Yes, Nerissa certainly had no right to complain, because she was in the hospital solely through her own fault. When the doctors saw the number of bruises and wounds on her body, many of them thought that she was attacked by a whole crowd of scoundrels with the intention of killing her. But the truth was that there was no crowd of scoundrels. All this was done by just one woman, with whom Nerissa got together in a really crazy match just a week ago.
Therefore, the Native American woman had patience and, following the strict instructions of the doctors and her manager, did everything that was required of her in order to put her health in order. But as soon as she heard from the doctor that she could leave the hospital, she immediately changed her clothes and waved her hand to this place.
Yes, after a week, she by no means healed all the wounds that were on her body. There were patches on her skin here and there, including the bridge of her nose, because her nose was broken. In addition, her muscles still have not recovered, which is why she had to do many movements very slowly. But, having received permission to continue treatment at home, she immediately took advantage of this opportunity. At least at home she will be able to eat what she wants, besides, the number of porn channels there is clearly more than in a hospital ward.
Of course, she was a little hurt that she would not be able to fully enjoy her stay in London. However, Nerissa caught herself thinking that she would definitely come back here again when she had the opportunity. For now, she just needs to rest. So, as soon as she was in her hotel room, she immediately packed the few things she had taken with her into a suitcase and prepared to leave England on the same day, since Victoria had taken care of a plane ticket to Tokyo in advance. But then...
Everything changed as quickly as a storm overtakes a ship at sea.
Nerissa entered a rather unremarkable, but rather cozy cafe. After looking around, she chose a table away from the main mass of people. Despite the fact that she loved the attention to her person, now she did not want to catch glances directed at the patches everywhere located on her skin. Taking off her jacket, she took a seat on the sofa and looked at her phone. She arrived five minutes earlier than the agreed time.
"Good afternoon, what would you like to order?" The waitress appeared out of nowhere.
"Hi," Nerissa said, ignoring the fact that the waiter was openly staring at the patches and bruises. "Latte and carrot cake." The Native American woman paused briefly, clearly considering something. "Two."
"Got it, a few minutes, please."
Nerissa Labong

After passing the waitress with her eyes, Nerissa took a deep breath. Maybe she shouldn't have done that. After all, she had no idea what Clara's preferences were.
Yes, that's right. Nerissa came here because of the British woman. She remembered perfectly well that they had agreed to talk. But she was sure that this conversation would not happen until Nerissa, Clara and Alice returned to Tokyo.
Yet, the life is full of surprises. One of them happened right in her hotel room. Victoria called Nerissa and said that Clara had contacted her, asking Nerissa to meet her at the cafe. Considering all that had happened between Nerissa and the Gaster sisters, the Native American woman could not refuse this meeting.
Was she worried about the upcoming conversation? The honest answer would be yes. Not because she was afraid, but because she had no idea how exactly this conversation would go. Before the match with Alice, she was sure that the only scenario between her and Clara was another fight. But now... despite all her attempts to find words, she did not know what she would say to her rival. Perhaps that's why she hoped that latte and carrot cake would help at least a little smooth out the corners of the upcoming conversation.