress appeared out of nowhere.

"Hi," Nerissa said, ignoring the fact that the waiter was openly staring at the patches and bruises. "Latte and carrot cake." The Native American woman paused briefly, clearly considering something. "Two."

"Got it, a few minutes, please."

Nerissa Labong

After passing the waitress with her eyes, Nerissa took a deep breath. Maybe she shouldn't have done that. After all, she had no idea what Clara's preferences were.

Yes, that's right. Nerissa came here because of the British woman. She remembered perfectly well that they had agreed to talk. But she was sure that this conversation would not happen until Nerissa, Clara and Alice returned to Tokyo.

Yet, the life is full of surprises. One of them happened right in her hotel room. Victoria called Nerissa and said that Clara had contacted her, asking Nerissa to meet her at the cafe. Considering all that had happened between Nerissa and the Gaster sisters, the Native American woman could not refuse this meeting.

Was she worried about the upcoming conversation? The honest answer would be yes. Not because she was afraid, but because she had no idea how exactly this conversation would go. Before the match with Alice, she was sure that the only scenario between her and Clara was another fight. But now... despite all her attempts to find words, she did not know what she would say to her rival. Perhaps that's why she hoped that latte and carrot cake would help at least a little smooth out the corners of the upcoming conversation.

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Re: Misunderstanding between us

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Clara meanwhile, was slowly getting ready for the further journey in the tour. For the most part, she was requested to do some PR and advertisement work…not just for the fans and potential fans, but also to scout potential workers. Because of that, she actually had quite a busy schedule traveling around London over the course of last week. Her days started with checking on Alice (who was getting better with each day) after her VERY brutal encounter with Nerissa, doing interviews with sports and mainstream magazines and websites…with her evenings ending by visiting 1 to 2…to sometimes 3 London indie shows, trying to objectively judge wrestlers’ talents, and recording her notes on each of them to pass to LAW officials. She did see a couple of names that quite impressed her…even if in the photos, it wasn’t quite clear (she was requested to maintain a complete poker face at all events, and with her overdoing in that regard, she became a bit of a meme online).

On the final day in London, however, LAW gave her a day off, before the journey would commence to her destination on the tour - her hometown in Newcastle. She had a few scouting jobs to do there, but after those…and her fated match, she was free to take a couple of weeks…even a month, if she wanted, off. And once she won her match (losing was very much not an option), she and her free girlfriend were going to go whenever they pleased.

For Sunday, however, she couldn’t sit still. Alice was getting discharged from the hospital, and she wanted to do a couple of things around town, before packing for Newcastle herself. And, ahead of time, she decided to contact a particular someone with whom she should’ve talked to for a while.

Clara knew Nerissa wanted a rematch. It was clear from the reasons why Alice and the Echidna fought, Nerissa insulting Clara for ducking her, and Alice wanting to defend her honor…with Clara now knowing better than to stand in her sister’s way. She had to make it clear to the Pale Rider at some point, however, that her honor didn’t need defending.

Clara remembered receiving challenge letters from Nerissa regarding Apex…and promptly refusing them, as rude as it was. Clara wasn’t thinking straight at the time, still mulling over the upcoming match against the Baroness…and simply missing her girlfriend. She didn’t realize just how big a domino effect this would have.

Clara contacted Victoria, Nerissa’s manager, who has been making waves with how successful her clients have been in the company so far, to arrange a small meeting to clear the air between them. Picking a simple cafe she frequented in her indie days, she sent the message to Victoria…and got a positive answer to the meeting within the hour.

Clara entered the cafe, and immediately saw Nerissa from afar, making her way to the opposite seat across the Native American woman, greeting her simply with a: ”Hi!”

Looking at Nerissa, Clara didn’t quite know which way to take this talk. She knew Nerissa didn’t quite like her…even though she barely harboured a negative feeling for the woman. She beat up her sister in a bar? They worked through that in a professional environment in a match, ending it as respectful rivals. As she sat down, clad in her yellow jacket and black skirt, she knew she had to start the conversation…she invited Nerissa here after all. And decided to start with a simple:

”So…how are you doing? After the match, I mean…”

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Re: Misunderstanding between us

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While waiting for her order and her rival, Nerissa was slightly lost in thought. She didn't really have that habit. The Native American woman was one of those who lives here and now. She believed that thinking about tomorrow brought only a headache. But even she had to think about such things sometimes. This was one of those cases.

Of course, she won't be able to fight anytime soon. Victoria and the doctors just won't let her. She will have to spend the next two or even three weeks at home or outdoors, but definitely not in the ring. And although it is unlikely that she will have time to gain fat during this time, she will probably need several weeks of hard training in order to get her body back in good shape. Well. Okay. That was the easiest part.

But what's next? Now that her Apex is over, Victoria has made it clear to her that she should prepare to take a big step forward. Yeah, it would be too naive to expect to win the openweight title. Nerissa had never made such long-term plans. And the fact that by defeating Alice, she got a chance to become the first openweight champion didn't change that. Something else was important. Thanks to Apex, her rating went up many positions and now her name was far from the last on the list. And...

Nerissa seems to have sunk into her thoughts much deeper than she expected. Because of this, she didn't notice at all how the brunette she knew entered the cafe. Hearing the greeting, the Native American woman blinked several times. Got out of the depths of her mind, Nerissa looked at Clara.

"Hey." She greeted the brunette.

The British woman sat down opposite Nerissa and there was an awkward silence for a few moments. Apparently, Nerissa wasn't the only one who didn't know how to start this conversation. And although she had a few questions for the brunette, Nerissa did not think that starting to shower Clara with them was the best option. Just like last time, it was Clara who found a way out of this awkward situation by asking how Nerissa was doing after the match.

"Been better," the Native American woman answered honestly, then looked at the patches on her skin. "Twenty stitches in total, not to mention numerous minor cuts, muscle sprains and..." Nerissa pointedly stuck out her tongue to show that marks from Alice's teeth could still be seen there. "I'm not recommended to eat solid food in the near future."

In fact, the consequences of the match for her body were much greater, but she wasn't sure that Clara wanted to hear about every bruise she got. In addition, almost immediately after Nerissa finished speaking, the waiter came to their table, placing cups of latte and plates of carrot cake in front of Nerissa and Alice.

"Thank you." Nodding curtly, Nerissa said.


When the waitress left, the Native American woman picked up a fork. Considering that her palms were bandaged due to the fact that at the very beginning of the match she was forced to grab the barbed wire, her movements were a little inept. Because of this, she tried to act smoothly, so as not to embarrass herself by dropping the fork, for example.

"Be my guest..." she said, pointing with her fork at the cup and plate in front of Clara. "If you want..."

She added the last words because she was not sure about the taste preferences of the British woman. Besides, she wasn't sure if Clara would even want to accept anything from her. Given their far from rosy relationship, Nerissa was not sure of much. Being honest with herself, she didn't know why she decided to order two servings of coffee and cake. She didn't usually do things like that.

"How's Alice?" She asked, breaking off a small piece of cake with her fork and putting it in her mouth.

In fact, she was partially informed about Clara's sister condition. Nerissa was sure that sending flowers to her rival would be too much. But with the help of her manager, she secretly received news about Alice's condition. Why and for what? Hard to say. She still didn't have much sympathy for the other British woman. But for some reason, she was worried about her condition after their tough match. However, she didn't know the details, so she decided to ask about Alice's condition from no doubt the one who was closest to her.

By the way, the carrot cake was very tasty, Nerissa could barely restrain a quiet moan of pleasure, because she always liked sweets.

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Re: Misunderstanding between us

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Sitting down, Clara listened to Nerissa, how she was feeling in the aftermath of the deathmatch…which didn’t seem to be great…and she couldn’t help but groan at seeing Alice’s teeth marks on Nerissa’s tongue.

Right as Clara wanted to express her sympathies, the waiter arrived and put down a latte and a carrot cake for both women, Clara’s eyes lighting up…unable to resist sweets when offered. Whether intentionally or not, Nerissa was managing to win her over to think better of her.

She nodded to the waiter, before following Nerissa’s words, cutting into the cake with a fork, and taking a sip of the latte while the piece of cake was still in her mouth, Clara smiling as the sweetness of the cake and light bitterness of the latte danced in her mouth.

As the two women ate and drank, as if they were 2 old friends just catching up, Nerissa finally asked the key question.

Clara was curious about Nerissa asking about that. Being a nervous wreck each time she participated in a hardcore or a deathmatch about the well-being of her rivals, she wondered whether she was the exception to the rule…and yet, no. The Echidna was worries about her rival:

”Twenty eight stiches not counting minor wounds, some of them needing bandaging to heal up and not much else. It’s…above average, but she is fine. She was discharged today, with some prescriptions. She won’t be back in the ring for a little while…”

“…I…shouldn’t be worried…but I still haven’t gotten used to her being a deathmatch wrestler…”
, Clara explained her thoughts: ”Every time she does one…I worry whether this would be the one. The one where something worse happens…worse than the scar I gave her…”

Memories of her’s and Alice’s deathmatch from when they were teens flooded Clara’s mind, but she tried to dismiss her thoughts:

”Thank you…for not going further than was necessary, I mean. You would be surprised just how many people want more violence even after a bloodbath in LAW.”, she would tell Nerissa, as she sipped her coffee…

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Re: Misunderstanding between us

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Trying to work her tongue as little as possible, Nerissa slowly chewed carrot cake. She was lucky tho. The cake was so fresh that it literally melted in her mouth. It was really delicious. Latte only emphasized the notes of this magnificent dessert. She didn't know if Clara had chosen this particular place on purpose. But she knew for sure that the British woman enjoyed cake and coffee no less than she did. This could easily be seen from the expression on Clara's face.

The brunette shared with Nerissa about Alice's condition. There was no chance that after such a tough match, the second of the Gaster sisters would remain without stitches. But if most of what Clara said to Nerissa was already known, then the news that Alice was now discharged from the hospital came as a surprise to her. Nerissa took a short sip of coffee, and then nodded slightly.

"Good," she said. "Glad to hear that."

Was she sincere in those words? Yes. Of course, there are people she hates. Sienna for example. And although before her Apex match she felt nothing but hatred for Alice, this match changed everything. Perhaps it could not be otherwise. Life is full of surprises, especially the life of a fighter. Being in the ring, a fighter can discover completely new sides in themselves. In the match with Alice, Nerissa realized that she was imbued with respect for her.

"Hm?" Nerissa tilted her head slightly as Clara continued to speak.

The Native American woman, of course, saw the scar on Alice's face. But she had no idea that Alice got it from Clara. It seems the Gaster sisters had several skeletons in the closet. And yet, judging by how close they were at the moment, Nerissa concluded that what happened between them was far in the past.

"So it was you..." she muttered.

There was no condemnation in Nerissa's voice. She wasn't going to react to it in any way, because in the end it was only between Clara and Alice. However, Nerissa made a conclusion. Considering that this scar remained with Alice for the rest of her life, that match was probably no less tough than the one a week ago. It followed from this that Clara, like her sister, also had a very direct relationship to truly hardcore matches.

However, Nerissa didn't have enough time to think about it. The reason was Clara's words, which genuinely surprised her. Yes, of course, she was well aware that a very significant number of fighters are ready to cross the boundaries of cruelty in order to satisfy their dirty needs. Nerissa was not going to pretend that she was white and fluffy, it was absolutely not so. But, nevertheless, she had principles. She started a bar fight for a reason. And she challenged Alice for a reason. Therefore, the words of gratitude from Clara surprised her.

"No need to thank me," she said, putting the last piece of cake in her mouth. "Believe me or not, I'm guided by a very simple principle." Placing the fork on her plate, Nerissa took a leisurely sip of coffee. "Treat people the way they treat you, I believe that this principle should be applied during any match too."

Despite the fact that Nerissa has already gained a reputation as a brash, hot-tempered, vindictive and largely lewd woman, she tried not to cross borders with those who do not deserve it. Yes, she allowed herself some not very decent things at a time when she was filled with passion. The proof of this was that both Gaster sisters felt her long wet tongue on them. But, nevertheless, Nerissa would never kick someone in the crotch or mock someone just out of a desire to amuse her ego.

"During the match with your sister, I felt something," she said, putting the cup of coffee back on the table. "Respect." The corners of her lips lifted slightly. "At some point it seemed to me that it would never end because no matter how much we beat each other, we both continued to get to our feet, at such moments a connection is established between the fighters." Nerissa looked out the window, noting once again that the weather in London is almost always cloudy. "So if at the beginning of the match I had reasons to make her regret that she crossed me, then by the end of the match I had no reason to be more cruel than necessary." Nerissa did not like to lie, so she was always honest with herself and with others. "I hate being looked down on." She said. "By the end of the match, Alice started looking at me as an equal." Nerissa blinked slowly, after which her eyes seemed to sparkle slightly. "But I can't say the same about my match with you."

Nerissa paused briefly, thinking if she should talk about Alice's scar. She noticed that Clara mentioned it with obvious regret. It was definitely none of her business. They weren't friends or something. Therefore, she was not in a position to give advice. On the other hand... what she was about to say wasn't advice. Besides, it was a good opportunity to smoothly come to what they met here for.

"This is her way, this is her life," she said. "Hardcore and deathmatches I mean." Nerissa touched her coffee cup with her fingers, but did not take a sip. "She, like me, does it because it's the surest way to find out what we're really capable of." She swirled the cup as if concentrating her thoughts. "I don't know what led you both to the fact that she has this scar, but I know for sure that she doesn't hold a grudge against you." Leaving the cup alone, Nerissa looked into Clara's eyes. "And while it's commendable that you're worried about your sister, I don't think she would want you to dwell on it." Nerissa tilted her head slightly forward. "She's strong and she's doing what she has to, including our match where she pursued just one simple goal, namely to protect your honor because of my actions in the bar."

Yes, with these words Nerissa came close to the most important thing. Feeling a dryness in her throat, she took a short sip of coffee, and then leaned back on the sofa. Her gaze was still fixed on Clara. And although there was nothing wrong with her look at that moment, it was easy to see that she intended to get answers to the questions that have been haunting her since the moment she lost to Clara.

"The only question is, why was it necessary at all?" She asked, keeping her voice calm because of her unwillingness to put excessive pressure on the British woman. "I wanted a rematch." She wasn't going to hide it. "But instead of agreeing or refusing, you just decided to pretend that I don't exist at all." Nerissa crossed her arms under her chest, trying not to remember those far from the most rosy emotions that gripped her every time her request for a match with Clara went into the void. "Why?" This was the most important question, after which Nerissa slightly furrowed her eyebrows in waiting for an answer from Clara.
Last edited by skip-stop on Thu Jun 22, 2023 2:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Misunderstanding between us

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Clara smiled at Nerissa being happy at Alice being alright, able to tell that her words were sincere. She definitely had a similar psychology to Alice when it came to brutal matches. Once out of the ring, bad blood was done…

Clara would mention having given Alice her scar, and feeling a shiver down her spine hearing Nerissa’s reaction…there was no judgement or praise in her voice, just an acknowledgement. Taking a deep breath, Clara calmed herself down, with Nerissa bringing up a perfect response to her inner dilemma once the Brit mentioned not going too far in her deathmatch - treat people the way they treat you. Clara has been trying to make up for the accident ever since it happened…she’d like to think it counted for something, even if Alice never shown any anger towards the scar.

Clara finally decided to take another slice of the cake, seeing that Echidna was almost done with her’s. She listened to Nerissa’s description of her feelings during the match, description of the respect that developed in spite of sheer brutality both women delivered onto each other. As the Native American finished her explanation, Clara realized her fault in the situation. She was guilty of looking down on Nerissa, seeing her as a rookie in a new world that she should help…rather than a rival and an equal…it would be a lie to say that she still didn’t have that feeling towards Nerissa still…

”I’m…sorry…”, Clara couldn’t help but say…as Nerissa brought the conversation around Clara’s worries and fears of a life of a deathmatch wrestler for Alice, as well as her reasons for fighting the Echidna, in order to defend her honor…

That road went both ways. Clara didn’t need her honor defended…but she appreciated it all the same. It gave credence to Nerissa’s words, that Alice doesn’t hold any grudge towards her sister…

Though there was an elephant in the room still to be addressed. Clara’s refusal…no…outright ignoring Nerissa’s Apex challenge, and the reasons for doing so. Clara quickly took another slice of her cake, washed it down with the latte…breathed deeply, and started her explanation:

”I missed it…I was in the middle of filing for an Apex match I really needed…”, Clara tried to be vague…before shaking her head. She insulted Nerissa. She deserved an explanation:

”My…ugh, as dumb as it is to call her that, archenemy forced my girlfriend into her servitude. She only agreed to release her if I beat her in a match…with my own freedom at stake in the match. I lose, I serve the Baroness for a year…”, Clara said, clenching her teeth at mentioning the Icy Frenchwoman…

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Re: Misunderstanding between us

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It seems that Clara was not going to give up responsibility for the fact that she was almost the main reason why Nerissa and Alice decided to find out their relationship in such a tough match. But although the Native American woman received an apology, it only further inflamed her curiosity about the reasons that led to this.

And she didn't like the brunette's first words. At all. When the British woman started muttering about how she just missed all of Nerissa's letters, the Native American woman had to put a lot of effort into not starting to hiss like an angry snake. No, that answer wasn't what she wanted to hear. And it seems that Clara also realized this, because almost immediately she took a deep breath, preparing to put all the cards on the table.

Archenemy. Servitude. Apex match. Freedom. Baroness. Nerissa mentally repeated everything Clara had said several times in order to sort everything out. She just got the answer. Perhaps she should have been relieved. But instead, just one thing sounded in her head.

"Fuck... she has a girlfriend..."

The Native American woman, of course, had no plans to win Clara's heart. They were connected only by the fact that Nerissa lost to her and wanted a rematch. Yes, she had a great passion for BDSM, but she had no desire to be with someone who looks down on her. She had no qualms about thinking Clara was beautiful, otherwise she wouldn't have used her tongue during their match. But she wasn't going to even think about any attempts to get close to her before Clara started looking at her with respect.

However, despite all this, Nerissa still felt two pricks in the heart area at once. Funny or not, Clara has just updated the statistics that the Native American woman and her friends were doing for a joke. Charlotte and Astrid have already faced a situation where the hearts of the women they were interested in were occupied. Now it was Nerissa's turn. And although she wasn't going to cry about it, it was funny. Funny and sad.

And, of course, Nerissa felt the second prick because of this whole situation. If the public became aware of the reasons she had just learned, she would certainly be considered a villain in this story. While Clara only wanted to free her girlfriend, Nerissa selfishly tried to reach out to her rival, not even shying away from a deathmatch with Alice for the sake of it.

"I think I need another portion of cake..." she said with a heavy sigh.

Raising her hand, she called the waitress. She didn't feel relieved to have her question answered. She tried many times to understand why exactly Clara decided to ignore her, but she did not expect this at all. And now Nerissa was trying to figure out what she should do about it.

"Two more portions of carrot cake, please..." she said to the waitress who came up.

Placing her elbows on the table, Nerissa leaned forward and stared at Clara, as if analyzing what was in the head of the British woman. No. She is not the villain of this story. Fuck it. Clara's words explained a lot, but, nevertheless, Nerissa did not think that this was a sufficient reason that could justify everything that happened between her and the Gaster sisters.

"If you're expecting an apology from me, then you won't get it," Nerissa intended to continue being honest. "You could give me a direct refusal, even that would be better than banal ignoring." Nerissa joined her fingers in the form of a bridge and put her chin on it. "It's unlikely that I would have left you behind after that, but at least I would have had less reason to come into conflict with your sister." No, she wasn't going to pretend that only Clara was to blame for the current situation, but she also wasn't going to take absolutely all the blame on herself. "Okay..." She sighed again, as if trying to collect her thoughts. "I'll be blunt." Nerissa blinked slowly, after which his gaze became a little softer. "I won't bother you until Apex is over."

The waitress came back to their table and put two new plates. Thanking her, Nerissa picked up her fork again and sent a piece of cake into her mouth. Unlike her friend, Astrid, she didn't have a big sweet tooth. However, it was a good way to balance emotions, because sugar helps to saturate the blood with the hormone of happiness.

"But don't think this is the end," she continued. "Because I still intend to get a rematch." Yes, she was really going to speak directly. "I respect your reasons." It was true. "But I won't rest until I make you lose even the smallest desire to look down on me." Perhaps these were harsh words, but Nerissa did not like to beat around the bush. "So..." Nerissa put her fork aside and took a short sip of coffee, after which the corners of her lips lifted slightly. "You better win your Apex match." She said. "Because if you won't, then I'll have to get rid of your archenemy to free my way." Neriss's eyes sparkled playfully. "No one and nothing will stop me and I will get to you no matter what it costs me."

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Re: Misunderstanding between us

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Nerissa deserved her respect after her match with Alice, so Clara thought she deserved to know the truth…though within the truth, she could tell there was something she didn’t want to hear - that she had a girlfriend.

She didn’t say the quiet part out loud, but she could see from her facial expressions that she was mildly disappointed at the fact. Clara tried to maintain a poker face…even though on the inside, she wanted to let out a small laugh at the realization.

The next second, she could tell that Nerissa realized that Clara wasn’t ducking her out of cowardice or sense of superiority…and once the Echidna decided to order another round of cake, Clara finally couldn’t hold it in:


This was the first time she laughed in a while…but the awkward reaction from anyone who asked about what happened to Kay usually was met with deadpan silence, people almost not believing her…until remembering her chosen career.

With Nerissa, the reaction was of a woman who understood her… and was almost disappointed in herself to let things go to this degree.

After Clara nodded at the order of more cake, Nerissa replied to her story with honesty, not wanting to apologize, considering Clara also screwed up in this situation:

”You are right. Once I heard what your match with Alice was about, I wanted to reach out…but the management told me not to. I already screwed up one other Deathmatch for them, taking Alice’s spot… and with how much we fought last year, I didn’t want another screaming match with her…”

“…I…just wasn’t thinking straight at the time. I haven’t slept well in the last couple of weeks since Kay…my girlfriend, was kidnapped. I didn’t even have motivation to do any other matches. Didn’t check my emails, didn’t check my messages…I apologize for that…”
, Clara said sincerely.

Nerissa continued, wanting to challenge Clara, wanting to stop her from looking down on her…and that she wanted that match no matter what.

Clara has been afraid of the upcoming match with the Baroness for a while. She was going in with an attitude that this was the one match in her career that she couldn’t lose. If she did it wasn’t just her freedom for a year that was done…her career and her relationship with Kay was over…and now that Nerissa set the challenge in front of her, this was just one more reason to why she couldn’t lose in Newcastle.

”Don’t worry…I won’t lose. And once I am back, we are absolutely having that rematch…what wrestler would I be if I didn’t try to get revenge for my sister in match?”, Clara would say: ”After my match, I am taking a few weeks off for a vacation…but once I am back in Japan, pick any match type that you want, and I will still beat you!”, Clara would say, excited at the prospect of the rematch vs Echidna!

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Re: Misunderstanding between us

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Nerissa had to make every effort not to react to a quiet chuckle from Clara. If she openly revealed what she really felt when she found out that her rival had a girlfriend, it would be a sign of weakness. And this is absolutely not what Nerissa wanted. Not at this moment.

She reacted much more calmly to the additional information provided to her by the British woman. Now that Nerissa knew about the reasons why Clara ignored her, she fully understood that her rival's head was filled with much more important things than the rematch she wanted. Perhaps many people considered Nerissa a stale piece of bread, but she was not insensitive and even her pride did not prevent her from feeling what responsibility now lies on Clara's shoulders.

And although it was pointless to think about it now, Nerissa wondered for a moment or two, what would she do in such a situation? Her imagination was clearly not enough for this. It was difficult for her to even imagine a girlfriend next to her, not to mention the whole situation in which Clara found herself. However, somewhere deep inside, the Native American woman knew that in such a situation she would have done exactly the same, not caring what anyone would think of her. And the fact that she always didn't care what anyone would think of her clearly played into her hands.

Even when Clara said she agreed to the rematch, Nerissa's face remained calm. Right up until the moment the brunette said her last words. Despite the fact that Nerissa's palms were bandaged and it was still difficult for her to use her muscles, her right hand holding the fork clenched. A green lightning flashed in her eyes.

"You... you..." Nerissa's lips tightened for a moment because of what she had just heard. "I will still beat you..." she repeated Clara's last words, this time unable to contain the quiet hiss in her voice. "Yes, that's exactly what I'm talking about." Nerissa's eyes narrowed for a moment. "I intend to make sure that such words never come out of your mouth that easily again."

How high was the probability that Nerissa would have hit Clara at that moment if she hadn't been suffering from the consequences of the match? It's hard to say for sure, but this probability was definitely quite high. She just a moment ago made it more than clear what she wants from the British woman. But instead of showing understanding to this, Clara decided to emphasize once again that she still considers Nerissa third-rate and that her victory in their rematch is something taken for granted.

It looks like Nerissa jumped to conclusions and in vain thought that she started to like Clara. Putting her fork on her plate, the Native American woman took the cup of coffee in her hand and turned her head back to the window. As unobtrusively as possible, she tried to take a few deep breaths. Yes, this meeting started much better than she expected. But now she again felt the desire to tear Clara apart because of the exorbitant ego of this brunette.

On the other hand, she didn't want this meeting to end the same way her meeting with Alice at the bar ended. And so she desperately tried to find reasons to distract herself from these annoying words. Although, of course, it wasn't that easy. If it was that easy, then last time it wouldn't have ended in a deathmatch.

"Pick any match type you say..." she finally squeezed out of herself, clutching at it like a straw.

Initially, Nerissa wanted to choose something intimate. However, after hearing that Clara has a girlfriend, she decided to abandon this idea. It would certainly have given her pleasure, but she was not that cruel. Someone else's relationship is someone else's relationship. So she had a backup plan. Instead of hentai, she was going to offer something no less hardcore than the match in which she took part a week ago. She wanted Clara to feel in all its glory what the Echidna is capable of.

However, with her last words, the British woman untied her hands. After all, if Clara doesn't respect her feelings, then why should Nerissa respect Clara's?

"Humiliation hentai endurance," she said, turning her head back to Clara. "The match will only end when one of us can't keep fucking and whoever wins it, the winner will have five minutes to humiliate the loser in any way."

Without adding another word, Nerissa took a sip of coffee, just continuing to look at Clara. Everyone is responsible for their actions. Nerissa wanted respect from Clara, nothing more. But Clara did not understand this either in their match, nor in the match of Nerissa and Alice, nor even now. Well. Fine. If this was the only way to pour cold water on her exorbitant veteran ego, then Nerissa was ready to make such a high bet.

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Re: Misunderstanding between us

Unread post by Vc0m »

Clara’s words weren’t meant as a show of superiority or arrogance. They were a promise to herself. The Brit has been a wrestler for almost half her life now…and she’s seen too many losses on her end. Too many of those matches started with expectation that she was going to lose, from herself as well. Once she started turning things around, she quickly realized that keeping a negative attitude towards wrestling up was not going to help her in a long run. So now, no matter how dire a match up looked… she went in expecting to win, expected to do her best and nothing less. Even when she lost, she didn’t let the loss get her down, no matter how humiliating or vicious… she used it to get better.

As such, Clara found Nerissa’s anger at her words curious. She was angered at how easy Clara said that…no…it was more than anger. If her condition has been better, she wondered whether Nerissa would jump to attack her to repeat the scene the Echidna and the Pale Rider had caused in the bar several weeks back.

The silence felt incredibly awkward as Clara tried to understand what she said that was so wrong. Should she just go into a match, expecting Nerissa to beat her? Words sounded arrogant…but this was an attitude she expected any wrestler to have who wrestled against her.

The Echidna repeating Clara’s offer - to choose any match, made Clara hold her breath. Just what was Nerissa going to pick…

…once Nerissa gave her offer, the Brit sat up straight, staring at Nerissa with a blank expression, expecting her to say: “Just Kidding”…

…except the continuation never came.

Clara decided to follow up with a confirmation:

”Um…ah…in…in…in an apartment, right? I would be fine with something like that in an apartment setting…”, Clara said, fearful of Nerissa’s reply, blushing in embarassment at the idea of the match… even though her mind was filled with images of how such a match would look like.

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